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  1. Fish

    Metronidazole Antibiotic and Tinnitus

    I promised to give an update and I didn't - my apologies! I know this is an old post and old news, but for future reference if anyone visits this thread: I took metronidazole combined with amoxicilline for two weeks. It did not affect my tinnitus.
  2. Fish

    Metronidazole Antibiotic and Tinnitus

    Alright, I thought a lot about this over the last days and it isn't an easy decision for me, but since metronidazole doesn't seem to be as infamously ototoxic as other things I tried before, I decided that I'm going to take it for 10 days starting tomorrow. In the name of science. I will report...
  3. Fish

    Desperately Need Dentist Advice from the "Old Timers" Please

    I had some dental work done and opted for no earplugs - I really don't think the drilling is loud enough or long enough to cause any damage. I didn't see how could earplugs help in this situation either, with all vibrations and sound resonating inside your mouth. Common sense tells me earplugs...
  4. Fish

    Metronidazole Antibiotic and Tinnitus

    Hello people, how are you! ;) If anyone happens to remember me, I am glad to say I am doing very well and tinnitus is now a bad dream from the past. However, I will probably always remain cautious... I've been prescribed amoxicilline + metronidazole to tackle helicobacter pylori. Now I know...
  5. Fish

    How I Won Against Tinnitus

    ...wearing earplugs when necessary. I did not panic until the late evening when the noise in my ears made sleeping pretty much impossible. The real s*** went down next morning, when to my horror the noise was still there. I rushed to ER. I had some hearing tests done, my head CT scanned and...
  6. Fish

    Do You Have Any Phobias?

    They are terrified of you too :( You have only two legs!
  7. Fish

    Do Asian People Get Tinnitus?! — (Info c/o Charat in Bangkok)

    I really doubt any race in this world is immune to hearing damage and resulting tinnitus... Indians definitely have problems with tinnitus, if I remember right, lidocaine is a big deal in India and they were undergoing some large-scale medical trials with it. I'm pretty sure I've seen at least...
  8. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    It is ok Brian :) I figured somebody might ask that one day. To answer your question, visiting this forum has become sort of a daily routine to me, among other websites. I met really many nice people here and I like to know how everyone is doing. Besides that, I can follow the news on AM-101 and...
  9. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    Make sure to stay warm, wear a cap and don't let wind blow in your ear urtica.
  10. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    I can't say for sure, but I think it can be both... Few months after the whole study ended I talked with my doctor again and I asked about results and if other patients had any problems. He couldn't get into details of course, but he mentioned that there were some cases of complications related...
  11. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    ...I suspected a couple of things but the most likely cause was the ototoxic antibiotic I was prescribed around that time (ciprofloxacin - that s**t should be banned worldwide, there are safer alternatives nowadays). I quit the AM-101 trial early because my tinnitus worsened suddenly after...
  12. Fish

    Weird Out of Body Experience while on Sleep Paralysis last night!

    Sleep paralysis is a natural phenomenon occuring every night and it's purpose is to prevent body from moving (sleep walking). Due to some disturbances like low levels of melatonine it might happen on rare occasions that we experience an actual sleep paralysis while still being fully aware. This...
  13. Fish

    The Whole Truth About My Tinnitus and How I Treated It

    I re-read my first post and I can tell it's poorly written. My apologies... Concepts of present perfect and past simple are abstract to me and I will never understand how to use them properly :notworthy: I can only hope it's understandable!
  14. Fish

    I Need Support, Now More Than Ever

    Please stay strong, you need some more time to recover. When the feeling of fullness goes away, I'm sure it will improve and you are going to feel better. In the meantime try to relax, drink some hot tea, watch a movie, try out this website: I have it running quietly in the...
  15. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    yes, when I participated in phase II, I first contacted Auris Medical directly and they forwarded me to one of the clinics where study was going to take place. There should be a list of contacts in the study page.
  16. Fish

    Welcome Back, Tinnitus!

