2020 US Presidential Election

I see someone said phony ballots made by a mass copy machine are different from original ballots. Thanks to forensics they can tell the difference.
It's funny, you all make fun of Trump but he outperformed Obama in most measures. Trump is racist and somehow Biden is a champion for minorities, just because he chose a black woman as VP. Trump is the one that got criminal justice reform done, something that even Obama could not. Recors unemployment for all minorities. Lowest is recorded history. All under Trump's policies.

Something that bothers me is how the Democratic Party takes for granted support from African Americans. The Republican Party is slowly becoming a party for all races. Many minorities are starting to see through the race baiting the left does. A good example was Biden saying "They're gonna put y'all back in chains," "You're not black if you don't vote for me."

Good article here that discusses racism and the two parties:

World's Worst 'Fact-Check' Claims Democrats Didn't Start the Civil War or KKK
I didn't kill the thread with my sarcastic humor did I? I'm not always serious but for the most part I am. It's hard to know what other people think on a sort of divided thread.
It's funny, you all make fun of Trump but he outperformed Obama in most measures. Trump is racist and somehow Biden is a champion for minorities, just because he chose a black woman as VP. Trump is the one that got criminal justice reform done, something that even Obama could not. Recors unemployment for all minorities. Lowest is recorded history. All under Trump's policies.

Something that bothers me is how the Democratic Party takes for granted support from African Americans. The Republican Party is slowly becoming a party for all races. Many minorities are starting to see through the race baiting the left does. A good example was Biden saying "They're gonna put y'all back in chains," "You're not black if you don't vote for me."

Good article here that discusses racism and the two parties:

World's Worst 'Fact-Check' Claims Democrats Didn't Start the Civil War or KKK
I think this is one of the reasons Trump followers are so skeptical of the election results. They don't understand why there would be excitement about Biden and truthfully there isn't. I have never met or heard of anyone who thought he was a champion for black people because he chose Harris. If anything, he gets more credibility in the black community because Obama chose him. He's a flawed candidate. The "you ain't black..." comment is pure cringe.

The enthusiasm to vote for Biden was not about Biden. It was to vote against Trump.

Why? Trump put American lives at risk with his COVID-19 downplaying (he was on tape admitting to this, remember?), someone who preferred the interest of dictators of Turkey and Russia to that of our allies, who even said he had a "loving" relationship with Kim Jung-Un (after blasting him during the Otto Warmbier incident before he was President), someone who takes "no responsibility" for his failings, and credit for others' work (his economy was built on Obama's policies). Someone who fires any advisor will dares to tell him what he doesn't want to hear. A man who will never admit he was wrong and in fact would rather proven innocent people rot in jail than be wrong (Central Park 5). A man so stooped in conspiracy nonsense that he elevated birtherism and, as a candidate 4 years ago, even pushed the narrative that Ted Cruz's father had JFK killed.

Most leftists would acknowledge that the Democratic Party has a long way to go and that's why candidates like Bernie Sanders are popular. He (Bernie) represents progressive values and doesn't take anyone's support for granted.

The Democratic Party can improve and it is precisely because there isn't the same idol worship of their leaders. Trump followers can never and refuse to see that he ever does anything wrong. And they don't seem to realize how dangerous that is.
I heard that there was more votes for Trump and Biden than there were registered voters. How can that be? I'm blowing time waiting for my ride.
Kinzinger: Upwards of 100 GOP Lawmakers Will Vote to Not Accept Election Results
Good link! Here's the gist...

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., thinks "upwards of" 100 GOP lawmakers will vote to not accept Joe Biden's victory when Congress convenes on Jan. 6 to count the Electoral College votes...

.. Kinzinger, one of the few Republicans to speak out against the conspiracy theories President Donald Trump embraces surrounding the election, told Sykes that he's "over the undermining of democracy and frankly, the massive damage that's being done with this.

"It is a scam," he said of the effort to get the election reversed, specifically calling out Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, the pair of House Republicans leading the Jan. 6 effort...

... "All they're doing is getting a ton of followers, raising a ton of money, and they're taking people that are hurting right now during a pandemic and taking their money from them, not because they're telling them the truth but because they're giving them false hope," he added.​
The ball is now in Biden's court, with COVID-19. He has the vaccines. Anti-Trumpers have been blaming the deaths on him since the beginning. What will be said if several hundred thousand more people die over the next nine months? Will they blame Trump for it, or Biden, who has a great advantage in that there are vaccinations?

