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Search results for query: Please go to my started threads

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  1. S

    How Long Before Habituation of Perception Kicks In?

    Sunday is a working day for me. However, I've got 20 minutes or so to briefly describe my journey to habituation of perception. Please note that this is once again a stand alone post. I also haven't bothered to read through what has been added to this thread since the two contributions I made...
  2. Michael Leigh

    G'day from Brisbane, Australia

    @Joanna Hi Joanna, I believe it would be better if you make an appointment with an Audiologist and get fitted with appropriate hearing aids. You won't habituate properly without them in my opinion. Your brain will try to compensate for the hearing loss by increasing its internal gain (volume)...
  3. Michael Leigh

    Tinnitus Goes Reactive After 20 Years

    Many of my posts on my started threads are about the way tinnitus can affect a person emotionally. Trying to deal with what you're going through without taking medication I don't think is a good idea. I know many people have concerns about SRRI medications but they are not as bad as some make...
  4. Rosemerry

    40-Year-Old Mom and Wife with Severe Tinnitus

    @LB88 I can relate to many of the things you're saying - feeling disconnected, losing weight. Wanting my life back. As can so many here. I was eating a piece of corn on the cob this week and the sound of my chewing was driving me crazy! But I just ignored it and kept eating. I think we have...
  5. Michael Leigh

    Did TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) and WNGs (White Noise Generators) Help Your Bad Hyperacusis?

    You are completely wrong as my Hyperacusis has been cured for 22 years using white noise generators for 2 years as part of TRT. Please do not make statements that are untrue, especially as this person is in a distressed state. Michael @Rojo TRT, As I See It. I think some people...
  6. Michael Leigh

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    @Juan Since you have addressed me in a more polite manner I am replying to your post. There is a well known doctor that posts regularly in this forum and helps people that are having difficulty with tinnitus. I have often mentioned that I visit other tinnitus forums. Please read my article...
  7. Michael Leigh

    Can Hyperacusis Desensitisation Therapy Lower Tinnitus?

    Hi @Michelle123 You have only had tinnitus for one month. In my opinion, it is far too early for you to be thinking about this kind of treatment as it’s likely your tinnitus and hyperacusis might become worse. Sorry to sound so sobering. I have had TRT twice in the twenty one years that I’ve...
  8. epin3m

    Tinnitus Is a First World Problem

    First of all I wanted to apologize to those who felt bad because of my post. I am sorry, that is not what I meant writing those words. I am not a Troll, I am just an old member of TT who has recently dropped by this website to share his "ignorant views", as many called them, with this...
  9. Michael Leigh

    New to Tinnitus

    Thank you for your kind comments @Whyshoot they are much appreciated. ENT doctors are good at what they do and I have a lot of respect for that. They are physicians and know about the anatomy of the ear. They are able to treat it medically or surgically and this they do well. However, the...
  10. Ardwordin

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    Hello, could you please tell me what humidifier you used? I also have sinus issues and looking to get the vicks humidifier
  11. Michael Leigh

    Why Isn’t TRT the Holy Grail?

    Counselling cannot help everyone with thinitus because there are some people that cannot be helped. However, if a person is willing to try a lot can be achieved. Please read the post below. If you click on my Avatar and read my post in Started Threads, titled: My experience with tinnitus. You...
  12. J

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, and a Psychiatric Hospital

    Round 1 - Day 7 There are 3 psychiatry departments in the University teaching hospital: Department A - severe cases (I imagine Hannibal Lector type of a thing) Department B - moderate risk (suicidal tendencies, severe depressions, pain etc.) Department C - low risk (more like a day care...
  13. Michael Leigh

    Does Reactive Tinnitus Stop Reacting?

    Thank you for your kind words @Ignacio they are much appreciated. Tinnitus and hyperacusis will be experienced differently between people. I first want to say that there is no such thing as "Reactive tinnitus". This terminology was made up in Tinnitus forums. Please see the post below with...
  14. Ed209

    Feeling So Very Sad and Hopeless

    Hi Tracy, never be ashamed of asking for help. That has always been one of my problems and I know from experience that bottling things up only makes everything worse. First of all I’d follow Greg’s advice (if you haven’t already) and see if you can confirm a diagnosis for yourself. If it is TMD...
  15. T

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    So in 8 days the miracle happened. So happy for you.I tried it a few times, did not see any results, maybe it needs more time.
  16. ughbree

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    Hello, my name is Breeann and I am 21 years old. I have found and followed this forum since I first discovered what the ringing in my ears was called and I decided to make an account today to see if any of the things I have done could possibly help any of you. First, I would like to say thank...
  17. Tinnitus Talk

    Announcement Win $50 iHerb.com Shopping Spree [Winner Has Been Chosen]

    I'm proud to announce Tinnitus Talk's first ever contest. The prize is $50 worth of shopping of your choosing from iHerb.com. The rules are simple. The rules are pretty simple. You can enter into the contest by writing a reply to Mack Hagood's discussion where he asks when and how your...
  18. GeorgiaRose1812

    1 Year On... Positive Post!

    Hi all... I haven't posted anything in a while, even though I was a near constant presence not all that long ago. I realised yesterday that I think it's a year almost to the day that I developed tinnitus (I say 'almost' because as I didn't develop it after a specific noise trauma, it's hard to...
  19. Chinmoku

    How Possible Is It for Nerve Fibers and Synapses in the Inner Ear to Regenerate from Synaptopathy?

