2020 US Presidential Election

To anyone who needs to hear this:

It is a textbook example of misogyny.

Suggesting that a woman's success in politics is due to her using her body and not her mind, that her achievements were 'gifted' to her by white men because she is a woman and a POC (see below), that her consensual relationship with a single man is shameful and whorish, assigning her standards that are not equally applied to her male counterparts, and calling her the below in a campaign of postings, are all textbook examples.

Harris the Pig
Affirmative Action Vice President

Another example is saying something sexist, and then claiming it is fine because the female they are insulting is a 'bad' woman. Not true. Feminism supports everyone's right to be treated equally and not be unfairly judged or held back by their gender. You do not have to be a 'good' person to qualify for this, nor a woman.

It is fine to dislike someone because of their politics, but it is unacceptable to call anybody any of the above things, or to suggest that they got their job because of their skin colour or their gender. To do this is racism and misogyny. Do not be convinced otherwise, even if they use a conciliatory tone.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Besides all of the obvious reasons that you stated, do you know how I know for sure he is a misogynist? He is in a thread where I don't think anyone, from either side of the aisle, would put up some ardent defense of Harris as the person with the world's best record. At best, someone may say that she has solid qualifications, but needs to grow into the job.

But instead, he chooses "bimbo" lmao. And he also has convinced himself that this isn't misogynistic.
Hey @Daniel Lion -- I've recently been pointing out to my wife why some people opt to vote for Trump, and in particular, support his efforts to curtail illegal immigration. Many of the lowest income workers (who tend to vote for Trump) see immigrants as not only driving down their wages, but taking their jobs as well. It's a well founded belief.

I've heard of meat packing plants in Wisconsin whose workers were paid union wages for years, all of a sudden decide they're going to offer half the wages, and for their workers to take it or leave it. They can get away with this because they know they have such a large pool of low-cost immigrant labor. This type of scenario has played out in many other states, over many other industries, over many decades.

Yet mainstream economists keep saying there's really no evidence that immigration drives down wages. Really? Tell that to the many millions of people who've lost their jobs, or had their wages reduced to the point of being unable to support themselves and their families. -- Ironically, it's been the business class (think Republican) who've been the biggest supporters of allowing all this low-cost labor to arrive at our shores. -- So I fully understand Trump's populist appeal to these kinds of people who want nothing other than to have their economic lives to improve. I sympathize with their plight, but think it's totally unrealistic for them to trust Trump will make things better for their situations.

With all that said, I (perhaps sadly) have to admit that I have a hard time not making knee jerk generalizations about Trump supporters. They bought into Trump's sleazy racist appealing tropes for years. When he was making all those ridiculous assertions that Obama was not born in this country, and was a Muslim, it was shocking to me that around 70% of Republicans came to believe those easily disprovable fallacies. And those assertions later became a basis for his widespread appeal to many 2016 voters.

And now similar percentages of Republicans (70-80%) believe the election was "rigged", for it seems no other reason than Donald Trump told them so. Quite honestly, I struggle to understand how these people can be so easily manipulated by this master manipulator. And it seems Trump himself has nothing but disdain for the very people he manipulates. I also struggle how to regard those who seem to resist any kind of common sense about what kind of self-serving, chaos person Trump actually is, and what a threat he poses to national and international stability.

What I don't struggle with, is understanding that virtually every racist and white nationalist in this country (millions of them) are avid (and often dangerous) supporters of Trump. This cannot be denied by anybody whose followed his appeals to these groups for years. Does that make every Trump supporter a racist? Of course not. But I understand why some people do make knee jerk generalizations about Trump supporters when they know a large percentage of his supporters belong to these types of sordid groups.
Bless you Lane,
I was working yesterday hours after making my post and I really wanted to self correct myself.
You did it for me.
Take care buddy and see you around the Forum

Hi @Zugzug , I wasn't able to cut and paste your response to my comment and wanted to tag you here. My attempt to be a loving person clouded my words and my statement was just super naive... shit happens. Any hoo...... I appreciate your comments and thoughtfulness.
See you around ZugZug
Besides all of the obvious reasons that you stated, do you know how I know for sure he is a misogynist? He is in a thread where I don't think anyone, from either side of the aisle, would put up some ardent defense of Harris as the person with the world's best record. At best, someone may say that she has solid qualifications, but needs to grow into the job.

