2020 US Presidential Election


How is it over if both are the same?

On your note, it is obvious fraud was committed but that will be disregarded. It is historically telling when the MSM tells the sheep that Trump's concerns is "fake news" and the majority just shove it aside.
Of course it will be disregarded. The media don't care. Throughout the whole campaign the media and tech companies all sided with the Democrats and the left. I even saw proof that there was fraud. One of the videos I saw a guy was looking behind his back left and right then using a pen to do something with the ballot.

If I can find the video I will post it.
I wonder how many people voted for Biden and that person, simply because they were fearful that if Trump was reelected, there would be more of the riots, arson, lootings and personal attacks by the mobs of anti-Trump crazed animals, who ran amok in the streets of many sections of the country, for months prior to the election. What has happened in the streets now that Trump has lost? I have not seen any, rioting, firebombing of cops, looting, attacks on citizens or arson by Trump supporters. President Trump is reportedly planning to file some lawsuits, regarding the way the ballots were handled. This is the response of civilized people, when dealing with a problem. I will never vote Democrat again. I don't care if the Republicans run Mickey Mouse and Goofy, I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the threat of violence by the fascistic, brutal, primitive mob mentality associated with the Democrats.
What about the Trump supporters bringing guns to where the votes are being counted? That's pretty obvious intimidation. The vote counters will not be intimidated by the President's goons.
If Trump had won, there would have been mobs of Democrats out in the streets of our cities and suburbs, burning buildings, beatings of pedestrians, blocking traffic, smashing windows, looting, invading restaurants and forcing people to raise their fist for BLM, and basically acting like Nazis in Germany circa 1938.

The message was clear: Vote Democrat or pay the price. The public listened, and Trump has been defeated. Are his supporters out there burning, looting and rioting? They have done nothing, but he has filed some lawsuits, which of course is simply a token gesture of disagreement.

Civilization has reached a new low in America with this election, and the Democrats are the ones responsible for it.
If Trump had won, there would have been mobs of Democrats out in the streets of our cities and suburbs, burning buildings, blocking traffic, smashing windows, looting, invading restaurants and forcing people to raise their fist for BLM, and basically acting like Nazis in Germany circa 1938.

The message was clear: Vote Democrat or pay the price. The public listened, and Trump has been defeated. Are his supporters out there burning, looting and rioting? They have done nothing, but he has filed some lawsuits, which of course is simply a token gesture of disagreement.

Civilization has reached a new low in America with this election, and the Democrats are the ones responsible for it.
Cite evidence for your theory or you just made it up.
Cite evidence for your theory or you just made it up.
A video from a non-US source with video footage from America. The US mainstream media will not air this type of material and opinion.

This is what has happened, as of early last summer, and it only became worse. The Democrats have become the New Nazis. If these riots and attacks by Democratic sanctioned protests had not happened, Trump would have easily won, but the Democrats did what they had to do to win.

A video from a non-US source with video footage from America. The US mainstream media will not air this type of material and opinion.

This is what has happened, as of early last summer, and it only became worse. The Democrats have become Nazis. If these riots by Democrats had not happened, Trump would have easily won, but they did what they had to do to win.
So was the election stolen or did Biden legitimately win because people were scared? It seems like you guys are running out of excuses.
It blows my mind the way Trump supporters react to kindness. It makes me wonder if they weren't treated with love growing up (which is sad). The Sanders movement, which I don't fully agree with, was very clearly a positive campaign based on lifting people up. Yet this triggered the hell out of Republicans who were so butt hurt that people actually wanted them to be financially secure with health insurance. It's not like progressives were thinking "gee, let's only help progressives." They are thinking of America as a whole. And actually, as evident by the fact that liberals provide more GDP, one could argue that Sanders campaign was very pro Republican. On the other side, all of the energy from the Trump movement was based on hate and division, saying what we couldn't do for the sake of not roughing the feathers of greedy rich billionaires.

Regarding the Russian interference and the "parallel" to the current situation:

1) Russia really did interfere, with plenty of evidence that is actually confirmed from intelligence. This includes 34 indictments. Trump took the side of Putin over our intelligence. The Mueller investigation did show that Trump obstructed justice and it did not conclude that Trump did not collude, just that it wasn't enough to charge with a crime.

2) If you look through this thread, no one harped on the Russia investigation. In fact, I recall personally saying that it wasn't the problem of our times. I do think it should have been covered, but there is truth that some of the coverage was based on denial that people really voted for Trump over Hillary. Personally, I think Hillary being a woman played way more of a role than the Russian interference. The Wikileaks reveals were more like permission slips to blow up her flaws and have an out.

3) Speaking of the latter, she immediately conceded to Trump when she lost. There was a very peaceful transfer of power. And that election was actually a lot closer than this one. The "closeness" of this election is at least somewhat misleading, as it's based on the fact that Democrats vote by mail and we are in the middle of a pandemic. What happened was always expected.

4) There is no evidence of election interference -- most certainly at a level that would turn all of the results upside down. As I pointed out in a previous post, being mailed multiple ballots is a nothing burger, as this is known to happen and only one ballot is counted.
America needs to ditch the 2 party system
Sure, but come, on, man. The voters have weighed all this and made their choice. Dredging it up again and again to try to change hearts and minds after the fact is a colossal waste of time.

