2020 US Presidential Election

Biden's VP Kamala Harris bartered sex, with a politician twice her age, for government jobs paid for by the taxpayers, which started her career in politics. Elizabeth Warren, who for purposes of getting ahead, lied for decades about having American Indian ancestry, was bad enough, but this woman Harris, takes the cake.
That feeling of reading a thread with a bunch of mysterious replies to posts you don't see...because ignore filter.

It's a sign the thread has turned into whack-a-mole against trolls and nuts.
That feeling of reading a thread with a bunch of mysterious replies to posts you don't see...because ignore filter.

It's a sign the thread has turned into whack-a-mole against trolls and nuts.
Yeah, now is an excellent time to slowly back away from this thread. I'm just rooting for the country.
Bernstein names 21 Republican senators who privately expressed contempt for Trump
Marco Rubio, Rick Scott and Chuck Grassley are listed
Senators' 'craven public silence helped enable Trump'

The veteran Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein has publicly named 21 Republican senators he says have "repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for [Donald] Trump and his fitness" for office.

As Trump continued to try to subvert the results of a presidential election he clearly lost to Joe Biden, Bernstein said on Twitter he was "not violating any pledge of journalistic confidentially [sic]".

His information, he said, came from "colleagues, staff members, lobbyists [and] White House aides".

Then he named names.

They were: Rob Portman (Ohio), Lamar Alexander (Tennessee), Ben Sasse (Nebraska), Roy Blunt (Missouri), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), John Cornyn (Texas), John Thune (South Dakota), Mitt Romney (Utah), Mike Braun and Todd Young (Indiana), Tim Scott (South Carolina), Rick Scott and Marco Rubio (Florida), Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Richard Burr (North Carolina), Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania), Martha McSally (Arizona), Jerry Moran and Pat Roberts (Kansas) and Richard Shelby (Alabama)...​
He lost, but he got 73 million votes. Trump was President for four years, which is something that those twenty one Republicans never have been, and it's likely none ever will.

Personally, I have done very well over the past four years. The country was doing great before the virus, and Trump has done nothing that impacted my life in a negative way at all. The Warp Speed vaccines that Trump pushed for are here, and if the Biden administration can design a plan to distribute an available vaccine efficiently, we should start to move forward, and be in better shape, a few months from now.
I'm just rooting for the country.
Same here Zugzug. I am rooting as well.

I just watched Biden on the computer for an hour naming cabinet members. He came off as very intelligent, competent, and more than capable of doing the job. It was reassuring and gave me hope.

He wants to bring everybody onboard, those who voted for him and against.
Hoping for the best.

See you Zugzug... take care my friend.
I'm not "on board" with that man, Biden. Democrats used violence, terror and lies to win the election. It's a shame that it came to that, because Biden is much more of a centrist than he makes himself out to be, which is fine with me. He is not likable, or popular, so he had to resort to promises which he cannot fulfill, to win. He will be hearing from the lunatic fringe progressives and BLM types, because he's not going to give them what they want.
I'm not "on board" with that man, Biden. Democrats used violence, terror and lies to win the election. It's a shame that it came to that, because Biden is much more of a centrist than he makes himself out to be, which is fine with me. He is not likable, or popular, so he had to resort to promises which he cannot fulfill, to win. He will be hearing from the lunatic fringe progressives and BLM types, because he's not going to give them what they want.
So what policies did Biden campaign on that you believe he doesn't actually want to enact?
So what policies did Biden campaign on that you believe he doesn't actually want to enact?
Can't go into it right now, gotta run, but offhand, I'd mention that has promised Blacks that he will look into reparations. This is not going to happen, it's lip service.
Who needs courts when you have public opinion?

As one previous poster said, not figuratively, (paraphrasing) "I'll meet you on the battlefield!"
You need courts if you actually want to overturn the election. If you just want to bitch like a sore loser you don't need them though.
Governments are using COVID-19 fines as a way to generate revenue, you are a F-tard if you think this punitive practice is good for the economy.
Not related to the Presidency but nanny state proponent Gov. Andrew Cuomo of NY lost the case that was brought against him in the Supreme Court, which challenged his orders to limit religious services to ten people, which would barely include anybody but the staff and minister, priest, rabbi, etc.. It was Amy Coney Barrett who helped tip the scales against him. It was wrong of him to allow bars and restaurants to remain open, yet deny people their weekly hour of worship, safely of course.
How Biden decided to choose a woman, for VP, who prostituted herself to get ahead in politics, is still mind-boggling to me. What the hell was he thinking, when he did this? To add insult to injury, he has remarked that she is a good role model for minority girls. Yeah, Joe, I'm sure that every parent would love to see their 29 year old daughters have sex with men twice their age, to get government, or other, jobs. The biggest joke is, Kamala Harris, who had this affair with notorious womanizer Willie Brown for the sole purpose of obtaining political jobs, is now considered a leading Feminist. Having heard nothing to dispute this from any Feminists, one can only assume that most of them agree with this designation.
Not related to the Presidency but nanny state proponent Gov. Andrew Cuomo of NY lost the case that was brought against him in the Supreme Court, which challenged his orders to limit religious services to ten people, which would barely include anybody but the staff and minister, priest, rabbi, etc.. It was Amy Coney Barrett who helped tip the scales against him. It was wrong of him to allow bars and restaurants to remain open, yet deny people their weekly hour of worship, safely of course.
The only reason he won't close restaurants and bars is because the feds won't pass another stimulus Bill and he knows that the economy will tank. It wasn't because he had something against the religious.
The only reason he won't close restaurants and bars is because the feds won't pass another stimulus Bill and he knows that the economy will tank. It wasn't because he had something against the religious.
A lot of people watch mass online now if their church offers it. Bars and restaurants have a lot more to lose regarding customers if they are closed.
A lot of people watch mass online now if their church offers it. Bars and restaurants have a lot more to lose regarding customers if they are closed.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. Bars and restaurants would have a lot more to lose, therefore that'd why Cuomo closed churches but not them. People are making it out like Cuomo has something against religious people.
People are making it out like Cuomo has something against religious people.
The virus doesn't really care about bars vs. pews. It will spread wherever it's allowed to spread.