But instead, he chooses "bimbo" lmao. And he also has convinced himself that this isn't misogynistic.

It's very frustrating. I ignored it for what felt like hundreds of pages, and then I just couldn't ignore it any more. It just kept going on, and others were starting to join in with the insults.

Thank you for speaking up.
Besides all of the obvious reasons that you stated, do you know how I know for sure he is a misogynist? He is in a thread where I don't think anyone, from either side of the aisle, would put up some ardent defense of Harris as the person with the world's best record. At best, someone may say that she has solid qualifications, but needs to grow into the job.

But instead, he chooses "bimbo" lmao. And he also has convinced himself that this isn't misogynistic.
He also said there is no way Trump could have committed assault because he is rich and most women are gold diggers so...
But how is this any more corrupt than anything else that's done in politics? Is bribing someone with sex really any worse than bribing with money? Because the latter happens all the time.

But you seem to say yes, so why is bribery with sex worse than bribery with money?
This reality show of Kamala Harris buries everything that "Women's Lib" has shoved down our throats for 50 years. It makes a complete joke of it, and the position she is in. And, she is not qualified. I would sooner have Angela Davis as VP. Davis actually ran for VP, twice, in 1980 and 1984 on the Communist USA Party ticket. I did not vote for her, but she has ethics.

The fact that the Feminists either support Harris, or say nothing about her using men to climb to the top, has caused me to lose whatever respect I have tried to muster over the years for this sham of a movement.
This reality show of Kamala Harris buries everything that "Women's Lib" has shoved down our throats for 50 years. It makes a complete joke of it, and the position she is in. And, she is not qualified. I would sooner have Angela Davis as VP. Davis actually ran for VP, twice, in 1980 and 1984 on the Communist USA Party ticket. I did not vote for her, but she has ethics.

The fact that the Feminists either support Harris, or say nothing about her using men to climb to the top, has caused me to lose whatever respect I have tried to muster over the years for this sham of a movement.
Lol, sham of a movement. Women went from being unable to vote, work or do anything else to being almost equal to men in less than a century. Every movement wishes it could be as successful as that "sham".

But you didn't answer me, how is Kamala anymore corrupt than anyone else? You have politicians taking millions of dollars in campaign contributions. Our elections cost billions of dollars each cycle of people buying and selling favors. And I'm supposed to think Harris sucking a cock is over the line? Honestly, I'd rather have someone jizz on her than someone write her a check.
You have politicians taking millions of dollars in campaign contributions.
The below linked article and snippet is in line with my belief that Trump is playing his "rigged election" campaign primarily for the cash, not because he believes he won, or thinks he has a chance of illegally overturning the election results. I can't believe how many donors (suckers?) can't see through his malodorous charade.

Who's going to tell the GOP base that they're being scammed?

"... According to the most recent FEC report, Trump has spent $8.8 million on legal efforts to overturn the election but has used that effort to raise more than $200 million, sending hundreds of email pitches to donors begging them to contribute to his quest to save the election from being stolen by dastardly Democrats..."
If Trump's agenda was nothing more than a financial scam (which he has plenty of experience with), that would be bad enough. But it sure seems there's going to be violence at some point or another, and someone could very well end up getting killed. Will any Trump supporters and enablers be willing to take responsibility for such an outcome?
Lol, sham of a movement. Women went from being unable to vote, work or do anything else to being almost equal to men in less than a century. Every movement wishes it could be as successful as that "sham".

