2020 US Presidential Election

So the Republicans should take the political blame for having started the Afghanistan war, and the Irak war too.
If there was a place that the US had to enter, it would be Afghanistan - 911 - the Al-Qaeda.
911 - thousands in New York city died.

Now, the Taliban has been given A-29 Tucano attack aircraft, MD-5 30F helicopters, massive amounts of weapons and large parking lots of military vehicles. With that, they have our technology.

The Taliban released between 5000-7000 terrorist from prison, including Al-Qaeda. Fear for Afghanistan women with this, never mind the free world.

The powers in Washington in June of this year, knew that the Afghanistan's would not be able to defend against the Taliban.
We did not start a war with this country. Afghanistan, through bin Laden, destroyed World Trade Center buildings killing three thousand people. What have they done to make up for this? hey have done nothing.

Biden is not capable of handling the evacuation, the Taliban, the endangered allies of the U.S., etc. Trump would be able to do it and is the best person for this job, but he is not the president.

Biden is acting like somebody with dementia.
If there was a place that the US had to enter, it would be Afghanistan - 911 - the Al-Qaeda.
911 - thousands in New York city died.
I cannot justify a terrorist attack but these terrorist attacks happened after the US started the Gulf War and possibly as a reaction.

That's why other countries call any problem in the Middle East "internal affairs", because it is impossible to solve. That's exactly what Biden said: if the Afghans do not want to fight, why should we fight a war for them? Over 100 Spanish soldiers have died in Afghanistan. What for?

And we, Spain, have already started to accept Afghan refugees. The first plane carrying them arrived yesterday. These are consequences of the mess created by the US.

Still, the US got the world to war, to the Gulf War and its replicas (because it forced its allies to go there too). Then we had 9/11, train bombings in Madrid, the subway attacks in London and widespread islamic terrorism in Europe. This was a reaction to the Gulf War.

A politician should be wise enough to anticipate the consequences of his acts, but Bush and Cheney were not the wisest guys really.
I cannot justify a terrorist attack but these terrorist attacks happened after the US started the Gulf War and possibly as a reaction.
The delivery of one man, by the name bin Laden, was all we asked from Afghanistan in the weeks following the attacks on 9/11, and they refused to give him to us.

Would it not have been wise for Afghanistan to simply turn him over to us than face the inevitable actions taken by the United States to prevent him from launching further attacks from Afghanistan which he promised were forthcoming, in his videos?
That's for UNHCR to judge, not you and me.

The point is the US started the Afghanistan war, and therefore the US should solve the problems generated by the war, including the waves of refugees.
Wrong. A picture tells a thousand words. I don't need the UN.
Wrong. A picture tells a thousand words. I don't need the UN.
It seems the world does need the United Nations. That institution was created after the world wars to promote peace and world stability.

We do not need Republicans who make the world go to unnecessary wars on fake pretences like the existence of "weapons of mass destruction" that were never found.
The delivery of one man, by the name bin Laden, was all we asked from Afghanistan in the weeks following the attacks on 9/11, and they refused to give him to us.

Would it not have been wise for Afghanistan to simply turn him over to us than face the inevitable actions taken by the United States to prevent him from launching further attacks from Afghanistan which he promised were forthcoming, in his videos?
I think you need to go a bit further back in time, to the 90s, and start by reflecting on the Gulf War a little, and more objectively.
I think you need to go a bit further back in time, to the 90s, and start by reflecting on the Gulf War a little, and more objectively.
This is about Afghanistan. Was it wise for Afghanistan to refuse to turn over this man, bin Laden to the United States after 9/11?
Joe Biden was Osama bin Laden's choice for U.S. President, and he ordered al Qaeda not to assassinate VP Biden so that if and when he became President, he would lead the United States into a crisis.

"Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis...."
Osama bin Laden, 2010.

Osama Bin Laden wanted 'unprepared' Biden to become President as he would likely 'lead US into crisis', documents reveal

Bin Laden warned in 2010 letter that Biden would 'lead US into crisis'

Osama bin Laden 'BANNED Al-Qaeda from assassinating Biden & wanted him to be president so he would lead US into crisis'
This is about Afghanistan. Was it wise for Afghanistan to refuse to turn over this man, bin Laden to the United States after 9/11?
By the way, don't you think it is a bit naive to assume a country as an entity can "hand over" a single person who is hiding, and therefore, no one knows where he is?

What if someone was hiding in let's say rural Bangladesh (an overpopulated country by the way) and we told its government "hey, guys, hand that person over"? Isn't it a bit ridiculous?
By the way, don't you think it is a bit naive to assume a country as an entity can "hand over" a single person who is hiding, and therefore, no one knows where he is?

