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  1. Valentin

    Tinnitus & The Body: Take the Survey

  2. Valentin

    MDMA (a Component of Ecstacy) Potential for the Treatment of Tinnitus

    That's what we like to think but it rarely is the case.
  3. Valentin

    60-70% Tinnitus Reduction After Lidocaine Trigger Point Injection

    Spoiler alert : chinese study...
  4. Valentin

    Too Loud Silence?

    No, it'll come and go, sometimes you won't have one for month and at other times you'll have several a day. If i didn't have tinnitus i'd even find fleeting T amusing and very interesting to experience.
  5. Valentin

    One Year Anniversary — "Gifted" with a New Sound

    One hypothesis : more neurons are activated/bursting creating this new sound. Tinnitus is a condition that has an never ending changing effect on brain plasticity as seen in FMRI scans.
  6. Valentin

    Too Loud Silence?

    Fleeting T, totally benign, it also happens to non T people.
  7. Valentin

    New Member, Also Have Visual Snow Syndrome

    I had visual snow at least a decade before having tinnitus.
  8. Valentin

    Take Part in the COMIT'ID Study

    I have also sent en email to register to the study, let's see if it'll pass through their spam filter.
  9. Valentin

    Is There a Way to Limit the Volume of the Sounds Made By My PC?

    These filters aren't part of any software as far as i know
  10. Valentin

    Is There a Way to Limit the Volume of the Sounds Made By My PC?

    I'm using ffdshow filters both for video and audio, one very useful feature in the audio section is to remove low frequency up to 300hz from all channels and adjust gain. That way, voices are intelligible and shotguns, accidents etc are not bothersome anymore.
  11. Valentin

    Do You Support Drug Legalisation?

    Until i reached my twenties i used to think (illicit) drugs were for shmugs however it's been 15 years that i believe they should be legalized and studied, having moved 9 years ago in the worst part of the world to do drugs i see this issue being a more pressing matter than ever, lengthy prison...
  12. Valentin

    Tinnitus — Part Deaf After Masturbation?!

    it's called fleeting tinnitus nothing worry about.
  13. Valentin

    Android Emulator for Windows 7?

    andy os
  14. Valentin

    The Prednisone Blues

    Normal behaviour, neurons are simply firing in another range/pattern etc
  15. Valentin

    Dirty Electricity

    I'm selling tinfoil hat to protect people from dirty electricity just in case :p
  16. Valentin

    Tinnitus After Car Accident

    One of my friend is in the same condition as you minus the memory loss, his tinnitus started when he regained consciousness at the hospital some three years + ago and to this date is still present...
  17. Valentin

    Went to See an Audiologist Today

    We should print namecards with a QR code leading directly to tinnitus talk knowledge bse and give it to these uneducated "professionals"
  18. Valentin

    Game Made Me Realise I Had Hyperacusis nothing to worry about, it's perfectly normal ;-)
  19. Valentin

    Bats Hear Just Fine, Despite Noisy Lives

    On their own bats can emit up to 100 decibels, say the scientists, and in foraging groups that noise level can reach 140 decibels – the equivalent for humans of jackhammers or jet engines, respectively, for several hours at a stretch. As anyone who’s ever attended a rock concert sans earplugs...
  20. Valentin

    Let's Talk About Alcohol

    that consumption is quite low, 100 UK unit a week seems more reasonnable to speak about a little alcohol problem.
  21. Valentin

    What Age Are You and How High Can You Hear?

    34 years old 17k but it's probably because of my sound system not being able to reproduce higher frequencies (cheap 2.1+woofer)
  22. Valentin

    I Need to Know If This Is Tinnitus!

    That's indeed tinnitus
  23. Valentin

    Is Tinnitus in the Genes?

    Yes it is. My brother and my auntie have tinnitus, everyone in my family(father's side) also has thyroid dysfunction... i always say to people around me that we are the expression of our genes and we can't escape that for the moment.
  24. Valentin

    Do I Have Hyperacusis Based on These Symptoms?

    it's tympani tensor syndrome, it's just you brain triggering a muscle inside your ears in a failed attempt to reduce sound volume. it's perfectly bening and doesn't cause pain. it's not hyperacusis :)
  25. Valentin

    Tinnitus Spike After Loud Music

    without earplugs yes definately!
  26. Valentin

    What Is with Ear Pain?

    hyperacousis probably.
  27. Valentin

    Anyone with Good Hearing in High Frequency 8 kHz - 20 kHz? Please Look

    I can hear up to 18khz(probably at 100 decibel tho) and i'm 34. i'm not doing anything special, it's just a genetic thing i guess like the tinnitus :(
  28. Valentin