But you didn't answer me, how is Kamala anymore corrupt than anyone else? You have politicians taking millions of dollars in campaign contributions. Our elections cost billions of dollars each cycle of people buying and selling favors. And I'm supposed to think Harris sucking a cock is over the line? Honestly, I'd rather have someone jizz on her than someone write her a check.
There is no point in asking me if she is more corrupt than anybody else, because she probably is not. The point I am making is not that she is "sucking a cock over the line". I have nothing against sex for pleasure, or profit, but taking jobs that the public must pay for, as her reward for having sex with a man twice her age for political gain, is not the way that most people would think a "Feminist" should behave, not today, one or two hundred years ago, or in the future. And it certainly is not the way our VP and possibly future president should have gotten to the White House. So, at the very least, she is not a true feminist. Would you agree with this?
If Trump's agenda was nothing more than a financial scam (which he has plenty of experience with), that would be bad enough. But it sure seems there's going to be violence at some point or another, and someone could very well end up getting killed. Will any Trump supporters and enablers be willing to take responsibility for such an outcome?
Here is the thing... I don't know how I can condense this down in a really succinct way, but I'll try.

Have any of you reading this thread ever absorbed news about violence in other countries and wondered how it is that the people there could justify all these atrocities? There are countless civil wars, insurgencies, even genocides. Think of Rwanda and the Balkans.

People in other countries are not THAT different from Americans. It's just that they're exposed to various stressors which push them over the edge.

War is an inherent part of the human animal. It's not even unique to humans. Chimps do it, for instance.

What we know about war and the capacity to kill is that it requires that you reach a point of short-circuiting empathy. The enemy must be dehumanized. You see this phenomenon play out very clearly in the movie Full Metal Jacket. But that's a clear-cut case of soldiers entering into a formal war.

This psychological shift can also happen within the fabric of society itself.

What I'm seeing play out is there are now two groups of people, those who are already pretty far down into a war footing who are close to being able to rationalize killing fellow citizens in their twisted notions of patriotism and the greater good and those who are still attempting to engage or talk down these types by trying to get them to self-reflect and realize how far down the rabbit hole they are.

The problem is that when someone has been radicalized to that degree they no longer have any empathy. This is a feature of humanity as it would be impossible to conduct warfare if soldiers expressed grief over every life taken. At least temporarily you have to sort of enter into a tunnel vision in which it's us vs. them. The enemy is merely an object to be removed from the chessboard.

This is what's going on right now.

The emphasis on the underlying political institutions is missing this point. It doesn't really matter if Trump's attempt to game the system from within fails or not. What matters is the narrative being sold to a wide swath of the public that Trump is basically the rightful emperor being exiled by a usurper.

When I look at the map of states with attorney generals linking up with Texas for this bogus case they want to run up to the supreme court it's pretty much all of the states that Trump won. What you're seeing is sort of a precursor to secession and a potential second civil war.

Imagine if Trump, a private citizen, decides to actively inspire protests, strikes, obstructionism, all on his behalf. He really could become a GOP equivalent of Bin Laden if he wants. He is already fleecing these people to the tune of over 200 million dollars. He would have far more power as an unofficial leader in this capacity than he did as acting president.

This madness will not end until Trump loses support. But given that it hasn't happened despite COVID-19 raging out of control to the tune over now over 3,000 dead a day is proof positive that his base are as brainwashed as the drones in North Korea.

Now how does this relate to this thread? Well, I've got several people here on ignore. Why? Because no matter how much I write on this topic, they are so tribally locked that it won't have any impact on them. The country has ceased to be the united states and in its stead you have two warring sects, red vs. blue. Might as well be Shia vs. Sunni. If you're on the wrong side, then either conform or you will be put under the jack-boot. No amount of appealing to empathy will work because, as I've described, empathy has been biologically short-circuited. It's done. Over. The only way to resolve things is on the battlefield, as one of the people on my ignore list endorsed. He said he'd gladly meet me on the battlefield.

So I totally understand how this works and how futile it is to talk someone down after they've worked themselves into so much of a lather that they are just waiting for the signal to take lives (stand back and stand by, as it were).

