2020 US Presidential Election

Well of course there is no claim about the concentration camps but why does AOC and the radical Democrats need to compile a list on the 71 million Republicans that voted for Trump. What is she going to do with them? Why can't she and the Democrats just accept that we have different political beliefs. If they can do that then there will be unity but we all know what the Democrats' definition of unity is.
It's reminiscent to what the Communists did and then they would punish you later.

C'mon Born, read the material out there. It's scary that Democrats and liberals are so oblivious. :-(
I've read very little of this thread since the election. Wanted to post a quick reminder however after reading a few posts: In 2000, the conservative members of the Supreme Court voted 5-4 against allowing Florida to do a state sanctioned (mandated by law) recount of the election results, which initially showed Bush ahead by 500+ votes. The legal reasoning: Doing so would "disenfranchise" Florida voters.

Legal scholars at the time had overwhelmingly predicted the Supreme would never hear such a preposterous case, much less vote in favor of such a legal act of desperation. The Republicans won big time at that time (and illegally if you ask me). Especially since there had been massive voter suppression efforts by FL Republicans at the time. But Trump supporters are now insisting that recounts be done in numerous states in which the difference in vote totals is in the tens of thousands, not a few hundred. Seems like the height of hypocrisy.
Yeah, hypocrisy! So, election fraud isn't important now?
If your conclusion is not a leap of faith, I don't know what is. She is clearly not talking about rounding up every Trump voter and offing them. What she is referring to are the people in high positions who enabled horrific rhetoric directed at her that included death threats. Trump himself told her to "go back where she came from." You read a tweet where, rightfully so, she doesn't feel that all is forgiven with these deplorables who are trying to weasel their way out of taking responsibility.

It's Not Surprising AOC Gets Death Threats — But It's Worse Than Anyone Could Imagine

Some devastating quotes from the article:

Another article:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez receives so many death threats her staff performs visitor risk assessments
Her tweet goes far beyond just being upset with people who disagree with her. I have no idea how you get concentration camps out of that, which is the silliest thing ever, considering she actually became famous (and disliked by the right) for taking a giant stand against children being locked up and separated at the border. She was heavily criticized for describing it as being like concentration camps. This is obviously not someone who wants to round people up lol.

Who do you think those threats are coming from? The moderate Joe Biden voter?
Blah. Zzzzz... how many death threats does Trump receive a day? Yeah, take the ones on her, seriously, but c'mon.

She is requesting a list on people, those she perceives as the enemy. She'll have some political post soon, probably. Not one liberal or Democrat spoke out. No one said, "that's over the line..." Scary.
most Democrats are probably wondering why the fuck did 71 million people vote for Trump and that they must be brainwashed for voting for Trump and needing to be reeducated.
Wow, this is just baseless fearmongering. Screenshotting people's tweets is a common thing people do to other people to brag that they were right later. This is just common internet practice. People do this in forums all the time, including this one.

Democrats aren't doing anything to people that voted for Trump. Like, at all. Tons of celebs endorsed Trump and they're fine. Fuck Manning, look at all these celebs that endorsed the President. They clearly aren't scared.


Furthermore, if the Dems did have an intimidation campaign, it clearly failed. 71 million people voted for the president. His supporters deck their houses in his merch. They ain't scared, nor should they be.

Cancel culture is not partisan anyway, republicans do it too. Do you remember Colin Kappernick? The guy who the right wing threw a national tantrum to cancel for his political beliefs? What's the difference? What makes the right any better?

This to me seems like a bunch bellyaching and excuse making because Donald Trump lost and for some reason, people just can't believe that could ever happen legitimately. They are behaving almost as bad as Hillary voters did in 2016.
Wow, this is just baseless fearmongering. Screenshotting people's tweets is a common thing people do to other people to brag that they were right later. This is just common internet practice. People do this in forums all the time, including this one.

Democrats aren't doing anything to people that voted for Trump. Like, at all. Tons of celebs endorsed Trump and they're fine. Fuck Manning, look at all these celebs that endorsed the President. They clearly aren't scared.


Furthermore, if the Dems did have an intimidation campaign, it clearly failed. 71 million people voted for the president. His supporters deck their houses in his merch. They ain't scared, nor should they be.

Cancel culture is not partisan anyway, republicans do it too. Do you remember Colin Kappernick? The guy who the right wing threw a national tantrum to cancel for his political beliefs? What's the difference? What makes the right any better?

This to me seems like a bunch bellyaching and excuse making because Donald Trump lost and for some reason, people just can't believe that could ever happen legitimately. They are behaving almost as bad as Hillary voters did in 2016.
There's widespread fraud. In 2016, the media and Liberals were united and in collusion in outrage.