    Big Tinnitus with Bass, Hearing Seems Muffled and Diminished in Left Ear

    Probably just a loooooong fleeting T :)
  29. Valentin

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    Thanks a lot for the information you provided about the procedure, your input is appreciated.
  30. Valentin

    Sudden Increase

    that could be considered an improvement, i wish mine follows the same route as yours. at least you have one quiet ear you can sleep on !
  31. Valentin

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    if i remember correctly hifu or thalamotomy can treate only one side. regarding vikings he said he got some changes, alternating frequencies etc and then he disappeared. we can only extrapolate that he got severe complications and that's why he disappeared, i believe no members of tinnitus...
  32. Valentin

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    hifu is non invasive, thalamotomy requires to drill holes in your skull, insert probes and electricaly burn some areas in the thalamus.
  33. Valentin

    HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) Surgery

    he couldn't afford HIFU, he had a thalamotomy .
  34. Valentin

    What Has Changed Regarding Treating Tinnitus in the Last 10 Years? Worried for my Dad.

    So far nothing has changed, there's still no way to treat the root cause of tinnitus but that might change in the near future, some clinical trials are ongoing as we speak.
  35. Valentin

    How Is Your Tinnitus When You Wake Up in the Middle of Your Sleep?

    it's usually quieter that allows me to go to the toilet and get back to sleep(usually)
  36. Valentin

    Went to Audiologist

    acamprosate having an effect on tinnitus is a myth :/
  37. Valentin

    I Deprive Myself of Foods

    don't worry, eat them if you get a spike, have a few beers to chillax the tinnitus.
  38. Valentin

    20 Minutes of Sleep and My Anxiety Level Is on Alert. Why?

    20M is no way near enough to get you relaxed, personally, the first phase of my sleep needs to be 5 H bare minimum. then i can continue to the second phase, the one that gives me a relkaxed feeling all day long.
  39. Valentin

    Just a Theory (for Those Who Suffer From Acoustic Trauma Related Tinnitus Without Hearing Loss)

    Your ENT blatantly lied to you, there's no way to see haircells in a living organism without extracting the cochlea or coloring the haircells thus rendering them dead.
  40. Valentin

    Faulty Gene, Say Scientists

    i always say around me that we're the expression of our genes .
  41. Valentin

    The Doctors USA TV Show Tinnitus Segment

    Misinformation as usual doubled with the neuromonics scam...
  42. Valentin

    Still No Sleep Even on 2 Sleeping Tablets :(

    what kind of sleeping tablets?
  43. Valentin

    A General Pondering About "How We Get Tinnitus" — Worth Repeating

    We probably have a common gene that predisposes us to tinnitus no matter the cause of tinnitus onset.
  44. Valentin

    This Is Not Happening

    if that can make you feel better, it's probably nothing wrong with your ears but your auditory cortex. It would be good to get a full blood test just to rule out any physical cause to these spikes. My T spikes every time i have fever...
  45. Valentin

    First ENT Appointment: What to Expect?

    unfortunately don't expect anything else than : i don't see any issues, it should go away if not then learn to live with it.
  46. Valentin

    Benzos and Tinnitus

    probably because withdrawal symptoms start few hours/days after you stopped totally the drug.
  47. Valentin

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    the morning pill might even have a different colour than the evening pill to serve as a reminder , that's hardly a defect
  48. Valentin

    What to Do if I Catch the Flu

    dr nagler gave his opinion about that issue in that thread :
  49. Valentin

    What to Do if I Catch the Flu

    personally i take a paracetamol pill (500mg) in case of very high fever 39°C + , most of the time if i'm sick and it is not dangerous i simply don't take anything.
  50. Valentin

    What to Do if I Catch the Flu

    don't take anything, you'll be fine in a week however if you take tamiflu you'll be fine in a week aswell ...
  51. Valentin

    What Is Happening?! All Sounds Make a Faint Ringing Noise, Like Extreme Reactive Tinnitus

    probably tympany tensor syndrome, i have this for more than 14 years, nothing to worry about(in my case)
  52. Valentin

    Taking a Picture of Hair Cells / Ear Damage there are very interesting examples of damaged cochlea, very different than just broken hair cells.
  53. Valentin

    Suggestions to Researchers From Tinnitus Sufferers

    because a cochlear implant does destroy all haircells.
  54. Valentin

    Loud Tone for a Few Seconds — Fleeting / Transient Spontaneous Tinnitus

    it's simply fleeting tinnitus, nothing to worry about.
  55. Valentin

    Sleep Time and Ear Plugs

    no and no ;-)
  56. Valentin

    Back to normal?

    no one knows, your brain might cease or ease the symptoms with time.