2020 US Presidential Election

Until Janurary 20th, anyway.
Yeah, so it seems. I do wonder if some of Trump's defense fund donations can be going to him personally? It seems Senators' Johnson and Rand are still thinking there are voter irregularities that need to be looked into. I suppose some here will call them dumb as well, which is ridiculous.

"We must restore confidence in the integrity of our voting system," Johnson said. "This effort should be bipartisan."
What do y'all think of this bill:

Warren re-ups bill to ban stock trading by lawmakers

I strongly support it along with repealing Citizens United.
I don't object to a ban on purchasing new individual stocks while they are lawmakers. Lawmakers have inside information and so this will help reduce corruption. I don't think this is unreasonable. In some jobs such as legal jobs, parties/attorneys must recuse themselves from certain cases if they own substantial stock in the company involved in the case. However, lawmakers recusing themselves from voting due to this reason do a disservice to their constituents, as they are paid by taxpayers to work and vote on issues. Nevertheless, I think they should be able to sell stocks (that they previously bought) even though they can still benefit from inside information; I don't think they should be locked into keeping the stock especially since they may want to/need to sell it for whatever reason (purchase house, help pay for medical bills/kids' education, etc. or even for a reason where everyone has common knowledge such as the market for a certain sector is expected to decline next year, etc.).
She could very well become the President. This is a far cry from a specific, almost honorary position bestowed upon a friend or family member, by a politician. She will be responsible for the lives of over 300 million people. Yes, a glorified clerk who locked up people for five dollars worth of marijuana, had parents arrested because their child played hooky, refused to prosecute abusive cops, and won the Porker of the Year 2018 award, could be our President.

She made a choice, when she decided to trade sex for golden opportunities, with a powerful politician 30 years her senior, who had a very well known penchant for attractive women far younger than himself. She was actually older than the girls he usually "dated". I am not aware of whether he appointed other girlfriends to lucrative government positions.

Kamala Harris attempted to become nominated to run for President, and she got about 2% of the votes. People did not like her, for good reason. She is not even 1/100th as qualified to hold the office of President, as Biden, Pence, Pelosi, Obama, Bill or Hillary Clinton or, whether you like him or hate him, Donald Trump. It astounds me that not a single voice from the Women's Lib movement has pointed out what a bad choice she was, to be nominated and then elected, as the first female VP of the United States.

With Trump almost out of office, the Trump bashing media and press are already losing viewers and customers. They will need new people to focus on, and relentlessly criticize. Harris had better be very careful, because she may very well become their next target.
Lol, how the hell is Harris less qualified than Trump? A man who had no government or military experience and was literally the least qualified candidate in modern history.

And a COVID-19 task force is far from an honorary position. That's actually a pretty big role to give your son-in-law.
What do y'all think of this bill:

Warren re-ups bill to ban stock trading by lawmakers

I strongly support it along with repealing Citizens United.
This seems like an excellent bill to be implemented. This will stop corruption from happening and preventing lawmakers from buying shares from companies that are part of their lawmaking such as the companies that have created a coronavirus vaccine.

They would still be allowed to buy shares from companies such as Frequency Therapeutics right or would that be considered part of their lawmaking?
I don't understand what the problem is, with politicians buying and selling stocks, as long as they do not engage in insider trading.
Isn't running the government in and of itself insider trading if you have stocks? You have all that inside info that the other traders don't have.
I don't understand what the problem is, with politicians buying and selling stocks, as long as they do not engage in insider trading.
Many politicians are corrupt through inside deals, accepting bribes, involvement with the CCP, etc. that they would not blink twice about insider trading.
Lol, how the hell is Harris less qualified than Trump? A man who had no government or military experience and was literally the least qualified candidate in modern history.