    Forgetting about T is probably the best widely available treatment... Not an easy thing, but it definitely is possible :p Having a positive attitude is the key! Over time you will find yourself forgetting about T more and more often :) Stay strong!
  17. Fish


    Heeeey guys! if I can recommend a game, I've become a big fan of "Kerbal Space Program" recently. It is a space simulation game where you can build your own rockets, probes, shuttles, etc. and travel to foreign planets. The game is not easy, as it replicates most real physics laws surprisingly...
  18. Fish

    Kansas Chiefs Broke Record for the Loudest Stadium!

    How to protect yourself from 137dB? The strongest earplugs I could find give an average of 36 dB reduction (less for lower frequencies) so this is still nowhere close to being enough, even if you couple that with ear muffs (which I did on few occasions lol).
  19. Fish

    Local Anesthesia And Tinnitus

    I second what yonkapin said. Local anaesthesia didn't cause any permanent worsening of tinnitus loudness in my case. So far I've never heard of such thing happening. Quite the opposite actually, I read about few cases of temporary tinnitus relief from anaesthesia during dental work :) You will...
  20. Fish

    AnneG's Tinnitus Journal

    Are you allergic to anything, Anne? People with allergies (like me) often have swollen sinuses even when they don't experience any other symptoms. Ears and nose are all connected, from my experience nasal congestion can affect the perception of T. Sometimes when I sneeze I feel pressure in my...
  21. Fish

    Tinnitus Control, Scam, Ripping Off People Since 2002?

    40$ for a small bottle of water and herbs you don't even put in your ears :eek: I think a fair number of people would have better results with simple nasal spray. My rule of thumb is to never trust any product with "testimonials" page. There is never any way to verify whether they were even...
  22. Fish

    Tinnitus Masking: MP3s, CDs, YouTube, Other Audio

    I would like to leave it here :) It's a collection of relaxing natural sounds like ocean waves, rain and some artificial ones like humming fan. What makes this website cool and different is the "equalizer" - a bunch of colourful sliders that you can adjust...
  23. Fish

    Cool Fish I Caught on Saturday

    This is a huge fish! Fish
  24. Fish

    After a year since onset, after dozens of drugs and treatments I can finally say that I am fully...

    After a year since onset, after dozens of drugs and treatments I can finally say that I am fully habituated. Time to move on with life... :)
  25. Fish

    Hello All

    I had a weird thing that occured to me early this year. I had pulsatile tinnitus that always appeared in the evening and was gone once I woke up the next morning. It was clear, fairly loud 'whooosh, whoosh, whoosh...' in right ear. It was in sync to my heartbeat. Also, it would get louder when I...
  26. Fish

    Possible New Treatment? (Some Kind of Device)? University of Zurich?

    This person doesn't convince me to be honest but if he is telling the truth then I will be more than happy :headphone:
  27. Fish

    Sudden Hearing Loss

    You seem to be making great progress in a very short period of time. Good to know you got prednisone as soon as possible, many people don't have this chance... If it's ok to ask, isn't the hearing damage bothering you more than tinnitus itself? I am personally very worried of sudden...
  28. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    I panicked because my tinnitus became much, much worse few hours after second injection. This effect was only temporary however and few days later I felt a lot better. Risks, pretty much everything bad that can happen with ears. Hearing loss, louder tinnitus, middle ear infections, I think...
  29. Fish

    Eight Years of Tinnitus and Every Year It Starts All Over

    My best thoughts are with you Leo. I am 24 and I had this thing for a bit over a year now. I know it's nowhere close to what you are going through. I am now virtually tinnitus-free except for really quiet situations and those really loud ones, when I go in a state of high alert and immediately...
  30. Fish

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    Seeing the positive results and that reddit story Hudson posted I feel now really stupid having panicked and quit in the middle of therapy... Now that I am aware of relief this drug (probably) gave me, I'd gladly join phase 3 and have my ear stabbed again. In the name of science! :) P.S. Still...
  31. Fish

    Success Stories?? Tell Me It Gets Better PLS!

