2020 US Presidential Election

Florida Rep. Wilson tells Biden to 'pay' migrants not to come to US
Democratic congresswoman also says she is 'pissed' at Border Patrol

"Fly to those countries," she said while addressing the Biden administration. "Give money to these people. Set up jobs. Give them some sort of incentives to stay in their country to work."

"The people that they're targeting to deport are single Black men," she said, adding, "and I want them here."

It's actually a lot simpler than this. They can create money whenever they want, so growing it on trees would actually be more difficult.

Societies used to trade using goods and labour, which meant that everything was easy and simple to quantify. Then we started to use precious metals to reflect the value of what's been transacted so that coins could be used to infer value or labour earned. The supply was also fixed, which meant that nothing could be manipulated.

Fast forward to today and you have the dawn of fiat currencies, meaning that money is no longer pegged to precious metals. This means it's extremely easy to manipulate the supply. The labour that today's money represents is being debased at a frightening rate, and the control of the supply is completely centralised and governed by the whim of a few with power.
It's actually a lot simpler than this. They can create money whenever they want, so growing it on trees would actually be more difficult.
But still the stock market values lower some companies that are heavily indebted.

I say some companies because then we have all the pseudo-technological crap... meaning that technology today is conceived as using an app to book a cab, or using an app to order food... which is pretty much what has been done by phone for decades, so not so technological really...
Well, the US is spending money on all kinds of nonsense... but anyway I doubt that those US politicians are going to shell out a single dime for Afghan refugees, let alone taking them to the US.

They parked those refugees in Spain instead...
They (Democrats) control Congress?

Democrats now control Congress. What should they do first?

The 600 billion is very likely.

Where they go is redundant but why do you doubt any going to the USA?

I'm going to ignore @Ed209's arrogant and conceited post.

All these countries are wildly spending but (you) people don't understand. Yes, inflation, debts, currency devaluation is coming (more of it) but it's by design.
We are now up to 684,000 COVID-19 deaths in America, with no end in sight, thanks to Biden. Here he is in 2020, when there were 220,000, saying that no President who has that many COVID-19 deaths should be in office. Since he was inaugurated, Biden has had far more COVID-19 deaths. He should be impeached, and Harris kicked out after him.
@Christiaan, I read people are protesting in The Hague against COVID-19 vaccination pass. What do you think will happen? Will the government have its way, or they will forget about the pass?
That's Trump's fault because because you you you… you know the thing. Maple syrup needs more substance… Just touch my leg hairs man!
It has been for decades. I already know.

But, you disregard everything as conspiracy theory or misinformation so I didn't see the point in replying (directly).
That's not true, but I definitely dismiss anything that's proven to be outright wrong or falsifiable. There is a big difference between the two.

Some things are worth debating, but there are also times when clear misinformation is presented as fact. People do it all the time, especially on social media, but it started to creep onto here as well. I debated with you many times, but you would ignore many of the points I would make. Instead, you would resort to childish insults, and that became your MO, unfortunately. It's why half of the forum put you on ignore. I don't have an ignore list so I'll engage with anyone and that's probably my downfall. People more intelligent than me know when there is no point in continuing.
If Corn Pop had not been the gentleman that he was, had not accepted Biden's apology for making a homophobic remark at him, and entered into an altercation with Biden, we would have a different president today.
Another fiasco derived from US intervention abroad:

Assad the outcast being sold to the west as key to peace in Middle East
After 10 years of bloodshed, foreign allies are seeking to rehabilitate the Syrian leader


Islamic terrorism originated mainly in Syria, but nothing is going to change there of course... years of nonsense war for nothing.
Another fiasco derived from US intervention abroad:

Assad the outcast being sold to the west as key to peace in Middle East
After 10 years of bloodshed, foreign allies are seeking to rehabilitate the Syrian leader


Islamic terrorism originated mainly in Syria, but nothing is going to change there of course... years of nonsense war for nothing.
Not for nothing. It's geopolitics. USA doing whatever Israel wants.
Not for nothing. It's geopolitics. USA doing whatever Israel wants.
And Israel did not want to investigate any potential Saudi Arabian connection with 9/11?

Even the victims wanted the US government to pursue that line of investigation...
And Israel did not want to investigate any potential Saudi Arabian connection with 9/11?

Even the victims wanted the US government to pursue that line of investigation...
I live in NYC, was .7 m from Ground Zero on 9/11, know people who were victims and/or lost loved ones and none have ever expressed the belief that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attack, or that they should be investigated. I'm sure that there are some people who think the opposite, but I've never run into any over the past 20 years.
@Christiaan, I read people are protesting in The Hague against COVID-19 vaccination pass. What do you think will happen? Will the government have its way, or they will forget about the pass?
Anyone who voted for Biden or otherwise supports the Left should not complain about taking the vaccine, since they support the Government and all, and the Government knows what is best for everyone.
Texas Gov. Abbott responds to Biden's criticism of Border Control Agents on horseback, controlling Haitian illegal refugees.

