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  1. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Constant Whooshing Sound — Two CT Scans Later Doctors Are Not Any Wiser

    Haven't been on the forum for years, but was contacted by a member about PT. So. I've had intermittent PT plus permanent 'hissing' tinnitus since Oct 2014 having contracted a pretty minor upper respiratory infection. Long story short....permanent Eustachian tube dysfunction such that I have...
  2. Fungus

    Don't Give Up

    Maybe I should have called this thread 'Don't give up Hope'. When I first developed my tinnitus (4 years ago in October)....along with deafness, hyperacusis and then essentially Eustachian tube failure I didn't get much encouragement from anyone...."Get used to it" "It won't kill you" "Very...
  3. Fungus

    Don't Give Up

    I haven't posted on the forum for a very long time. About a month ago I received a questionnaire from TT asking as to why I no longer visited the site. It occurred to me that it would probably be beneficial for my reasons to be known generally as most folk who leave forums, well it's never...
  4. Fungus

    Festive Season!

    Glynis....'tis never too early to rattle your baubles, jingle your bells, decorate your profile and crack out the champagne.
  5. Fungus

    Musician / Music Enthusiast with Tinnitus

    I avoided anything very loud for something like 18 months after my tinnitus started, and it's very unusual for anyone to lose tinnitus after that length of time. Sudden, unexpected loud noises didn't do much to me prior to this, though. So, one day I just decided that I wasn't going to avoid...
  6. Fungus

    Musician / Music Enthusiast with Tinnitus

    At least I speak here from experience. After developing tinnitus 3 years ago, I then had an infection after 4 months followed by 2 ear surgeries and ended up with extremely loud hissing tinnitus and bilateral PT with deafness and hyperacusis. Depression (related to the tinnitus) then hit hard...
  7. Fungus

    Musician / Music Enthusiast with Tinnitus

    crd3, I'm sorry for your problems, and you are painfully aware of the fact that you may have caused your tinnitus to worsen. However, try to stay positive and of the "Tinnitus is a part of my life, not tinnitus IS may life" and remember that the past cannot be changed, but the future is open to...
  8. Fungus

    My Story — Tinnitus — How I Habituated

    I've had tinnitus for over 3 years, bilateral loud hissing and occasional PT, due to Eustachian Tube Dysfunction following a viral infection...never resolved, have permanent T-tubes. I still go to places where sound levels are very loud (wearing earplugs) without any deleterious effect on the...
  9. Fungus

    Does Drinking a Lot of Water Help Anyone?

    Just makes me wee a lot.
  10. Fungus

    If Music Gives You Goosebumps, Your Brain Might Be Special

    As well as the goosebumps (which I don't get THAT often), there's the flutter in the pit of the stomach, the sharp intake of breath, raised heart rate, flushing, dilated pupils and occasionally salivation. Sounds as though I'm talking about something else, but that's the effect of my very...
  11. Fungus

    Is There Any Hope? Tinnitus Is Getting Worse — Before I Fought, Now I'm Willing to Surrender

    Jantine....I also know just how you feel. My tinnitus suddenly worsened with possible sinus problems about 6 weeks ago. Having T-tubes I don't have pressure build up, but left ear feels full of something......BIG. Should you give up? No, No, No, and No. Give in?....sort of.... but only in so...
  12. Fungus

    Poll: Can You Get 8 Hours or More NON-STOP Sleep without Taking Medication?

    Never slept for 8 hours and never sleep for more than 3-4 unbroken (usually wake every 2 hours). Though my tinnitus is very loud, it only affected my ability to sleep in the early poll needs re-phrasing.
  13. Fungus

    The Advantages of Tinnitus...

    Never thought I'd say this, but there ARE some advantages of having tinnitus. So, high pitched hissing tinnitus for 3 years and intermittent pulsatile tinnitus both ears over the same period. Severe depression and 'utter failure to cope' initially....eventually habituated. Over the last couple...
  14. Fungus

    What the Hell Is Wrong with My Stomach? (Have Been Travelling)

    Beat have Irritable Bowel Syndrome as a consequence of having had a gut infection. Often happens after a nasty gut bug and can take some months to settle. However, you should go to see your doctor who can a) Give you some meds. to calm your symptoms and b) investigate you if...
  15. Fungus

    Habituation Lost?

