2020 US Presidential Election

On the news today:

US sues to stop Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster merger.

However the US has tolerated the monopolistic abuse of Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft etc

It's quite ironic.
Not really. The legal action is just theater. It's for show.

It's easily known that the public will do nothing and there will be some fake outrage by the media but it will come to nothing.

Bank and all corporate mergers have the same response. The Democrats and Republicans are the same and serve the same interests. There's a lot of actors who perform a lot of theater but at the end of the day, they accomplish practically nothing.
Not really. The legal action is just theater. It's for show.

It's easily known that the public will do nothing and there will be some fake outrage by the media but it will come to nothing.

Bank and all corporate mergers have the same response. The Democrats and Republicans are the same and serve the same interests. There's a lot of actors who perform a lot of theater but at the end of the day, they accomplish practically nothing.
The theater will go on this Wednesday, when there are updates on US inflation data. It will probably be close to 6% and going up every day.

Still, Jerome Powell and his useless FED do nothing about it... they should have raised interest rates already.
There's a lot of reports about the Biden chants, every day - some on MSM but alternative media especially covering it.

I didn't realize it was so prevalent - "f--k Joe Biden" & "Lets Go Brandon." Sports tv network, ESPN, apparently muted the sound on college and pro football telecasts. You can clear it on Fox telecasts.

It's funny that even though it's clearly bias and media censorship, most liberal types ignore it and don't care.

Most popular President according to the vote. Right, sure, lol. Plus, censorship on allegations of election fraud. Censorship is one of the worst things in the world today but of course all the communists and totalitarians support it.
Nearly half of voters say Biden worse president than expected, most don't want to see him run again: poll

Biden's approval rating in a new poll is in line with where Trump was 4 years ago, but his disapproval numbers are far worse

With exactly one year until the midterm elections, President Biden, Vice President Harris and Democrats in Congress face bleak ratings that indicate they could be in for a rout in 2022, according to a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll.

The survey, which was taken after the Tuesday elections but before House Democrats passed the popular infrastructure bill Friday, shows Biden with nearly rock-bottom approval ratings, Harris with numbers that are even worse and Democrats trailing by a wide margin on the generic congressional ballot.

Among the topline numbers, according to USA Today/Suffolk University, are a 37.8% approval rating for Biden with a 59% disapproval – more than 21 points underwater. Forty-six percent of those included in the survey said Biden has done a worse job than expected, and 64% said they don't want Biden to run for reelection.

The approval number for the president is in line with where most polls were during this point in former President Donald Trump's term. But according to FiveThirtyEight, Trump's disapproval did not reach such heights until days before he left office, in the wake of the attack on the Capitol by a mob of his supporters.

Harris has just a 27.8% approval rating with 51.2% disapproving of her performance in office, according to USA Today/Suffolk University. That is more than 23 percentage points underwater.

Congressional Democrats, meanwhile, may face an uphill battle to preserve their razor-thin majorities unless something significant changes before Election Day on Nov. 8, 2022. The USA Today/Suffolk University poll gives Republicans a 46%-to-38% advantage on a generic congressional ballot.

After their devastating losses in Virginia and near miss in New Jersey last week, some expected that Democrats in D.C. would pump the brakes on their ambitious agenda, which some blamed for alienating independent voters. Instead, they took a different read of the situation – that Americans were tired of inaction and debate on Capitol Hill and instead wanted Democrats to pass legislation aimed at helping people.

House Democrats, at the explicit demand of Biden, plowed through what appeared to be irreconcilable differences on their reconciliation spending bill and finally passed the long-delayed bipartisan infrastructure bill, which according to the USA Today-Suffolk poll is supported by Americans 61% to 32%.

"The American people have made clear one overwhelming thing, I think – and I really mean it – all the talk about the elections and what do they mean and everything: They want us to deliver," Biden said Saturday after the infrastructure bill passed.

"I think the one message that came across was: Get something done. It's time to get something done. Stop – you all stop talking. Get something done," he added when asked specifically about the Virginia and New Jersey election results.

It remains to be seen if Democrats can keep that momentum up to pass the reconciliation bill in the coming weeks, which has a much closer margin of support – 47% to 44%, according to the USA Today/Suffolk University poll. Only one in four Americans say the bill would help their families.

Kamala Harris is the least popular VP in 50 years.

Kamala Harris's approval rating worse than Dick Cheney's, poll finds

Less than a year into the Biden administration's tenure, the first Black woman to hold America's second-highest office is less popular than a predecessor who once famously shot a hunting companion in the face.

According to a new poll commissioned by USA Today and carried out by Suffolk University, only 28 per cent of Americans approve of how Vice President Kamala Harris has performed in the position voters elected to her one year ago.

That's a full 10 points lower than the approval rating for President Joe Biden, according to the same poll

Jerome Powell should be fired!!!

