2020 US Presidential Election

Biden is not a Marxist, nor is Kamala (although her father is said to be one), but they are walking a very thin line by the promises that they make, which cannot be kept, many of which appeal to those who are gullible enough to believe them.
Her father was "said to be a Marxist" for refusing to sign a letter encouraging a red scare witch hunt at his university.

What Marxist promises did they make?
Donald Trump almost single-handedly destroyed the religious right Republican Party, when he was elected. Rather than congratulate him, for doing something that they could not accomplish themselves, the Democrats went after him relentlessly, and impeached him. They could have worked on finding a candidate that would appeal to those Republicans that voted for Trump because they were sick of the status quo, and possibly been open to switching parties. Instead, the Democrats did the exact opposite: They continuously insulted, berated and talked down to the citizens who voted for a man that was able to decimate the power structure of the Republican party. If Biden is given a hard time by the Republicans, and the far left, the Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves. None of this matters to me very much. It's the markets that are the most important thing, for me, and they have been booming higher than ever. If the markets go south, that's fine as well, and means there will be more opportunities to buy at bargain prices, when people dump their securities.
You say this as if Trump and Republicans don't shit on Democrats all day as socialist marxists who want to ruin America.
You say this as if Trump and Republicans don't shit on Democrats all day as socialist marxists who want to ruin America.
Trump took the Republican Party from the hands of the religious right and made it appeal to the working and middle class, both of whom were being ignored, and abused, by the Democratic Party. If not for the pandemic, Trump would have definitely won in 2020.
The public has been so thoroughly sold on the idea of trickle-down economics and unfettered capitalism that we are already pretty close to where we were, in some respects, back in the child-labor and robber-baron pre-trust-busting days.
Trump took the Republican Party from the hands of the religious right and made it appeal to the working and middle class, both of whom were being ignored, and abused, by the Democratic Party. If not for the pandemic, Trump would have definitely won in 2020.
I agree, he would've won.

That said, the religious right is still running the party. Trump just added some working class rhetoric. But he vilified his opponents just as much as the Democrats did.
The public has been so thoroughly sold on the idea of trickle-down economics and unfettered capitalism that we are already pretty close to where we were, in some respects, back in the child-labor and robber-baron pre-trust-busting days.
And cheering it on because any rights for workers and helping the poor and disabled is SoCiAlIsM.
The public has been so thoroughly sold on the idea of trickle-down economics and unfettered capitalism that we are already pretty close to where we were, in some respects, back in the child-labor and robber-baron pre-trust-busting days.
If I watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox & NBC 24/7, I would almost certainly think that trickle-down/pro market economics is the only model that works. This is almost on the edge of propaganda. You seldom see progressive or self identifying Democratic-Socialist pundits like David Sirota, Glenn Greenwald and Nina Turner on TV, who are deeply needed for getting a more broad picture of political perspectives, and thus helping in looking at things critically. Political discussions are mostly attended by people who have no sharp fundamental criticism on capitalism, such as liberals/centrists, conservatives and right wing populist pundits & politicians, from what I gather.
If I watch CNN, MSNBC, Fox & NBC 24/7, I would almost certainly think that trickle-down/pro market economics is the only model that works. This is almost on the edge of propaganda. You seldom see progressive or self identifying Democratic-Socialist pundits like David Sirota, Glenn Greenwald and Nina Turner on TV, who are deeply needed for getting a more broad picture of political perspectives, and thus helping in looking at things critically. Political discussions are mostly attended by people who have no sharp fundamental criticism on capitalism, such as liberals/centrists, conservatives and right wing populist pundits & politicians, from what I gather.
That's one of many reasons saying this country has gone far left is a giant joke.
I think it's paywalled except the first part in which the author basically says "under my view of Marxism, Harris is Marxist."

Do you have the original paper by Harris this is replying to?
No, I'm not going to pay for that. Donald Harris was hired at Stanford because, due to student concerns a the time, they searched for a professor who espoused Marxist viewpoints, and found him. From the Stanford Daily (below),

"One knowledgeable source told the Daily that some senior faculty members were very hesitant hiring Harris, but they gradually yielded tp student pressure.

A conservative economics faculty member, who wished to remain anonymous said he was "not part of the decision and it would not be fair to say anything. "

He also added that 'as far as I'm concerned Harris is not in the same field I'm in'."


Here you go!!
Thank you, I have started reading it. Apparently, the main reason that Harris was hired at Stanford, was due to student pressure at the university to have a professor of economics who espoused Marxism. This type of being hired, seems to run in the family. In his daughter Kamala's case, when she was younger, she took advantage of Affirmative Action educational programs which she did not deserve. When she was 29 years old, in order to get into politics, she threw in a little extra to easily obtain governmental posts.

