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  1. MartinH

    Tinnitus Due to Tension Almost Gone

    This thread is a bit old but, as many of us would, we'll try anything for some relief. The link takes you to a website that basically charges $17 to fill out a questionare. I don't know if they contact you and try to sell you more stuff or not.
  2. MartinH

    Chewing Gum and TTTS/Hyperacusis

    My T goes up and down as I push my lower jaw forward, and also as I turn my head all the way to the left or right. Usually I can tell what kind of day it's going to be by how loud it is when I push my jaw out. If it's loud, I'm probably going to have a loud day. I also think that my T is...
  3. MartinH

    Tensing My Jaw Makes a Crunching Sound, Pushing My Lower Jaw Out Increases My Tinnitus

    We'll see. I've been reading a lot about it the past couple days. I'm not sure if I have ETD or not but I used to be in the water A LOT and had horrible ear infections.
  4. MartinH

    Tensing My Jaw Makes a Crunching Sound, Pushing My Lower Jaw Out Increases My Tinnitus

    It seems like it's from my jaw but it's all so close to the ear I couldn't say for sure. Another thing I was thinking is that I may need to lay off chewing gum. I chew gum constantly, even have a piece in my mouth at night because my mouth gets dry as hell.
  5. MartinH

    Tensing My Jaw Makes a Crunching Sound, Pushing My Lower Jaw Out Increases My Tinnitus

    I asked an MD this and he told me it was pretty common but I wanted to ask the group for their advice. My tinnitus is and has always been all over the place. Usually changes in loudness during the day whenever it decides to. Most mornings it's pretty quiet and builds up during the day. Some...
  6. MartinH

    "Y-Strap" Adjustment at a Chiropractor — Experiences? Did It Help Your Tinnitus?

    Hi Jason, I've been going to a local chiro that does something like this and I don't think it's helped me. In fact, it may have made it a little worse. He calls is "traction" and basically is just tugging on my head using some sort of strap, doesn't look like this though. I had some progress...
  7. MartinH

    Stellate Ganglion Block Therapy for Treating PTSD — Would SGB Shots Also Help Tinnitus?

    Just wondering if anyone had anything else on this in the couple months since the post. I just heard about SGB on a podcast about PTSD. It really sounds like this might be worth chasing after.
  8. MartinH

    Thought I Had My Tinnitus Cracked Recently — I Was Wrong

    I do that too.... as soon as I wake up, my first thought is whether it is better or worse than yesterday. I used to keep track of it during the day, every few hours I'd write down how loud it was and what kind of tones I was hearing. I think that is probably a mistake. I'm just as lost as...
  9. MartinH

    Thought I Had My Tinnitus Cracked Recently — I Was Wrong

    I hear you... that's exactly where I am. I'm pissed off at everyone and everything. It's a struggle not to take it out on someone. Temper is short. Don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.
  10. MartinH

    Thought I Had My Tinnitus Cracked Recently — I Was Wrong

    That sucks. Same thing just happened to me. I had a couple near silent weeks and night before last I woke up and it was screaming. Very disappointing. I just keep telling myself it will settle down again, just stay strong.
  11. MartinH

    New Bose SleepBuds: Do They Work with Tinnitus?

    I'll throw my 2 cents in on these. I saw them initially in a vending machine in London Heathrow mid 11/2018 and, being fairly new to tinnitus I was at the point, I did some research on them. I didn't buy them there because they were well over $300USD, but just this weekend I noticed them at a...
  12. MartinH

    Cervical Spine Chiropractic Treatment... My Story (Tinnitus Cut by Half)

    Hello to all... It's been a bit since I posted and I just wanted to share my experience with cervical spine chiropractic therapy / treatment, whatever you wanna call it. I've had tinnitus for a little over a year, i guess most of you know what that first year is like. If you haven't made it...
  13. MartinH

    The Tinnitus Clinic — UK

    Hi All, I'm going to be visiting London for about a week and was poking around on the internet and was wondering if anyone had any experience with the Tinnitus Clinic on Harley Street. I live on the Island of Guam and my treatment options are quite limited here. I've had all the tests and...
  14. MartinH

    New High Pitched Sound in My Left (Bad) Ear. Just When I Thought My Tinnitus Was Healing.