And a COVID-19 task force is far from an honorary position. That's actually a pretty big role to give your son-in-law.
When Trump won the 2016 election, despite me knowing he has 0 experience in the things you mentioned, even I gave him a chance. In my head I was like "Ahh well he can't be that bad" then 4 years went past and holy shit man. This year especially was a MESS and a DISASTER by him. Instead of trying to get the pandemic under control, he just did fuck all and now the deaths might surpass American deaths in WW2 (already has for WW1). Then there were the protests about police brutality, and his response? More police brutality. I even thought to myself "he can't screw this up" and oh man I was wrong.

Remember his trade war which he said this -

Trump doubles down: 'Trade wars are good, and easy to win'

Remember one of his main goals is reducing the trade deficit? Well he failed lol -

US' trade deficit is widening to 14-year high

It's still rising and oh man the comments are roasting him:

"We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning" - Trump

He kept his promise on the "you're going to be so sick" part though. Not so much the "winning" however.

EDIT: Someone in the comments of the video said this: "That's about the amount of trade deficit with Mexico when Trump took office. It quickly rose to 70 billion. And they didn't pay for the wall. The art of the loser."
This seems like an excellent bill to be implemented. This will stop corruption from happening and preventing lawmakers from buying shares from companies that are part of their lawmaking such as the companies that have created a coronavirus vaccine.

They would still be allowed to buy shares from companies such as Frequency Therapeutics right or would that be considered part of their lawmaking?
All individual stocks. If they wanted to invest in Frequency Therapeutics (for instance), they'd have to buy shares of a biotech index (IBB).
Lol, how the hell is Harris less qualified than Trump? A man who had no government or military experience and was literally the least qualified candidate in modern history.

And a COVID-19 task force is far from an honorary position. That's actually a pretty big role to give your son-in-law.
Trump went to military school, which is not the military service, but it taught him discipline. I don't want a leader that is too militaristic, they're almost always going to be warlike, which is not desirable.

Trump is a businessman, with a ton of experience. The United States of America is a like a brand, which needs to grow, improve and be nurtured. The better our economy is, the better the lives of the citizens are, and he made great strides in that area with the highest Black employment in history, the best financial gains for the citizens, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, and more.

As for leadership, Trump and his son-in-law were responsible for the Middle East peace agreement, the first of it's type which Harris could never, not in a hundred years, have accomplished. The only hope we have, if she becomes president due to Biden stepping down, is if the Democrats enlist Obama, the Clintons, and others with experience, to guide her. She comes from a home with educated, professional people as her parents, yet relied on Affirmative Action programs to assist her in school. You know the rest, of how she rose through the ranks with help. She can't do anything by herself.

When Harris screws up, and she likely will if she becomes President, unless she listens to advice from more experienced people, the media is going to rip her to pieces.
I had trouble forcing myself to not waste my time reading long sex stories (he wrote them like erotic novels) about Kamala Harris where I'm not in the mood for that especially if I'm eating.
I am in the process of writing a pornographic novel about Kamala's Sexventures On Capital Thrill.

Do you want to edit it for me?
What do y'all think of this bill:

Warren re-ups bill to ban stock trading by lawmakers

I strongly support it along with repealing Citizens United.
Both of these things are not only things we should do, but things that are necessary if America is ever going to be anything resembling a republic where an informed public casts votes that matter. As long as corruption and money have the largest and loudest voice in the room, we're spiraling further towards being a Russian style gangster state.

I've been playing a bunch of Cyberpunk 2077 lately, and its vision of America 57 years from now is maybe a little too spot on the nose.
Many politicians are corrupt through inside deals, accepting bribes, involvement with the CCP, etc. that they would not blink twice about insider trading.
There are rules for financial dealings that must be followed, just like anything else. If politicians break them, they will be prosecuted. A lot of people have the opportunity to take advantage of inside information, and we don't ban them from owning stock. We really can't place a blanket ban politicians from all personal participation in the stock market industry, based upon a preconceived notion that that they are corrupt, without any supportive evidence.
Trump went to military school, which is not the military service, but it taught him discipline. I don't want a leader that is too militaristic, they're almost always going to be warlike, which is not desirable.