And there is a larger concern here. Politics didn't used to be so all-consuming of people's attention. It's sort of like the Holiday shopping season. Election "season" has expanded to the point where there's never a time where we aren't being asked to attack and defend, and to do so with about as much grace as professional wrestling smack-talk. I mean, why do I feel compelled to spend time arguing politics on a tinnitus forum of all places? I'm tired of it and I'm tired of people who are so used to the mudslinging and bullying and straw manning that it's the only tone of discourse they know. It's been on a slippery slope for decades and it is tearing the country apart.
I don't even know where to begin here. The misogyny is simply stunning.
All in service of sour grapes.
Cite evidence for your theory or you just made it up.
If you looked for evidence, yourself, you would find evidence therefore his theory is valid.

I wouldn't compare them to "nazis" though. They admire their heroes, the Bolsheviks, who did the same thing in Russia.




The Democrats and liberals alike only say good things about their pets from BLM and Antifa.
So was the election stolen or did Biden legitimately win because people were scared? It seems like you guys are running out of excuses.
There are a lot of pending lawsuits, and more to come (based on what Giuliani said this morning). Once we get all the litigation and recount results, we will know if the current results as they are now are legitimate. The legal battles are just starting.
If Trump had won, there would have been mobs of Democrats out in the streets of our cities and suburbs, burning buildings, beatings of pedestrians, blocking traffic, smashing windows, looting, invading restaurants and forcing people to raise their fist for BLM, and basically acting like Nazis in Germany circa 1938.

The message was clear: Vote Democrat or pay the price. The public listened, and Trump has been defeated. Are his supporters out there burning, looting and rioting? They have done nothing, but he has filed some lawsuits, which of course is simply a token gesture of disagreement.

Civilization has reached a new low in America with this election, and the Democrats are the ones responsible for it.
I agree. The media and the entertainment industry used voter intimidation to force people to vote for Biden and if they didn't and if Trump won there would have been riots, looting and burning buildings.

What I have come to realise is that all the looting, rioting and burning buildings were all done in Democratic states. I wonder why the Governor in those Democratic states did not do more to stop it. I can guarantee you the Governors did not intervene because they wanted it to look like it was in chaos and out of control to get people to vote for Biden instead of Trump.

Here is a video of Democratic BLM supporters harassing diners while they eat.

It blows my mind the way Trump supporters react to kindness. It makes me wonder if they weren't treated with love growing up (which is sad). The Sanders movement, which I don't fully agree with, was very clearly a positive campaign based on lifting people up. Yet this triggered the hell out of Republicans who were so butt hurt that people actually wanted them to be financially secure with health insurance. It's not like progressives were thinking "gee, let's only help progressives." They are thinking of America as a whole. And actually, as evident by the fact that liberals provide more GDP, one could argue that Sanders campaign was very pro Republican. On the other side, all of the energy from the Trump movement was based on hate and division, saying what we couldn't do for the sake of not roughing the feathers of greedy rich billionaires.

Regarding the Russian interference and the "parallel" to the current situation:

1) Russia really did interfere, with plenty of evidence that is actually confirmed from intelligence. This includes 34 indictments. Trump took the side of Putin over our intelligence. The Mueller investigation did show that Trump obstructed justice and it did not conclude that Trump did not collude, just that it wasn't enough to charge with a crime.

2) If you look through this thread, no one harped on the Russia investigation. In fact, I recall personally saying that it wasn't the problem of our times. I do think it should have been covered, but there is truth that some of the coverage was based on denial that people really voted for Trump over Hillary. Personally, I think Hillary being a woman played way more of a role than the Russian interference. The Wikileaks reveals were more like permission slips to blow up her flaws and have an out.

3) Speaking of the latter, she immediately conceded to Trump when she lost. There was a very peaceful transfer of power. And that election was actually a lot closer than this one. The "closeness" of this election is at least somewhat misleading, as it's based on the fact that Democrats vote by mail and we are in the middle of a pandemic. What happened was always expected.

4) There is no evidence of election interference -- most certainly at a level that would turn all of the results upside down. As I pointed out in a previous post, being mailed multiple ballots is a nothing burger, as this is known to happen and only one ballot is counted.
Do you really believe what you post? Lol.
I agree. The media and the entertainment industry used voter intimidation to force people to vote for Biden and if they didn't and if Trump won there would have been riots, looting and burning buildings.

What I have come to realise is that all the looting, rioting and burning buildings were all done in Democratic states. I wonder why the Governor in those Democratic states did not do more to stop it. I can guarantee you the Governors did not intervene because they wanted it to look like it was in chaos and out of control to get people to vote for Biden instead of Trump.

Here is a video of Democratic BLM supporters harassing diners while they eat.

