2020 US Presidential Election

@PeteJ I don't understand why you give posters a "funny". Ones who had spent much time in trying to help you - answering your health questions - ear pain and such. Ones that given you compassion "hugs".
Because Pete is a major:

@PeteJ I don't understand why you give posters a "funny". Ones who had spent much time in trying to help you - answering your health questions - ear pain and such. Ones that given you compassion "hugs".
Really? You are posting in a political thread and saying some puppet in the USA cares about people so I think it's 'funny' and absurd.

Are you saying I am not allowed to react to posts in this thread because of the tinnitus based threads? Why do you want me to be the exception while others can? I recognize their nicks in the tinnitus/health sections.

P.S. there's a number of posters who mock me, my pain and suffering but I don't whine about it.
The COVID-19 death toll in the US has already surpassed the 220,000 mark. This is mainly due to Trump's inaction to tackle the pandemic. What did he do? Nothing.
He got the ventilators made. He gave priority to the susceptible in the nursing homes. You have to do the social distancing and put a mask on by yourself.
Really? You are posting in a political thread and saying some puppet in the USA cares about people so I think it's 'funny' and absurd.

Are you saying I am not allowed to react to posts in this thread because of the tinnitus based threads? Why do you want me to be the exception while others can? I recognize their nicks in the tinnitus/health sections.

P.S. there's a number of posters who mock me, my pain and suffering but I don't whine about it.

You insult those who had cared about you. I don't think that anyone has received as much physical compassionate condition response as you. No one else insults those that show compassion to them.
Sure but Donald Trump does deserve some of the blame for the anti-mask movement that has occurred in the US.
I agree about that. I guess he learned the hard way. Still states making masks mandatory in public settings seem to have high infection rates anyway. Give Trump credit for Operation Warp Speed regarding developing vaccines, antibody treatments, etc.
I agree about that. I guess he learned the hard way. Still States making masks mandatory seem to have high infection rates anyway.
Well most States do have mandates. The problem is if the mandates are followed. Now I live on Long Island, about 60 miles from NYC and here, EVERYONE follows the mask mandates. Like you can't go to a store and see people not wearing them, most even wear them right. Now I also have a summer home in rural PA and the difference is incredible, at the local zoo, the zoo didn't even bother enforcing the State's mandate and half or so of the people there weren't wearing masks. Same at the local Walmart. So I think that the anti mask movement had undermined the efficacy of the mandates.
I agree about that. I guess he learned the hard way. Still States making masks mandatory seem to have high infection rates anyway.
I live in one of these states. People defy it all the time and just say COVID-19 is a hoax. One guy in my neighborhood wears a mask made from screen door material to the store as a "statement." They get their info from Trump.

Mandates are no substitute for preventative health education and Trump has proudly defied common sense measures while people who look up to him followed suit.
I agree about that. I guess he learned the hard way. Still states making masks mandatory in public settings seem to have high infection rates anyway. Give Trump credit for Operation Warp Speed regarding developing vaccines, antibody treatments, etc.
Maybe they could use this poster to inform some people in these states that wearing masks is a sensible thing to do.

Capture d’écran 2020-10-26 à 17.22.26.png
For instance, his supportive position on fracking
The deal with fracking is Biden is unwilling to confront the American people on their unwillingness to accept the necessity of moving beyond fossil fuels.

I know it sounds condescending but the public has proven to be wholly incapable of a) accepting the reality of climate change and more importantly b) accepting the need to change and make sacrifices.

And guess what, folks?


The American public, the voters, has proven to be incapable of making even the smallest sacrifices to protect the people around them, not even wanting to wear a mask. Total freedom is dangerous. You can't yell fire in a crowded theater but wearing a mask in a pandemic is being held up as a litmus test for absolute freedom.

It's like America wants to win some big Darwin award.

So the fracking question is a red herring as it focuses on Biden's sincerity when the bigger problem is our addiction to fossil fuels. If a president who wants to force us off of fossil fuels is seen as a "scandal" then we've got far far deeper problems as a society.

It's about shooting the messenger, the same as Trump throwing Fauci under the bus.

