2020 US Presidential Election

Certainly not against the constitution, so yeah. It does set a dangerous precedent though. If that happens, how many people are going to be on the SCOTUS in another 20 years? Will it be 25 people? IMO it needs to be kept the size it has been for awhile now, at 9. The party in power could certainly try to increase it but where does it end?
I don't think it's any more dangerous than the precedent set by Mitch McConnell to only let President you like seat someone and keep the court vacant for over a year to do it.
I agree with you that there is violence happening on both sides.

What I'm seeing now is that a lot of Republican Senators and House of Representatives are condemning online the violent protesting that is happening near the US Capitol. It should always be a peaceful protest rather than violent rioting and looting.

The only problem I have is why didn't the Democrat Senators and House of Representatives condemn online the violent rioting and looting during all the BLM protests happening last year.

Republican officials had no problem condemning the violence that is happening today but it seems Democratic officials couldn't do the same when all of last year there was violent rioting and looting due to BLM protests.
Plenty of Democratic officials called for protests to be peaceful. Including top Democrats like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
Ted Cruz was on the floor objecting to the results in Arizona for no reason other than to usurp democracy.
Ted Cruz only wanted to investigate the possible fraud of several battleground states. He must be convinced there was some wrongdoing. He's an intelligent sensible Senator. Did you watch Rudy on YouTube? I agree that entering the Capital building was wrong. Maybe that was some extremist group like the Proud Boys?

Is anyone really surprised at what happened today? If you were then you haven't been paying attention. The Mayor of DC was supposedly preparing for this but did a very poor job, as always. Just like the other big cities that had riots this summer, the Mayors handled it very poorly.

Tensions have been building on the right for a long time and it finally boiled over today. The left rioted all summer long. This is really no different, except so far it's not nearly as violent. Hopefully things don't get bad tonight when it gets dark.

There is a 6 pm curfew, so right now its starting. I'm worried that Antifa and BLM might show up tonight and clash with the right. If that happens it is going to go bad real fast.
Seriously, man, some in this thread will gleefully plug you with a rifle if we have a second civil war. Stop expecting them to reassess.
I have to give you credit. You've been very blunt and you are right. Every time I've tried to understand a Trump supporter, I realize that it's worse than we thought. It's simply clinically insane to defend him at this point.
Many disagree with me on this, but I strongly believe that the media has a huge part to play in the political direction of a country. They're arguably more powerful than the politicians themselves. That's one way I agree with Trump.

I'm sorry to hear that your tinnitus has prevented you from participating in local politics recently. Hopefully that will change soon, and you can get back to it again. I'm not particularly well informed, especially compared to others in this thread including yourself, but I find it interesting and a bit of a distraction from tinnitus for a while :)
I definitely agree with this as well but it's not just the media that is playing a part in these elections but also Hollywood celebrities as well.

So far all the Hollywood celebrities I've seen have been telling people to vote for Democratic officials. They need to let people make their own minds up without any interference.

I do think they need to implement some legislation to prevent well known celebrities that are not holding public office to stay quiet about who they are voting for until after the election is over. This does great damage to democracy if they continue to allow these celebrities to state who they are voting for.
Seriously considering ending some friendships after this. I know two Trump supporters IRL, one of whom is like a brother to me. But I can't accept anyone who supports this shit.
I've dropped several friends who said that they hoped Trump would die. These are not 'internet friends", either, they're people that I've known for a long time.

Idiots love the war mongers, yet call Trump the "worst" President. Europe is laughing at us? The hell with them, they killed 100 million people in two World Wars within the past 105 years. It's not only offensive, the way these TDS people act, it's stupid. I don't need stupid, nasty people in my life.
News is coming out now that Antifa was parading as Trump supporters and causing violence. Check out the Twitter feeds... people are linking pictures of Antifa people present at the Capitol today with pictures of them in other Antifa protests or Antifa-related sites.

Plenty of Democratic officials called for protests to be peaceful. Including top Democrats like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi.
Many, many, many times. It's just not reported on right wing news so it doesn't exist to people who only use social media or alternative news sources.

Meanwhile, Trump literally said "I Love You" to the terrorists in his video today.
There was a young woman that was shot and killed at the Capitol building. Apparently she was near the window that was smashed. An officer or security of some kind apparently shot her.

"When asked by bystanders what happened, the man explained that the altercation took place at the door of one of the chambers where there was a "smashed window" and "they shot her in the neck."