    Don't take it too hard. Mine is all over the place and I've had it for about 7 months. I'll have a few to several good days and then there's days like today, when I just get by. I keep tract of my good days and bad days to try to establish a pattern or identify a trigger but I'm not having any...
  15. MartinH

    8 Weeks In and a Spike Since Sunday :( Maybe Because of Stress or Salty Foods?

    Mine does that all the time too. Happening right now in fact. A few days of near quiet and then blam-o, a day or two of loudness. Stress really spikes mine too. I also wonder if it's just going to stay loud.. but so far it hasn't. Mine is all over the place I guess. I'm just slightly over my...
  16. MartinH

    Usually So Strong but I Feel So Weak Right Now

    Hi Adam, My advice is to get a lot of exercise and take care of yourself. Exercise is the best medicine for depression and anxiety in my humble opinion. Stress & anxiety really effects my T. I can be having a perfectly fine day, which I call "near quiet" where I don't really notice it. Then on...
  17. MartinH

    Jaw Exercises Make Tinnitus Go Up and Down?

    Just curious if anyone has found relief from tinnitus with jaw exercises. Mine is mostly pretty mild but I have my days, like today, where it got kinda bad. I know much of my issue is stress and anxiety. In any case, I've noticed if I push my lower jaw out I can make the volume go up...
  18. MartinH

    How Does Stress Cause Tinnitus Spikes?

    Oh yes... stress definitely makes mine worse. I was on a 10 day (mostly) quiet streak and my stress level went from 0-10 in about 5 seconds on Saturday morning last. Took 2 days for it to die down.
  19. MartinH

    Is This a Good Sign After 2.5 Months? I Now Have More Good Days, Fewer Spikes, More Energy

    My T started in mid April and it's been all over the place in terms of tone and volume. I keep track of good days and bad days and I have a lot more good ones than bad, almost 10:1. Some of them are near silent. Usually, I hear it a few times throughout the day at a 1-2 level but my bose ear...
  20. MartinH

    Already 6 Hours Tinnitus Free with CBD Oil

    I've been taking Charlotte's Web Everyday Plus for a couple months, hasn't done anything for me. About 20 drops under my tongue at night before bed. It does help me sleep though.
  21. MartinH

    I No Longer Have Any Strength to Face Another Day

    Wonder how long the FDA is going to delay it...
  22. MartinH

    Possibly Found the Cause of My Tinnitus (Processed Carbs)

    So here's my "update" report.. I'm probably more convinced now than ever that my diet is most of the issue with my T. I haven't posted for a few weeks and since then I've really cleaned up my act and started exercising, let's call it at the moderate level. I'm amost 53 and a little overweight...
  23. MartinH

    Possibly Found the Cause of My Tinnitus (Processed Carbs)

    I heard that too... cinnamon & ginger. I'm going to start adding ginger to my tea for sure. Another thing that I heard was soak a piece of okra in water overnight, cut into 4 or 5 sections. It secretes this slimy (but tasteless) stuff. Fish out the okra in the morning and drink it. I prefer...
  24. MartinH

    Possibly Found the Cause of My Tinnitus (Processed Carbs)

    Yep... In my 20's and most of my 30's i could get away with anything. Early 40's the MD warned me... for several years. As you get older it just doesn't go that easy anymore. The good news is you can really turn it around with a little discipline. Which most of us could use anyway. Graviola...
  25. MartinH

    Possibly Found the Cause of My Tinnitus (Processed Carbs)

    I think you're on the right track. I can also report that this morning my T was lower and over the past hour or two the tone has broken up a little. Yesterday I was really strict on diet. I really think this is a big part of the answer for me. I don't know if there's any scientific basis for...
  26. MartinH

    Possibly Found the Cause of My Tinnitus (Processed Carbs)

    That's my opinion as well. I've been looking at my trends/spikes and it seems to be correlated to blood glucose levels. I have been diagnosed with diabetes, and take metaformin 2x a day to keep my levels down. I've gotten away with it and go thru the roller coaster where I really watch what I...
  27. MartinH

    Can't Habituate. Scared of Everything. Spikes Constant. Pure Stress. Feel Like I'm Dead and in Hell.

    Yeah and I love milk too. Well this morning I woke up and it was the same as yesterday, a 3/10 for me. But blood sugar is highest in the morning, and it dropped off a lot within the first hour I was up to a 1/10. Maybe I'm onto something. I certainly won't be celebrating with ice cream or a...
  28. MartinH

    Has Anyone Habituated to Ultra High Frequency Tinnitus That Can't Be Masked?

    I prefer the iphone type earbuds myself. Since they don't seal off the ear canal a little ambient noise still makes it in there.
  29. MartinH

    Can't Habituate. Scared of Everything. Spikes Constant. Pure Stress. Feel Like I'm Dead and in Hell.