Now, the MSM is covering up fraud, censoring people who claim fraud and putting people on lists. This collusion is WAY DIFFERENT than 2016. It's pretty sad that you're unable to realize that.

Or you are just lying, making **** up and pretending.

I don't care if liberals want to deny the fraud but the censorship is really scary from a political ideology group that professes to advocate liberalism, democracy, freedom, transparency etc. What a bunch of hypocrites. You guys prove that over and over and over and...
Seventy one million American people wanted Trump as President. This is a larger number, by far, than many countries in Europe, which where Fascism and Communism were invented, and Biden's victory is being celebrated. The Trump haters dance around the fire of victory, totally oblivious to the violence and terrorism that was used to help achieve this win.
This to me seems like a bunch bellyaching and excuse making because Donald Trump lost and for some reason, people just can't believe that could ever happen legitimately.
That's what I don't understand. Him losing was the expected outcome lol. There is literally nothing that occurred in that election that wasn't expected. Biden was expected to have a historic victory and he did.

The reason why AOCs tweets trigger right wingers so much is because she's completely correct. Imagine watching Trump lose and your first thought not being "Trump, you have to take ownership over losing this for us." The dude is absolutely, totally, batshit nuts. And this is the party of personal accountability lmao.

Nope, has to be a conspiracy. And if Trump would have won? There wouldn't have been a conspiracy at all.
There's widespread fraud. In 2016, the media and Liberals were united and in collusion in outrage.

Now, the MSM is covering up fraud, censoring people who claim fraud and putting people on lists. This collusion is WAY DIFFERENT than 2016. It's pretty sad that you're unable to realize that.

Or you are just lying, making **** up and pretending.

I don't care if liberals want to deny the fraud but the censorship is really scary from a political ideology group that professes to advocate liberalism, democracy, freedom, transparency etc. What a bunch of hypocrites. You guys prove that over and over and over and...
I think the fact checkers have done a good job fact checking the claims of fraud and disputing them. They've already disputed so many that it's becoming the boy who cried wolf. Even here, a member just posted a video of a guy allegedly ripping up votes that wasn't even real. just some guy doing a joke for TikTok.

The part I'll agree with you on though is the censorship, it's one thing to fact check incorrect information from prominent figures but it should not be pulled down.
The best course of action for Democrats now is to come forward and identify "errors" in the counts. If the counts change significantly as a result of the lawsuits, it will make them look bad. Trump just tweeted he will win (and that we will find out more next week), I don't think he is joking. I doubt Biden and Harris were aware of any fraud leading up to election, and probably even during election night, but they should be fully aware now.
I think the fact checkers have done a good job fact checking the claims of fraud and disputing them. They've already disputed so many that it's becoming the boy who cried wolf. Even here, a member just posted a video of a guy allegedly ripping up votes that wasn't even real. just some guy doing a joke for TikTok.

The part I'll agree with you on though is the censorship, it's one thing to fact check incorrect information from prominent figures but it should not be pulled down.
Fact checkers. Lol. Who's checking them?

One guy played a prank? They must all be bogus then? You obviously haven't looked into them all. There's a number of fraud claims and your favorite sites, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter promptly remove them.

It's unbelievable that happens and few care. But, of course, the other sites liberals are too scared to check. Because 'nazis' post there. Where do you go if the other MSM sites remove everything they don't like (under the guise of "fake" blah, blah)?
Fact checkers. Lol. Who's checking them?

One guy played a prank? They must all be bogus then? You obviously haven't looked into them all. There's a number of fraud claims and your favorite sites, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter promptly remove them.

It's unbelievable that happens and few care. But, of course, the other sites liberals are too scared to check. Because 'nazis' post there. Where do you go if the other MSM sites remove everything they don't like (under the guise of "fake" blah, blah)?
Laugh at the fact checkers all you want but it's not like only one fact check website exists, there's several.

There's hundreds of these claims and they all get debunked upon scrutiny. I'm not going to spend my entire life analyzing every single accusation of voter fraud. If there are dozens of fake BS accusations that get refuted, then I'm not going to take them seriously. it's becoming the boy who cried wolf.

The idea that the election was stolen doesn't even make sense. So Democrats were able to steal a Presidential election across several states but not able to steal the Congressional or Senate elections? How does that work? Is Joe Biden just that excited to be a potential lame duck?
It's looking like Trump will win. I just hope for as much peace as possible. Also, I want the President to seriously work on uniting the country. Getting off on "owning people" has to stop.

And for the love of God, don't screw over the disabled.
Here's my post from the night I thought Trump might win (when I didn't know that almost all outstanding votes were mail-ins). Notice how I wasn't wearing a tinfoil hat or trying to not count millions of legal votes like a raging lunatic.