    Hey there Jade. My tinnitus has started exactly one year ago. It was a long way. I struggled to remain sane and the first months were nothing like the life I had until now, I felt like I lost everything. Now, one year later I can tell you - you will get your life back and tinnitus won't control...
  32. Fish

    Makoto, is your tinnitus more quiet when you are chewing gum? Do you know about TMJ disorder...

    Makoto, is your tinnitus more quiet when you are chewing gum? Do you know about TMJ disorder? Some doctors say TMJ can also cause tinnitus! Here it is:顎関節症
  33. Fish

    MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) Discussion & Experiences & Questions

    Glad to hear you are fine :) Was this one of those fabled silent MRI machines or did you have to wear a hearing protection during the procedure?
  34. Fish

    Makoto Deguchi's Introduction Thread

    Stay strong Makoto! After some time it is possible to get used to tinnitus and learn to ignore it. Please remember to protect your hearing with earplugs or in-ear audio monitors to avoid loud noise.
  35. Fish

    Share About Your Avatar Here

    My avatar is a cat named "Melonpi" and it belongs to a chinese blogger. I just found it on the internet. Since people liked this avatar I decided to keep it :)
  36. Fish

    Loud Noises Make a Quick Whooshing Sound in One Ear

    Same here Spider, same here. One of the ENT doctors I talked about this (the best doctor I met) mentioned it could be some sort of an involuntary reaction of a "tensor tympani" muscle due to stress, TMJ disorder or related to lordosis. I don't know what else could I do though and it doesn't...
  37. Fish

    If anyone is wondering what my experience with AM-101 treatment was like you can read my story...

    If anyone is wondering what my experience with AM-101 treatment was like you can read my story here
  38. Fish

    Auris Medical AG Secures $50.6 Million Series C Financing

    Fingers crossed for those guys. It was silly of me to quit, I'd gladly have few more injections now if I had the chance ;)
  39. Fish

    Loud Noises Make a Quick Whooshing Sound in One Ear seconds long roaring sound. I can say something without any problems and I might talk and talk but right after I finish the sentence I hear *whooosh*.. I started paying attention to it in december 2012 when I developed a pulsatile tinnitus in the same ear that would appear always in...
  40. Fish

    Loud Noises Make a Quick Whooshing Sound in One Ear

    Spider and other guys, does it also happen when you: - yawn - stretch yourself - say something loud/scream - bend down and lift something heavy?
  41. Fish

    Hearing Loss in Right Ear?

    Yes I do edit my posts many times because I am one of those ADHD-types, writing things quickly and then fixing typos and grammar errors... :notworthy: It inteed could also be a clogged ear. I had a bad infection in december last year and my hearing in one ear also became temporarily worse. I...
  42. Fish

    Hearing Loss in Right Ear?

    I wouldn't want to scare you but hearing loss is not something to be ignored. If you are absolutely positive that your hearing has worsened suddenly, I think you should contact a doctor ASAP. It in fact qualifies for a hospital emergency...
  43. Fish

    Makoto Deguchi's Introduction Thread

    Welcome Makoto! Was your tinnitus caused by loud music? I hope you find help and useful information here. Is this your music? It sounds very good!
  44. Fish

    Should Tinnitus Sufferers Worry About Paracetamol/Ibuprofen/Codeine?

    When I had a nasty cold/flu in december last year I really needed something to remove the fever and I took my time to research the best option. I think paracetamol has a batter safety profile than ibuprofen when it comes to tinnitus (this is just my opinion though) and I used it for few days...
  45. Fish

    Tone that may help you

    I recognize this sound. It comes from one of those sound therapies. I don't remember which one was that exactly, neuromonics, maybe? It could be heard somewhere in the video article about this therapy. While this sound in particular doesn't work for me, I must say I actually used to listen to...
  46. Fish

    Auris Medical AG Secures $50.6 Million Series C Financing

    While I am happy to see some progress obviously, AM-101 worries me a little. What somebody else said before - it could be that if AM-101 successfully enters the market and becomes somewhat a first-line treatment for acute tinnitus, I am afraid all other manufacturers, medical companies will jump...
  47. Fish

