2020 US Presidential Election

I think your mistake here is assuming anyone, at all, loves Biden. Just because many united in their disgust for our last president and were willing to accept any necessary evil to eliminate him does not mean they are at all happy with the option that was provided to them.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, I voted for Hillary Clinton. Although I ended up doing very well, during the Trump years, I still would have voted for a Democrat in 2020, if they had nominated a decent candidate. Once Biden picked Kamala Harris, I took a good hard look at Biden, the violence and riots in the streets caused by his supporters, and other factors, and I decided to vote for Trump. The level of hatred for Trump and anybody who did not vote for Biden was unbelievable. Now they'll have to live with Biden, for three and a half more years. I hope that the Democrats get slaughtered at the polls in 2022, and in 2024. And, this is coming from a former Democrat. They have nobody to blame, but themselves. Biden is not mentally competent to run this country, and this is not his fault. The problems we are experiencing due to bad leadership are the fault of those who voted for Biden.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, I voted for Hillary Clinton. Although I ended up doing very well, during the Trump years, I still would have voted for a Democrat in 2020, if they had nominated a decent candidate. Once Biden picked Kamala Harris, I took a good hard look at Biden, the violence and riots in the streets caused by his supporters, and other factors, and I decided to vote for Trump. The level of hatred for Trump and anybody who did not vote for Biden was unbelievable. Now they'll have to live with Biden, for three and a half more years. I hope that the Democrats get slaughtered at the polls in 2022, and in 2024. And, this is coming from a former Democrat. They have nobody to blame, but themselves. Biden is not mentally competent to run this country, and this is not his fault. The problems we are experiencing due to bad leadership are the fault of those who voted for Biden.
Both parties are far too conservative for my liking.
Not a single woman in the history of the United States was ever forced to be in the armed forces, even to do paperwork. Some have joined voluntarily, which is commendable, some have been heroes, but they are in the very small minority of females and are barred from combat roles.

Why are men forced to kill or be killed but women get a pass if, as you say, they both have brains and the only difference is women have a vagina instead of a penis? The reason usually given is that they aren't as strong as men. But why were they never drafted to do non-combat things? Most women simply do not understand warfare as well as men, and there are reasons for this. Women get to vote for people of both sexes who can send boys off to war, but girls are exempt from the draft, and warfare combat if they do join.
We live in a patriarchal society and people have been conditioned to think and behave in a certain way. There's no denying that men are physically stronger when it comes to warfare, but women now represent around 14% of the US army. I think your reasoning is extremely dated. You can have good female generals and bad ones; just the same as with men. Being tactically aware isn't a case of being male or female; it's an issue of being smart.

There's a saying in the UK for our generals' leadership during WW1, and it goes like this: lions led by donkeys.

We had all-male generals and our tactics were to send people over the top (of the trenches) to their deaths, repeatedly. They had no clue. Maybe a woman would have seen how fucked up and stupid these tactics were?

Gender has no bias on stupidity, but when you give free rein for only men to call the shots then it's a bit messed up, in my opinion. Especially if you have some extremely smart female candidates. Jobs should be given to the best people, regardless of genitalia.
Not a single woman in the history of the United States was ever forced to be in the armed forces, even to do paperwork. Some have joined voluntarily, which is commendable, some have been heroes, but they are in the very small minority of females and are barred from combat roles.
I think this is not a female but, despite his Republican government loved to get the world involved in any senseless war, he did NOT go to war and avoided being drafted using all sort of tricks and excuses:

I think this is not a female but, despite his Republican government loved to get the world involved in any senseless war, he did NOT go to war and avoided being drafted using all sort of tricks and excuses:

I agree about Cheney. I do not understand why you keep throwing Republicans up to me, as I have already said numerous times that I voted for Hillary in 2016, and previously Obama both times he ran, Bill Clinton, etc. The only times I have voted Republican have been in instances when the Democratic candidate was impossible to justify a vote for, such as Biden.

Biden, yesterday, in a speech, called a 47-year-old Black congressman, his "boy". "I'm here with my senior adviser and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well and New Orleans, Cedric Richmond," Biden said at a press briefing with FEMA after Hurricane Ida rocked Louisiana.

What do you think the Democrats would have said, had Trump referred to this man, or another, as his "boy"? Biden is obviously too far gone to be president, and I knew this before the election took place, as did many other people. Now, the rest of the world is beginning to realize it.

Biden calls Black adviser 'boy' during FEMA briefing
You seem to be stuck at some point in time (2001, "groundhog day"), and of course due to your Republican obsessions you cannot go back to the root cause of all our current troubles, which happened BEFORE the 9/11 attacks:

- The 90s Gulf War was started by Republicans due to economic reasons.

- And the 2000s Irak war was started by Republicans on fake evidence, the non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
It's Groundhog Day here every day. Same stuff on this is posted over and over.
Sure did.

Biden and Harris Button We Did It, Joe!.jpg
I think Biden will have to do all the work the previous president neglected. This will include tapering and raising interest rates. So Biden will take all the blame just for doing his job, the job that the previous president did not dare to do.
I think Biden will have to do all the work the previous president neglected. This will include tapering and raising interest rates. So Biden will take all the blame just for doing his job, the job that the previous president did not dare to do.
Like give military weapons and equipment to the Taliban Early Biden Xmas gifts?

Your posts are very amusing.
I think your mistake here is assuming anyone, at all, loves Biden. Just because many united in their disgust for our last president and were willing to accept any necessary evil to eliminate him does not mean they are at all happy with the option that was provided to them.
Don't vote for either then. They wanted Biden.
Both parties are far too conservative for my liking.
This is NOT from The Onion:

Woke NYC Democrat wants to make crime victims help their attackers

Amid an increase in violent crimes and shootings in New York City, a candidate for public office wants victimized New Yorkers to bear the burden of the crimes against them.