    Thanks Bill. Trying to work out what's causing it to spike. I think the trend may be related to my shitty eating habits. I'm diabetic and eat a lot of stuff I shouldn't, and it seems seems to follow my roller coaster tinnitus pattern. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day it will drop again since...
  30. MartinH

    Can't Habituate. Scared of Everything. Spikes Constant. Pure Stress. Feel Like I'm Dead and in Hell.

    Hang in there.. I'm having a dark day myself. Seems my T is taunting me. Two days ago I could hardly hear it for a whole day, then yesterday, it's back with a vengeance. I'm only 2 months into this and it's been a real roller coaster. It's effecting my family and my work now.
  31. MartinH

    Influence of Blood Glucose Level on Tinnitus?

    I know I'm a year or so late coming into this discussion, but diabetes & high blood sugar has been shown to be linked to hearing loss and tinnitus. I'm pretty sure that's what's been going on with me and my rollercoaster tinnitus.. And if you're waking up in the morning with a thirst that...
  32. MartinH

    A Life with Tinnitus at the Age of 21

    @Roy114 Well whatever the answer, I don't think sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves is it. I know some people have T way worse than mine is but I know you can retrain your brain. I'm inquiring about some online CBT coaching, just waiting to hear back from the guy. Seems pretty legit just...
  33. MartinH

    A Life with Tinnitus at the Age of 21

    Well when that day comes I will dance. My wife will probably dial 911 if she sees it though. I think this ringing in my head has caused me to look at my life differently and make some positive changes. Truthfully, I've settled into that comfort zone in my life, that makes me pretty much a...
  34. MartinH

    A Life with Tinnitus at the Age of 21

    @Roy114 Yeah this one kinda went off the rails, ... "neckbeard"... I'll be using that, thanks. I just had my 2 month anniversary with T yesterday. I'm no where near habituated. I'm still at the stage where I'll often sit behind the computer trying to work and listen to it, waiting for it to...
  35. MartinH

    Tinnitus E-Programme Experiences

    Hello All, I just saw a post from a couple years ago asking for feedback on the "Tinnitus E-Programme" and was wondering if anyone had tried it. I live in a remote area and I don't have access to a cognitive behavior therapy professional and was wondering if anyone had any feedback on it...
  36. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    Don't know but it seems like if they can turn up the volume they should be able to turn it down too. Is your hearing normal?
  37. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    Thanks. Its good to hear that.
  38. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    Noise doesn't seem to have much of an effect on it. I haven't been using the HAs at all. Normally normal household sounds like the TV or just ambient noise outside will mask it well enough, just not today unfortunately. If I'm in a quiet room it's much more noticeable for me. I'm trying my HAs...
  39. MartinH

    Everytime I Start Feeling Better...

    That's exactly me too. It keeps changing. I'm on my second month. I've had a couple descent days and a few silent moments, but it always comes back. I still count myself lucky, I know it could be much, much worse. We're both pretty new so hopefully this will mellow out over time, or even...
  40. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    @Matthew: Mine amplify sound based on whatever I set it at on my iPhone, no different really than turning up the volume on your standard ear buds. They have a couple other features for masking T and some other stuff I haven't played with as yet. I can also use them for just listening to...
  41. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    Who knows if that's what caused it. I scoured the internet pretty well and couldn't find much about it increasing T. I kept the volume way down, no loud noises. My T is really weird. The pitch and volume change all the time, no real pattern except more often than not it's worse when I wake...
  42. MartinH

    Regular Hearing Aids Are Curing My Tinnitus

    Just came across this when looking for some posts from those who have hearing aids.. I have mild hearing loss, but still in the normal range. They also found some cochlear damage, from what I have no idea. I'm 52 and otherwise in pretty good shape. My audiologist ordered up hearing aids for...
  43. MartinH

    20 Minutes After Putting My Hearing Aids In, My Tinnitus Went Through the Roof...

    Thanks Glynis... did your ears freak out initially? I mean, my T got really loud. I slept pretty good last night and just had a glorious nap so it's not like it was when it first started, but it was so much better than now. I'm scared to put them back in.
  44. MartinH

    20 Minutes After Putting My Hearing Aids In, My Tinnitus Went Through the Roof...

    Thanks Jason... I'll check that out. I haven't been able to find much online about it and the audiologist hasn't got back to me. I was told I had mild hearing loss and that hearing aids would "replace" what I lost and the T would likely quiet down a bit. For the past month or so it's been...
  45. MartinH

    20 Minutes After Putting My Hearing Aids In, My Tinnitus Went Through the Roof...

    Hello All, It's been a couple weeks since I posted, actually a couple weeks since I've logged on. My tinnitus got considerably better, there were days were it was barely noticeable but it reminded me it was there from time to time. So today I got my hearing aids. About 20 minutes after...
  46. MartinH

    Could Tinnitus Changing Into High-Pitched Be a Sign of Healing?

