Yes, @PeteJ told me that in his previous post.@Lucifer -- Are you aware this video has been debunked? -- It's hard for me to believe that so many people are willing to believe things like this at first glance. There are so many shucksters out there trying to pull a fast one on the public, and I think it would behoove people to reserve judgment until the fact checking can be done in the coming days.
Any publicity is good publicity. If enough people say the same lie it becomes true."bad publicity is good publicity".
What damage did he do to the country? I thought that it was a great presidency, before COVID-19, which is not his fault. When NYC was hit hard by Covid, Trump gave everything, and more, that we needed, and I appreciate it. So much BS, blaming him for an act of nature, it's ridiculous. The media, politicians and others just can't accept somebody who stands for America, and making it great again, which he was in the process of accomplishing very nicely before this virus was brought here: Lowest unemployment in 50 years, highest employment of minorities, highest stock market in history. What is the problem? Oh, I remember he is disliked because he appeals to the great unwashed, AKA deplorables who are considered less than human.I just read the following, and have to agree with this assessment...
"President Donald Trump suffered a decisive loss in his quest for reelection. The voters spoke and their verdict is clear: The Trump presidency will end on Jan. 20, 2021. What is not clear is just how much more damage Trump will do to the country before that date arrives."
There's a ton of leaps here.The media finally called Alaska and North Carolina for Trump. Trump is now at 232 electoral votes now.
Based on his tweets, Trump feels confident about Wisconsin. That will make 242 electoral votes.
Good chance that Trump will win Arizona (or at least after a recount). That will make 253 electoral votes.
Then, there is Pennsylvania which has 20 electoral votes, which will likely be decided in the courts.
Plus, there are a lot of other lawsuits in multiple swing states. Biden may very likely be President, but it is not yet certain. It really depends on the next few weeks.
Not my president, pussyhat riots, yeah, but the fact is that Hillary DID concede within 24 hours and Trump may wind up trying to turn the country into a military dictatorship.This to me seems like a bunch bellyaching and excuse making because Donald Trump lost and for some reason, people just can't believe that could ever happen legitimately. They are behaving almost as bad as Hillary voters did in 2016.
January 20, 2021 is when the fun begins. BLM and ANTIFA are expecting free stuff!
Does 'free college tuition' include Room and Board? I'm homeless but I'd be educated!
Trump and his team know more about all the fraud issues going on than we do. If he has some confidence on Wisconsin, I'd give that some weight.1. Him being confident about Wisconsin doesn't really have any bearing. He's confident he's going to win the election and that's obviously BS confidence
Biden's lead in Arizona keeps decreasing, and there are still a lot of votes left to count.2. How is there a good chance in Arizona for Trump? There's a chance but it'd take a historic error found in the recount.
Once all the "illegal" votes (late ballots, votes not seen by Republican observers, etc.) are removed (Trump team has multiple arguments), Biden's lead will decrease/diminish.I don't see how Trump is overcoming that lead in PA. Biden's up almost 50k votes, well outside the recount margin.
What makes you certain about this?It seems incredibly unlikely PA is going to change based on the current litigation.
I said supporters, not the candidates themselves.Not my president, pussyhat riots, yeah, but the fact is that Hillary DID concede within 24 hours and Trump may wind up trying to turn the country into a military dictatorship.
Sagaar and Krystal broke down the cases in their morning show and that's why I said based on the cases in court and that's what they concluded.Trump and his team know more about all the fraud issues going on than we do. If he has some confidence on Wisconsin, I'd give that some weight.
Biden's lead in Arizona keeps decreasing, and there are still a lot of votes left to count.
Once all the "illegal" votes (late ballots, votes not seen by Republican observers, etc.) are removed (Trump team has multiple arguments), Biden's lead will decrease/diminish.
What makes you certain about this?
Maybe you should ask where CNN gets its weed from because they don't seem to know what's going on?Trump and his team know more about all the fraud issues going on than we do. If he has some confidence on Wisconsin, I'd give that some weight.
Biden's lead in Arizona keeps decreasing, and there are still a lot of votes left to count.
Once all the "illegal" votes (late ballots, votes not seen by Republican observers, etc.) are removed (Trump team has multiple arguments), Biden's lead will decrease/diminish.
What makes you certain about this?
It's only censored on YouTube. It's pretty interesting how much clout those people have.Yea I agree no matter what you say it will be a waste of time. Too bad the news companies in America are left-wing. There is a popular saying that goes "bad publicity is good publicity". All the left wing news companies only talk about the bad things that Trump has done but they never talk about the good things he has done.
I haven't looked into the Biden corruption with Ukraine but too bad the media have censored it so it will be really hard to prove. Whether the laptop has proof of any corruption we won't know and the media and tech companies won't talk about it.
