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    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    Filled out the form. I'm more concerned about high frequency hearing loss being an exclusion criteria than the length of time with tinnitus.
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    Cause of Tinnitus Diagnosed (Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Carodid Artery)

    Natalie, please know that I am not suggesting you go against your docs advice. I am mentioning that there may be alternatives. However, you may want to consult with a naturopathic physician or Integrative Medical practitioner who understands this kind of thing more thoroughly than you are...
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    Cause of Tinnitus Diagnosed (Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Carodid Artery)

    He preferred I do the aspirin but understood my reasons for not wanting to.
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    Cause of Tinnitus Diagnosed (Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Carodid Artery)

    81mg. Yes, the T returned to baseline after I stopped. I was pretty convinced I did not want to take blood thinners so I researched the natural products. There are many and it seems like natto was one of the chief ones that had some science backing it up.
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    Cause of Tinnitus Diagnosed (Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Carodid Artery)

    I know. I had to look into this myself due to similar concerns. I tried the low dose aspirin for about a week before going the alternative route due to believing my T was worsening.
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    Cause of Tinnitus Diagnosed (Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Carodid Artery)

    In terms of blood thinners you might consider nattokinase which is found on line or in some health food stores. Read up on it. Your doctor probably won't appove, but there is some decent research for it.
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    Maybe. You raise a good point that many fail to appreciate. The level or quality of the T can fluctuate and because of that habitation can be made more difficult. Tinnitus can reach very high levels and while many will manage to cope, habitation may not be an likely outcome as it would be...
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    Has Anyone Been Cured Ever?

    Going on 8 years and no cure and no remission. I have had days that I didn't hear it though, so, there's that.
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    I've Beaten My Tinnitus

    No it wouldn't. Evening news is the least likely place you will hear about it. It will be in a forum such as this.
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    Please Help... Night from Hell

    I agree with much of what is said here in terms of habitation. That said everyone is different and so is there T. Habitation does make it tolerable, however, oftentimes T can worsen due to subsequent events-trauma, medication, and hearing loss. It's not a linear process.
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    Mirtazapine Withdrawal Tinnitus

    Best of luck. It seems like one thing leads to another.
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    Mirtazapine Withdrawal Tinnitus

    When anxiety is part of the picture it's difficult to know if the T is due to coming off the medication or due to the increase in anxiety. I took it for years and it seemed to help with sleep, anxiety and tinnitus to some degree. Coming off it did create a rebound for all of those things for a...
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    Mirtazapine Withdrawal Tinnitus

    What are you noticing that is making it hard? And, are you taking it for sleep or as an antidepressant?
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    Mirtazapine Withdrawal Tinnitus

    How are you tapering? As you know Mirtazapine has a stronger antihistamine effect as you lower the dose. Most people just "jump off" this drug at the dose they were taking because of that.
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    Hydrocodone — Safe to Take Every Now and Then or Is It Ototoxic?

    Once I awhile is unlikely to cause permanent issues. May see a spike for a few days though. But, everyone is different.
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    Withdrawal — Brain or Ear?

    This is correct. T may originate due to ear issues or other factors, but, it is essentially all brain.
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    My ENT Doctor Gave Me This Cure and Said That 70% of His Patients Healed

    Since you have only had T a very short time this protocol makes some sense. Or appears designed to enhence GABA and avoid the amygdala getting chronically activated which can lead to permanent T. NAC has shown efficacy for early noise induced T. I wouldn't worry about benzoyl addiction if you...
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    Hello, It's Me :)

    You may wish to try NAC , the supplement. Mostly researched for recently aquire noise induced T, but, since your onset is new it's worth a try. Available where they sell lots of vitamins like a Whole Foods.
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    Hi... Need Support

    Lisa, I'm going on 7 years. Started in 1 ear then went to both. Loud and high. Some days I hardly notice it, and others it's pretty much all I notice. Habitation is important, but, without white noise to sleep and white noise ear buds during tough days I wouldn't have made it...
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    Numbness and Tingling in Ear

    I would be guessing as to what is going on, but, my sense is that there was some trauma to something in the structure but that it will likely resolve on its own. At least I hope so.
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    Advice for ENT Visits

    Ear plugs?
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    Auditory Nerve Sedation for Correct Diagnoses

    Yeah, severing the nerve has already been tried and basically just leaves one deaf but still with tinnitus without being able to mask it.
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    Am I Obsessing About Tinnitus?

    You're obsession is well-placed. It's not your ruminating about what to wear for a particular event. We all have our way of coping, and sometimes the coping looks odd to those who have no idea of what this affliction feels like. And, you just may stumble upon a cure. Who knows. As far as...
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    Neck Tinnitus

    Try cranial sacral massage
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    It Won't Stop...

    This may be repetitive but you really do need to focus on sleep as your first priority. Everything else follows from that. If that means benzos or antihistamines or other agents that will do the job then so be it. No one likes psychotropics but Remeron may be helpful in your case even though...
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    Muscle Relaxers — Any Luck Helping with Tinnitus?

    Flexaril doesn't help me.
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    Suggestions.... What Do You Do for Headaches?

    Lidocaine injections in the ear are an emergency measure.
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    Hearing Loss and Possible Infection

    May consider a teaching hospital or a special center.
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    Can Tinnitus Appear Weeks After Exposure to Loud Noise?

    You may want to try NAC. It may help. Look it up. It's a supplement.
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    Brivaracetam — KV3.1 Modulator

    I posted this question on another thread, but, it appears that Briviact is an IV solution. Hopefully, there is an oral med as well.
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    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    Is Briviact going to be available only as an infusion for IV or IM administration? That would be disappointing.
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    Earplug Treatment for Tinnitus

    Goes against pretty much everything known about T. A sound rich environment has been researched to be effective.
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    Tinnitus Is Ruining My Life and I'm Only 17... Help

    For me at nighttime is to listen to white noise or other ambient sound on my phone next to my bed or get the Moses Lang CD and play that all night. An ear bud would probably annoy me. I do hear the sound pillows may work.