2020 US Presidential Election

The problem is almost every publicly traded company is an "inside trade" when you are part of the body writing the laws and overseeing government contracts.

Even small cap biotech (like Frequency Therapeutics) would be subject to future insurance changes.

Can you think of a company not affected in some way by national laws and in which it would be conflict of interest free to invest in?
Not that I can think of. The majority of public traded companies have a chance of corruption happening but there will be some companies that have a lower risk of corruption.

If lawmakers want to continue buying shares from public traded companies another option to get rid of that conflict of interest and corruption is by not allowing them to be part of the process before a law is implemented or voting for it to be implemented if they own shares in those publicly traded companies that relate to that law being implemented. I think this is the only way other than to stop lawmakers from buying shares in publicly traded companies.
Not that I can think of. The majority of public traded companies have a chance of corruption happening but there will be some companies that have a lower risk of corruption.

If lawmakers want to continue buying shares from public traded companies another option to get rid of that conflict of interest and corruption is by not allowing them to be part of the process before a law is implemented or voting for it to be implemented if they own shares in those publicly traded companies that relate to that law being implemented. I think this is the only way other than to stop lawmakers from buying shares in publicly traded companies.
So if you own any medical stocks, you can't vote on insurance laws and if you own Silicon Valley stocks you can't have a say in e-commerce laws or the FCC?

Lol. Imagine making them chose between their lobbyists and owning stocks.
The next chapter in validating some of my worst-case predictions in this thread.

Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

And this isn't even factoring in Trump's refusal to blame Russia for the mega-hacking even contradicting a loyalist like Pompeo. How long until Pompeo gets the Bill Barr treatment? Or is it the Krebs treatment?

So if you own any medical stocks, you can't vote on insurance laws and if you own Silicon Valley stocks you can't have a say in e-commerce laws or the FCC?

Lol. Imagine making them chose between their lobbyists and owning stocks.
That's why it will be a tough ask to make lawmakers choose between the two so I'm unsure whether the bill should be implemented or not.

It depends on whether current lawmakers can keep their shares in individual companies or be forced to sell them. If they are forced to sell their shares in individual companies they probably will choose to keep their jobs rather than quitting unless they finish their terms or don't get re-elected but at least if they still continue to be part of lawmaking decisions they would still be able to invest in biotech index funds etc.
The next chapter in validating some of my worst-case predictions in this thread.

Heated Oval Office meeting included talk of special counsel, martial law as Trump advisers clash

And this isn't even factoring in Trump's refusal to blame Russia for the mega-hacking even contradicting a loyalist like Pompeo. How long until Pompeo gets the Bill Barr treatment? Or is it the Krebs treatment?

View attachment 42238
There's also this:

The outcome will probably end up looking more like this though. This was made 2 years ago mind you and they predicted his child-like tantrum he threw after losing the election:

American politics being what it is, and the GOP's tendency to project being what it is, I think it's possible there's all kinds of dumb shit that went down with this election in various places, on either side. If we're gonna talk about vote machine manufacturer sketchiness, there's been weird stuff and controversies surrounding ES&S since at least Bush/Gore in 2000.

This cartoon always comes to mind:


That said, the specific claims being made don't really make sense or pass muster, they are regurgitations of debunked right wing talking points which are being echoed not because they are true, but specifically to undermine people's faith in the electoral process and pave the way for some millions of people to regard Biden as illegitimate for the next 4 years. This demographic will have a heavy crossover with people who thought Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim -- remember, Donald Trump is the original celebrity Birther, and one of the reasons the whole Birther thing was ever more than a crackpot conspiracy theory. Trump's administration has normalized conspiracy theorists and brought them into the party fold; the party will need to eject them, or become increasingly illegitimate, misguided and insane. Hence stuff like:

GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw to Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'Start acting' like a member of Congress

If there was evidence of massive fraud, multiple GOP state legislators, secretaries of state and governors would not have died on a hill of certifying their election results -- and Trump projected loud and clear that he was going to claim voter fraud and take it to the courts no matter what if he lost, for months. As it turned out, his efforts to do so were pretty pathetic, because he's burned most of his bridges with smart people so instead he has Rudy's Rally Down By The Dildo Store.

