Interesting thread...
My T acts more or less as you describe. When I wake up in the morning (my T is only a very faint hiss) but during the day it increase in volume especially around noisy environments (although it 'reacts' far less than during the early days of my T (probably because...
I understand the duality regarding the subject; the suffering and the decision she made for her own and the ones she will leave behind and the impact that may have around this forum. Yes it will not help anyone of us, neither me. I watched the report and had a hard time watching (for her...
It has been a while since I wrote something related to T on this forum but I really have the need to do so now...
Did any of you actually see this report/interview on television?
I guess not looking at some of the reactions.
Of course it is everybodies right to have its own opinion or think...
Oh yes, definitily a big fan of Game of Thrones!
The beginning of the series can be harsh as you are thrown into the depth with all the cross relations, alliances, political games etc...
Be aware that the series now really start to step away from the books (they already did on certain parts...
Thx Markku,
That is the exact reason for this post. Give others some hope that IT can get better overtime.
Thanks to people like you and Karen (among a lot of others) who keep on telling that it will get better I know how important it is to share positive progression if that happens to any of...
Hi Stina,
Yes, start taking it on my own.
No, not at all. So far it looks like I have positive effects. I only take the prescribed levels (according to the package).
Magnesium is quite an important part of the human body, it seems. For me it looks it does help in my 'battle' against T.
It has been a while since I wrote something about the progression of my T on this forum.
But I feel the time is right now to do so.
Something I didn’t believe when confronted with T after onset the replies telling that it will get better > In my case indeed it did/does get better and better...
Today I received below reply...
Coming back to the e-mails below I regret to inform you that after further follow-up and verification we will not be able to allow you to participate in the study due to legal aspects. It is required for study participants to be residents in the country...
Thus another proof that even after +30 years T can be lowered (and not necessarily is settled in the brain pathways!). Good luck for you. What a Christmas gift isn't!!!
Max be carefull. Using earplugs during sleep can cause H.
Because it may result in an increase of sensitivity in the central auditory system ( increase of gain) which makes external sounds sound louder.
One option less :(. Not that I was considering yet this invasive method but when my T will become unbearable it could have been an option!
Are there any threatments options/developments anyway out there for broadband alike T?
And I do not mean TRT, CBT, etc...?
I believe not which saddens me...
Try to stay calm, we all went thru the same sh&t. Easier said then done. We all knew that as well. You mention your keyboard causes you to cringe. Sounds like hyperacusis not T. Check the forum for more info about H.
Hang in there buddy!
Thanks for your feedback.
So your theorie suggest that this type of T only can get worse. More IHC become damaged thus the more voltages we gonna "hear"?
Not a good prospect to be honest?
What if the auditory nerves becomes damaged or cut... will this then stop the sounds.
And yes, I know...
what you can consider luckily in the first place ;)!
Anyway good luck and indeed keep us posted.
Fingers crossed you will have some positive results which will open the gates for...(y)
Probably some strange/dumb questions but these thoughts been at the top of my mind quite some time now.
First the reason of my thoughts;
I have noice induced Tinnitus due to overexposed earbuds uses during the day (at least that is my believe).
First actually noticed with a high freq. noise...
I do not avoid noisy environments completly but damn I have an aura of fear around me then (Yep bad in case of T, I know I know).
Last time I went to the Circus (with my kids) and damn I was happy wearing earplugs (-26dB)!
Never realised it could be that loud in the Circus!!!
The same after...
That is exact the same thoughts I have. If above really is the case and T 'moves' from the ears to the head/brain than I believe a cure is more than decades away :(.
Above may also explain why probably I more and more get the feeling that my T moves/or get more active in my head instead in my...
And another example, from Tinnitustalk (not the missing article)
My tinnitus gone or is it deafness that I don't experience tinnitus anymore? | Tinnitus Talk Support Forum
I found one of the article agains (see bold part). There is a second too. I keep on searching:)
The impact of tinnitus on everyday life varies, often depending upon the severity of the tinnitus noise. About 25 percent of sufferers report an increase in tinnitus severity over...
I read somewhere (however can not find that paper(s) again :() that there are cases of noise induced Tinnitus when the hearing loss progresses the T diminished or disappeared (especially in cases of high freq. T).
Is this really possible?
It sounds like a contradiction!
I found the article in which the stroke case is mentioned
The Brain: "Ringing in the Ears" Actually Goes Much Deeper Than That | DiscoverMagazine.com
Plus it also describes what I tried to say ;).
Imprinted is maybe too strong but I do not have another word for it.
From what I've read over time the brains get used to the sound and other parts of the brain getting involved and due to this it is harder (or maybe impossible) to remove the phantom sounds.
