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  1. Freyja95

    Oticon More™ Hearing Aids Silenced My Friend's Tinnitus

    The reason for why most hearing aids max out at 8 kHz is because it’s within that you have the majority of speech sounds. Hearing aids primarily exist to aid communication and hearing speech, and for that, the amplification of higher frequencies is not vital. From what I know, that’s the answer...
  2. Freyja95

    Oticon More™ Hearing Aids Silenced My Friend's Tinnitus

    I’m an audiologist working primarily with Oticon devices. This phenomenon is not some kind of mysterious magic that only happens with Oticon More. And it’s not something everyone will experience. Simply, with tinnitus, if you have untreated hearing loss your tinnitus will appear louder; and if...
  3. Freyja95

    Can Active Noise-Cancelling (ANC) Headphones Have Permanently Worsened My Pre-Existing Tinnitus?

    What would make you think of acoustic trauma in this case? It definitely doesn't sound like it, there's no signs of it? He listened to music at below 50% volume, that will not give you an acoustic trauma.
  4. Freyja95

    PTSD from Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus?

    I've definitely felt and thought about this too. And it's reliving to not see I'm the only one. And especially seeing this from you, jjflyman, who now feels better, after having been through not just acoustic trauma but also having felt like it brought on PTSD, that brings hope. And this wasn't...
  5. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Update on my own previous post. On the 5th day my previous fluctuating tone changed into a constant tone and has been like that since, apart from in early mornings. Feeling a bit sad and disappointed about that. But trying to keep my head up and think that eventually I will habituate to this new...
  6. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Don't you worry about "co-opting" the thread, I really don't mind. I'm glad you got a good outlet to talk about things on your mind. I've been driving 7 hours today and been very busy lately so I'm sorry about not having the energy for a lengthy reply, but I'm very happy about getting to hear...
  7. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Hi Drachen! No need to apologise, it's just nice to hear your story and thoughts ^^ Thank you so much for your kind words. And I do hope so. I really feel like I understand tinnitus patients so much more now than I did before, nothing exceeds experiencing it first hand I suppose. And I really...
  8. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    I'm really hoping that's the case. I'm not that into religion, but I've honestly been praying to God, that's how afraid I've been of this leading to a permanent worsening. It's been 2,5 days now and I haven't had a change in the tinnitus yet, however the ear that was closest to the impact is...
  9. Freyja95

    If Prednisone Is Ototoxic, Why Is It Prescribed for Acoustic Trauma?

    Late reply, I can say that not really anything is done here for that. I hadn't even heard of "Prednisone" before entering this forum. Steroids are given here for SSNHL because there's good research to support it, but I'm guessing the research for acoustic trauma treated with Prednisone isn't...
  10. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Hello Steph! I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your message. Thank you for taking your time to write it. Thing is that it hasn't spiked yet. The event was just a day ago, and I know from past spikes that after loud sound exposure I usually get a few days when it's quieter than...
  11. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Hello fokes. Starting out the new year in not the nicest way unfortunately, a sound accident. I've generally been doing quite well the past two weeks. I experienced another accident 4 weeks ago when a friend turned up the car stereo really loud for a few seconds which gave me a new tone. It...
  12. Freyja95

    2 Year Tinnitus Anniversary Today — Habituated

    Thank you so much for this post, it really brings calm and hope. I'm at 11 months now and still occasionally struggling. And feeling bad due to so many people reporting being habituated around 6-7 months, and here I am... So seeing your post about your habituation process taking quite a long...
  13. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Thank you for your kind words Mister Muso. Yeah, I generally wish there was an easier and better way to spread more information to the public about these types of risks. It would have been a good thing to include in school, maybe even at several times to make sure it's not forgotten.Because it...
  14. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Thank you for your message. And yes, despite having had a lot of experience with depression and frequent dips in mood, I'm at the core a strongly positive and optimistic person. And yes, I agree, being realistic is important, but some of the posts I've seen on the forum just feels downright...
  15. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Hey Havel, Indeed. Nice* to come across another swede here. (*well, nice, but also unfortunate that you're here). Thank you for sharing your experience, it was very appreciated. Hearing others' experiences really helps. I'm also sorry to hear that happened to you though. It's very unfortunate...
  16. Freyja95

    Shower Causing a Temporary Tinnitus Spike?

    Opposite here, showers actually lowers my perception of my tinnitus, for several minutes afterwards.
  17. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    (I will begin with saying that if you find that it negatively affects you to hear about people taking longer time to habituate, please just leave this post and go to the success story section for more uplifting content) ♡ - Hello dear people, Long story short, I've had tinnitus for 10.5...
  18. Freyja95

    Took a Shower, Used a Cotton Tip to Clean Ear Wax — Afterwards Noticed New High-Pitched Ringing

    You really shouldn't clean your ears with cotton buds - there's no need for it. You only risk pushing the wax further in. The ear has a process of pushing the wax out itself, it just takes time. If you want to do anything, use oil to loosen it up.
  19. Freyja95

    Does Anyone Else's Tinnitus Sound Like a Slot Machine or Computer Beeping?

    For a period when my tinnitus was new I had the computer beeping sounds, felt super odd.
  20. Freyja95

    Tinnitus Been Getting Worse for a Year (No Reason)

    @weab00 I didn't see anything about hyperacusis being mentioned, they mainly talked about tinnitus and hearing loss getting worse. And saying they already had mild hearing loss at 17, so yes.
  21. Freyja95

    Tinnitus Been Getting Worse for a Year (No Reason)

    Hi Pitseleh, I'm surprised you've been to ENT specialists several times without receiving an explanation. Considering you've had this since quite a young age, my thoughts goes towards that it might be genetic/hereditary. But your ENT/audiologist have already looked into that possibility I...
  22. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    @n_li808 Yeah, same. I have felt more bothered by it lately, so I don't feel habituated yet, but I'm confident I'll get there eventually and I to try to not stress about it. Trying to remind myself that the path to habituation is rarely straight and easy, there can be bumps on the road. And...
  23. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    @n_li808 thank you for replying! I really hope things get better for you soon. And your tinnitus is still really new, and getting better can take a lot of time, so I hope that gives you some relief. I remember also just waiting for the day when I would wake up and there would be silence again...
  24. Freyja95

    The Audiology Student and Her Series of Unfortunate Events (Acoustic Trauma)

    Hello everyone. After about 9 months of being a spectator on Tinnitus Talk, I felt like it was time to make an introduction, before I forget too much of everything that's happened. Sorry about the length of the post! I could definitely add more, but tried to keep it down. Shortly about me -...