Trump is a businessman, with a ton of experience. The United States of America is a like a brand, which needs to grow, improve and be nurtured. The better our economy is, the better the lives of the citizens are, and he made great strides in that area with the highest Black employment in history, the best financial gains for the citizens, the lowest unemployment in 50 years, and more.

As for leadership, Trump and his son-in-law were responsible for the Middle East peace agreement, the first of it's type which Harris could never, not in a hundred years, have accomplished. The only hope we have, if she becomes president due to Biden stepping down, is if the Democrats enlist Obama, the Clintons, and others with experience, to guide her. She comes from a home with educated, professional people as her parents, yet relied on Affirmative Action programs to assist her in school. You know the rest, of how she rose through the ranks with help. She can't do anything by herself.

When Harris screws up, and she likely will if she becomes President, unless she listens to advice from more experienced people, the media is going to rip her to pieces.
I really find this amazing. So Trump as a business man is experienced enough but not Kamala who's held high positions local, state and federal government now?

Trump was also given his start. Trump was given money from his father to get started and had the Trump name to give him a boost. How is that any different than Harris being helped by nepotism? It's literally the definition of nepotism that Trump was given everything he needed to get started by his dad. He was not self made, he was born into money. If he wasn't he'd be selling shitty watches in New York.

And lol at can't do anything herself, she was elected to the United States Senate. The people of California wanted her representation and voted for her.

And that's great some stuff worked out under Trump, but that doesn't validate his experience. If Harris was to become President, you know what would happen? Not much. The country would just keep chugging along because who the President, while important, is not usually make or break for America.
It seems Senators' Johnson and Rand are still thinking there are voter irregularities that need to be looked into. I suppose some here will call them dumb as well, which is ridiculous.
@just1morething -- They're beyond dumb. Johnson especially is almost a clone of Trump when it comes to lying, fabricating, and being an outright moron. The video clip of him you posted gives only a hint at what a POS he is. Why anybody would believe (or even consider believing) what Trump, Johnson or Rand would have to say about the election is truly beyond me. Just look at their track records! -- Below is a USA article that just posted this morning. I think it's a pretty good and accurate summation of things I've been very familiar with for years.

How do Trump's extraordinary betrayals stand up against history? He could be the worst.
Putting Trump in context is the best way to highlight and understand his betrayals. History is the highest court, and its verdict can't be appealed.

...Trump has betrayed the country again and again. And there has been a massive effort by him and his political allies to quash this truth, to cloud perceptions with disinformation, to claim critical elements of it were a hoax. To defend the country, to ensure the survival of our democracy and to ultimately undo the damage Trump and Putin and their enablers and cronies have done, it was essential that the facts be brought to light.

But how could that be done in a way that would stand up to scrutiny and stand out amidst the daily outrages of the Trump presidency? As a historian and a student of the presidency and of power, I know that history is the highest court, that its jurisdiction knows no boundaries and that its final verdict cannot be appealed. Further, I understood that it was essential not to allow Trump's serial betrayals to become somehow "normalized" or devalued in the acid back and forth of our daily political debate...
I am in the process of writing a pornographic novel about Kamala's Sexventures On Capital Thrill.

Do you want to edit it for me?
Sure thing. Sounds hawt.
Both of these things are not only things we should do, but things that are necessary if America is ever going to be anything resembling a republic where an informed public casts votes that matter. As long as corruption and money have the largest and loudest voice in the room, we're spiraling further towards being a Russian style gangster state.

I've been playing a bunch of Cyberpunk 2077 lately, and its vision of America 57 years from now is maybe a little too spot on the nose.
We are headed for a cyberpunk future definitely. You know how one of the main themes of the genre is corporations controlling our life through technology? Well Amazon's 'Alexa' is starting to become more common as a first word for a baby. A baby is showing more love and loyalty to Jeff Bezos than his/her own mother! It doesn't stop there because then they want to grow up to be YouTubers (statistically the most desired job for them) and that generation is inspired by Logan Paul who's most popular with the younger ones. You know, the guy who filmed and disrespected that dead body in Japan? Consumerist and fame chasers since the day they're born.


