2020 US Presidential Election

Trump is a pro-life President buddy so it makes sense he would condemn violence. None of his other rallies had any major violence. The Proud Boys are not part of the normal civilized Trump supporters. I don't actually know what they stand for. I can see the advantages and disadvantages of both the Republican and Democratic parties. I just hope the country becomes more united. We are the United States.
Hi, I agree and hope we come together.

But I disagree with your perception of Trump. For me he has stoked violence even before he was elected, with his language and how he engages with people. During his Presidency he never spoke words to come together but stoked hate and division and cozied up with the people who perpetrated the riot i.e. white supremacists and violent extremists.

I also don't consider him a Christian or religious. For me, he lies to religious people to get their vote.

As always, take care friend, and stay safe and well.
Got a feeling he will most likely pardon his whole family I reckon. Another low chance is that he pardons Edward Snowden and Tiger King.
There is no way he's going to bother with the Tiger King. I agree that it's unlikely. There is zero benefit to him.

He will definitely pardon Jr. imo as he is being probed currently for fraud centered around funds for Trump's inauguration 4 years ago.
people there really were just lied to.
Had Trump not spun the big lie this would not have happened, but had there not been people harboring a lot of deep-seated rage all too willing to believe a narrative that justified their violence it also would not have happened. Both are culpable.
American Thinker joins conservative outlets walking back voter fraud claims

American Thinker is the latest conservative news outlet rethinking its report on Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems, the company at the center of claims by the Trump campaign that the presidential election was rigged.

The magazine published a statement Friday on its website:

"It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion's track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error."

The complete retraction can be read by clicking here.

Fox News Channel, One American News Network and Newsmax also have walked back assertions that the company switched votes, facing potentially costly litigation and penalties if they could not substantiate their reporting to defend the claims.

The American Thinker retraction continues:

"These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion's supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion's machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.

"These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims."​

Daniel speaking now - put simply, they know they will be sued and lose if they don't come clean now. Too little, too late.
The Rutte III cabinet fell because of the so called ''social benefits affair'' (in Dutch: De Toeslagenaffaire), in which thousands of people were unfairly labeled as fraudsters and often had to repay tens of thousands of euros in childcare by the national tax authorities. Most of them were unfairly treated because of ethnic profiling. It's the unfortunate story which involves people who had to live on scraps and those who had to live in such dire conditions that they saw no other way than to commit suicide. It's for these reasons that the government took political responsibly by handing its resignation to King Willem Alexander.
I read that Rutte is still leading for the next election. Do you think Rutte will win again after the scandal?
Trump is a pro-life President buddy so it makes sense he would condemn violence. None of his other rallies had any major violence. The Proud Boys are not part of the normal civilized Trump supporters. I don't actually know what they stand for. I can see the advantages and disadvantages of both the Republican and Democratic parties. I just hope the country becomes more united. We are the United States.
How can it be united? Lol. One faction wants draconian communism and the other doesn't. There is a significant divide and a very powerful group wants division and riots etc.
I mentioned to my friend that different political views in a marriage now is probably like an "interfaith" marriage and he sent me this:

Hey guys, I wrote up a summary on how the minimum wage could be raised through budget reconciliation. Thought progressives here might enjoy it.


  • 15-dollar-minimum-wage-budget-reconciliation.pdf
    26.1 KB · Views: 7

This guy gets it. :ROFL:
Hey guys, I wrote up a summary on how the minimum wage could be raised through budget reconciliation. Thought progressives here might enjoy it.
Thanks; that was informative. It will be interesting with Sanders chairing the Senate Budget Committee. Although I have little attachment to Biden personally, I like what I'm seeing about his plans moving forward. From your previous post about Biden's 1.8 trillion dollar rescue and recover plan, it seems like his administration is learning from the failures of the Obama administration. I hope Democrats finally get it. I am, however, scared of the sparring match between McConnell and Schumer. I'm not a big Schumer fan -- he seems weak to me.

We will see. I like moderate candidates who are pushed to the left.
Thanks; that was informative. It will be interesting with Sanders chairing the Senate Budget Committee. Although I have little attachment to Biden personally, I like what I'm seeing about his plans moving forward. From your previous post about Biden's 1.8 trillion dollar rescue and recover plan, it seems like his administration is learning from the failures of the Obama administration. I hope Democrats finally get it. I am, however, scared of the sparring match between McConnell and Schumer. I'm not a big Schumer fan -- he seems weak to me.

We will see. I like moderate candidates who are pushed to the left.
I'm not foreseeing a sparing match between them. Schumer just needs to keep the caucus together and McConnell will be irrelevant.
I would like to officially retract something I wrote to writers and readers who participate in this thread.

I should not have said that "the left will lead us out of darkness" . What I should have said in retrospect is perhaps "liberalism" as opposed to "the left". Liberalism is more accurate and has positive connotations. Liberal and Libertarian attitudes about social issues are really good and sensible. Everybody's personal beliefs and space are respected.

I have never appreciated the NRA and have cousins who grew up in the countryside in New Jersey who hunted and had shot guns for sport. I love my cousins and they are of sound mind.