    I would say that habituation is not a steady state, but varies from day to day and even hour to hour. I've had loud hissing bilateral tinnitus for nearly 3 years (24/7, 365) and intermittent bilateral PT and have habituated for about 2 years. Though most of the time I handle it and my life has...
  16. Fungus

    Prednisone Related Eye Pain?

    I very much doubt that you will have caused any permanent eye damage from a single dose of prednisone, but prednisone is not usually used for tinnitus spikes. It is exceptional for glaucoma to cause eye pain, hence being called 'the silent sight stealer'. If steroids are used in heavy...
  17. Fungus

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    What I didn't say is that the pic was from last year.....she's grown very well. Though still a bit small she is very friendly still, lives out in the fields with her other 'bottle' friends, and will take any excuse to come into the house. Here she is just before Xmas, having managed to get out...
  18. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Mystery

    You're very welcome, Christine. The lack of knowledge of some professionals about tinnitus in the various forms often makes things seem worse. At least those of us who have the condition can say how it evolved. You WILL find that it improves. It may well disappear, but, if not, then it will...
  19. Fungus

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    LLeila, lamb weighing under a pound, whilst her twin brother weighed a whopping 14, wearing a chihuahua coat .(average weight for this type of lamb around 11). Bottle reared and still as sweet as ever.
  20. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Mystery

    It may well go away.(See my post above). Strangely enough, I am have never really been too concerned about PT (maybe because I had 'the full works' related to my sudden onset of regular tinnitus...severe depression etc). A good way to think of PT is this......The carotid arteries, the two major...
  21. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Mystery

    I'm as sure as I can be (ante-mortum!) that I don't have vascular disease causing my own PT. I've had a minor episode of infection/inflammation in my left ear over the last couple of days. Not only did my regular hissing tinnitus get much louder but I noticed PT again in my left ear (haven't had...
  22. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Mystery

    A lot of us have tinnitus affected by pressure etc. Stretching the skin around may ear when lying my head on the pillow cranks my regular tinnitus up.(I have 24/7 hissing tinnitus and intermittent PT. I don't think my PT is due to vascular disease, more likely inflammation. Anything which...
  23. Fungus

    Hoping for Support and Reassurance

    Well, reassurance in abundance. Maybe things have always been this way. If there's a tumour, almost certainly benign. Please try to settle the's a bosom-buddy to tinnitus, and you REALLY don't want that. I can't give a precise answer to you as I don't have a tumour, but do...
  24. Fungus

    Should I Be Worried About Car Horns or Loud Motorbikes at This Stage?

    I doubt if anyone can really give you an answer to the questions you ask as there seems to be so much individual variation. I agree entirely about avoiding overprotection and the converse, not using any ear protection. In situations where you are going to have prolonged or multiple exposures to...
  25. Fungus

    Poll: Where Does Everyone Live?

    In the Middle of Nowhere in Welsh mountains.....nearest 'villages' are a couple of miles either way and have about 6 houses each.
  26. Fungus

    Horrific State — Need Help

    Alex...thought I'd reply as your story is similar to mine. Things WILL improve. I have chronic ETD (due to persistent/recurrent sinus infection) which has caused severe 'hissing' tinnitus 24/7 and PT both ears (not constant). In my case PT seems to coincide with, and is maybe caused by...
  27. Fungus

    16 and Living with Tinnitus

    Some of us escaped years of listening to music too loud for our ears' sake and only needed a bit of a virus to end up with tinnitus. Whatever the cause, forgive yourself the past, it cannot be changed , but the future is open to modification. Keep on living life to the full. Wear the earplugs...
  28. Fungus

    Sleepless in Wolverhampton, England

    Well, Sleepless in Wolverhampton, welcome. Do give more detail so folk can relate and advise. Just to say I was born and bred in Sedgley....which you will no doubt know....and spent my constructive (or should that be Destructive years as a frequent visitor to the Mander Centre and the baths in...
  29. Fungus

    What's Your Opinion on Assisted Suicide?

    Me neither, Rasmus. However, decisions about ending one's own life must start and end with that person (assuming that they are physically capable of doing so ).Folk who are of essentially of sound mind who decide they want to end their own lives need to be mentally capable of making that...
  30. Fungus

    Do Computers Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Does my computer make my tinnitus worse? Only when reading too much about devastating tinnitus.
  31. Fungus

    Worrying... Is Taking Acetaminophen During Cold Making Tinnitus Worse?