"The police or service or whatever, they shot her with a gun through the neck, [she] fell back into my hand and onto the floor," the man continued. "I don't know if she's dead."

That has people really angry now.
I definitely agree with this as well but it's not just the media that is playing a part in these elections but also Hollywood celebrities as well.

So far all the Hollywood celebrities I've seen have been telling people to vote for Democratic officials. They need to let people make their own minds up without any interference.

I do think they need to implement some legislation to prevent well known celebrities that are not holding public office to stay quiet about who they are voting for until after the election is over. This does great damage to democracy if they continue to allow these celebrities to state who they are voting for.
Such a law would never pass in the United States because it's a blatant violation of our first amendment. You'd almost certainly need a constitutional amendment to pass it.

But this situation is the fault of no one but president Trump. Let's not get this twisted. Fault doesn't fall in the media, celebrities, the Democrats or even any Republicans that didn't enable this. This is only the fault of President Trump and his enablers in Congress. Period.
News is coming out now that Antifa was parading as Trump supporters and causing violence. Check out the Twitter feeds... people are linking pictures of Antifa people present at the Capitol today with pictures of them in other Antifa protests or Antifa-related sites.

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I can't wait for Snopes to get their hands on this. Those aren't even the same people.
News is coming out now that Antifa was parading as Trump supporters and causing violence. Check out the Twitter feeds... people are linking pictures of Antifa people present at the Capitol today with pictures of them in other Antifa protests or Antifa-related sites.

View attachment 42595
They tried to claim that about the guy with the horns too but he had a pro "Qanon" sign at the BLM protest that was conveniently cropped out.

Horns guy was with those two so I'm sure he is part of the Q guys who crashed BLM protests.
Every time someone on the left condemns violence, it's like it didn't happen. It gets totally ignored.
  • Here is Chuck Schumer condemning violence

    "The overwhelming majority [are] peaceful. You know, the violence has to be condemned, and it has to be punished. But Donald Trump is the person who wants us to think the protesters are all violent. And that's why he has to fire rubber bullets at families in Lafayette Park," Schumer said while referencing Trump's recent decision to clear protesters for a photo-op at a historic church near the White House.

    "Donald Trump wants us to believe that every protester is a danger when, in fact, our country is a nation of protests. The patriots were protesters and created our country because of it. So, I think that I'm proud of New York, and I'm proud of the protests. And I think it's part of the tradition of New York. The violence is bad, reprehensible, should be condemned, but it is not the overwhelming picture in New York," he said.
  • Here is Nancy Pelosi condemning violence
Pelosi said a Republican member had asked her, "Where are you when you're talking about violence, this or that?" She responded: "We're there. We support peaceful demonstrations. We participate in them. They are part of the essence of our democracy. That does not include looting, starting fires, or rioting. They should be prosecuted. That is lawlessness.
  • Joe Biden from the same article:
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden led his party's effort to deter voter concerns over the issue shortly. "Rioting is not protesting," Biden said in a speech delivered in Pittsburgh days after Trump's tweets. "Looting is not protesting. Setting fires is not protesting. None of this is protesting. It's lawlessness, plain and simple.
Also, there's a very big difference between someone committing violence and not being condemned enough and the President of the United States egging on a coup. I don't know how anyone on here defends Trump on this. I realize people will say the rioters were bad. I mean how can you not see that Trump and his enablers hold a ton of accountability?

Deep down, I don't think anyone is surprised, and that's scary. This isn't just some lone crazy lone wolf interpreting a politician or pundit weird and acting out their depravity. This is a very expected outcome when someone with a cult of followers loses an election and doesn't accept the results.
I definitely agree with this as well but it's not just the media that is playing a part in these elections but also Hollywood celebrities as well.

So far all the Hollywood celebrities I've seen have been telling people to vote for Democratic officials. They need to let people make their own minds up without any interference.

I do think they need to implement some legislation to prevent well known celebrities that are not holding public office to stay quiet about who they are voting for until after the election is over. This does great damage to democracy if they continue to allow these celebrities to state who they are voting for.
Hollywood is the right's favorite scapegoat. You want legislation so an individual can't express their first amendment rights to say who they are voting for. That's super duper anti-freedom. You know the phrase "when equality feels like oppression"? I'm sorry, but saying who one is voting for is not oppression. If LeBron James has built an image and fanbase over decades, he sure as hell can say who he is voting for. This is absurd. And this is not a partisan opinion. Of course, any famous person on the right should be legally allowed to say who they are voting for.