Last time I wrote a diatribe like this someone chimed in with a:



That was intended to, I guess, just tell me my worries were imaginary. Just in my head. Well, just wait and see. The trendlines are ominous.

Idaho GOP leaders condemn 'intimidation and hate' after protests at health officials' homes

Michigan Secretary Of State Says Armed Protesters Descended On Her Home Saturday
The below linked article and snippet is in line with my belief that Trump is playing his "rigged election" campaign primarily for the cash, not because he believes he won, or thinks he has a chance of illegally overturning the election results. I can't believe how many donors (suckers?) can't see through his malodorous charade

Actually I'm not sure. Why would 17 states support Texas bid to reverse Biden win? Why did you make me google the word "malodorous"? :)

malodorous, stinking, fetid, noisome, putrid, rank, fusty, musty mean bad-smelling. malodorous may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive.

17 states tell Supreme Court they support Texas bid to reverse Biden win
There is no point in asking me if she is more corrupt than anybody else, because she probably is not. The point I am making is not that she is "sucking a cock over the line". I have nothing against sex for pleasure, or profit, but taking jobs that the public must pay for, as her reward for having sex with a man twice her age for political gain, is not the way that most people would think a "Feminist" should behave, not today, one or two hundred years ago, or in the future. And it certainly is not the way our VP and possibly future president should have gotten to the White House. So, at the very least, she is not a true feminist. Would you agree with this?
A feminist by definition is someone who believes in the equality of all people regardless of gender. That's it.

Just like if Pete Buttigieg would have won the primaries (and then the general election), Mayor Pete wouldn't suddenly represent the entire decades long gay rights movement. However the LBTQ community would have celebrated the president being a gay man as a leap forward because it is. How is this not obvious?

Discrediting the entire feminist movement based on an extramarital affair from someone who ended up helping his lover is not a valid critique of the entire idea of women's rights. That's insane.

In your view, are lesbians supposed to speak out because Ellen mistreated her staff?

You are saying anyone who advocates for equality should held to a higher standard that is beyond critique or you represent your entire minority. Which is ironically, one of the things feminists correctly criticize about society, which is that women are just held to different standards.

No wonder you think looting (something Biden has spoken against) is the fault of all people left of center.

Somehow you don't extent this kind of thinking to your in groups, though, as you said it is perfectly fine for Trump to use women for sex (or even assault them) if he pays them with diamond bracelets. Your argument is that Harris didn't earn her place, but it's fine that Trump is not self made and was born into wealth. He didn't earn his place either.
There is no point in asking me if she is more corrupt than anybody else, because she probably is not. The point I am making is not that she is "sucking a cock over the line". I have nothing against sex for pleasure, or profit, but taking jobs that the public must pay for, as her reward for having sex with a man twice her age for political gain, is not the way that most people would think a "Feminist" should behave, not today, one or two hundred years ago, or in the future. And it certainly is not the way our VP and possibly future president should have gotten to the White House. So, at the very least, she is not a true feminist. Would you agree with this?
Considering the definition is feminist is "someone who fights for the equality of the genders", no I don't agree with that. She fits the definition of the word just fine.
And why is sex to get a government job any worse then the other ways people have gotten government jobs? Ya know, nepotism, bribery, etc? If it isn't worse, then your paragraphs about Harris being a specific kind of evil are off. If it worse, explain why please. You still didn't do that here. You've explained why you don't like it but why do you not like it more than all the other garbage going on in DC and state governments?
Why did you make me google the word "malodorous"? :)
@just1morething -- Sorry about that, I guess I just couldn't help myself. :) Actually, I was looking for the best word I could think of that might describe how repugnant I consider what Trump and his lackeys have been up to. Repugnant didn't quite fill the bill. Thanks for posting the definition of malodorous. Makes me think I got that one right!

And now, a definition of lackey. ;) I use that word because I often think that those who follow such a blatantly dishonest and unscrupulous person as Trump likely have some kind of self-respect, self-acceptance, or some other type of self-esteem issues.