Pressure on Fed to raise interest rates as US inflation surges to 30-year high
  • Markets shocked by 6.2% cost-of-living increase year-on-year
  • Americans paying more for cars, clothes, food, and energy

Central banks keep stealing from normal people.
Why do you care so much about the US? Just curious, not attacking lol.

I don't think I've ever once put stock into other countries since I'm not living there.
Why do you care so much about the US? Just curious, not attacking lol.

I don't think I've ever once put stock into other countries since I'm not living there.
I do not care specifically about the US. I care about interest rates, because they affect prices and MY economy, and the interest rate policies are coordinated among the main central banks (FED, ECB, BoE).

This is why I care. Because that idiot of Jay Powell is influencing also other central banks like the ECB (run by the useless Christine Lagarde), and affecting my particular economy.
Why do you care so much about the US? Just curious, not attacking lol.

I don't think I've ever once put stock into other countries since I'm not living there.
Because US is the center of the world where everything happens. :LOL:

We just can't get enough of the US. I love the US.
Agreed @Stacken77.

I love and follow the US presidential race every year it's on.

I even watch the debates and pick a candidate I would vote for were I a US citizen.

Last year it was Bernie; because despite the hype...

bernie (2).jpg

...his hair was better than Trump's!
Agreed @Stacken77.

I love and follow the US presidential race every year it's on.

I even watch the debates and pick a candidate I would vote for were I a US citizen.

Last year it was Bernie; because despite the hype...

View attachment 47669

...his hair was better than Trump's!
Bernie didn't always have bad hair, this is him in Chicago, August 1963.

Bernie Sanders Arrested in Chicago 1963.jpg
The main problem of the world economy are the FED and the ECB, but people still insist on discussing politics.

Big Tech not paying any tax is another big problem no one talks about. Politicians make some statements about eventual changes.. maybe in 2030... maybe in 2050 and that's enough. WE, the rest, have to pay high taxes because the richest people in the world want to keep stealing our data and NOT contributing in any way, let alone paying any tax.
Americans more critical of Biden's pandemic response, Post-ABC poll finds
November 15 2021 Washington Post

Americans' approval of President Biden's handling of the coronavirus pandemic — one of his most positive assets early in his presidency — has continued on a downward trend in recent months, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found.

This tracks with the trajectory of the public health crisis that seemed to be easing this summer, but roared back to life with the spread of the more-contagious delta variant and plateauing vaccination rates in some areas.

The Post-ABC poll finds that 47 percent of Americans approve and 49 percent disapprove of Biden's handling of the pandemic. In a June survey, 62 percent approved and 31 percent disapproved. Overall, 53 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's handling of the presidency while 41 percent approve — numbers that were almost exactly reversed in June.

The poll, which was conducted over the phone Nov. 7-10 among a national sample of 1,001 U.S. adults, showcases the increasing relevance of schools as a battleground for political debates that play out at the national level, including over the handling of the pandemic. When asked about their school districts' pandemic policies, 25 percent of adults felt they were too strict, 53 percent said they were about right and 16 percent said they weren't strict enough.

Kamala Harris sidelined amid growing tensions with Biden, insiders say
November 15, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden's dysfunctional relationship has reached an "exhausted stalemate," according to a source.

Vice President Kamala Harris feels increasingly isolated inside the White House as her approval ratings plummet — with the first female veep believing she's not getting the same support given to other members of the Biden administration, according to a detailed new report.

"It's hard to miss the specific energy that the White House brings to defend a white man, knowing that Kamala Harris has spent almost a year taking a lot of the hits that the West Wing didn't want to take themselves," a former Harris aide told CNN, which based its report on interviews with nearly three dozen insiders.

The ex-staffer was referring to the Biden administration springing to defend Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg for taking paternity leave amid the global supply chain crisis. Buttigieg is considered a potential challenger to Harris for the Democratic presidential nomination either in 2024 or 2028.

Despite their public show of unity, Biden and his right-hand woman have a dysfunctional relationship that has reached an "exhausted stalemate," according the network.

At a time when the president would usually be expected to promote his vice president as a future replacement, Biden has instead been sidelining Harris as a potential liability, the report said.

For their part, Harris' allies are reportedly frustrated with the president for dumping politically fraught issues in her lap — including, infamously, the ongoing illegal immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border. "They're consistently sending her out there on losing issues in the wrong situations for her skill set," summed up one former top Harris aide to CNN.

Other aides say the vice president should have asked for better-defined responsibilities at the start of the administration, but has not done so out of fear of appearing disloyal to the president.

In March, Biden announced that Harris would lead the administration's talks with Mexico and Central American countries about slowing the tide of migrants crossing the US border.

The rest of the article is here:

The great political achievements of this year. Wait... this year? This one?:

Global corporate tax of only 15% - to be paid MAYBE in 2030. Isn't that in NINE years?

COP26 Climate Change conference... it's not even worth a mention. What did they achieve? Niente. Nothing. NADA. Private jets to fly rich people around to the "climate change conference"... ridiculous.
Poll: Voters' doubts rising about Biden's health, mental fitness

A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows just 44 percent of voters approve of Biden's job performance, and 46 percent say he's "mentally fit."