Not even Trump is really trying to dispute that he massively lost the popular vote this time; also, it would be pretty weird of the DNC to have the power to rig the election for Biden but decide to just lose all the downballot races and toss a bunch of house seats and not grab senate control. Smoke and mirrors, tools of distraction.
IMHO, Trump purged the Pentagon in order to clear the way for a military coup. He is continuing to purge his cabinet of anyone who doesn't rubber-stamp his mad-king whims. He should be immediately removed by virtue of the 25th amendment. Even his cabinet had debated this years ago. We've just become so worn down by his antics that we actually think this sort of incompetence and malignance on his part is within the discretion of the office.

Why Trump Carried Out His Pentagon Purge

Trump's hand-picked supreme court and his closest allies (Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, etc...) haven't been enough to get him to stand down. At this point we have to hope that the rank-and-file military who may be commanded to hold America hostage by Trump will refuse to act.
Rudy's Rally Down By The Dildo Store.
THANK YOU (I thought it would be impossible to find a Twitch and/or Reddit name not already taken. The other choice was "Blockchainballotsfromspace")
Not even Trump is really trying to dispute that he massively lost the popular vote this time; also, it would be pretty weird of the DNC to have the power to rig the election for Biden but decide to just lose all the downballot races and toss a bunch of house seats and not grab senate control. Smoke and mirrors, tools of distraction.
Exactly. It makes zero sense.

I just want one conservative to explain to me why the Dems didn't bother to rig NC which has *no* signature matching for Biden (unlike Georgia which *does* match before ballot is opened). Why isn't Trump arguing that there must be fraud there since the Democratic governor won re-election? Oh yeah, because Trump (and Tillis but Trump only cares about himself) won there.
We've just become so worn down by his antics that we actually think this sort of incompetence and malignance on his part is within the discretion of the office.
This was the most surprising thing of all of Trump's presidency to me and why "MAGA" has all the makings of a cult.

Supporters don't even question anything says even if it directly contradicts their own values. Remember in that Jonathan Swan interview when he literally said it was ok for Russia (recently) to put a bounty on our troops because the US had armed Taliban against Russia decades earlier? Crickets.

Here he is arguing against due process for second amendment rights.


If Trump does it, it must be ok. If he says it, it must be true. I don't know what else to call it at this point if not a cult. "MAGA" is part of people's identity now.

Obama was very popular but can you imagine people walking around with Obama swag all the time?

This video actually made me giggle.
I really find this amazing. So Trump as a business man is experienced enough but not Kamala who's held high positions local, state and federal government now?

Trump was also given his start. Trump was given money from his father to get started and had the Trump name to give him a boost. How is that any different than Harris being helped by nepotism? It's literally the definition of nepotism that Trump was given everything he needed to get started by his dad. He was not self made, he was born into money. If he wasn't he'd be selling shitty watches in New York.

And lol at can't do anything herself, she was elected to the United States Senate. The people of California wanted her representation and voted for her.

