2020 US Presidential Election

In the link I uploaded above, "...SULLIVAN can be seen telling a crowd, over a microphone, "we about to burn this shit down..."
I have no problem with arresting that dude. I'm glad they got him.

Here is where MAGA lose me though. There is no outrage at the 10+ high profile MAGA/Q arrests so far. Including the guy who beat the cop to death with a flagpole who was just arrested (and is Q, not antifa).
I have no problem with arresting that dude. I'm glad they got him.

Here is where MAGA lose me though. There is no outrage at the 10+ high profile MAGA/Q arrests so far. Including the guy who beat the cop to death with a flagpole who was just arrested (and is Q, not antifa).
I don't care what side they are on. If anyone has provoked violence at the US Capitol then they need to be arrested and punished for what they did.
I have no problem with arresting that dude. I'm glad they got him.

Here is where MAGA lose me though. There is no outrage at the 10+ high profile MAGA/Q arrests so far. Including the guy who beat the cop to death with a flagpole who was just arrested (and is Q, not antifa).
I had not heard of this; he should be punished. The only direct death I had heard of (excluding the heart attacks, etc.) is the police shooting the unarmed female vet. On the other arrests, the authorities should be careful on who they arrest. I believe a lot innocently walked in. There are also videos of police waving them into the Capitol.
I had not heard of this; he should be punished. The only direct death I had heard of (excluding the heart attacks, etc.) is the police shooting the unarmed female vet. On the other arrests, the authorities should be careful on who they arrest. I believe a lot innocently walked in. There are also videos of police waving them into the Capitol.
This is a little shocking to me. The cop who was beat to death is major national news. There was an FBI bulletin and a manhunt for him. There was also the cop who was crushed and hospitalized (also by confirmed MAGA folks) but is expected to recover.

Holy shit. The right wing media is not reporting this stuff? No *wonder* the right keeps arguing these were all just peaceful protests and doesn't see what the "fuss" was about.

Are you aware of the men with zip ties that were seen looking for Pelosi's office (two are Eric Munchel of Nashville and Larry Brock of Texas, a retired Air Force Reserve officer, both confirmed by FBI to be associated with MAGA affiliated groups) so they could kidnap her?

This is really, really eye opening to me.
I had not heard of this; he should be punished. The only direct death I had heard of (excluding the heart attacks, etc.) is the police shooting the unarmed female vet. On the other arrests, the authorities should be careful on who they arrest. I believe a lot innocently walked in. There are also videos of police waving them into the Capitol.
Those police officers should be arrested and charged to the fullest extent of the law for helping to attack our country.
This is a little shocking to me. The cop who was beat to death is major national news. There was an FBI bulletin and a manhunt for him. There was also the cop who was crushed and hospitalized (also by confirmed MAGA folks) but is expected to recover.

Holy shit. The right wing media is not reporting this stuff? No *wonder* the right keeps arguing these were all just peaceful protests and doesn't see what the "fuss" was about.

Are you aware of the men with zip ties that were seen looking for Pelosi's office (two are Eric Munchel of Nashville and Larry Brock of Texas, a retired Air Force Reserve officer, both confirmed by FBI to be associated with MAGA affiliated groups) so they could kidnap her?

This is really, really eye opening to me.
The right wing media is definitely reporting on the murdered police officer. Even Breitbart.
This is a little shocking to me. The cop who was beat to death is major national news.
What's disconcerting to me is that there isn't more coverage on the other dozen or so other officers who were injured, some seriously, with one expected to lose one of his eyes. Many in that mob were not peaceful protestors, and I still think it's a miracle this wasn't much worse, with many dead or taken hostage. I suspect there will be more startling revelations in the coming days/weeks, making conviction in the Senate more likely.
Biden looks always like he's struggling to stay awake. Guy reads off the teleprompter and then goes to sleep.

There should be age limit for presidency.
Macaulay Culkin joins calls to get Donald Trump cameo removed from Home Alone 2

This is dumb and thankfully just Twitter banter but if they actually did this, I would agree that there is a problem with "cancel culture." Trump being in Home Alone 2 isn't a national security threat.
Real talk. Culkin was an incredible child actor in that series. As far as I'm concerned, he can do whatever he wants with that movie. It's a little virtue signally, but that was a masterpiece and carried by a child.
Breaking: FBI arrests Antifa member for inciting riot. Antifa was involved.