Also, notice that I called for unity even thinking I may lose. All of this talk about calling for unity only because we won is BS. The Trump movement is a stain on mankind -- not Trump voters, I'm talking about the Trump movement.
Laugh at the fact checkers all you want but it's not like only one fact check website exists, there's several.

There's hundreds of these claims and they all get debunked upon scrutiny. I'm not going to spend my entire life analyzing every single accusation of voter fraud. If there are dozens of fake BS accusations that get refuted, then I'm not going to take them seriously. it's becoming the boy who cried wolf.

The idea that the election was stolen doesn't even make sense. So Democrats were able to steal a Presidential election across several states but not able to steal the Congressional or Senate elections? How does that work? Is Joe Biden just that excited to be a potential lame duck?
They all got debunked?!? SERIOUSLY?!? :eek:

It makes sense that they wouldn't get nor want the Senate. Having something to blame is quite convenient.

If Trump is ousted, they need to invent such things. With the msm their mouthpiece, it will be easy to spin any narrative desired.
They all got debunked?!? SERIOUSLY?!? :eek:

It makes sense that they wouldn't get nor want the Senate. Having something to blame is quite convenient.

If Trump is ousted, they need to invent such things. With the msm their mouthpiece, it will be easy to spin any narrative desired.
Seriously, I guess we'll see whose right in court.

Okay, so the Democrats are Marxist violent thugs that want to take over American life and stole an election to do so but gave up a chamber of Congress so that they won't be allowed to do any of that?

For evil people that pulled off the biggest steal in American history, they sound pretty dumb and uninspired per your interpretation.

And this is all really more likely than Trump just losing an election? As if he was so loved and popular that the only way the could lose was the other side pulling the biggest steal in American history.
Seriously, I guess we'll see whose right in court.

Okay, so the Democrats are Marxist violent thugs that want to take over American life and stole an election to do so but gave up a chamber of Congress so that they won't be allowed to do any of that?

For evil people that pulled off the biggest steal in American history, they sound pretty dumb and uninspired per your interpretation.

And this is all really more likely than Trump just losing an election? As if he was so loved and popular that the only way the could lose was the other side pulling the biggest steal in American history.
Controlled opposition like Fox News, CNN's baby brother.

You must be in your early 20s?

The far left tools expect sudden radical change and having the Senate as a scapegoat excuse whenever they want it is 'not dumb.'

I could go on but I perceive a closed mind.
Controlled opposition like Fox News, CNN's baby brother.

You must be in your early 20s?

The far left tools expect sudden radical change and having the Senate as a scapegoat excuse whenever they want it is 'not dumb.'

I could go on but I perceive a closed mind.
Okay, so then the Dems aren't far left after all. I hope everyone reading this thread sees that admission considering some think the Dems are literal Marxists.

You know I read your citations for voting fraud, I took them seriously and went to check their validity. The fact checkers had already written about some of the stuff in your articles. You are calling me closed minded? You are the one that only trusts right wing rags.
The idea that the election was stolen doesn't even make sense. So Democrats were able to steal a Presidential election across several states but not able to steal the Congressional or Senate elections? How does that work
The Democrats were too lazy to put an X/bubble in the circles for the down ballot candidates in their scheme. They only bubbled in the circles for Biden; or maybe, they were in a rush to mass produce and did not think there would be recounts/lawsuits.

Okay, so then the Dems aren't far left after all. I hope everyone reading this thread sees that admission considering some think the Dems are literal Marxists.

You know I read your citations for voting fraud, I took them seriously and went to check their validity. The fact checkers had already written about some of the stuff in your articles. You are calling me closed minded? You are the one that only trusts right wing rags.
You are just too dense. It's hopeless.
The Democrats were too lazy to put an X/bubble in the circles for the down ballot candidates in their scheme. They only bubbled in the circles for Biden; or maybe, they were in a rush and did not think there would be recounts/lawsuits.

As disappointing as it is that people undervote, it's not anything new. Like at all.

The Trump legal team's latest voter fraud Hail Mary

"The 450,000 ballots identified as voting only for Biden are in five states. The total number of votes recorded in those states right now is about 24 million. That means less than 2 percent of people would have cast ballots for Biden and skipped the rest of the ballot.

A relevant comparison to past elections is when people vote for president but skip the other high-profile races on the ballot. In Georgia in 2016, for instance, the presidential race included more than 200,000 more votes than the state's Senate race — nearly 5 percent of all voters in the state. In Florida, the gap was 120,000 votes. In Ohio, it was 122,000. It was also more than 110,000 in Pennsylvania. (Pennsylvania at the time also had straight-ticket voting, but has since eliminated it, which would logically lead to more undervotes.)"​

And yeah yeah, I know, the Washington Post. Still seems like a good counterpoint though.
@Lucifer, have you looked into any of the Biden corruption with Ukraine?