Lackey is typically used as a derogatory term for a servant with little or no self-respect who belittles himself in order to gain an advantage. Such advantage is often assumed to be slight, temporary and often illusory.
Why would 17 states support Texas bid to reverse Biden win?
Here's a bit of insight into this:

Andy McCarthy has been Trump-friendly, or at least Trump-adjacent for much of the last four years. But his analysis of the Texas lawsuit is scathing.

Already under indictment for securities fraud, Attorney General Paxton is currently caught up in yet another corruption investigation — one that has roiled his office. Now, he has filed a lawsuit so frivolous and so blatantly political that the top appellate lawyers in his office evidently declined to endorse it.…

There is, however, no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas's lawsuit. There is also no way, I suspect, that Paxton doesn't know that.​
No amount of appealing to empathy will work because, as I've described, empathy has been biologically short-circuited. It's done. Over.

@GlennS -- Great post! I am in wholehearted agreement with your assessments. I'm often dismayed by how vicious and cruel so many of Trump's followers are, and seem to lack empathy in the same way Trump does. I often have nothing but utter disdain for them, but when I'm doing better, I can actually feel a sense of compassion for them.

And believe it or not, for Trump as well. His upbringing with his almost psychopathic father sounds pretty horrific, and he apparently came up with some disordered coping strategies that have made him who he is today. However, as is the case with everybody and their shortcomings, in the end, I believe life will eventually teach him better.
There is, however, no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas's lawsuit.

SCOTUS just denied "entertaining" the lawsuit: 9-o

A Political Obituary for Donald Trump
George Packer in the Atlantic:

America under Trump became less free, less equal, more divided, more alone, deeper in debt, swampier, dirtier, meaner, sicker, and deader. It also became more delusional. No number from Trump's years in power will be more lastingly destructive than his 25,000 false or misleading statements. Super-spread by social media and cable news, they contaminated the minds of tens of millions of people. Trump's lies will linger for years, poisoning the atmosphere like radioactive dust.
SCOTUS just denied "entertaining" the lawsuit: 9-o

A Political Obituary for Donald Trump
George Packer in the Atlantic:

America under Trump became less free, less equal, more divided, more alone, deeper in debt, swampier, dirtier, meaner, sicker, and deader. It also became more delusional. No number from Trump's years in power will be more lastingly destructive than his 25,000 false or misleading statements. Super-spread by social media and cable news, they contaminated the minds of tens of millions of people. Trump's lies will linger for years, poisoning the atmosphere like radioactive dust.
The Atlantic is completely off the charts with nonsensical claims like those. The Atlantic was a decent left-leaning periodical at one time. Now, it is a rag.

With Trump in the White House, the financial markets have been higher than ever in history, with the 401K's and IRA's of most Americans doing great. He had the highest Black employment rates in history, and the lowest overall unemployment in about 50 years. It was a great time to make money, by working, or investing. Perhaps the world wants poverty and unhappiness, but Trump sure is no fan of it.

So what if Trump is a little rough around the edges? He did very well for America, despite the hate that has been directed at him, and his supporters.
@Daniel Lion

Thanks for the nice post buddy! I will have a better response if my noise ever calms down. I'm looking into left TMJD again. I hope your noise isn't too awful and you are doing okay.
Thanks for reaching out too.

We can chat on a different thread when we have time.

I am doing as well as I can despite my handicap, it's a struggle but I think I got it most of the time (touch wood).

See you around J1MT.
Stay warm and Safe.
Supreme Court Dismisses Texas 2020 Election Challenge; Alito and Thomas Disagree

Well, the Supreme Court dismissed the case from Texas regarding the election.

Biden won.
I would sooner MAGA again, but if Biden won fair and square that is okay. I watch too much Newsmax lately and they are biased. It could be that the suburban areas of the disputed states were highly in favor of Biden. At least that is what I read. I remember Trump pleading with the suburban women to please like him. I think most of them wanted to kick him in the balls. :)
You appear to have a very robust democracy in the US, which is heartening to see. Hopefully this is an end to it.
Personally, I see a failing system that's maybe barely preventing itself from falling into complete oblivion right this second, but appears to me to be headed to almost unstoppably towards various cliffs, cultural, legal and otherwise.