Voters have increasing doubts about the health and mental fitness of President Joe Biden, the oldest man ever sworn into the White House, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Only 40 percent of voters surveyed agreed with the statement that Biden "is in good health," while 50 percent disagreed. That 10-percentage-point gap — outside the poll's margin of error — represents a massive 29-point shift since October 2020, when Morning Consult last surveyed the question and found voters believed Biden was in good health by a 19-point margin.

Asked whether Biden is mentally fit, voters are almost evenly split, with 46 percent saying he is and 48 percent disagreeing. But that negative 2-point margin stands in stark contrast to Biden's numbers last October, when voters believed he was mentally fit by a 21-point margin.

The poll questions are part of a long battery of attributes about which voters were asked to rate Biden — the same battery employed multiple times during Donald Trump's presidency, and asked about both candidates last fall, prior to the 2020 presidential election.

The new polling comes amid persistent questions about whether Biden — who turns 79 on Saturday — will run for reelection in three years and as Democrats have grown increasingly concerned with the party's gerontocracy. Biden says he will run again, but some longtime allies have raised doubts. Even "Saturday Night Live" recently ribbed Biden over whether he was "lucid."​

The rest of the article is here:

The great political achievements of this year. Wait... this year? This one?:

Global corporate tax of only 15% - to be paid MAYBE in 2030. Isn't that in NINE years?

COP26 Climate Change conference... it's not even worth a mention. What did they achieve? Niente. Nothing. NADA. Private jets to fly rich people around to the "climate change conference"... ridiculous.
'Climate Change' agenda is an obvious scam.
'Climate Change' agenda is an obvious scam.
Global Corporate Tax, as proposed to Biden, to come into force, MAYBE, in 2030, is another big scam to taxpayers, who are paying too much tax just because those Big Tech billionaires like Bezos, Zuckerberg or Peter Thiel do not want to pay taxes.
Global Corporate Tax, as proposed to Biden, to come into force, MAYBE, in 2030, is another big scam to taxpayers, who are paying too much tax just because those Big Tech billionaires like Bezos, Zuckerberg or Peter Thiel do not want to pay taxes.
No one wants to pay taxes.

But, the US debt is over 28 trillion. It is not sustainable and can't continue indefinitely.

Even the moronic politicians know this but they will never concede that.

They all colluded in a plan to destroy the economy and blame it on COVID-19 and climate change.
How low will Biden go?

(CNN)A new Quinnipiac University national poll has some very dire news for President Joe Biden: His job approval rating sits at a lousy 36%.

That's the lowest number for Biden in the Q poll so far in his presidency -- and part of a broader several-months-long sag for the President.
CNN's poll of polls, the average of the last five national polls, has Biden at 44% approval. The Real Clear Politics polling average pegs his average approval at just over 41%. The 538 average has the President at 42.5% approval.
There's no real debate that Biden is in a bad place with the American public. The question that Democrats have to be asking themselves is whether it will get worse and, if so, how much worse

The answer, judging from recent history, is that Biden would seem to be nearing his lowest possible ebb.

The worst job approval rating Donald Trump ever scored in Gallup data was 37% in January 2019. Barack Obama's low point was 40% in August 2011. (He also hit that number several times in early 2014.)

Those numbers suggest that, almost no matter what happens, Biden's approval rating is unlikely to dip all that much below where it currently is.

The nightmare scenario for Biden (and his party) is the presidency of George W. Bush, who saw his approval rating go as low as 25% in the midst of the global financial crisis in October 2008. But that was also a drastically different time -- Bush was three months away from the end of his second term (with two midterm elections already under his belt), while Biden is less than a year away from his first midterms.

Barring that sort of massive global collapse, however, it seems unlikely Biden's approval could come close to where Bush found himself.

The problem for Biden and his party is that even if he is now nearing his polling nadir, it needs him to begin to bounce back -- and quickly.

Historically, seat losses for a president's party in a midterm election when the president's approval rating is less than 50% are in the upper 30s -- a shift that would give Republicans not just the House majority but also a comfortable margin from which to govern.

The Point: Yes, the 2022 election is less than a year away. But presidential approval ratings don't usually change drastically over a short period of time. Democrats need Biden to bottom out and begin the climb back -- and soon.

They all colluded in a plan to destroy the economy and blame it on COVID-19 and climate change.
Yes, that's what I think too.

Politicians and central bankers have screwed up the economy and now they want to deflect public attention to other things and blame everything on COVID-19. This way politicians and central bankers pretend not to be responsible for the current economic mess.
A year since the election and this thread is STILL shambling on?
I'm still trying to educate people on the need to raise interest rates hahaha :ROFL:

Actually my personal "forecast" for the latest US inflation data was more accurate than the FED's, which is kind of scary :eek:

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