the contemporary Republican Party is without a doubt one of the worst parties that ever existed IMHO.
I've been watching politics closely for decades, and at one time leaned Republican, having voted for Reagan twice, and Bush once. I used to believe them when they said they were the party of fiscal responsibility, balanced budget, strong military, small government, keeping government out of our lives, pro-business, high moral ethics, etc. But as I mentioned in another post, I came to realize they could talk the talk, but wouldn't walk the walk.
I eventually realized they were more the party for the wealthy and most privileged in our society. They continually altered the nation's tax structure so that the wealthy and corporations paid less and less (as a percentage of government revenues), and the middle and lower income classes paid more. Corporations in the 1950's provided over 50% of total government revenue. Today that number is around 10%. -- They also became the party of major voter suppression.
This has led to the gradual disappearing of the middle class, which led to huge discontent, and ironically led to a big part of Trump's appeal. They've felt left behind in many ways, especially economically. The genius of the Republican party (if it can be called that) is that they've been able to convince so many to vote against their own economic interests for so long. Then Trump came along with his more populist appeal, and it struck a chord with many of those voters, even though they weren't diehard Republicans to begin with.
The split within the Republican party seems to be growing wider by the day. I think many disenchanted Trump voters will be less likely to vote in the future, and if they do, may even look to the Democratic party to address their economic concerns. This doesn't bode well for the Republican party, and I think it's possible it could lead to its eventual demise, something I've been waiting for for about 30 years now. It really is a party that started rotting badly back in the 1990's, and is now rotten to the core.