No, I'm not that happy person anymore as I was before (max 70%). Although I can laugh & enjoy (like yesterday I have been to a theater (with earplugs!)) and it was fun & good) however, overal my life feels different now. As I'm writing this, tears roll over....
The only things which keeps me...
Firstly, @mintblue welcome on board (unfortunaly we all came on board)
Anyway, your remarks absolutely make sense, however, what brings you then to TinnitusTalk?
For myself, i shouldn't be around this forum that much (slowers acceptance etc... for sure).
At the other hand it gave me much...
Hi dear T boys & girls,
I wondering whether more of you face the title: Reactive Tinnitus.
I do not mean Hyperacusis but the fact that if you have been exposed to moderate to mild loud noise the T seems more active/present (sometimes it can be very present).
It looks I have a very strong...
Hi @Cher69,
Interesting... is your T also a result of a noise trauma or anything else?
I do not think I experienced fleeting T (that is a different sensation and I got it too sometimes, even before T).
Since after I experienced this spike (or what so ever, my T went down, or at least that is...
I thought about it as well but when I experience those spikes/loud tones my net T decreased (thus before the spike my T was for example 7 and after the spike level 5). Again I do have the feeling that every time I had these spikes the T improved. However, this can/could easily be placebo. Time...
My T has changed somewhat during the onset approx. 3 months ago (for the good or the bad, I dunno yet!)
When I first noticed my T a high pitch 4kHz in my left ear was most present. This tone is more or less faded into the background (fingers crossed it stays that way) however, instead my...
Interesting, how long ago after onset did you expose yourself to this sound therapy ;) .
Not that I dare to try myself!
To which acute tinnitus sound-therapy you are referring?
Same for me, realizing that I may have had T for many many more years but it never bothered me (I hate myself for that, that would most propably prevented me to use the damn earbuds too much a day (at work, running), If I could turn back time!!!! :((n)). I also have the same thoughts/questions...
Hi Epin3m,
I have some people around me, learned after hit by T myself some 3 months ago, who have T as well.
In 2 cases the T (one high freq. pitch) diminished to a state of non-excist, only when searching for it, they can dig up the sound. 1 case (static noise alike) got it on and off. Months...
I also read something alike on another forum. A person with T who was accidentally exposed to a very loud noise, couldnt protect his hearing in time. He was afraid that this would increase his T but the contrary happened his T vanished!!!
The question is whether this remained or that the T has...
First of all, I dunno what it is but your present and answers brings me some much needed belief & relief!
But still, what does convince you that there will be a drug in 5 years or less?
If that drugs becomes available we have to wait another 5 year, because the waiting line is...
That is something I wonder myself too. Not that my T is gone completely but mine is havily fluctuating lately so to say (but in general less or at least different (less annoying) than 2 weeks after onset). I also wondering whether a kind of repair mechanism is active or that the brain starts to...
So according to you noise induced T is there to stay forever?
Thus all people with noise induced T which 'recover' after, for lets say, 2 years are in fact not recovered but the brain doesn't hear it any longer?
At the other hand I don't care if my T in fact is still there but my brain does not...
Indeed true, if you start talking about it, it is stunning how many people have more or less a kind of T. Even my girlfriend has a beep and can hear it when see search for it! But again isn't bothered by it all!
As you stated; many say, I hear it too but it doesn't bother me!
So many do not care...
I'm a gamer too... StarCraft, WarCraft, WoW, Diablo (if not already noticed me is a big Blizzard fan ;) thus all Collectors Editions are on the shelf) The Witcher II, C&C, Commandos, Broken Swords series, Monkey Island series Anno 1404 and so on...
Forgive me or call my stupid for being in my early stage of T and still hope for a miracle device or cure soon!
Call it wishful thinking but without hope everything will fade (except T) ... isn't?
I agree with Jake. This is one (next to AM101) of the few threatments/'cures' promising some hope!
Since, today (08.11.2013) my hope for the Mutebutton diminished a lot due to the latest posts!
Indeed WOW & fantastic!!!
This may give hope to all of use... never loose faith that there is a possibility that T will go or become a minor noise again!
Hi Cher69,
this kind of static noise had been around for years but never bothered me at the least (that is what I realise now).
For me that was silence and I even liked it when trying to sleep (isn't that strange :confused:). However, since the onset of (a new) T (a high pitch at 4kHz end of...
Dear Nina,
I'm sorry to read your post too and pls do what Cher69 suggest. Look for some serious help. You will not manage this on your own.
Hang in there!!!
Hi Derek,
"Welcome" on board.
Hopefully you succeed in your strategy. Keep us updated!
I for sure will try your method too.
Your story looks so similar to mine as well your age and the things you did what probably caused your ringing. Realizing that I might already have T for years without...