The US government has gone insane lmao. America who has been installing dictatorships everywhere is now trying to install a dictatorship in America.Not my president, pussyhat riots, yeah, but the fact is that Hillary DID concede within 24 hours and Trump may wind up trying to turn the country into a military dictatorship.
You are actually right, Hillary Clinton was a massive sore loser who blamed pretty much everyone she could for her loss. Bernie, Obama, Russia, etc.
When he has to leave the White House.Now we'll see if Trump ends up being a bigger sore loser, he probably will based on his current performance.
Actually, the joke is on the shithole aka Zimbabwe.The US government has gone insane lmao. America who has been installing dictatorships everywhere is now trying to install a dictatorship in America.
What's next? America is going to invade itself? Well it's still 2020 so anything is possible.
Even the all powerful and mighty Zimbabwe is making a mockery of the situation with the US government and their foreign policy threatening sanctions.
View attachment 41547
A lot of liberals will say idiotic things which will ensure the year remains stupid.View attachment 41548
Destroying the integrity of elections to appease the base.
Gotta love the doublethink of having Trump kicking and screaming about this all day long, but meanwhile his senior aides are trying to reassure the press "no, this isn't a coup! This is just theater, it's red meat for the base!"
This year just gets stupider and stupider. I have some hope that 2021 will be less bleak, but I think it may be just as stupid, if not worse.
I know Missouri's nickname or slogan.@PeteJ -- Are you familiar with Misssouri being called the "show me" state? It essentially refers to a level headed approach to ascertaining whether or not something has credibility. If all the people insisting there's been election fraud had even the remotest kind of evidence it has occurred, surely they would produce it, right? But they can't; or won't. The fact that they apparently can't tells me these accusations/insinuations of voter fraud are nothing but fabrications. The way I look at it is: If you have something, then just show me. -- You might find this quote of interest:
Or, in the words of one brave Republican official:
"What is the downside for humoring him for this little bit of time? No one seriously thinks the results will change," said one senior Republican official. "He went golfing this weekend. It's not like he's plotting how to prevent Joe Biden from taking power on Jan. 20. He's tweeting about filing some lawsuits, those lawsuits will fail, then he'll tweet some more about how the election was stolen, and then he'll leave."
If he needs to take a narcissist's trip by recounting the votes for the sake of appeasing his base, fine. But declaring fraud without evidence is far different from a recount. I have no problems with recounts. I sure hope Biden would demand a recount if he lost.View attachment 41548
Destroying the integrity of elections to appease the base.
Gotta love the doublethink of having Trump kicking and screaming about this all day long, but meanwhile his senior aides are trying to reassure the press "no, this isn't a coup! This is just theater, it's red meat for the base!"
This year just gets stupider and stupider. I have some hope that 2021 will be less bleak, but I think it may be just as stupid, if not worse.
If people hate Trump as much as you do there could be some fraud in the voting process. Whether there is enough to change the election remains to be seen. I would think the Democrats would want a Biden win fair and square without any cheating in the battleground states. Trump was concerned about the integrity of mail in voting months ago.f he needs to take a narcissist's trip by recounting the votes for the sake of appeasing his base, fine.
Yes, I think undermining faith in the election process and future elections is a fundamental goal here. This makes sense; if we look at the most extreme faction of Trump's base (white evangelical Christians with QAnon sympathies) -- this is a demographic which used to vastly be the majority and control the majority of middle-class wealth in most of the country, if you look back far enough. That's not true anymore, and the margin shrinks more every year as we become a more diverse country.His supporters are tossing language like "stolen" around. They are not concerned with the voting process whatsoever.
COVID-19 does a good job of illuminating false thinking because it is an unrelenting feedback loop. Keep doing the wrong thing--keep reaping the same negative consequences. Again, this clip is the perfect analogy:Meanwhile we're back over 1,000 COVID-19 deaths a day and that's barely getting traction in the news because people are getting numb to hearing that their friends' parent just died
Haha, that made me laughIf people hate Trump as much as you do there could be some fraud in the voting process.
What can we do except wear masks and do social distancing? The very small percentage that are more susceptible to COVID-19 should stay isolated. With a vaccine in the works we should eventually get back to normal.Meanwhile we're back over 1,000 COVID-19 deaths a day and that's barely getting traction in the news
Nothing but just getting most of this country to even do the first part of that has been an unwinnable battle because the population here overall is not very capable of discerning good inputs from bad and our media is a complete shitshow.What can we do except wear masks and do social distancing?
The number of Americans over the age of 45 who have one or more comorbidies which make COVID "especially dangerous" is in the tens of millions at least, and then anyone over the age of about 60 is also in that group. But, sorry for the derail, I realize this isn't the COVID thread -- it's pretty impossible to untangle the impact of COVID from this election, though, since without COVID PA mail votes would not have happened and we'd just be looking at insurmountable numbers with no weirdness around it to make absurd and unsubstantiated claims on twitter about.The very small percentage that are more susceptible to COVID-19 should stay isolated