For instance, as far as I'm concerned the governors should have prohibited Trump from holding those superspreader rallies--and not all of them were in red states. The biker rally in the midwest was also a totally predictable tragedy. The penetration of COVID-19 into the midwest is directly attributable to that convention. It never should have been allowed to take place. The health of the many outweigh the wants of the few. Ideals of freedom need to be put aside in an extreme situation like this.

We've had a half-assed approach to this from the start and that's exactly why we are where we are. We merely advise people to "do the right thing", like Fauci warning about Thanksgiving, and we proceed to clog up the airports.

So just wait 3-4 weeks and we should see the daily case and death counts double.

Again and again you have people continue to doubt common sense because, well, it's inconvenient and costly. They are wearing their own reality goggles based on their wants, fears, and desires. You see the same thing playing out with the mass delusion the right is under that the election was stolen rather than dear leader(TM) having lost fair and square (largely in part due to minority voters like in Georgia and Michigan--target of so many Giuliani lawsuits).

The only silver lining is the vaccines and even then, Trump's demo are the type who won't take it because it "makes the frogs gay", despite their Trump-worship. But even if everyone takes it, it's the equivalent of an obese person installing a lap-band. It makes it so we don't have to really address the root problem of society not being able to cope during a pandemic.

Next time something like COVID arrives we will wind up going through this same hell all over again, the denial, the wishful thinking, the resistance against masks and lockdowns and restrictions.

We are DAMN LUCKY that medical technology has had this revolution that has enabled vaccines to be developed so soon. If we had followed a more traditional path (5-10 year cycle) we really would be facing an end of the world as we know it scenario rather than a horrible but ultimately passing international tragedy.

And as bad as the US has been, it hasn't been all us either. Europe got its second wave in large part because it let ITS guard down too. This sort of thing just makes me that much more cynical about human nature than I already am.
Cuomo does and says whatever he can get away with, but he's stepped in a few messes that are going to stain his legacy. He had nursing homes taking COVID-19 patients, which claimed the lives of thousands who were previously not sick. He asked for help from Trump, in the spring and Trump provided more than we asked for, yet he has attacked him (Trump) relentlessly, anyway. He instructed New Yorkers to stay home and not go anywhere on Thanksgiving, then it was found that he was having his mother come to his place for the holiday. He allowed large demonstrations to occur in New York, yet has banned religious services by making the limit of participants only ten people, which has been ruled illegal by the Supreme Court. He gets very angry at the press when they question him about things that are obviously important, and may not show him in his best light. I've lived under his governorship, and his father several administrations back, and I don't like either one of them very much. There's other examples of his arrogance and incompetence. He wrote and published a book, patting himself on the back for his handling of coronavirus, before it's been eradicated or even contained completely, even in New York which is still at risk. He knows that Trump will soon be free to do and say pretty much whatever he wants, even more so than when he was president. I don't know what is up with Cuomo's defense of Trump. Perhaps with the press, the shoe is now on the other foot and he (Cuomo) is beginning to experience the wrath of the press. They've all gotten used to being rewarded for kicking Trump around 24/7, but now that he is on the way out, they need new subjects, and Cuomo, an emotional and controlling man to say the least, is a good target. If I were Trump, I'd open a news network ASAP, and get even with everybody who slandered, impeached him, and otherwise made his job nearly impossible to perform, for the past four years.
One serious thing I wanted to point out is this. In all the elections, the same phenomena happens. 95% of a State can be red, but tiny isolated blue dots represent the big cities. Yet those tiny dots are over half the population. It's like a bunch of libtards are all jam packed in tiny areas. Why is it that leftist don't live in rural areas? Are they are a bunch of soi jacks that hate nature and enjoy living in ugly jam packed cities? When I was a kid I could name all sorts of birds, reptiles fish and mammals that lived in my region. Most kids today can recognize all the brand names and trademarks from big corporations, but they don't know jack shit about their area's wildlife. Seriously, someone needs to research the socio-econonic effects of growing up in a large jammed pack city, vs rural areas.
I am a liberal that lives in an extremely rural area. I can identify most local wildlife by sound, feces and tracks. The same is true of 1/2 of the 15 people who also live on my road.

As for why cities tend to be liberal, no mysteries there, this has been subject to much study and writing.

How Democrats Conquered the City

I would generally agree with you that growing up in a place that is quieter, less polluted, and lower population density leads to a happier and healthier childhood. I don't think it has much to do with politics, beyond the externalities and history documented in that article, plus the general observation that people living more closely boxed in with each other are going to adopt more socialistic attitudes around the basics of sharing space / sidewalks etc, whereas people who have some amount of acres to themselves in the woods can be obstinately selfish and rarely have that cause them any problem, exactly because they don't have to share their space with anyone.

People have extensively researched the socio-economic, cultural and cognitive effects of growing up in urban vs rural areas, if you want like 2000 pages of peer reviewed fulltexts let me know where to shoot them.

It also comes down to parenting. If you grow up in the middle of beautiful wilderness, but just let your kids raise themselves on 10 hours of TV a day, that's not going to have a very different outcome than doing the same thing in a condo in Manhattan. Likewise, a kid that grows up in Manhattan but gets dragged around to parks and zoos and art events etc, is more likely to be an interesting adult than a country kid that gets raised by Nickelodeon.

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