Well, I just took a look at this, and nowhere in the linked criminal complaint does it say anything about Antifa. While I'm not trying to give this guy a pass--because I don't know anything about him--I did find elsewhere what he had to say about being there inside the Capitol on the 6th. In the last paragraph, he said he wanted to prove that the rioters there were NOT Antifa members.

"In a video posted to social media last week, Sullivan said he ran into the Capitol building with the others to document what was transpiring.

"I was there to record," said Sullivan in a video posted to Periscope Friday. "I was there to let people see that situation in the best possible way."

Sullivan is the founder of Insurgence USA, an activist group formed after the killing of George Floyd in the summer of 2020. He says he voluntarily interviewed with the FBI in Washington, DC on Jan. 7.

In the social media video, Sullivan added that his videos proved that the riots were comprised of Trump supporters and not antifa members."

I can see why he might want to do this, as I've been aware for quite some time that right wing militia groups have been trying to disguise themselves to make themselves look like Antifa, and divert attention away from their own misdeeds. As far as I'm concerned, people can cry Antifa all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of the people who broke into the Capitol on the 6th were hard core Trump supporters. Can we accept that as a fact?
This is a little shocking to me. The cop who was beat to death is major national news. There was an FBI bulletin and a manhunt for him. There was also the cop who was crushed and hospitalized (also by confirmed MAGA folks) but is expected to recover.

Holy shit. The right wing media is not reporting this stuff? No *wonder* the right keeps arguing these were all just peaceful protests and doesn't see what the "fuss" was about.

Are you aware of the men with zip ties that were seen looking for Pelosi's office (two are Eric Munchel of Nashville and Larry Brock of Texas, a retired Air Force Reserve officer, both confirmed by FBI to be associated with MAGA affiliated groups) so they could kidnap her?

This is really, really eye opening to me.
Eye opening and hope destroying. This is what we are up against.
Macaulay Culkin joins calls to get Donald Trump cameo removed from Home Alone 2

This is dumb and thankfully just Twitter banter but if they actually did this, I would agree that there is a problem with "cancel culture." Trump being in Home Alone 2 isn't a national security threat.
I don't think Trump deserves to be cut out from Home Alone 2. He did own the hotel at the time. The media were saying that he bullied the producers to be in the film but I don't buy it. If I owned that hotel and the film was shot there I would do everything possible to have a scene in the film if that means offering a discount for the production shoot.
I don't think Trump deserves to be cut out from Home Alone 2. He did own the hotel at the time. The media were saying that he bullied the producers to be in the film but I don't buy it. If I owned that hotel and the film was shot there I would do everything possible to have a scene in the film if that means offering a discount for the production shoot.
Yeah I agree, this is just virtue signaling at this point and I really can't stand virtue signaling.
Well, I just took a look at this, and nowhere in the linked criminal complaint does it say anything about Antifa. While I'm not trying to give this guy a pass--because I don't know anything about him--I did find elsewhere what he had to say about being there inside the Capitol on the 6th. In the last paragraph, he said he wanted to prove that the rioters there were NOT Antifa members.

"In a video posted to social media last week, Sullivan said he ran into the Capitol building with the others to document what was transpiring.

"I was there to record," said Sullivan in a video posted to Periscope Friday. "I was there to let people see that situation in the best possible way."

Sullivan is the founder of Insurgence USA, an activist group formed after the killing of George Floyd in the summer of 2020. He says he voluntarily interviewed with the FBI in Washington, DC on Jan. 7.

In the social media video, Sullivan added that his videos proved that the riots were comprised of Trump supporters and not antifa members."

I can see why he might want to do this, as I've been aware for quite some time that right wing militia groups have been trying to disguise themselves to make themselves look like Antifa, and divert attention away from their own misdeeds. As far as I'm concerned, people can cry Antifa all day long, but it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of the people who broke into the Capitol on the 6th were hard core Trump supporters. Can we accept that as a fact?
I have posted some links earlier here that he is linked to Antifa.
Real talk. Culkin was an incredible child actor in that series. As far as I'm concerned, he can do whatever he wants with that movie. It's a little virtue signally, but that was a masterpiece and carried by a child.
They say it's hardest to direct a child so the director gets credit there, too but yeah that's some genius comedic child acting.

Anyway, I was just thinking that something that gets lost in the "cancel culture" debate is that, while some people are maybe too extreme, on the flip side, there are situations where almost *anyone* would agree that "canceling" makes sense.