Here is a database of all of his writings. Some are not paywalled. His book Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution is photocopied in its entirety.
Thanks. That's a lot of reading (and much of that is paywalled, too).

I am not sure I have the time and interest to read his entire book (have you read it?) but from a quick scan, it seems like he had a historical and intellectual interest in Marxism as one of his areas of specialty and was definitely critical of how US capitalism was very disadvantageous to black Americans.

What I didn't see (and maybe someone could point me to this if he did) is where he advocated the US adopt communism.
Thanks. That's a lot of reading (and much of that is paywalled, too).

I am not sure I have the time and interest to read his entire book (have you read it?) but from a quick scan, it seems like he had a historical and intellectual interest in Marxism as one of his areas of specialty and was definitely critical of how US capitalism was very disadvantageous to black Americans.

What I didn't see (and maybe someone could point me to this if he did) is where he advocated the US adopt communism.
No, I haven't read it. I'm not saying he's a Marxist. Just providing links. The book I cited it said to be his most influential work, so I pointed it out specifically for you guys. I view this thread from afar lol. I'm not actually engaged in the discussion. I enjoy reading it though. :)

It seems he is a Post-Keynesian economist. He does cite Marx as an influence, but as you say being influenced by theory and being an avowed Marxist are two different things.


"Harris is said to work in the tradition of Post-Keynesian Economics. He has acknowledged the works of Joan Robinson, Maurice Dobb, Piero Sraffa, Michal Kalecki, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter, and William Arthur Lewis as varied influences upon his work."
It seems he is a Post-Keynesian economist. He does cite Marx as an influence, but as you say being influenced by theory and being an avowed Marxist are two different things.
This is from the Stanford paper, regarding Harris, who accepted the position. I respect a man who is honest and upfront about his beliefs, even if I do not agree with them.

I agree, he would've won.

That said, the religious right is still running the party. Trump just added some working class rhetoric. But he vilified his opponents just as much as the Democrats did.
Hi Born To Slay,

Noooooo, let's be clear...It was not the pandemic, it was his handling of the pandemic that got him fired.

He hasn't attended a COVID-19 meeting for 3 months, and when he did attend it was a TV op. He hasn't made any comments I can recall in relation to the record bread lines and hard times in the US brought on by the pandemic.

The president faced a crisis and failed to meet it. That's why he got canned. There are other lesser reasons related to not healing the division and rather stoking it.

Trump has a track record of screwing up... Odds are over the next few weeks he will make some more epic blunders that will further diminish his legacy and political influence.

From a "Knight's Tale " - you have been weighed and measured and found wanting. A great movie.

Peace Out, Born To Slay.
Hi Born To Slay,

Noooooo, let's be clear...It was not the pandemic, it was his handling of the pandemic that got him fired.

He hasn't attended a COVID-19 meeting for 3 months, and when he did attend it was a TV op. He hasn't made any comments I can recall in relation to the record bread lines and hard times in the US brought on by the pandemic.

The president faced a crisis and failed to meet it. That's why he got canned. There are other lesser reasons related to not healing the division and rather stoking it.

Trump has a track record of screwing up... Odds are over the next few weeks he will make some more epic blunders that will further diminish his legacy and political influence.

From a "Knight's Tale " - you have been weighed and measured and found wanting. A great movie.

Peace Out, Born To Slay.
Well yeah, it was his reaction, so if the pandemic didn't happen, he would've had no opportunity to screw it up. I do believe that he could've been re-elected if he did a great job on COVID-19. So I see your point.
The GOP stacked the courts intentionally in order to insure they won the election, by hook or by crook. They didn't even bother trying to hide much behind plausible deniability on this. So far it isn't paying off.

Supreme Court rejects Pennsylvania Republicans' attempt to block Biden victory

I still don't know exactly what to make of these Supreme Court appointments but these cases are becoming a litmus test for whether their loyalty really is to protect the constitution or party.
@Daniel Lion

What do you think of Trump's comments regarding the swing states? I'm not saying you are wrong, but some things sound suspicious. Trump had big turnouts at his rallies where Biden didn't. I realize some people voted for Biden with no other reason that it was against Trump.

I also thought I would find out what Kamala Harris thought of Joe Biden:

Hi Born To Slay,

Noooooo, let's be clear...It was not the pandemic, it was his handling of the pandemic that got him fired.

