2020 US Presidential Election

We cannot speculate about what other would have done, because it is Trump's responsibility to run the country right now, while he is still in office, and his is doing a pretty bad job.

I am sure the 210.000 people who have lost their lives to COVID-19 this year, and their families, and not happy with the Trump administration and do not support him anymore.
The CDC and other health agencies were caught recording COVID-19 deaths even if there was another cause. Flu deaths suddenly plummeted. If you don't know any of this, you stopped paying attention.

Doesn't the USA have a population of around 331 million? Even if the COVID-19 hoax con artists lied about the deaths (210 mill.), that's approximately 0.06%.
44% Yea, 46% Nay. This is such a small difference, that it could just as easily be 46% Yea vs. 44% Nay.
That's not good though, Trump used to get great marks on the economy. That was the only thing he got a good grade on. If he's not 50/50 on that, he's in a bad place heading into November.
I wonder if this is not so much to win over voters (many won't even know or care about this), but for other reasons. For example, if Biden wins and Trump stokes chaos, it could help push the peaceful transfer of power along. Ultimately though, I think the main reason is that Biden is center-left/center-right, like Obama.
That's not good though, Trump used to get great marks on the economy. That was the only thing he got a good grade on. If he's not 50/50 on that, he's in a bad place heading into November.
The Nobel Prize in Economics Joseph Stiglitz:

Joseph Stiglitz: "Trump has been an economic disaster"


"Remember that Trump reduced taxes for billionaires and companies in December 2017 and, in the same law, raised them for most of the people in the middle, which is the one who has been struggling in the last 40 years . What Biden has promised is to reverse this and make companies and large fortunes pay fair taxes, which seems like good economic policy to me. The 2017 tax cut gave the economy a sugar boost, but any economic model will tell you that this is not sustainable, that it will lead to record deficits."

"Trump has been an economic disaster. Our country's strength is investment in science, technology, and education, and he has undermined that. He has called for cuts in the science budget every year. It has attacked our best universities, it has taxed them, when what most governments do is give them subsidies. Also, in a modern economy you need global cooperation and he has moved away from it and gone against international agreements, to the detriment of the United States. I have also been critical and have said that the rules should be decided in a more democratic way, but that is not an argument to abandon them. For me, these four years have been an economic disaster, and if we don't reverse it, it will mark the beginning of America's decline."
This is why Trump won't criticize QAnon:


It's no longer a fringe conspiracy. From the article:
  • Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana had the highest share of QAnon believers — 12%–14%.
It's crazy how many people fall for this nonsense. What happened to critical thinking?

A simple picture message on social media is all that's required nowadays; the information contained within is guaranteed to be taken as gospel. No citations are required, and apparently doing one's own research is the act of seeking documents that confirm one's biases. Anything that's contrarian or contains an ounce of common sense must be dismissed, immediately!

Bob Dylan is a man of integrity, and this is what he had to say:

44% Yea, 46% Nay. This is such a small difference, that it could just as easily be 46% Yea vs. 44% Nay.
Firstly, Trump's "beautiful economy" was always somewhat of a house of cards. But let's say one has the mindset that he's awful, but good for the economy. If he is now viewed as "meh" about the economy, what value does he bring? Biden's economy, for example, is basically just Trumps, minus the division and slightly more focus on channeling the economics gains towards the middle class.

I was always under the impression that Trump voters were "voting through" his scandals for the sake of the economy.
It's crazy how many people fall for this nonsense. What happened to critical thinking?

A simple picture message on social media is all that's required nowadays; the information contained within is guaranteed to be taken as gospel. No citations are required, and apparently doing one's own research is the act of seeking documents that confirm one's biases. Anything that's contrarian or contains an ounce of common sense must be dismissed, immediately!

Bob Dylan is a man of integrity, and this is what he had to say:

View attachment 41168
It's the social media effect. If you had a completely fringe idea at one point, you just published a zine and passed it out on the street as people walked wide circles around you.
It's not humor. Trump is just rude and offensive:

The 15 most offensive things that have come out of Trump's mouth


Just some examples:

"I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it," Trump told John R. O'Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according O'Donnell's account in his 1991 book "Trumped!" "The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day."

Trump, according to O'Donnell, went on to say, "'Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that."


On how to treat women
In a New York magazine profile published in November 1992, a year after Trump divorced his first wife, Ivana, Trump was quoted dispensing his wisdom about how to handle the fairer sex.

"You have to treat 'em like shit," Trump said in the article to friend Philip Johnson, who responded, "You'd make a good mafioso."

Can I kindly ask for your mailing address? Do you live in the US? Framed picture and postage is on me. All I ask for is your vote if you are a US resident. Much obliged.

That's not good though, Trump used to get great marks on the economy. That was the only thing he got a good grade on. If he's not 50/50 on that, he's in a bad place heading into November.
Well the people polled must have not been in the financial markets, or sold all their investments, because the markets are doing fine, under the circumstances.
Well the people polled must have not been in the financial markets, or sold all their investments, because the markets are doing fine, under the circumstances.
Most people don't care about the stock market. Only half of Americans have any stake in the stock market at all and most don't have a large one as 86% of stock is owned by the top 10%. When the rest of the economy is on the rocks, that's not going to save the economy.
Most people don't care about the stock market. Only half of Americans have any stake in the stock market at all and most don't have a large one as 86% of stock is owned by the top 10%. When the rest of the economy is on the rocks, that's not going to save the economy.
Most middle class people that I know, have their retirement money in the stock market.
Most people don't care about the stock market. Only half of Americans have any stake in the stock market at all and most don't have a large one as 86% of stock is owned by the top 10%. When the rest of the economy is on the rocks, that's not going to save the economy.
The super rich in Silicon Valley do care about stocks, and Trump cares very much about them. Actually these people who initially presented themselves as the gurus of the "collaborative economy" and very different from the traditional Goldman Sachs bankers are way worse than Wall Street bankers, and are routinely evading taxes, and transferring the tax burden they should bear to the rest of the taxpayers.