    I doubt that paracetamol is truly ototoxic. Like many common things, somebody takes a tablet, their tinnitus coincidentally worsens and the two are then eternally linked, but are casual and not causal. Much more likely in this case is that the cold which has worsened the tinnitus. If you look...
  32. Fungus

    Got Snow? Post Pics, Please!

    Danny Boy you are in the wrong bit of the UK (for snow, at least). We have snow every year and usually are snowed in for a day or two. Here's a shot of two days back....all melted away now. Snow does seem to deaden sound, though......but doesn't deaden tinnitus:D Fungus
  33. Fungus

    What's Your Recipe for Tinnitus?

    Had a VERY mild cold....not sure that was the cause....but tinnitus/ETD/deafness appeared and never left.
  34. Fungus

    Have Had Tinnitus for a Long Time But Now It's Worse

    toddfw2003 , you don't say whether you have deafness, which is part of the trio of symptoms of Meniere's (tinnitus, deafness, vertigo) and the fullness in the ear, pains and increased tinnitus may indicate nothing more than ear infection. Meniere's it may be, but there are other things it could...
  35. Fungus

    Ketogenic Diet

    I think it's 'different strokes for different folks'. Ketogenic diet probably works for some. Various supplements (many different ones) seem to have good press from others. What works for one doesn't seem to work for another....tinnitus has so many different aetiologies, it's not surprising...
  36. Fungus

    Alcohol Quiets Down My Tinnitus

    ...becomes another part of what we identify as 'self' and the intensely negative connotations mellow into disregard. Tinnitus is a slimy little b******d which is like an unwanted guest who, never invited in the first place, then refuses to leave. Don't waste your time on him. Maybe he will...
  37. Fungus

    Alcohol Quiets Down My Tinnitus

    Jasons.....I feel for you both. I also think it CAN get better for you both. My tinnitus (24/7 high pitched hiss plus intermittent PT) started with a very mild virus in Oct 2014. Eustachian tube dysfunction, grommets, T-tubes, severe depression,panic attacks, deafness, vertigo (unrelated...
  38. Fungus

    Got Snow? Post Pics, Please!

    LadyDi......I'm SO happy that my sheep (and our snow) were good enough to be your screensaver. No snow here as yet (more just mist, rain, mud and such), but our little lane always becomes blocked by snow for a few days in the winter. I don't feel cut-off, more enclosed in a nest. I love your...
  39. Fungus

    Eustachian Tube Dilation Surgery

    I'm very glad that you have done well, seal, and that dilatation has helped your symptoms I have severe ETD and have permanent T-tubes. These have helped very much with the pressure/clicking/pain side of things. My tinnitus is unchanged (hissing tinnitus plus intermittent PT) Here in the UK...
  40. Fungus

    Please Help. A Huge Setback.

    AuntSally......yes, you'll get there. Unfortunately it takes longer than we'd like, though. I took anti-depressants for 15 months, stopping in March of this year (no relapse as yet!).Like you, no history of mental illness, and, in spite of some pretty awful life events, never any depression...
  41. Fungus

    Please Help. A Huge Setback. WILL get through it, but it will take time. I have PT in both ears (intermittently) and hissing tinnitus 24/7 and my life has returned to normal. Yours will, too. TRY to be comforted by it rather than spooked by it. Blood is getting to your brain regularly....that's got to be...
  42. Fungus

    Tinnitus or Paranoia?

    Whilst stress doesn't actually cause tinnitus, tinnitus feeds on stress. Earwax can cause tinnitus. 'Physiological' tinnitus is present in a high percentage of folk (i.e if you are in a totally silent environment, you will hear something). Pathological tinnitus is very common, related to wax...
  43. Fungus

    Acceptance of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Karen, no I haven't. I've not heard of WoBenzym, but will research it now. I've got a bit of an odd immune system. I used to be anaphylactic to wasp stings.I underwent immunotherapy, but couldn't go up to the higher doses as I developed large blisters near the injection site (which the allergy...
  44. Fungus

    Acceptance of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    AuntSally I think inflammation is almost certainly the cause in my case. When I have viral infections, my sinuses are blocked, or after the two surgeries on my ears, the PT has been much worse. It's likely that your PT will ease if the cause is inflammation, and, if not, you will get used to...
  45. Fungus

    Acceptance of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Pulsatile tinnitus intermittently in both ears and high pitched 'hissing' tinnitus 24/7. I would say...yes, you'll get used to (habituate to) the PT just as well as to the other types, but, as others have said, it takes time )longer than any of us would like, but you WILL get there. The more...
  46. Fungus

    Ocular Tinnitus?