    4 Months and I'm Losing It Today!

    Hello Terry, I am so sorry. I know what you are going through and how difficult it is. I wish I could help you somehow but there really is no other advice than just to withstand this hardship. My tinnitus started 9 months ago and I had really many ups and downs. It takes some people a couple...
  48. Fish

    Hyperacusis and Everyday Environment

    I wonder how come some people experiencing tinnitus develop hyperacusis and others don't. Does it depend on the cause of one's tinnitus? I always were a bit sensitive to loud noises and certain frequencies but I would not call that hyperacusis.
  49. Fish

    Anxious and Terrified

    It is me again, I am sorry that I cannot edit my first post. When you said Do you mean the ear ringing did go away aswell at the time? What did the doctor today tell you? You have been prescribed antihistamines and decongestant, are you allergic to something? Allergies can cause a feeling...
  50. Fish

    Anxious and Terrified

    Hello GavH I need to leave now so I'll keep this short but - try to avoid taking anything that has tinnitus listed as a side effect. Especially if it's an anti-anxiety drug, there are safer alternatives. If you experience anxiety and need something ASAP, try some over the counter herbal drugs...
  51. Fish


    I guess my avatar is at fault... But since people liked this cat so much I thought to keep it ;) I wish I could help but I don't have anything more than you already know plus my vocabulary is a bit limited. I remember the doctor who explained me the mechanism of action compared tinnitus to...
  52. Fish

    What Is Your View on Generic Drugs?

    Thank you Mick, that was an interesting read! I am a bit shocked with what you wrote, I always thought generic drugs have to be 99.9% the same as the original and not only the active compound. I also thought in case of drug manufacturing, the equipment would always be perfectly clean, free of...
  53. Fish

    Plucky's Life

    did you feel anything at all post-injection? The doctor who was taking care of me said that with the real drug, the most common reported symptom right away after injection was a low-toned, "vibrating" kind of tinnitus in the treated ear. Can you say if you felt anything like this?
  54. Fish

    Plucky's Life

    bro-fist! How are you doing? Did it work out for you? Dale - I will have a definite proof when the study results are published, then I am allowed to make a call and ask whether it was placebo or a real drug. I think it was real because of my reaction to it and my doctor mentioned that it...
  55. Fish

    Plucky's Life

    ...will start phase III or not. Results will be available this summer: Auris Medical announced today that enrolment has been completed for its TACTT1* study, a phase II clinical trial with AM-101 for the treatment of acute peripheral tinnitus. A total of 85 patients were enrolled in the study...
  56. Fish

    Have Any of You Warned People About Tinnitus?

    I go by bus to attend the morning classes at my uni. It is early, so the bus is really crowded. And there he is, a guy in his twenties, wearing huge earbuds and looking outside the window. The music he is listening to is so loud I can clearly hear repeated hi-hats going 'tss tss tss'. Probably...
  57. Fish

    Hello. I'm new.

    It is possible that you had a very mild tinnitus for a long time now and you noticed it only recently. Do not worry about noise sensitivity, I am almost sure it is related to the loud noise at wedding you attended. Hyperacusis it is called, it goes away after some time. It might take a while but...
  58. Fish

    Plucky's Life

    Hello Plucky! On Louise's request I'd like to tell you in short about AM-101 and my experience with it. AM-101 is an experimental drug based on esketamine that is now in II phase of medical trials. It comes in a gel form and is being injected in the ear. It is supposed to treat noise-related...
  59. Fish

    Hello. I'm new.

    Welcome to Tinnitus Talk! You seem to be very calm and that is good! It's important not to panic about tinnitus. Let's see... can you recall when exactly did it start? Do you think there was something that triggered it (like sudden loud noise etc) or it just appeared out of nowhere...
  60. Fish

    Chill Out Music as a Masker

    I don't really need to mask my tinnitus anymore (that's me bragging out there!) but this is some really nice music. Thank you Louise!