This whole charade has probably done systemic damage to voting integrity and people's confidence in government, but it's only been possible because of all the rot festering under the surface.
Biden won.
Yeah, we knew that when PA was called, in my opinion. Don't expect the charade to be over yet, though, Congress doesn't make this official until 1/6. Best to ignore Trump's ravings until then, I think.
I would have loved to see those two, Biden and Harris, get ditched due to election problems. Since this is likely not in the cards, it will nonetheless be interesting to see how they handle the (non-COVID-19) political problems they will have to deal with, once they are sworn in.
I would have loved to see those two, Biden and Harris, get ditched due to election problems. Since this is likely not in the cards, it will nonetheless be interesting to see how they handle the (non-COVID-19) political problems they will have to deal with, once they are sworn in.
That's so anti-democratic...
I would sooner MAGA again, but if Biden won fair and square that is okay. I watch too much Newsmax lately and they are biased. It could be that the suburban areas of the disputed states were highly in favor of Biden. At least that is what I read. I remember Trump pleading with the suburban women to please like him. I think most of them wanted to kick him in the balls. :)
Suburban women turned away from Trump everywhere, not just in swing states, which should tell supporters the effect was very real.

There are many reasons he lost them imo: Tried to make them afraid of BLM but they were much more afraid of COVID-19. Many suburban women are at least partial caretakers for older relatives and didn't react well to his callous "it is what it is" statements.

He also completely doesn't have any concept of their lives. He told suburban women he was going to "get their husband's jobs back". What about their jobs? Trump literally doesn't understand that suburban families struggle financially too and need two incomes. Not to mention many suburban women are young single professionals and not "house wives" as he called them.
Personally, I see a failing system that's maybe barely preventing itself from falling into complete oblivion right this second, but appears to me to be headed to almost unstoppably towards various cliffs, cultural, legal and otherwise.

This whole charade has probably done systemic damage to voting integrity and people's confidence in government, but it's only been possible because of all the rot festering under the surface.

Oh yeah, all that as well. But I thought that SCOTUS would at least entertain the lawsuit, and it seems that they didn't. If anyone can overturn democracy, it's Trump, so I think the fact that he has gotten nowhere in the courts is a relief.

Much more worrying to me is the Republicans who supported the lawsuit. I've said it before in here - America needs to remember the names of those people.
Oh yeah, all that as well. But I thought that SCOTUS would at least entertain the lawsuit, and it seems that they didn't.
I think this was an accidental trial run with an incompetent candidate who was running as a PR stunt and more or less accidentally won.

The establishment has learned, and the next authoritarian candidate will probably be more charismatic, less obviously corrupt, more intelligent and more politically savvy. Josh Hawley perhaps.

We may eventually look back on 2000 as basically the end of election norms, because that's where the "LET THE COURT DECIDE" ethos started. But, even though I disagree with the ruling in Bush V Gore, that was an insanely close election that literally came down to a few hundred votes in a couple districts. 2020 wasn't like that, and yet a serious effort to undermine democracy was made.

The damage which has been inflicted will not be easily repaired, millions will see Biden as an illegitimate president. This is very different than most of the left -- I didn't like Trump's presidency, but I never questioned that more people voted for him in EC districts than voted for HRC. Because, you know, I'm capable of basic reality testing -- a skill that's becoming more and more uncommon.
That's so anti-democratic...
I want to see what these people do. They used riots and terror in the streets during the worst health crisis in the past 100 years, to boost their votes. That woman that Biden chose as VP is merely a symbol, not an experienced, top level leader worthy of her position, and she's going to need a lot of help if Biden can't function and the job defaults to her. They'll probably call in the heavy hitters such as Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, etc. to run things and make important decisions, until she's out.

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