And that's great some stuff worked out under Trump, but that doesn't validate his experience. If Harris was to become President, you know what would happen? Not much. The country would just keep chugging along because who the President, while important, is not usually make or break for America.
She was not really elected as Senator of California. Did you ever see the numbers: 3 million votes for her, 1.5 million for another Democrat, and half a million for the Republican? It's obvious that the Republicans didn't even try, as it was a foregone conclusion that ANY Democrat with connections would have won. I agree that we could survive with her as President, as long as she has people with experience telling her what to do, but in reality she's a puppet, a glorified marijuana cop with a political foundation of very dubious beginnings, not a person that should be President of the United States. She's simply not bright, or strong, enough to handle it.
She was not really elected as Senator of California. Did you ever see the numbers: 3 million votes for her, 1.5 million for another Democrat, and half a million for the Republican? It's obvious that the Republicans didn't even try, as it was a foregone conclusion that ANY Democrat with connections would have won. I agree that we could survive with her as President, as long as she has people with experience telling her what to do, but in reality she's a puppet, a glorified marijuana cop with a political foundation of very dubious beginnings, not a person that should be President of the United States. She's simply not bright, or strong, enough to handle it.
A quick Google search says those numbers are wrong. She won 7.5 million votes against a fellow Democrat's 4.5 million. There was no Republican on the ballot.

That's a substantial victory and she beat another established Democrat.
That person was just being silly. I agree they shouldn't kneel during the National Anthem. It's out of respect for the Armed Forces that protect this country. Bud Grant had his players practice standing for the Anthem. And back then they didn't make the incredible money they do now.
This was the most surprising thing of all of Trump's presidency to me and why "MAGA" has all the makings of a cult.

Supporters don't even question anything says even if it directly contradicts their own values. Remember in that Jonathan Swan interview when he literally said it was ok for Russia (recently) to put a bounty on our troops because the US had armed Taliban against Russia decades earlier? Crickets.

Here he is arguing against due process for second amendment rights.


If Trump does it, it must be ok. If he says it, it must be true. I don't know what else to call it at this point if not a cult. "MAGA" is part of people's identity now.

Obama was very popular but can you imagine people walking around with Obama swag all the time?

This video actually made me giggle.
You need to watch more of this channel and stop listening to the talking heads. :)

You need to watch more of this channel and stop listening to the talking heads. :)

Are you suggesting I ignore video of Trump's own words and just listen to OANN instead?

You have said you are a Christian, so I will give you an analogy, would you trust anyone who said not to read the Bible yourself and just listen to what they said about it?
A quick Google search says those numbers are wrong. She won 7.5 million votes against a fellow Democrat's 4.5 million. There was no Republican on the ballot.

That's a substantial victory and she beat another established Democrat.
This woman does not have what it takes to lead a large city, much less the United States of America. De Blasio can't run NYC effectively and, like Kamala, he dropped out of the Presidential race due to a low, single digit percentage of support. People do not like de Blasio, and I predict the same will be true for Harris. I cannot name a single worthwhile thing that de Blasio did for NYC. There's simply nothing there to like, or respect, about either one of them.
Are you a comedian? You all should have your own comedy show.

Iz Wussia! Oh no!
Hi PeteJ, glad you appreciate my posts.

If we survive our tinnitus, I honestly have my doubts for good reason, we should hook up and have a laugh.

I hate this condition.

Take care buddy

Xin nian kuai le - that's Chinese for Happy New Year, my spelling of Chinese in English is probably off, but you get the gist.
You have said you are a Christian, so I will give you an analogy, would you trust anyone who said not to read the Bible yourself and just listen to what they said about it?
I'm not sure what I am. I grew up Catholic but haven't attended church in a long time mainly because of my tinnitus. I have a Catholic friend that is very pro-life and voted for Trump and another Catholic friend that voted for Biden. I know a lot of women can't stand Trump, including some of my siblings.

I see your video about Trump being against guns and now being for the 2nd amendment. I personally don't like guns, but can see some wanting them for protection.
She was not really elected as Senator of California. Did you ever see the numbers: 3 million votes for her, 1.5 million for another Democrat, and half a million for the Republican? It's obvious that the Republicans didn't even try, as it was a foregone conclusion that ANY Democrat with connections would have won. I agree that we could survive with her as President, as long as she has people with experience telling her what to do, but in reality she's a puppet, a glorified marijuana cop with a political foundation of very dubious beginnings, not a person that should be President of the United States. She's simply not bright, or strong, enough to handle it.

Not really elected? I am surprised to hear you say that.