The radical "public safety" plan put forward by socialist candidate Tiffany Cabán — a shoo-in to earn a spot on the City Council representing western Queens after November's election — would allow for victims of violent crimes to help their attackers in the name of "restorative justice."

The Democrat's woke, 48-page manifesto would strip cops and courts of some of their most basic law enforcement roles — like sending violent perps to prison.

"Example of Use: A person is beaten up, suffers a broken rib, and is robbed of his wallet. First, his needs are heard and affirmed, and he works with trained staff to develop a service and healing plan," Cabán's proposal reads.

"Then, when he is ready, he participates in restorative justice circles with the person who harmed him and their respective support systems. He asks questions and gets answers, and they develop an accountability and consequences plan."

City entities including the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice and the Human Resources Administration would play a role in the process, according to the proposal.

"Unless Ms. Cabán is running to represent the Twilight Zone, it sounds like she needs to participate in a restorative reality circle," Councilman Robert Holden (D-Queens) told The Post. "Our city and state already help criminals enough as it is, without insane ideas like this."

"It's not a plan for anything but total chaos and yet another denial of the absolutely essential role the police, courts, and incarceration play in any society," he added.

"This is insane. Woke socialists need to wake up," fumed another current Council member, who declined to be named. "If they get their way, New York City will have to build more prisons just to house and keep law-abiding citizens safe from the criminals that sleepy wokers want to be free to roam our communities."

Like give military weapons and equipment to the Taliban Early Biden Xmas gifts?

Your posts are very amusing.
I am glad you find it amusing that the previous US President neglected his work and left everything for Biden to do it...

By the way, read a bit of history and you will see who armed the Taliban back in the 80s... SPOILER: it was the US!
I am glad you find it amusing that the previous US President neglected his work and left everything for Biden to do it...

By the way, read a bit of history and you will see who armed the Taliban back in the 80s... SPOILER: it was the US!
The Taliban was formed in 1994. You must be careful not to lump other Afghans into the Taliban.

The U.S. sent funds through the Pakistani government to the Mujahedin. It is true that some of the anti-Soviet Mujahedin fighters did join the Taliban later:

I am glad you find it amusing that the previous US President neglected his work and left everything for Biden to do it...

By the way, read a bit of history and you will see who armed the Taliban back in the 80s... SPOILER: it was the US!
I am criticizing your lack of understanding. So, don't invent strawmen, dude.
The Taliban was formed in 1994. You must be careful not to lump other Afghans into the Taliban.

The U.S. sent funds through the Pakistani government to the Mujahedin. It is true that some of the anti-Soviet Mujahedin fighters did join the Taliban later:

That was the root of the Taliban movement, and it was armed... by the United States!

Now the United States puts Al Assad back into Syria. Where did the suicide bombing trend originate? In Syria, back in the 70s.

We have to look back to see that US foreign policy is a damn mess. It routinely fails. And it impacts other countries.

Now I have here next to my house the Afghan refugees due to US incompetence.
The Taliban was formed in 1994. You must be careful not to lump other Afghans into the Taliban.

The U.S. sent funds through the Pakistani government to the Mujahedin. It is true that some of the anti-Soviet Mujahedin fighters did join the Taliban later:

@Juan is definitely right that the US containment policy in Afghanistan has unintentionally created a power vacuum for the Taliban & Bin Laden. Just watch the movie Charlie Wilson's War (starring Tom Hanks) and you'll know soon enough how the geopolitical cookie crumbles.

Here's also an interesting detail on the Wikipage of Charlie Wilson's War, which tells you about concerns that the writer of the book (on which the movie is based) had vis-à-vis the geopolitical consequences of America's involvement in Afghanistan:

Capture d’écran 2021-09-02 à 20.18.56.png
Biden's Approval Rating Hits A New Low After The Afghanistan Withdrawal
September 2, 2021

A whopping 41% of U.S. adults, including 82% of Republicans, now strongly disapprove of the job Biden is doing. That is similar to the unprecedented enmity shown toward President Donald Trump.

Just out of curiosity, which was the "approval rating" of Bush & Dick Cheney after their fake evidence stunt, when they argued that Irak had weapons of mass destruction that were never found?
There is a theory that argues that COVID-19 started in the US, and some people point to a place called Fort Detrick. What do you guys think?

To me it's surprising that theoretically COVID-19 could have started in China and the first "vaccine" developed was created in the US by Pfizer, in just 9 months.
Just out of curiosity, which was the "approval rating" of Bush & Dick Cheney after their fake evidence stunt, when they argued that Irak had weapons of mass destruction that were never found?
Loaded question but I'll bite. Their ratings were probably low. Now Biden can join them in the low approval rating club, which he has earned the right to be a member of.
To me it's surprising that theoretically COVID-19 could have started in China and the first "vaccine" developed was created in the US by Pfizer, in just 9 months.
Except it wasn't developed in the US by Pfizer, but in Germany by Turkish immigrants:
CNN said:
The scientists who developed the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine are a Turkish-German power couple

Scientists Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci have dedicated their lives to the field of oncology and infectious diseases, and spent years pioneering personalized immunotherapy treatments for cancer.

But amid the coronavirus pandemic, the couple's groundbreaking research in the field of modified genetic code has catapulted them into the public eye, as the brains behind the world's first effective coronavirus vaccine.
Don't care. Better than voting for A and B who are the same.

It's your attitude and others who think like that which is the problem. See, democracy is a failure.
I don't disagree with you.

I cast my vote the way I did out of immediate environmental concerns. Would be nice to get a green party member in office very soon.

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