Democrat and liberal voters are delusional. I honestly think they have serious mental issues. Your example is a good one. They are also mean to others on social media. Hoping Trump dies from COVID-19 to not caring when Trump voters get hurt from leftist protesters. I think Trump voters are mislead and foolish but I don't wish ill will on them. When you contrast them with liberals, the leftists are psychotic.
Even here, Liberals were malicious in their attacks and insults towards Trump voters. I am glad I am not a Trump supporter here. I think Lilah and a few others have a thick skin. I don't know how they do it.

Democrats complained about Trump stealing the election 4 years ago and how he divided the nation yet these same people are malicious and insulting to anyone who doesn't share their opinions and perspectives. I had to put some of them on ignore and I hate doing that. I was insulted but I was the one persecuted. That's the typical situation on all social media, btw.

Almost forgot to mention in regards to your points, I think it's intentional - yes, all of that is in Democrat-controlled districts but I mentioned this before. They can control or influence the riots easier. They are passive in response and simply blame Trump.
If you looked for evidence, yourself, you would find evidence therefore his theory is valid.

I wouldn't compare them to "nazis" though. They admire their heroes, the Bolsheviks, who did the same thing in Russia.




The Democrats and liberals alike only say good things about their pets from BLM and Antifa.
Yeah, I guess his theory is valid. I think you'd need more evidence that people actually voted this way for that reason though, as opposed to a few op eds saying they might vote that way.

Seems like a pretty cheap excuse for losing an easily winnable election to be honest.
There are a lot of pending lawsuits, and more to come (based on what Giuliani said this morning). Once we get all the litigation and recount results, we will know if the current results as they are now are legitimate. The legal battles are just starting.
But they're not going to go anywhere though. Biden is now ahead in many states by tens of thousands of votes. In PA, that lead is now at 43k. There is no lawsuit that's going to get 43,000 votes thrown out. You'd have to have so many lawsuits turn out successfully by so many states by December 14th when the EC votes, it's not going happen. Trump lost and it looks Biden will have over 300 EVs.
Biden is now ahead in many states by tens of thousands of votes. In PA, that lead is now at 43k. There is no lawsuit that's going to get 43,000 votes thrown out. You'd have to have so many lawsuits turn out successfully by so many states by December 14th when the EC votes, it's not going happen. Trump lost and it looks Biden will have over 300 EVs.
And Biden is even over 10,000 votes ahead in Georgia. That win will hold after the recount. Despite the fact PA's count triggered the election win announcement for Biden and got so much attention, even if you give it back to Trump, Biden would still win.

And Biden is even over 10,000 votes ahead in Georgia. That win will hold after the recount. Despite the fact PA's count triggered the election win announcement for Biden and got so much attention, even if you give it back to Trump, Biden would still win.

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Rudy Giuliani and Company would not be looking into mail in vote fraud if that was a certainty. I agree it is a long shot to turn the election around to Trump. If there was no large scale fraud Democrats for Biden should not be worried.
Rudy Giuliani and Company would not be looking into mail in vote fraud if that was a certainty.
Sure he would. The outcome of the official election isn't really the point of it all. What matters is what the public believes about the election. If Trump can create enough of a culture of doubt about the election he will corral them into his inevitable fascist media empire. Then maybe if he turns them all upside down and shakes enough money out of their pockets he'll be able to support himself through all the legal battles and debts coming due.
Rudy Giuliani and Company would not be looking into mail in vote fraud if that was a certainty. I agree it is a long shot to turn the election around to Trump. If there was no fraud Democrats for Biden should not be worried.
Just to be clear, I don't think Democrats are worried. I think it's more amazed to be honest. Amazed at the inability to accept defeat gracefully by half the country. Which they have no right to be amazed of course considering their own behavior 4 years ago (unless the GOP has their own multi year scandal like Russiagate, the Dems are still the biggest sore losers of all time) but I think that's more what's going on here. Fact-checks have been done on the claims and time after time they're determined false or misleading.

And I disagree that they wouldn't go for it unless there was a shot. Why wouldn't you go for it? The worst that happens is you lose, which you already did. So what's there to lose by suing? It's not like the campaign needs the money anyway.
Then maybe if he turns them all upside down and shakes enough money out of their pockets he'll be able to support himself through all the legal battles and debts coming due.
You could be right. I've been getting a lot of emails regarding election defense funds.
So was the election stolen or did Biden legitimately win because people were scared? It seems like you guys are running out of excuses.
How about both? The Democrats in high places turned the savages loose. These animals came to NYC and went wild, but not as bad as many other cities.

There is going to come a time, if the Democrats keep this up, that the mythical militias and right wing armies they are claiming are out there will actually come together, for the purpose of protecting this country. I hope it doesn't come to this, but if it does I know which side I will be on, and it ain't going to be with the animals that the cowardly, lying Democrats utilized to steal this election.
The Elites are done with Trump.

Jared Kushner has approached Trump about conceding the election: report

Theory: the only scenario I see if Trump fights back is that they want him to which probably results in unrest. The fraud has been covered up so there's no point. The MSM is covering it... or more like they're not. So... they don't need controlled opposition Chump anymore. The only recourse is Trump refusing to step down and later false flags, phoney right wing protests like the Proud Bums which would be coordinated by Biden lackeys (CIA, etc.). That invites far left tools into the streets for riots etc.

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