How can you not see the hypocrisy in this proposal? You are presumably arriving at this because Trump lost as a result of "too many celebrity endorsements" from actors. Trump himself got into politics as a celebrity commentator. His whole claim to fame is that he was the outsider truth teller.
Oh look at that, Snopes already looked into the Antifa conspiracy theory. Shockingly, it got a false rating and they went into great detail.

The bearded guy in @Lilah's photo has an SS tattoo on his hand but they blurred it out in her photo. Totally BLM or antifa. It's always "false flag" with conservatives. Their side never does anything wrong...

Here is the unblurred photo:

I'm seriously amazed at the lightning speed in which the right produces doctored photos, conspiracy theories and misinformation propaganda.

Blows. My. Mind.

I think where they succeed is no one can "wack-a-mole" fast enough to keep up with it all.
I'm seriously amazed at the lightning speed in which the right produces doctored photos, conspiracy theories and misinformation propaganda.

Blows. My. Mind.

I think where they succeed is no one can "wack-a-mole" fast enough to keep up with it all.
That's exactly right, my conservative relatives think because I can't prove every claim wrong on the spot, I must be wrong and uninformed. I had this discussion with my MAGA uncle after the election and he had all these different election fraud comments and I said to him "look, I fact-checked over 2 dozen of these but there's hundreds. If you can get one thru court, then I'll look at it. Otherwise I'm treating your side like the boy who cried election fraud"
I definitely agree with this as well but it's not just the media that is playing a part in these elections but also Hollywood celebrities as well.

So far all the Hollywood celebrities I've seen have been telling people to vote for Democratic officials. They need to let people make their own minds up without any interference.

I do think they need to implement some legislation to prevent well known celebrities that are not holding public office to stay quiet about who they are voting for until after the election is over. This does great damage to democracy if they continue to allow these celebrities to state who they are voting for.
I see where you're coming from, but I don't agree that individuals should be prevented from expressing their beliefs; that's a civil rights issue. Everyone is free to support/criticize their government. The idea that someone will vote a certain way because Kim Kardashian or Kanye West have endorsed it is very frustrating, but you can't legislate against it.
Such a law would never pass in the United States because it's a blatant violation of our first amendment. You'd almost certainly need a constitutional amendment to pass it.

But this situation is the fault of no one but president Trump. Let's not get this twisted. Fault doesn't fall in the media, celebrities, the Democrats or even any Republicans that didn't enable this. This is only the fault of President Trump and his enablers in Congress. Period.
This is why politics has so much interference in America and legislation needs to be implemented. If other countries can have elections without interference from celebrities swaying the vote on which political party to vote for then America can do the same as well.

Celebrities have no right to tell someone who they are voting for and who to vote for. They should keep their views private to themselves.
I'm seriously amazed at the lightning speed in which the right produces doctored photos, conspiracy theories and misinformation propaganda.

Blows. My. Mind.

I think where they succeed is no one can "wack-a-mole" fast enough to keep up with it all.
I actually thought I would come on here and see people condemning it -- like, woah, that's too rich for my blood. Instead we see a double down on the lies and conspiracies. What happened today was not an accident at all. It was a bunch of zombies doing as their master told them.
Democratic officials couldn't do the same when all of last year there was violent rioting and looting due to BLM protests.
I simply can't believe it when I read blatantly false statements like this. I heard Democratic officials condemn over and over and over again any violence taking place at BLM protests. None was more forceful and unequivocal than Biden. You might want to consider looking at news other than the narrow minded nonsense that pervades right wing media.
Trump literally said "I Love You" to the terrorists in his video today.
A bunch of anarchists and terrorists attack the Congress (at the behest of Trump and his henchmen), and Trump goes on live TV and tells them he "loves" them. Good grief. -- I continue to struggle with how to regard anybody who voted for Trump, and who try to defend the chaos he continues to incite.
You want legislation so an individual can't express their first amendment rights to say who they are voting for. That's super duper anti-freedom.
Ditto, ditto, ditto...
This is why politics has so much interference in America and legislation needs to be implemented. If other countries can have elections without interference from celebrities swaying the vote on which political party to vote for then America can do the same as well.

Celebrities have no right to tell someone who they are voting for and who to vote for. They should keep their views private to themselves.
That's the thing, in America, any American has the right to tell you who they're voting for and why. Free speech is a core American value.

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