I will give you a recent example:

Armie Hammer was cut from his role as a romantic lead in a new J. Lo movie because it has come out that he has a literal cannibal fetish and tried to convince a woman into giving him a toe and another into letting him drink her blood (that's his literal kink, he's out there...).

Anyway, he was cut because the producers rightly saw people would now be skeeved out seeing him in a romance and it would be a horrible financial decision for them. Almost no one would argue that he shouldn't be "cancelled" and that the studio should be forced to make him the lead on "Shotgun Wedding."

What the right is sometimes calling "cancel culture" is when a company puts their actions, even when reprehensible, in the same category. E.g. when Hawley helped incite an insurrection and his publisher canceled his book. I would not call that "cancel culture" as much as taking a moral stand that also makes good business sense (they don't want to be seen as taking blood money).
Armie Hammer was cut from his role as a romantic lead in a new J. Lo movie because it has come out that he has a literal cannibal fetish and tried to convince a woman into giving him a toe and another into letting him drink her blood (that's his literal kink, he's out there...).
What the fuck?
I have posted some links earlier here that he is linked to Antifa.
But isn't all this talk about Antifa beside the point? I asked earlier if we could accept the fact that the vast majority of those storming the Capitol were hard core Trump supporters. Isn't that a big part of the bottom line? That it's Trump supporters who made their way into the Capitol, and Trump supporters who are currently threatening the nation's 50 state Capitols? And various politicians (of both parties) who voted in some way against Trump?

What is totally inconceivable to me is that very few--if any--influential Republican lawmakers are making any effort(s) to communicate with these groups, and get them to stand down. Trump hasn't done it to any meaningful degree, because it appears (to me) that he considers these menacing groups to be his own personal pit dog. Something he can unleash at any time if he's provoked enough.

I think the main reason Trump and nobody else has chastised these people to stand down is because they would first have to admit to the big lie that Trump won the election by a landslide. He's gotten gullible followers to believe this fallacy hook, line and sinker, and that's why they're out there threatening the corrupt "system" that is responsible for him being stolen of the election.

I can understand their anger if that was the case. But it's not. Trump knows it, and all those Republican politicians who are playing this to the hilt know it as well. Now they're in the position of being literally the only ones who are able to have any influence over these militia groups hell bent on destruction, and persuade them to back off. But they likely won't do that, because they crave political power more than anything, and are not yet ready to give up their own personal pit bulls.

Nation's governors prepare for worst, warn of long-term dangers to their capitols
I have posted some links earlier here that he is linked to Antifa.
This is interesting. It's being reported by Seth Abramson and others that John's brother James started a pro-Trump organization called "Civilized Awakening" and it seems they are both grifters looking to elevate each other's status and fund raise. I'm going to follow up on that over the next few days to see if that seems true.

That would place him as more of a run of the mill scumbag. But yeah, he needs to be in jail.
Jake Tapper just said on CNN that we need an exorcist to drive away the demons in the GOP. I couldn't agree more.

In all my years of studying political history and cross party systems on a global scale, the contemporary Republican Party is without a doubt one of the worst parties that ever existed IMHO. The cult-like culture, the uncritical support for someone who clearly lost his mind, the one sided media framing of fox news and other pro trump alt right news outlets, political opportunism of trump enablers & the embrace of authoritarianism to take power away of democratic institutions is a direct threat to American democracy.

Just 10 Republicans showed to the American public that they belief in these democratic values on which the country is founded, and for that, they deserve respect. Still, 90 percent of these representatives deny that Trump lost deservedly or that he shouldn't be impeached, despite evidence to the contrary. This is just a sad moment in democracy that such a party exists. It's so stunning, as you would normally see this kind of behaviour in authoritarian 3rd world states. I feel for you people in America. This country deserves better than this so called 'democratic' party
I read the Dutch government just resigned. What happened?
In the link I uploaded above, "...SULLIVAN can be seen telling a crowd, over a microphone, "we about to burn this shit down..."
It is staged. The MSM have colluded into this fiction of Trump supporters being dangerous and a threat yet you have clowns wearing horned helmets.

DC is looking like a militarized zone. Lol. Americans are so easy to fool, it's sad.
Breaking: FBI arrests Antifa member for inciting riot. Antifa was involved.

Smoke and mirrors. They are involved but the US is setting up their Communist police state. They're a distraction so that stupid Americans will argue about blame: Antifa or White supremacists. Blah, blah.
Biden looks always like he's struggling to stay awake. Guy reads off the teleprompter and then goes to sleep.

There should be age limit for presidency.

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