This is literally a matter of life and death, and I hope that the Biden administration can do what they promised, but I have very strong reservations about it.
The Republican Party is slowly becoming a party for all races.
Oh, you mean the same party that's been working overtime all over the country to prevent minorities from voting for the past several decades? And have only increased their efforts since the Supreme Court overturned historic (and legal!) legislation in 2013 to prevent voter suppression (the Voting Rights Act)? And continually use creative and illegal means to further voter suppression as they fearfully stare straight into the face of coming demographics? That party???
I didn't kill the thread with my sarcastic humor did I? I'm not always serious but for the most part I am. It's hard to know what other people think on a sort of divided thread.
Don't worry buddy, we're all having fun here lol.
It's funny, you all make fun of Trump but he outperformed Obama in most measures. Trump is racist and somehow Biden is a champion for minorities, just because he chose a black woman as VP. Trump is the one that got criminal justice reform done, something that even Obama could not. Recors unemployment for all minorities. Lowest is recorded history. All under Trump's policies.

Something that bothers me is how the Democratic Party takes for granted support from African Americans. The Republican Party is slowly becoming a party for all races. Many minorities are starting to see through the race baiting the left does. A good example was Biden saying "They're gonna put y'all back in chains," "You're not black if you don't vote for me."

Good article here that discusses racism and the two parties:

World's Worst 'Fact-Check' Claims Democrats Didn't Start the Civil War or KKK
Okay, first Trump got the bare minimum of criminal justice reform done. It's literally called "The First Step Act" for a reason. It's good he did it, and I do give him credit for it but it's maybe 10% of what needs to be done and I think some over credit him for it. At the very least if you are going to credit Trump for this, you have to give Obama credit for pardoning many non-violent drug offenders, beginning the end of private prisons and allowing states to legalize marijuana.

Another point is that Obama signed a lot of major pieces of legislation. He can't do everything in 8 years. As far as the unemployment rate is concerned it declined throughout Obama's presidency and was just 4.7% in November of 2016 when Trump won. In February of this year it was 3.5%. So Trump only brought down the unemployment rate by 1.2% during his tenure. That's good. But giving him all the credit for record unemployment while ignoring that Obama got him most the way there, is over crediting him at the expense of not crediting Obama.

Finally Obama, in addition to cutting unemployment substantially, dramatically cut the uninsured rate among all races and brought the percentage of those with health insurance to record highs among all races. So no, Trump did not perform better then Obama. Trump rode coattails of the good economy left to him, while Obama essentially had to put the country back together after Bush and still had historic achievements.

The Democrats do take African Americans voters for granted but... Trump is no less cringe. The shit he says is mind numbing.
Senate Democrats' Motion To Concede On $2,000 Checks

How Democrats and Beltway pundits just helped Mitch McConnell undermine Bernie Sanders' push for direct aid to millions of Americans facing eviction, starvation and bankruptcy.


The day began with Sen. Bernie Sanders following through on his promise to deny unanimous consent for the Senate to advance a $740 billion defense authorization bill, until Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell allows an up-or-down vote on legislation that would send $2,000 survival checks to individuals making less than $75,000 and couples making less than $150,000.

Sanders' move forced McConnell to ask the Senate to pass a formal motion to proceed on the defense bill, which would let Republicans move forward on the Pentagon priority without a vote on the $2,000 checks. The motion created the moment in which Democrats could have stood their ground and cornered the GOP leader.

Instead, as Republicans saber rattled about the need to pass the defense bill, 41 Democrats obediently voted with McConnell, allowing him to move the defense bill forward without a vote on the checks. That included "yes" votes from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and vice-president elect Kamala Harris, the lead sponsor on a bill to give Americans monthly $2,000 checks during the pandemic. One day before her vote to help McConnell, Harris had called on the Republican leader to hold a vote on her legislation.

Only six members of the Senate Democratic Caucus mustered the courage to vote against McConnell's maneuver — Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkley, Ed Markey and Ron Wyden. Democratic senators in fact provided the majority of the votes for the measure that lets the defense bill proceed without a vote on the $2,000 checks.