Except unlike Blade Runner, our future has a mix of idiocracy to it when Logan Paul and Donald Trump (he's like President Camacho) is involved. Actually if a time traveller told me Logan Paul would be a future President then I would 100% believe them because Trump's "one term wonder" made me question reality.


There are rules for financial dealings that must be followed, just like anything else. If politicians break them, they will be prosecuted. A lot of people have the opportunity to take advantage of inside information, and we don't ban them from owning stock. We really can't place a blanket ban politicians from all personal participation in the stock market industry, based upon a preconceived notion that that they are corrupt, without any supportive evidence.
Why not? When you become a lawmaker, you should be held to a higher standard. A lot of people may have the ability to get insider information but you don't want people developing policy to have a stake in the stock market. That's a massive incentive to pass legislation that will help their portfolios. If you want to trade stock, don't be a politician. They're not broke, they get great pay and benefits.
Donald Trump (he's like President Camacho) is involved.
This analogy almost works, but when push came to shove, Camacho respected the fact that Joe was smarter than him, listened to his idea about water, and prevented untold deaths.

Trump seems constitutionally incapable of respecting domain experts to know more than he does, and this tendency combined with COVID-19 has certainly led to higher mortality here than we would have had otherwise.

Other than that, I watched Idiocracy in early 2016, and have found it mostly depressingly on point.
Unless I'm not understanding this right, you would allow for corruption on the off chance they would invest in Frequency Therapeutics?
No. What happens if they have bought shares in individual companies before the bill is implemented? Would the lawmakers be forced to sell their shares?

Another way they could do this but still allow lawmakers to buy shares in individual companies is by not allowing them to buy shares from companies that have a high risk of corruption. Pharmaceutical companies would be a high risk of corruption by lawmakers.
No. What happens if they have bought shares in individual companies before the bill is implemented? Would the lawmakers be forced to sell their shares?

Another way they could do this but still allow lawmakers to buy shares in individual companies is by not allowing them to buy shares from companies that have a high risk of corruption. Pharmaceutical companies would be a high risk of corruption by lawmakers.
The problem is almost every publicly traded company is an "inside trade" when you are part of the body writing the laws and overseeing government contracts.

Even small cap biotech (like Frequency Therapeutics) would be subject to future insurance changes.

Can you think of a company not affected in some way by national laws and in which it would be conflict of interest free to invest in?
This analogy almost works, but when push came to shove, Camacho respected the fact that Joe was smarter than him, listened to his idea about water, and prevented untold deaths.

Trump seems constitutionally incapable of respecting domain experts to know more than he does, and this tendency combined with COVID-19 has certainly led to higher mortality here than we would have had otherwise.

Other than that, I watched Idiocracy in early 2016, and have found it mostly depressingly on point.
Oh shit I forgot about that. You're right and even though I haven't watched that movie in ages, President Camacho actually showed he gave a shit about his people and took some responsibility. I mean compared to Trump's response to Americans dying: "it is what is its" I think President Camacho would have handled 2020 a bit better or at least showed remorse.

Surprisingly he was a better speaker than Trump (considering in the movie everyone spoke dumb except the main character with average intelligence) where he couldn't pronounce a lot of countries names such as Thailand (he called it thigh-land lol) and Namibia. He couldn't pronounce his own countries famous national park which he supposedly knows more than anybody else.

President Camacho might have fired a machine gun in the sky to shut everyone up for shouting at him, however I don't think he was at war with any country or illegally drone striked some Iranian general on a diplomatic mission (pretty idiocracy material too). After you put it that way, he doesn't seem that bad compared to Trump...
The President of the United States would like to thank the Democrats for "rigging" the election. Also a personal thank you to his friend Jimmy Kimmel who always spoke highly of him.

Here is his gracious response:


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