He hasn't attended a COVID-19 meeting for 3 months, and when he did attend it was a TV op. He hasn't made any comments I can recall in relation to the record bread lines and hard times in the US brought on by the pandemic.

The president faced a crisis and failed to meet it. That's why he got canned. There are other lesser reasons related to not healing the division and rather stoking it.

Trump has a track record of screwing up... Odds are over the next few weeks he will make some more epic blunders that will further diminish his legacy and political influence.

From a "Knight's Tale " - you have been weighed and measured and found wanting. A great movie.

Peace Out, Born To Slay.
You don't know what a pandemic is, Daniel Lion.
I hear people talk ill about Trump supporters who question the election results, as if this is some kind of capital crime. Some of them, and others, blame Trump for all of the COVID-19 deaths in the United States. The first part, about the election results, is mostly a type of defensive mechanism that freedom-hating people have. Blaming Trump for the COVID-19 deaths is either extreme stupidity, mental illness, or both. Are these the well educated, better-than-thou people who consider themselves to have better minds than all those who voted for Trump?
That said, the religious right is still running the party.
@Born To Slay -- Reminds me of the following linked article. -- I have to say, amidst all the insanity by evangelicals, stop the steal people, and your run of the mill Trump supporters and deniers of the legitimacy of the election, I did manage to get a chuckle out of the bolded portion below...

Prominent evangelicals are directing Trump's sinking ship. That feeds doubts about religion.

President Trump's naked attempt to overturn a fair election... — has driven some Trump evangelicals to the edge of blasphemous lunacy. -- "I'd be happy to die in this fight," radio talk-show host Eric Metaxas assured Trump during a recent interview. "This is a fight for everything. God is with us. Jesus is with us in this fight for liberty."

Elsewhere Metaxas predicted, "Trump will be inaugurated. For the high crimes of trying to throw a U.S. presidential election, many will go to jail. The swamp will be drained. And Lincoln's prophetic words of 'a new birth of freedom' will be fulfilled. Pray."

Just to be clear, Metaxas has publicly committed his life to Donald Trump, claimed that at least two members of the Trinity favor a coup against the constitutional order, endorsed the widespread jailing of Trump's political enemies for imaginary crimes, claimed Abraham Lincoln's blessing for the advance of authoritarianism and urged Christians to pray to God for the effective death of American democracy...​
What do you think of Trump's comments regarding the swing states? I'm not saying you are wrong, but some things sound suspicious. Trump had big turnouts at his rallies where Biden didn't. I realize some people voted for Biden with no other reason that it was against Trump.
Hi Friend,

I get Trump's appeal. He is strong, can shoot from the hip, and can free style speak completely unscripted.
Trump has massive popular appeal, that is simply undeniable. I am certain I personally could sit down and have a conversation and a laugh with him despite our differences.

I honestly think he legitimately lost but if you listened to him prior to the election he foreshadowed all of what we are seeing now. It is not legitimate, it's rigged etc.
The Supreme Court in Washington DC just shut him down as well as 40 and counting court cases filed in different States. I see this as ego damage control more than anything else and an attempt to undo the election. My humble opinion.

To be honest, patting you and me on the back now, we behave like how things were when I was coming up. Heated exchanges at thanksgiving, a coffee, or a family gathering about politics but still friends, still family.

We may have supported different candidates but I would never write you off as a person, a friend, and a cool dude with a great sense of humor. I hope our country can heal and stop all the division and bad feeling that has engulfed our country. I would never write off 70 million people and their wants and desires for a good life. I hope it cuts both ways... I know you extend your hand to Democrats in this same sense. Sadly the politicians whip everybody up into a frenzy and social media is even worse. You have nurses working 18 hour shifts and hospitals being overwhelmed and folks still calling COVID-19 a hoax... Rest assured just1morething, I call out friends and family when they make knee jerk generalizations about Trump supporters or anything blatantly offensive or close minded for that matter.

I do hope the things settle down, but it doesn't look good. Maybe America needs another war or foreign enemy to bring everybody together. Not advocating that, but people are somewhat predictable that way.

I have enjoyed the banter of the thread, most of it... some of it has upset me, but that's what happens when you enter the Lions Den. I think you have carried yourself with dignity and respect even when things got super heated and uncomfortable and name calling and all that nonsense was going down.

Forgive my rambling... As much as I hope that the US can get its act together... I am still consumed with the fall out of Tinnitus and all the shit it brings with it's 24/7 gift of hardship that keeps on giving... ouchhh.

Man, I hope you have a good winter and the static hiss backs off.

Take care,

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