They will service the debt when all our euros are converted to US dollars and go to the US to get better yields than the ones paid in bankrupt Europe.The FED is supposed to act independently, but how can they raise the rates to a level sufficient enough without bankrupting the US government? The fallout from that would be devastating, and that's the dilemma they now face for printing endless amounts of free money. Have you ever wondered why they haven't raised the rates already, and why they constantly use delay tactics? It's because they can't afford to service the debt at a higher rate.
The FED is going to win again the central banker's game and Lagarde, who is a disgrace for Europe, will be sitting there doing nothing while the euro collapses.
For Trump, manipulating the FED was his way of staying in power and ending his term.
For Biden, preventing the FED from doing what has to be done, this is, raising interest rates, would mean being kicked out of office. Americans, like Europeans, are losing purchasing power at an accelerated pace, to the point that people no longer want to work, or do overtime, or being productive at all... reminds me of the old Soviet saying... "they pretended to pay us, and we pretended to work".