    Indeed, my left ear tinnitus is so loud and high pitched that I can't understand much conversation with the left ear, I need both ears now and occasionally I need to turn my head. The thing is, I don't understand if this is because of too loud tinnitus or if my hearing is worsening and the...
  20. attheedgeofscience

    Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

    @Dr. Nagler since you apparently are not interested in helping out with a testimonial of another patient (besides the one you are referring to from some +10 years ago), I would like to highlight the following (other) testimonial from a patient of yours (a balanced view is only fair, right?)...
  21. T

    From 10/10 “Suicide Tinnitus” to Periods of Almost Silence — Possible, But Not Without Some Effort

    I think you should go on Guinness Book of World Records. You have tried more than all of us put together. Well done.
  22. oceanofsound26

    Hi Guys, New Here, Tinnitus in Left Ear

    Hi @Ally Sado - Sorry to hear about your recent experiences with T and welcome to the forum. Your background and story sound similar to mine. I started college 6'2, 155 lbs then started to lift weights and join the Power Lifting Team and graduated college 6'2", 220 lbs. Did more upper body than...
  23. Michael Leigh

    Has Anybody’s Hyperacusis Disappeared 100%?

    HI @Adriel93 I live in the UK. When I had TRT the treatment was free under our health system the NHS. Some hospitals still practice it although they have adapted the treatment to their requirements. TRT is an expensive treatment and most people wanting it will have to pay privately. If it is...
  24. A

    From 10/10 “Suicide Tinnitus” to Periods of Almost Silence — Possible, But Not Without Some Effort

    Thank you for sharing your story. It brings me joy knowing that you've managed to overcome your affliction with your own efforts, and sparks confidence that I and others can do the same. I had one question in particular for you regarding supplementation only (because my case is not as severe as...
  25. scotty03874

    From 10/10 “Suicide Tinnitus” to Periods of Almost Silence — Possible, But Not Without Some Effort

    Which Konfec laser did you recommend that I buy? The 15 commercial laser treatments I did in Florida helped me a lot. It took me from 9 to a 2 I would say. I still have spikes after I work out, ride my loud motorcycle etc but it relaxes within a hour or so back down to normal levels. I want...
  26. Chris Holland

    Beating Temporary Tinnitus

    Quite an offensive thing to say and a bit of guesswork, you have no real clue to my mindset nor do you know me or any of my previous accomplishments nor does it matter in this particular case. Referring to the audiogram, to exclude all possible causes and I definitely encourage anyone to do...
  27. Michael Leigh

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I understand your plight @Emanuel Lourenco . I suggest you print my post above and others from my "started threads" and read them regularly. It is difficult but some things things in life don't come easy. Please read the post below, if you're not too tired about Marcus, a Member of this forum...
  28. A

    From 10/10 “Suicide Tinnitus” to Periods of Almost Silence — Possible, But Not Without Some Effort

    This post is one of the most uplifting posts I've seen on Tinnitus Talk. Thanks for posting it. My tinnitus was also caused by ototoxicity and then made worse by noise. I have a number of questions though: 1. What intermittent fasting diet did you follow, i.e. 8:16 or 5:2 or what? 2. Did you...
  29. JimNL

    Very Reactive Somatic Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hello everyone! First of all: I wasn't sure if I should post this in the "Introduce Yourself" forum or in "Pulsatile Tinnitus Support" since I'm new, but I decided to go with this one because the other one seems to contain mainly regular tinnitus threads. My apologies if I chose the wrong...
  30. E

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Thank you I will take the time to read it, but the thing is... I was feeling better a few months after I had it and then it got worse, and it has been progressively worse for almost two years now... Pretty hard to keep hopes up when everyday seems harder than the one before...
  31. Laure Chauvin

    Tinnitus from Musculoskeletal Misalignment & Imbalances — Achieving Better Sleep

    Thank you so much for your post which is extremely complete and interesting. I suffer from TMJ since 8 month and as well have constant pain in my neck. My night gutter helps me to not grind my teeth but unfortunately it causes me terrible pain in my neck since I am using it. Maybe because it...
  32. T

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Hi Billie 48.I hope you dont mind me asking you a personal question.Because all the stories I have heard from people who recovered from hyperacusis were from fairly young people in their twenties , at what age did your H go?If it is too personal you dont have to answer.Thank you.
  33. Heather415

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    This post gave me more info then 3 doctors I've seen in the past month!! Not that its not important to go to the doctor, but having just came back from the ENT dr. with nothing new but that I "have a lot of phlegm" in my throat after sticking a camera down my nose, this was refreshing to read...
  34. T

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Billie48 remarkable story,I have only one question.How do you succeed in ignoring your T so that id does not bother you anymore.I could easily do that when my T was very low but how can you ignore it when it is high? Do you just pretend it is not there?Or do you just say I don't care anymore?
  35. oceanofsound26

    Tinnitus from Musculoskeletal Misalignment & Imbalances — Achieving Better Sleep

    I will preface this discussion by advising you not take any one thing I suggest out of context. make you aware that these things may not work for everyone, alert you to the fact that the information given below should not be used diagnose or treat any health or medical condition, and strongly...
  36. T

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Hi @billie48Thank you for a very inspiring story. When you say My hypercausis has long faded within the year it started, when I slowly and reluctantly took off the ear plugs for normal sounds,did you have your ear plugs off all the time or for normal sounds only like below 70 db. Another...
  37. Jazzer

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    @billie48 Truly inspirational writing. I come back to your posts time and time again. Thank you so much, Jazzer x
  38. T

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    Thank you so much .This is bringing back hope to us.