I watched just parts of one video. YouTube has taken them down so you can't watch them there. Geez, it's not just his son. He's having chats with Ukraine's President. What a slimey, unethical dude.

If you thought the Trump family was bad...

No point bringing it up with liberals. You would be wasting your time.

I guess it's not surprising but it might be interesting hearing it from the POV from Ukraine's media.
@Lucifer, have you looked into any of the Biden corruption with Ukraine?

I watched just parts of one video. YouTube has taken them down so you can't watch them there. Geez, it's not just his son. He's having chats with Ukraine's President. What a slimey, unethical dude.

If you thought the Trump family was bad...

No point bringing it up with liberals. You would be wasting your time.

I guess it's not surprising but it might be interesting hearing it from the POV from Ukraine's media.
Yea I agree no matter what you say it will be a waste of time. Too bad the news companies in America are left-wing. There is a popular saying that goes "bad publicity is good publicity". All the left wing news companies only talk about the bad things that Trump has done but they never talk about the good things he has done.

I haven't looked into the Biden corruption with Ukraine but too bad the media have censored it so it will be really hard to prove. Whether the laptop has proof of any corruption we won't know and the media and tech companies won't talk about it.
January 20, 2021 is when the fun begins. BLM and ANTIFA are expecting free stuff!
Does 'free college tuition' include Room and Board? I'm homeless but I'd be educated!
Those groups, BLM and ANTIFA, put their lives on the line, terrorizing the country in order to help get Biden elected. They rightfully feel that they should not be shaken off, and cast aside, which is exactly what the Democrats are likely to do. It was a job, they did excellent work, Biden was elected, and they deserve to be compensated for this.

The centrist Democrats will be plagued if they do not pony up with something substantial, as a reward for the hard work that BLM and ANTIFA did, with the riots, looting, beatings, arson, attacks against police officers, intimidation and harassment of citizens, etc. which helped the Democrats win.
Okay, so then the Dems aren't far left after all. I hope everyone reading this thread sees that admission considering some think the Dems are literal Marxists.

You know I read your citations for voting fraud, I took them seriously and went to check their validity. The fact checkers had already written about some of the stuff in your articles. You are calling me closed minded? You are the one that only trusts right wing rags.
I never understood why some people call Democrats "far left" when in European politics they're considered right wing and Republicans would be considered far right. I mean Joe Biden did say he was not in favour of "socialised" healthcare for one, which would have made any politician in Europe un-electable.

I don't have a degree in political science or philosophy, but actual Marxists wouldn't be Democrats as believe it or not, Marxists have been known to hate Liberals and consider Republicans Liberals too because both of them want to maintain capitalism. They believe both the Democratic and Republican party's main purposes are to serve only the ruling class ,not the working class. Contrary to popular belief lots of Marxists actually dislike Bernie Sanders and consider him a liberal.
The Democrats were too lazy to put an X/bubble in the circles for the down ballot candidates in their scheme. They only bubbled in the circles for Biden; or maybe, they were in a rush to mass produce and did not think there would be recounts/lawsuits.

You are taking an outcome and working backwards under the assumption that Trump is a victim. I can absolutely picture someone living in a swing state, recognizing that Trump has to go but not knowing enough to vote down the line.

Which one is it? If someone votes Democrat down the ticket, they are a mindless, unenlightened, mainstream media sheep, but if they abstain from voting down the ticket, it's evidence of fraud. This is so infantile that it's hard to even process.

You may wonder about the statistical significance of these findings in swing states. Easy. Swing states bring out more "hold your nose" votes. I'm sure tons of, for example, Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Biden only because they don't accept the Democratic party. Seriously, when you approach this stuff after taking the tinfoil hat off, it's not really that convincing at all.

I hate to be this hostile, but you are trying to undo my vote without any evidence. That's extremely deplorable and doesn't warrant kindness. That's not like some simple political disagreement.
So, election fraud isn't important now?

@PeteJ -- Are you familiar with Misssouri being called the "show me" state? It essentially refers to a level headed approach to ascertaining whether or not something has credibility. If all the people insisting there's been election fraud had even the remotest kind of evidence it has occurred, surely they would produce it, right? But they can't; or won't. The fact that they apparently can't tells me these accusations/insinuations of voter fraud are nothing but fabrications. The way I look at it is: If you have something, then just show me. -- You might find this quote of interest:

Or, in the words of one brave Republican official:

"What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change," said one senior Republican official. "He went golfing this weekend. It's not like he's plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20. He's tweeting about filing some lawsuits, those lawsuits will fail, then he'll tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then he'll leave."

@Lucifer -- Are you aware this video has been debunked? -- It's hard for me to believe that so many people are willing to believe things like this at first glance. There are so many shucksters out there trying to pull a fast one on the public, and I think it would behoove people to reserve judgment until the fact checking can be done in the coming days.

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