What if someone was hiding in let's say rural Bangladesh (an overpopulated country by the way) and we told its government "hey, guys, hand that person over"? Isn't it a bit ridiculous?
The leaders of Afghanistan did not claim that they could not locate him, they let our president know, in no uncertain terms, that they would not cooperate and turn him over. Bin Laden did not care about the people of Afghanistan, at all. If he had (cared), he could have voluntarily surrendered himself to us and saved them from the war, but he did not.
Was it wise for the US to start the Gulf War in the 90s on false pretences and made up stories?
I agree with you but people keep voting in these parties. The Dems supported going into Iraq and the bases there. Obomber didn't bring them all out.

Afghanistan was a mess way back when Russia went in there. But, libs still vote for the status quo. It's not productive to blame EVERYTHING on the Republicans. Both are blame worthy and the voters enable them, too.
If there was a place that the US had to enter, it would be Afghanistan - 911 - the Al-Qaeda.
911 - thousands in New York city died.

Now, the Taliban has been given A-29 Tucano attack aircraft, MD-5 30F helicopters, massive amounts of weapons and large parking lots of military vehicles. With that, they have our technology.

The Taliban released between 5000-7000 terrorist from prison, including Al-Qaeda. Fear for Afghanistan women with this, never mind the free world.

The powers in Washington in June of this year, knew that the Afghanistan's would not be able to defend against the Taliban.
Good points. That's not mentioned enough. They would be just riding camels otherwise. They shouldn't have any weapons but I wonder who is arming them.
I agree with you but people keep voting in these parties. The Dems supported going into Iraq and the bases there. Obomber didn't bring them all out.
I think it is harder to reverse a decision that has already been taken. So if Republicans got the US and the rest of the world, their "allies" (or "forced" allies in the case of Spain) to war, then subsequent presidents who took over the administration will not have any incentives to take the responsibility of reversing a previous bad decision by the Republicans.

In this sense, even if he's now ben criticised for it, Joe Biden has been very brave. He's done the right thing and taken the blame on him, for the inactivity and wrong decisions of at lest 4 previous administrations.
The leaders of Afghanistan did not claim that they could not locate him, they let our president know, in no uncertain terms, that they would not cooperate and turn him over. Bin Laden did not care about the people of Afghanistan, at all. If he had (cared), he could have voluntarily surrendered himself to us and saved them from the war, but he did not.
I don't even think you have a point. What you are saying seems completely absurd. Please read it again.

Do you think a third world country, with one of the lowest per capita income in the whole world, with very limited technology, is going to be able to locate a high profile terrorist? Just asking for that is absurd. It's a task that cannot be fulfilled with those means.

So it was, again, a fake excuse used by Republicans to fight one more of their usual wars even if the Republicans know that the war is lost from minute one, and that 2 tn dollars are going to be wasted.
In this sense, even if he's now ben criticised for it, Joe Biden has been very brave. He's done the right thing and taken the blame on him, for the inactivity and wrong decisions of at lest 4 previous administrations.
Biden (and virtually all Democrat senators) voted for the war in Afghanistan:

Joe Biden Didn't Just Vote for the Iraq Invasion—He Helped Lead the March to War

Biden's exit strategy (or lack thereof) is mind-boggling and should be criticized. Unless he is able to get all Americans out, his Afghanistan exit strategy will plaque him for the rest of his presidency and beyond.

"In September of 2001, then-Senator Biden voted with 97 other senators to give Bush the authority to wage war in Afghanistan. That vote also approved what has become known as the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), one of the most broad, violent and insidious pieces of legislation ever to pass through Congress."

Biden Tried to Absolve Himself for Afghanistan Aftermath — But He Voted for War
@Juan, I traveled all around Europe in 1974 and loved it.

Spain was so beautiful.

I only made it to the tip of Norway and I wish I could have seen more.
I don't even think you have a point. What you are saying seems completely absurd. Please read it again.

Do you think a third world country, with one of the lowest per capita income in the whole world, with very limited technology, is going to be able to locate a high profile terrorist? Just asking for that is absurd. It's a task that cannot be fulfilled with those means.

So it was, again, a fake excuse used by Republicans to fight one more of their usual wars even if the Republicans know that the war is lost from minute one, and that 2 tn dollars are going to be wasted.
You are wrong. Afghanistan never said that they could not find bin Laden.They offered to send him to an unnamed country, not to us to stand trial. They never said that he could not be located and captured by them.