I know you despise Senator Harris, but that doesn't mean she did not win the election.
This woman does not have what it takes to lead a large city, much less the United States of America. De Blasio can't run NYC effectively and, like Kamala, he dropped out of the Presidential race due to a low, single digit percentage of support. People do not like de Blasio, and I predict the same will be true for Harris. I cannot name a single worthwhile thing that de Blasio did for NYC. There's simply nothing there to like, or respect, about either one of them.
De Blasio brought universal preschool to NYC.
I'm not sure what I am. I grew up Catholic but haven't attended church in a long time mainly because of my tinnitus. I have a Catholic friend that is very pro-life and voted for Trump and another Catholic friend that voted for Biden. I know a lot of women can't stand Trump, including some of my siblings.

I see your video about Trump being against guns and now being for the 2nd amendment. I personally don't like guns, but can see some wanting them for protection.
I know a lot of people disagree, but I believe Catholics are Christians.
I'm not sure what I am. I grew up Catholic but haven't attended church in a long time mainly because of my tinnitus. I have a Catholic friend that is very pro-life and voted for Trump and another Catholic friend that voted for Biden. I know a lot of women can't stand Trump, including some of my siblings.

I see your video about Trump being against guns and now being for the 2nd amendment. I personally don't like guns, but can see some wanting them for protection.
Do they still do "confession"? Those priest hypocrites are supposed to "forgive" normal people, for minor problems, and they've been enabling and protecting the scum of the earth, child rapists, for many decades. If any of them had ever tried to molest me, I would have been in prison on murder charges. I attended Catholic schools for 10 years, and you would not believe some of the things I could tell you, that I witnessed and experienced. I would not even shake the hand of one of those slimy creatures, they're all guilty to some degree, of coverups if not pedophile activity itself. Barely human garbage, all of them. And, it's not only the RCC, there's plenty of this in other organizations, as well.
I'm not sure what I am. I grew up Catholic but haven't attended church in a long time mainly because of my tinnitus. I have a Catholic friend that is very pro-life and voted for Trump and another Catholic friend that voted for Biden. I know a lot of women can't stand Trump, including some of my siblings.

I see your video about Trump being against guns and now being for the 2nd amendment. I personally don't like guns, but can see some wanting them for protection.
Thanks for answering my comments and questions by the way (@Lilah too who I disagree with on almost everything but seems largely nice about it :) )!

I am actually pretty pro 2A for someone on the left.

My "any good or service that can be easily traded on the black market if it is restricted" argument extends to things both the left (guns) and the right (abortion) want to restrict.

That being said, there are definitely common sense measures like background checks that aren't going to drive a whole expanded gun market to the cartels (like bans would).

I think silencers should definitely not be restricted for obvious otological reasons. And I will say it, that is one maybe well meaning but ultimately pointless restriction from the left (and harmful for ears).

There has got to be things conservative politicians tend to support that some of you don't. Private prisons maybe (I have yet to meet someone who is pro private prisons).
Do they still do "confession"? Those priest hypocrites are supposed to "forgive" normal people, for minor problems, and they've been enabling and protecting the scum of the earth, child rapists, for many decades. If any of them had ever tried to molest me, I would have been in prison on murder charges. I attended Catholic schools for 10 years, and you would not believe some of the things I could tell you, that I witnessed and experienced. I would not even shake the hand of one of those slimy creatures, they're all guilty to some degree, of coverups if not pedophile activity itself. Barely human garbage, all of them. And, it's not only the RCC, there's plenty of this in other organizations, as well.
I have not witnessed what you said, but certainly heard about it. I think it up to 5% of priests may be involved. I guess I wouldn't label them all as guilty, but even a small percentage can bankrupt dioceses' with their lawsuits and have lasting mental damage to individuals. I would suppose they still do confessions.

Sounds like similar things happened in the Boy Scouts. I have heard about that but just now read it online.

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