A few days ago I stumbled on a MSM clip on YouTube and I'd say 99.9% of the comments were in the conspiracy theory and denialist camp. Many of the statements parroted Trump's talking points almost verbatim. Even if you disregard a significant chunk of these as bots what you're left with is a portrait of society as a bunch of easily programmed DRONES. Meanwhile they are strutting around thinking that they know more than the average bear because they think Bill Gates is the anti-Christ and the MSM can't be trusted.

Really, it's enough to WANT everyone to die of COVID-19 just to cull the herd of idiocy. But given that Trump bounced back I guess karma just isn't strong enough.
At any rate, Reductio ad Hitlerum is a logical fallacy. Germany 1938 is nothing like USA 2020.
Bullshit. There is a strong desire to scapegoat going on. Godwin's law be damned. Sometimes the comparison makes sense and we're not so special that it "can't happen here"(TM).

And really, America has spent the last, oh, 30-40 years demonizing liberals to the point where it has become an epithet, starting with Reagan who mocked Carter who has proven to be a far better human being than most Presidents of the last half-century.

This stigma around the left I guess got its start way back with McCarthy with the red scare and only subsided by the early 70s with the Watergate scandal but we seem to be right back to where we were in the 1950s. People want to equate everything right of center as being the boogeyman.

Meanwhile, the most conservative states enacting the most conservative trickle-down policies result in the HIGHEST MISERY INDEX in the country. They've been programmed into a belief system that works directly against their overall quality of life and they are too dumb and tribal to realize this.

Here is your deregulated free-market trickle-down economics for ya:

All these inept government agencies!

Two days after 9/11/2001 the EPA declared the air quality at ground zero safe! Deaths from 9/11 diseases outnumber those lost on that fateful day.

DoD, United Airlines say masked passengers 'extremely unlikely' to catch COVID-19.

Reported 3 months later? The airlines are not telling the truth?

'A Texas woman died on a plane of Covid-19', By Theresa Waldrop and Kay Jones, CNN

Got on a plane, caught COVID-19 and dies on the plane?
I live in one of these states. People defy it all the time and just say COVID-19 is a hoax. One guy in my neighborhood wears a mask made from screen door material to the store as a "statement." They get their info from Trump.

Mandates are no substitute for preventative health education and Trump has proudly defied common sense measures while people who look up to him followed suit.
I see almost everyone comply here. Most stores, restaurants, etc. tell you to wear a mask if they see you don't have one on.
You insult those who had cared about you. I don't think that anyone has received as much physical compassionate condition response as you. No one else insults those that show compassion to them.
Bull. The guy agreeing with you has insulted me many times and a couple here. Others have marked my posts 'funny.' Why are they allowed to? The topic is politics here.
Maybe they could use this poster to inform some people in these states that wearing masks is a sensible thing to do.

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More like an insane thing to do for stupid people.
Even if you pissed on people, they're unlikely to die. The one thing in common?: both maskers and the one pissed on will go bonkers over the other guy. Only the guy with urine on them will be justified.
You insult those who had cared about you. I don't think that anyone has received as much physical compassionate condition response as you. No one else insults those that show compassion to them.
I just wanted to say I don't know where you get your idea. I didn't insult you. I just scoffed at your assumption that Fauci cares about people. I actually concurred with the majority of your post. But, you perceived that as an insult to conclude I insult people who had compassionate replies to me (presumably in the tinnitus sections)? I have been insulted in this thread. Several of the posters think I am a 'drone' or nuts because I think the masks and mask wearers are stupid. A few posters were kinda insulting in announcing they're blocking me due to my views. Their right, of course. Should I apologize for my opinion? Why do you think I am the only "bad" one? I am blunt and honest. I don't pull punches. I am compassionate and passionate too. I set aside my politics to be compassionate towards you, who I think is a nice guy, and BornToSlay, for one e.g., even though I think he's brainwashed. ;-) I think he's a nice guy, too. Others, not so much. They don't hide the fact they don't have any use for someone who doesn't think like them. Even when it comes to health and tinnitus. But, I ignore it.

I just wish people would open their eyes about the political stuff. I examined it thoroughly. Since, it doesn't sync with their view, their intolerant and fixed perspective has closed their minds. They insult others who don't share their views yet I am singled out as the one "insulting" which isn't fair.
I live in one of these states. People defy it all the time and just say COVID-19 is a hoax. One guy in my neighborhood wears a mask made from screen door material to the store as a "statement." They get their info from Trump.