We stopped bin Laden from carrying out further attacks against us, and that was worth the money which you keep mentioning. Screw the money, we drove him into hiding, then killed him and the terrorism against America from Afghanistan stopped.

If they start again, it's only a matter of time until a better leader than Biden is elected, who will annihilate them.
"In September of 2001, then-Senator Biden voted with 97 other senators to give Bush the authority to wage war in Afghanistan. That vote also approved what has become known as the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), one of the most broad, violent and insidious pieces of legislation ever to pass through Congress."
It was Bush's proposal and the Republican party's idea to start the Afghanistan war.
You are wrong. Afghanistan never said that they could not find bin Laden.They offered to send him to an unnamed country, not to us to stand trial. They never said that he could not be located and captured by them.

We stopped bin Laden from carrying out further attacks against us, and that was worth the money which you keep mentioning. Screw the money, we drove him into hiding, then killed him and the terrorism against America from Afghanistan stopped.

If they start again, it's only a matter of time until a better leader than Biden is elected, who will annihilate them.
Sounds like a movie with cowboys. A tale for the kids.

By the way, no one had ever heard of Bin Laden till the 9/11 attacks. He must have been really important when absolutely no one knew him...

And I tell you that from a country that has endured organised and constant terrorism (ETA terrorist group) for decades ;-) Now fortunately the terrorism stopped, but it was not easy.
Sounds like a movie with cowboys. A tale for the kids.

By the way, no one had ever heard of Bin Laden till the 9/11 attacks. He must have been really important when absolutely no one knew him...

And I tell you that from a country that has endured organized and constant terrorism (ETA terrorist group) for decades ;-) Now fortunately the terrorism stopped, but it was not easy.
3,000 people killed, an untold amount of people permanently injured physically and/or mentally, the near destruction of our economy, and trillions in damages is not a tale for kids.

We had to capture or kill him. There was no choice. As I said many times if Afghanistan had helped us and turned him over, or at least cooperated with hunting for him, the military actions there would not have taken place.

Bin Laden, before 9/11, was not yet a household name, but he was very much on the radar as the number one terrorist.

History.com: Osama bin Laden
President Biden's job approval ratings drop as Covid cases rise and crisis in Afghanistan mounts

President Joe Biden's job approval ratings have taken a dive as he's been criticized for his administration's handling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan and while Covid-19 cases surge across the country.

An NBC News poll released Sunday shows 49% of all adults surveyed say they strongly approve of the job Biden is doing as president while 48% disapprove. The 49% represents a drop of four percentage points compared to a previous NBC News survey done in April. The disapproval number is up by nine percentage points from that same prior poll.

Among the registered voters surveyed, 50% say they approved of Biden's job performance while 48% noted they disapproved.

The NBC News poll shows they interviewed 1,000 adults and the survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.10%. The survey took place from August 14 through August 17.

A vast majority of those polled say they disapprove of Biden's handling of the current situation in Afghanistan, with only 25% noting they approve of the way he's dealt with the crisis.

Biden has been under scrutiny for the way his administration has handled trying to evacuate allies in Afghanistan as American troops pull out of the country and the Taliban retake control of the government there.

While new coronavirus cases continue to go up across the country, Biden's approval of handling the pandemic has fallen significantly.

Of those surveyed, 53% say they approve of the president's way of handling the pandemic. That's a drop of 16 points compared to a poll taken in April. Just over 40% of the poll's participants say they disapprove of Biden's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

President Biden's job approval ratings drop as Covid cases rise and crisis in Afghanistan mounts
3,000 people killed, an untold amount of people permanently injured physically and/or mentally, the near destruction of our economy, and trillions in damages is not a tale for kids.

We had to capture or kill him. There was no choice. As I said many times if Afghanistan had helped us and turned him over, or at least cooperated with hunting for him, the military actions there would not have taken place.

Bin Laden, before 9/11, was not yet a household name, but he was very much on the radar as the number one terrorist.

History.com: Osama bin Laden
You are missing the whole point, which is that 9/11 was a reaction to the Gulf War in the 90s, which the Republicans started on fake evidence.

So you have to go back in time prior to 9/11 to understand the causes of what happened.
You are missing the whole point, which is that 9/11 was a reaction to the Gulf War in the 90s, which the Republicans started on fake evidence.

So you have to go back in time prior to 9/11 to understand the causes of what happened.
I mean you're not wrong...
Biden's choice of Kamala Harris as his VP was brilliant, it makes him practically impeachment-proof. I have been saying this since long before the current crisis in Afghanistan began.

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