That's why in pandemic times the NASDAQ index is breaking records, while the middle class is struggling.
Most people don't care about the stock market. Only half of Americans have any stake in the stock market at all and most don't have a large one as 86% of stock is owned by the top 10%. When the rest of the economy is on the rocks, that's not going to save the economy.
Combined, there is a lot of money in 401k accounts. If the Left could get their greedy hands on the hardworking people's 401k accounts, they sure would.

By the time someone is in their late 50s/early 60s, what happens in 401k accounts (or generally savings in the stock market) matters a lot as this could have a major impact on retirement plans.

Most people who are offered 401k through their work use it, because it is free money due to matching. Most sizeable companies (perhaps not small businesses) match up to 4 or 5 percent, and non-profits match even higher, so it is free money.
Combined, there is a lot of money in 401k accounts. If the Left could get their greedy hands on the hardworking people's 401k accounts, they sure would.

By the time someone is in their late 50s/early 60s, what happens in 401k accounts (or generally savings in the stock market) matters a lot as this could have a major impact on retirement plans.

Most people who are offered 401k through their work use it, because it is free money due to matching. Most sizeable companies (perhaps not small businesses) match up to 4 or 5 percent, and non-profits match even higher, so it is free money.
Only 52% of Americans own stocks directly or indirectly. And only a third of those in the bottom 50% do. And those lower income people that do own stocks, own significantly less stock then those at the top. The stock market is not the determining factor on whether the economy is doing well, as it skews toward the rich and upper middle class. Which is great for them doing well but when the pandemic disproportionately hit the lower 50%, it's not surprising the marks for Trump's economy are mediocre.

That's awesome for them but it's just not supported by the data. According to the latest numbers from the federal reserve, just 52% of Americans own stock. And lower and moderate income families that do have it, own significantly less.

I believe the reason that lower and lower-moderate income families own significantly less or any at all in the stock market (based on my observations within my family) is due to lack of knowledge about the stock market and misconception that the stock market is for rich people. One can be lower income and start investing. There are a lot of examples/formulas online, such as investing $50 or $100 per month (preferably higher such as at least 10% of one's income) and how that investment becomes significantly higher 30 or 35 years ahead. While a few poorer families do not have money to invest, most can by limiting their expenses such as eating out or buying a cheaper vehicle, etc. It is better to invest as early as possible, such as right after college, to reap the true benefits.
The super rich in Silicon Valley do care about stocks, and Trump cares very much about them. Actually these people who initially presented themselves as the gurus of the "collaborative economy" and very different from the traditional Goldman Sachs bankers are way worse than Wall Street bankers, and are routinely evading taxes, and transferring the tax burden they should bear to the rest of the taxpayers.

That's why in pandemic times the NASDAQ index is breaking records, while the middle class is struggling.
What exactly do you mean by "evading taxes and transferring the tax burden...."? Do yo mean to imply that the rich are engaged in criminal non-payment of taxes, which is punishable by law?
The super rich in Silicon Valley do care about stocks, and Trump cares very much about them. Actually these people who initially presented themselves as the gurus of the "collaborative economy" and very different from the traditional Goldman Sachs bankers are way worse than Wall Street bankers, and are routinely evading taxes, and transferring the tax burden they should bear to the rest of the taxpayers.

For someone like Trump who hates California so much, he sure played right into the rich hands of Silicon Valley, San Francisco and parts of both Northern and Southern California. Massachusetts - the hub - Route 128 to Boston is another area where he give the rich, that also includes rich democrats more upper hand greed. The success of high tech and medical tech in these areas increased real estate - home values and hurt the middle class who have less investment in stocks and can't afford to live in these areas. Nancy P. of San Francisco and husband are laughing all the way to the bank with their real estate and tech holdings.
I believe the reason that lower and lower-moderate income families own significantly less or any at all in the stock market (based on my observations within my family) is due to lack of knowledge about the stock market and misconception that the stock market is for rich people. One can be lower income and start investing. There are a lot of examples/formulas online, such as investing $50 or $100 per month (preferably higher such as at least 10% of one's income) and how that investment becomes significantly higher 30 or 35 years ahead. While a few poorer families do not have money to invest, most can by limiting their expenses such as eating out or buying a cheaper vehicle, etc. It is better to invest as early as possible, such as right after college, to reap the true benefits.
Expecting people that are barely scraping by to invest at least 10% of their income in the stock market, seems a little much. I think you are overestimating the amount of money lower income families really have to spend.
Drumpf is an embarrassment. Was meant to do things differently but ended up a big corpo/zionist slave. SHAME ON YOU DRUMPF.

He's gone from Nazi, to Zionist Slave.

Still hoping that the Orange Man can win, but I don't think he can pull it off, again. He's given many of us the most enjoyable presidency, despite the hard times in 2020, that we've ever had.

Fortunately, he's not going away, even if he loses. He'll be in the tweet mode, in the news, etc., for a long time.

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