I live in NYC, was .7 m from Ground Zero on 9/11, know people who were victims and/or lost loved ones and none have ever expressed the belief that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attack, or that they should be investigated. I'm sure that there are some people who think the opposite, but I've never run into any over the past 20 years.
Maybe you have not watched any documentary on 9/11 because I watched one aired here on public TV the other day, filmed by residents that were streets away from the Twin Towers, camera on hand, and they interviewed people who believed Saudi Arabia was connected to the attacks, and were calling for an investigation, but have been ignored for 20 years by your government, the US government.
I live in NYC, was .7 m from Ground Zero on 9/11, know people who were victims and/or lost loved ones and none have ever expressed the belief that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attack, or that they should be investigated. I'm sure that there are some people who think the opposite, but I've never run into any over the past 20 years.
Anyway, for me the US would be irrelevant if they did not mess with the rest of the world in terms of constantly starting nonsense wars that only create trouble for everyone, and if your government did not mess constantly with interest rates and monetary policy that affect other countries.

Let's hope that Europe realises what's going on and takes a shift, although seeing the election results in Germany I doubt it. I think the shift will be for the worse, of course.

Democracy is at risk when everyone has to depend on what billionaires want, and not what 99% of the population wants. Those billionaires have hijacked our privacy, our democracy, have bribed politicians and central bankers. They maybe call it "contributing to their political campaigns".
In the U.S.A. we are now up to 691,000 COVID-19 deaths. What is Joe Biden doing to fulfill his promise to stop the deaths? Did he forget that he said any President with 220,000 such deaths during a term, is not fit to be in office?

Throw the bum out, and Harris along with him. Anybody in the upper echelons of either party would be better than this pair.
In the U.S.A. we are now up to 691,000 COVID-19 deaths. What is Joe Biden doing to fulfill his promise to stop the deaths? Did he forget that he said any President with 220,000 such deaths during a term, is not fit to be in office?

Throw the bum out, and Harris along with him. Anybody in the upper echelons of either party would be better than this pair.
The US and the rest of the world should be worried about what central bankers are doing:

Dallas and Boston FED presidents resign amid scrutiny over stock trades

Dallas and Boston Fed presidents resign amid scrutiny over stock trades

Central bankers decide on our lives, interest rates, printing money etc and they are doing insider trading!!!!!
The US and the rest of the world should be worried about what central bankers are doing:

Dallas and Boston FED presidents resign amid scrutiny over stock trades

Dallas and Boston Fed presidents resign amid scrutiny over stock trades

Central bankers decide on our lives, interest rates, printing money etc and they are doing insider trading!!!!!
Your concerns about international bankers are fine, but this does render the political side of the COVID-19/China Virus epidemic an unworthy ongoing discussion. You can't do anything about bad banking practices if you're dead, and many more people will be, very soon, thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Your concerns about international bankers are fine, but this does render the political side of the COVID-19/China Virus epidemic an unworthy ongoing discussion. You can't do anything about bad banking practices if you're dead, and many more people will be, very soon, thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
The COVID-19 is pretty much under control. It is a non-issue now.

The next important issue is that, being COVID-19 over, we need interest rates and monetary policy to come back to normal levels. And this is what central banks, and notably the FED and ECB, are NOT doing.
The COVID-19 is pretty much under control. It is a non-issue now.

The next important issue is that, being COVID-19 over, we need interest rates and monetary policy to come back to normal levels. And this is what central banks, and notably the FED and ECB, are NOT doing.
I think that you are wrong about COVID-19 being "under control", a "non-issue", or "over".
I think that you are wrong about COVID-19 being "under control", a "non-issue", or "over".
That's how it seems in Spain and this is one of the most touristy countries in the world. The borders are fully open and the government does not care anymore about COVID-19. No one talks about COVID-19 here...
That's how it seems in Spain and this is one of the most touristy countries in the world. The borders are fully open and the government does not care anymore about COVID-19. No one talks about COVID-19 here...
I'm very glad for that but this thread is about politics in the United States. Joe Biden was elected based to a large degree on his promise to solve the COVID-19 crisis in America, which he has utterly failed to do. We are now up to over 692,000 deaths - which is 300,000 more than when he started eight months ago, despite the availability of vaccines. By December, the number will likely be 800,000 and by his first year in office, Jan. 20, 2022, there will likely be one million COVID-19 deaths.

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