Mandates are no substitute for preventative health education and Trump has proudly defied common sense measures while people who look up to him followed suit.
Let's say the Trump movement wanted to "own the libs", and Trump gave some message along the lines of proving to the liberals that, they too, can be the party of science. There would be Trump supporters wearing masks just to stick it to the libs.

I don't know what the numbers would be, but I believe a nontrivial amount of Trump supporters would wear masks if he recommended them. Some would "agree to disagree" with him and still vote for him, but not wear masks. Some would say he's doing that because he has to, but they still otherwise respect him. Regardless, I think there would be a difference in the number of mask wearers, and therefore, a reduction in the spread.
@PeteJ You have given me several "Funnies" often followed by an insult.

I have posted to you 25 times on your pain, where it told hours of thoughts and research. I also have severe pain.

You have given to date, exactly 100 funnies and have received less than half back, and with that you often had started the funny business.

You have also received 598 hugs.

Why can't you let someone living in the USA, express their concerns about their government without insulting them.

Why can't you realize that your anger behavior may be hurtful to a member that's having a hard time. You should also realize that anger about a non health condition or related matter isn't good for you either.

To your last response, There may be some that hold different views on topic matter, that won't bother to acknowledge me when I post that I'm having a severe painful day, but at least they aren't giving me funnies.
Probably COVID-19 is spread the most outdoors where very few wear masks.
How many people do you think got COVID-19 in all those protests all over the world in which there was no social distancing and little mask wearing? There's no major news reports or articles of people who attended those protests of contracting COVID-19, dying or otherwise contributing to an epidemic of other attendees. Given the sheer number of such protests, your theory and this theory postulated by government employees and health officials should result in this huge outbreak, but it has not happened anywhere. At the very worst, MAYBE someone gets a cold or the flu. :rolleyes:
@PeteJ You have given me several "Funnies" often followed by an insult.

I have posted to you 25 times on your pain, where it told hours of thoughts and research. I also have severe pain.

You have given to date, exactly 100 funnies and have received less than half back, and with that you often had started the funny business.

You have also received 598 hugs.

Why can't you let someone living in the USA, express their concerns about their government without insulting them.

Why can't you realize that your anger behavior may be hurtful to a member that's having a hard time. You should also realize that anger about a non health condition or related matter isn't good for you either.

To your last response, There may be some that hold different views on topic matter, that won't bother to acknowledge me when I post that I'm having a severe painful day, but at least they aren't giving me funnies.
All political discussions (?) but since 99% of this thread and other political threads here is Trump bashing, COVID-19 questioning/challenging bashing, anyone-who-isn't-liberal bashing, I can interpret these direct or indirect attacks or insults as against me. So, I added "funnys" especially since I noticed it was done to me first. I didn't use them until I read them on my posts constantly.

If it bothers you, then I am sorry. I hope you can feel better soon. I don't see how I was insulting you. I appreciated your help and the time you took to try and help me. I wish there was a way to alleviate your pain. My tinnitus right now is screaming through the roof but I think chronic pain is bad enough. Mine is different than yours but I often wish I could get pain medication. I don't care if it's not healthy. Anything to get relief. Alas, there's no option for tinnitus.

I can't help but think the insult accusation is in people's minds because I don't think like they do and it's unacceptable. I think I explained myself previously.
@PeteJ You have given me several "Funnies" often followed by an insult.

I have posted to you 25 times on your pain, where it told hours of thoughts and research. I also have severe pain.

You have given to date, exactly 100 funnies and have received less than half back, and with that you often had started the funny business.

You have also received 598 hugs.

Why can't you let someone living in the USA, express their concerns about their government without insulting them.

Why can't you realize that your anger behavior may be hurtful to a member that's having a hard time. You should also realize that anger about a non health condition or related matter isn't good for you either.

To your last response, There may be some that hold different views on topic matter, that won't bother to acknowledge me when I post that I'm having a severe painful day, but at least they aren't giving me funnies.

You don't have to explain yourself, Greg. You've been more than helpful to many people on this forum, and you do this whilst suffering the most incredible pain of your own. You have my utmost respect.

Whenever people debate politics or religion, it almost always leads to disagreements and arguments.

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