I didn't grow up with guns in my family so the whole Second Amendment gun thing has me checkmated and losing from the beginning. I have lived in peaceful countries and witnessed for decades now and can say that countries that have less guns are less violent and those that don't have easy gun ownership are less violent. The US makes it streamlined to buy a gun at Walmart in the express line. It is a huge bummer for a person who doesn't like or appreciate guns or violence. Guns in our cities, guns in our schools. Guns at festivals and guns on drive-byes. The Second Amendment on steroids.

Suffice to say, I don't like or agree with gun culture in the USA. It is the one civil liberty I wish the government had cracked down decades ago. For a person who doesn't like guns, I just have to accept that I am the loser on this debate. Accept it and move on.

I would also like to clarify what I said about Trump not being a "Christian". He is not a Christian in the sense that he doesn't aspire to follow principals or the tenets of the Christian faith. How can you be pro life and pro death penalty at the same time? He is an opportunist. President Trump is probably an agnostic and yet is not interested in listening to scientists. There is now the admission that fossil fuels must be changed and that we have the industrial resources and brains to do that.

The other dimension to Trump and Christianity is the Evangelical populous which is a massive conservative voting block. They vote Republican and Trump no matter what.

80 percent of Trump supporters have been fed lies for ages now and there's no deprogramming them.
It is what it is. I will not bother trying to persuade the "steal is real" fans anymore.
The Orange man lost the popular vote twice, and by millions. He lost and every elected official knows it. Every court knows it.

President Trump has been fired for good reason and moderate Americans will see him for what he is, a narcissistic corrupt man.
Do you reckon Biden will allow clinical trials to continue or do you reckon he will force clinical trials to stop and lockdown?
I reckon clinical trials will continue. Just hoping it's a mask mandate for the first 100 days. He doesn't want to shut down the economy, imo.
Do you reckon Biden will allow clinical trials to continue or do you reckon he will force clinical trials to stop and lockdown?
I don't foresee that, Joe Biden hasn't said anything at all in a little while now about new lockdowns and that's noteworthy since he's talked a lot about what he plans to do to stop the spread.
I reckon clinical trials will continue. Just hoping it's a mask mandate for the first 100 days. He doesn't want to shut down the economy, imo.
That's great to hear. That was the thing I was worried about if Biden won the election but if he just makes a mask mandate for the first 100 days, that's fine.
I don't foresee that, Joe Biden hasn't said anything at all in a little while now about new lockdowns and that's noteworthy since he's talked a lot about what he plans to do to stop the spread.
Other than the mask mandate for the first 100 days, he hasn't said whether he will force lockdowns or not. If he does, I hope he allows clinical trials to continue without any interruptions.
How can you be pro life and pro death penalty at the same time?
That does not make any sense. Protecting the unborn who have no voice vs the death penalty for ruthless murderers is in no way comparable. I see Laos doesn't allow abortion except for the mother's safety. I agree with some of what you say, but not that buddy.

Btw, I don't like guns either.
Other than the mask mandate for the first 100 days, he hasn't said whether he will force lockdowns or not. If he does, I hope he allows clinical trials to continue without any interruptions.
He's actually said a lot more than that. He gave a speech a few nights ago, I posted it a few pages back. He's actually hoping to open stuff up in his first 100 days, not impose new lockdowns.
That does not make any sense. Protecting the unborn who have no voice vs the death penalty for ruthless murderers is in no way comparable. I see Laos doesn't allow abortion except for the mother's safety. I agree with some of what you say, but not that buddy.
What I want to know is how you can be pro life but also be against social safety net spending. With half of abortion patients being below the poverty line and another quarter being just above it, forcing all these women to have kids would be a massive increase in social safety net spending since most of the kids saved would end up on welfare.
Do you think every prisoner on Death Row is guilty of the crime they were convicted?
I am just imagining the cognitive dissonance for Trump supporters who are pro death penalty right now. Not just on the pro life hypocrisy...

Imagining thinking the justice system never convicts (or executes) innocent people but somehow thinks it wronged Trump 60 times in a row.

If you are pro death penalty, you are pro the occasional but not uncommon enough execution/murder of fully innocent people.
That does not make any sense. Protecting the unborn who have no voice vs the death penalty for ruthless murderers is in no way comparable. I see Laos doesn't allow abortion except for the mother's safety. I agree with some of what you say, but not that buddy.
Noooo my friend.
Thou shall not kill, means don't kill. So if you're right to life, even a murderer should just be locked up and they can or cannot discover the mercy and Love of G-d.

Laos is a Buddhist country and has a "communist" government. They are 1 party and like China in that sense, but have free market capitalism, more so than in the US. It's basically a small developing country where much of the population still farms and raises live stock. It's a long story but it is darn peaceful here. Have never seen a fight in 15 years and there's very little crime... blah blah blah. My wife and extended family have no idea what's going on in the United States.

My son Noah sees me on the computer and picks up bits and pieces, but I don't want to bum him or his younger brothers out. They are just super lucky to be able to go to school and play with their friends, we are still COVID-19 free, touch wood.

We are having a cold spell here, the first in a decade, so it's nice not to have sweltering heat. I doubt you will ever come on a 24 flight, but if you do, come visit me. You and the misses are welcome. I have a car and can be your driver and you can stay for free at my house. I planned on coming home but COVID-19 and lack of funds has postponed my return to the United States for at least another year I imagine. I call mom nearly daily to stay in touch.

Peace out just1morething.

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