Had most Senate Democrats voted against that motion, they might have had a chance to deny McConnell and stall the process — after all, five Republicans also voted against the measure, including Missouri's Josh Hawley, who has pushed the survival checks with Sanders.

Link: https://www.dailyposter.com/p/senate-democrats-motion-to-concede
Do you know more than the people on OANN? I thought we were just a tinnitus forum. I know OANN is a Trump channel, so they are biased, but some of what they say makes sense. Time will tell. How about the copied ballots that are not the same paper as the original? Something is rotten in Denmark.
Do you know more than the people on OANN? I thought we were just a tinnitus forum. I know OANN is a Trump channel, so they are biased, but some of what they say makes sense. Time will tell. How about the copied ballots that are not the same paper as the original? Something is rotten in Denmark.
Thing is, that info is out there. Forbes is not exactly an indie publication.

OANN is aware of all of this but they get paid to tell Trump followers what they want to hear.

It's not a dog or a cat, but the next best thing. :rockingbanana:

Do you know more than the people on OANN? I thought we were just a tinnitus forum. I know OANN is a Trump channel, so they are biased, but some of what they say makes sense. Time will tell. How about the copied ballots that are not the same paper as the original? Something is rotten in Denmark.
It's not FGG that knows more than OANN (though she definitely does) but rather Politifact, AP News, Forbes and the other sources she cited.

It's not a dog or a cat, but the next best thing. :rockingbanana:

View attachment 42434
That was really left field and I can appreciate that! I went to the website and was struck with this:

"Note If the products have no quality problems and do not accept returns, the logistics will have a certain impact due to the epidemic."

Does this make sense to anyone else or did I drink too much after 2+ years of not drinking anything?
To be fair, we should give the Dream Team of Biden and that woman a bit of time, say three weeks after they're sworn in. After that, every single COVID-19 death is on them.

For the inauguration, hopefully Washington DC will be flooded with thousands of protesters, wearing masks, to let them know that they will be carefully monitored from that day forward. Any and all screw ups will be noted and remembered.
The ball is now in Biden's court, with COVID-19. He has the vaccines. Anti-Trumpers have been blaming the deaths on him since the beginning. What will be said if several hundred thousand more people die over the next nine months? Will they blame Trump for it, or Biden, who has a great advantage in that there are vaccinations?

This is literally a matter of life and death, and I hope that the Biden administration can do what they promised, but I have very strong reservations about it.
When more die, it will be because Trump didn't do his job. When the economy goes down the toilet, and it will, they'll blame Trump too.
Trumpist love Trump so fervently (and live in a social media bubble with other Trumpists) that they can't imagine that more than half the country finds him unfit. They just refuse to believe it.

And you can't reason people out of a cult:

If You Didn't Vote for Trump, Your Vote Is Fraudulent

This was a good read:

"As long as devotion to the Trumpian creed remains a central tenet of membership in the Republican Party, precious few elected officials will risk the brand of the heretic.

The Republican majority leader of the Pennsylvania Senate, Kim Ward, told The New York Times that if she had not signed a letter urging the state's congressional delegation to toss out Pennsylvania's electoral votes, "I'd get my house bombed tonight." Brad Raffensperger, the Republican secretary of state for Georgia, and his wife have both faced violent threats since the state certified Biden's victory and Raffensperger reiterated that there was no evidence of fraud. Among the Trump faithful, acknowledging the actual outcome of the presidential election is apostasy."
If You Didn't Vote for Trump, Your Vote Is Fraudulent

This was a good read:

"As long as devotion to the Trumpian creed remains a central tenet of membership in the Republican Party, precious few elected officials will risk the brand of the heretic.

The Republican majority leader of the Pennsylvania Senate, Kim Ward, told The New York Times that if she had not signed a letter urging the state's congressional delegation to toss out Pennsylvania's electoral votes, "I'd get my house bombed tonight." Brad Raffensperger, the Republican secretary of state for Georgia, and his wife have both faced violent threats since the state certified Biden's victory and Raffensperger reiterated that there was no evidence of fraud. Among the Trump faithful, acknowledging the actual outcome of the presidential election is apostasy."
That sounds more like you are describing the tactics of the left. Of organizations like BLM. Even the city of Detroit is fighting back against their tactics. They have a law suit now against BLM.

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