    I wouldn't be doing anything like that to my ears either... I asked my ENT what was the best thing I could do to clean my ears.. his response "don't clean your ears."
  47. MartinH

    Weekly Changing Tinnitus

    Mine seems to be a little different everyday. I'm only one month into this but it will vary in intensity and pitch a few times a day. Sometimes I don't hear it unless I'm listening for it. It seems like when I bend over to pick something up and stand back up the tone will get a little weird for...
  48. MartinH

    Tinnitus After One Week of Zyban to Quit Smoking

    I've been on 150mg wellbutrin for several years, I never had any issues with it. From what I've read, and I certainly haven't read everything, most people have problems when they up their dose. My T is (apparently) the result of mild hearing loss. I'm still taking it and none of the MD's have...
  49. MartinH

    Quit Smoking Today

    Hold the line Bart... I smoked for 30 years off and on, mostly on. Took me 10 years to finally quit for good.
  50. MartinH

    Silence After 4.5 Months

    Thanks for posting this. I had standard annual blood work done recently but I don't know if they test for thyroid function on those or not or it's just the standard blood sugar and cholesterol stuff. My mom has been on thyroid meds since I was a kid, I'm wondering if it might be the cause, or...
  51. MartinH

    It's Me, emmalee

    Hi @emmalee, I'm only 3 weeks into myself, and I think just yesterday I started to feel like my life wasn't over. My T is bothersome & annoying, but I'm already leaning how to control it, my perception of it anyway. It's actually given me greater focus on whatever task I'm doing because I...
  52. MartinH

    Not a Success but Talking and Thinking About Tinnitus Is Starting to Bore Me...

    I was just thinking the very same thing. I'm a newbie, just over 3 weeks in. Still hoping there's hope that it'll go away. I think I'm probably hanging too many hopes on hearing aids so I'm trying to learn different ways to cope without them.
  53. MartinH

    Advice on Diazepam

    Thanks for all the advice guys. Just as an "after action report" I took 1/2 a tab last night and didn't really feel much. About 30 minutes in except pretty relaxed. I did get a descent nights sleep, but waking up my T is quite a bit louder than it was, but I couldn't say if that's the Valium...
  54. MartinH

    Advice on Diazepam

    @lymebite what dose did you start with? I was thinking to start with 1/2 the 5mg tablet. How long were you on it?
  55. MartinH

    Advice on Diazepam

    Thanks.. I'm hoping to use it as a last resort when the T is just too loud.
  56. MartinH

    Advice on Diazepam

    Hello everyone.. Just wanted to get some comment from recent users of Valium. I've been fighting with the U.S. Navy to get them to give me a little something to help me sleep, but they insist I go to a month long couse (1 meeting per week) that I can't even get into until next month...
  57. MartinH

    Would Hearing Aids Improve My Situation?

    Mine got ordered yesterday. resound linx2 I believe. I guess they do about everything all controlled by iphone. Who'd a thunk it. Could anyone with experience say if the improvements are immediate or does it take a while?
  58. MartinH

    Hearing Aids

    As I understand it, and I'm a total newbie here, hearing aids are beneficial for those with tinnitus resulting from hearing loss. I just got mine ordered yesterday, on my 3 week Tinnitus Anniversary. The audiologist said I'd probably not notice tinnitus with hearing aids but of course it's...
  59. MartinH

    ENT Says Hearing Aids Cure Tinnitus, Lack of Same Causes Alzheimer's

    Probably coming into this a couple months too late, but I'd say get a 2nd opinion. That's what I'm in the process of doing now. I had an ENT tell me after testing that my hearing was within normal ranges but still a little on the low side in one ear. That's where I got the "live with it"...
  60. MartinH

    Trying to Decide How Worried I Should Be...

    Tomorrow will be my 3 week anniversary with tinnitus.. There were a few days where it seemed to fade quite a bit and was easily masked, but since yesterday it's been screaming pretty good. It's loud enough now where I can hear it above everything else, even with ear buds in. I'm hoping it's...