    The 'flashing lights' are of different intensities and remind me of a visual field test. However, they tend to move and leave a 'wiggly tail', so they are different. I guess the best explanation that I can give is that they are much like tinnitus. As tinnitus involves abnormal firing of (and...
  47. Fungus

    Ibuprofen for Inflammation?

    Like most things with tinnitus, it seems, there is a great deal of individual variation. My tinnitus was almost certainly related to a (very mild) virus I had a couple of years back which caused an exceptional degree of 'bunging up'.....blocked tear ducts, Eustachian tube dysfunction (never...
  48. Fungus

    Unrelenting Eustachian Tube Troubles

    My own Eustachian tube problems were caused by the very slightest viral infection, but never resolved, so you have my sympathies. Are your problems confirmed to be muscle related? I think that in many cases (mine included) the real reason for the persistent ETD is never really established. The...
  49. Fungus

    Alternative Treatments for Migraines

    Not alternative at all, but ibuprofen syrup (the stuff for kids) works wonders for me (classical and ocular migraine)....quick acting and less likely to be rejected by the stomach than tablets.. The only trial I'm aware of using a ketogenic diet for migraine didn't have a control group, so...
  50. Fungus

    Gut Bacteria Linked with Migraines

    Vegetarian, tinnitus for 2 years, classical and ocular migraine (since childhood), Raynaud's (since childhood) and glaucoma (since my 30's), but personally have never found any association of any food with any of the diagnoses. If only there were......
  51. Fungus

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    Been taking Sativa strain CBD oil for the last week.....staining teeth black, tastes awful and no effect whatever on tinnitus so far. Fungus
  52. Fungus

    Pulsatile Tinnitus — Prednisolone — Thoughts?

    IF prednisolone works, then I believe it only works at any early stage. I also developed my tinnitus after what was a pretty trivial virus infection in all other aspects. (Bit of a stuffy nose and blocked tear duct). This silly little virus managed to gum up my Eustachian tubes permanently and...
  53. Fungus

    29 Years of No Silence... I Am Tired... Please Make It Stop

    If your tinnitus was related to military service, then you are probably due some compensation from the government (not that money it will get rid of the noise). No help for me yet from CBD oil. It DOES seem to be staining my teeth black, though. Still Hallowe'en is just around the corner...
  54. Fungus

    29 Years of No Silence... I Am Tired... Please Make It Stop

    Sorry you are so troubled at the moment. Has something else happened to make the tinnitus affect you more ? Clearly you are well adjusted (habituated) to it most of the time, so if there's an additional feature things should eventually return to their previous state. I would say that I'm...
  55. Fungus

    When Will the US Ever Get Adequate Healthcare Coverage?

    So, I'm from across the Pond. The NHS? Pretty good for emergency care (but can be patchy).....but 'cold' cases...nah! Trying to be philosophical I would say that the number of diagnostic tests, potential treatments and patient numbers is increasing exponentially, such that healthcare for ALL...
  56. Fungus

    Got Captured in Hospital

    Just found out you are in hospital and catching up on what you have had done. MRI/ you ,I have some neck arthritis and that table is SO painful on the neck(let alone the 'clunk,clunk, whirr, whirr, thud, thud, thud and that fact that there's only about an inch of space around)...
  57. Fungus

    Are Vasodilators Like Vinpocetine or Ginkgo Biloba Safe? Do They Help?

    I was taking gingko when I developed tinnitus and have stayed on the same dose since. No change at all for me. Fungus
  58. Fungus

    Ginkgo Biloba

    I was taking Ginkgo (for eyes) when I developed my tinnitus. I have continued to take it. No influence whatever on my tinnitus. Fungus.
  59. Fungus


    Welcome June, and I agree with the need to read up on forms of management and what may work for you. The reason for my quoting you? Well, it made me smile as my hair colour has been (and continues to be) different month on month! Fungus
  60. Fungus

    How to Speak on the Phone with Tinnitus?

    I don't have to remove my hearing aids when I talk on the phone (means I sometimes poke them right into my ears). The best tip I can give is to concentrate hard on what they are saying as it is only when the other party is speaking that you will be much troubled by your tinnitus. Fungus.