2020 US Presidential Election

We no longer live in a democracy and haven't for some time. The oligarchs run the show and both parties serve their masters. So let's not pretend that one is better than the other. They are both scum. Revolution is the only answer hopefully by peaceful means. Conservative and liberal labels don't work anymore anyway so why beat a dead horse. It's a trick MSM uses us to divide us so that we don't go after the politicians with pitchforks. I despise Pelosi as much as McConnell. IMHO.
It's a shame what happened to the 2011 occupy Wall Street movement. It was actually one of the best chances we had at a movement picking up speed and growing, because the core messages were easy to understand and most people including moderates actually already held similar beliefs/values.

It takes more than Bernie Sanders yelling those catch phrases over and over in the press for it to work, and we need something like it to replace it, if not just resurrect/restore the movement itself.
@Juan, with your inflationary knowledge you should had invested in natural gas as it hit a 13-year high today. Or light sweet crude, RBOB gasoline and heating oil. I bet Jerome and the whole Washington D.C. gang did.
It's a shame what happened to the 2011 occupy Wall Street movement. It was actually one of the best chances we had at a movement picking up speed and growing, because the core messages were easy to understand and most people including moderates actually already held similar beliefs/values.

It takes more than Bernie Sanders yelling those catch phrases over and over in the press for it to work, and we need something like it to replace it, if not just resurrect/restore the movement itself.
Occupy Wall Street was a failure from day one of it's start - the "Occupation' never happened, on Wall Street, and the encampment in Zuccotti Park, which I visited shortly before NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg shut it down, was a joke. The wannabe revolutionaries went home to their mommies & daddies, finished college, and joined the Establishment.
Occupy Wall Street was a failure from day one of it's start - the "Occupation' never happened, on Wall Street, and the encampment in Zuccotti Park, which I visited shortly before NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg shut it down, was a joke. The wannabe revolutionaries went home to their mommies & daddies, finished college, and joined the Establishment.
Yes, it is depressing, sudden movements like OWS don't occur very often, and really OWS just came and went and achieved pretty much nothing. Huge missed opportunity. Some lessons learned though. You need to able to out-organize when confronting the ownership class. You need social, economic, cultural, and human capital.
Suburban Joe's ratings have hit rock bottom.

Biden's approval falls to new low amid economic pessimism, inflation woes, CNBC survey finds

  • President Joe Biden's approval rating slid to a new low of 38%, according to CNBC's All-America Survey.
  • His approval rating on the economy dropped for a fourth consecutive survey.
  • As inflation rises, 47% of participants say the economy is "poor," the highest number in that category since 2012.

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On this side of the pond, the ECB just delivered its recurring session of comedy. With inflation across the Eurozone at 7%, inflation in Spain at 10% and inflation in the Netherlands at 12%...

...Christine Lagarde said there is no need to raise interest rates.

Christine Lagarde should be fired inmediately!
As a result of the incompetence of Christine Lagarde the Euro is plummetting against the US dollar, now trading at 1,08 to the dollar.

By the end of the year I think the USD will be worth more than 1 Euro.
The man that was supported by Europe, and his American voters, is weak, he has failed to fulfill his promises and duties, and the polls reflect this.

Biden approval rating drops to 33 percent, hitting new low in key poll

How low can he go?

Just a third of all Americans (33%) approve of how President Biden is handling his job responsibilities, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll, the commander-in-chief's worst performance yet in the benchmark survey.

On the flip side, 54% percent of respondents disapproved of Biden's performance, with 43% saying that they "strongly" disapproved. By contrast, just 18% said they strongly approved of the 46th president.

Thirteen percent said they didn't know or declined to answer the question, the highest percentage in the survey since January.

Biden's approval rating among registered voters is little better, sitting at 35% — another low for the survey and down 17 percentage points from his high approval rating in February 2021.

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Interesting read today on Chinese tech. There was this article about Meituan in the Spanish press. Apparently the Chinese goverment sent undercover officials to work as delivery drivers, to find out they were paid like 6 euros for a day's work (12 hours).

It seems the Chinese government wants to keep a close eye on tech and is seeing the damage these companies are causing to the general economy, for the sole benefit of a handful of billionaires.

The Chinese also fined Alibaba and Meituan, and other tech companies... their fines seems more effective than the ones the EU levies on Amazon, Google etc (American Tech), that are never paid.
I wonder what would be the outcome of the French election, considering the French are suffering rampant inflation, like the rest of Europe... will they vote for Macron again, despite inflation and the cost of living crisis?
The Biden Administration is incompetent at everything, with one exception: Carrying out the destruction of the United States of America.

These are new allegations about Biden avoiding taxes that the was supposed to pay.

Biden, accountant hit with IRS whistleblower claim that prez owes at least $127K

President Biden and his accountant are facing new IRS whistleblower complaints alleging that Biden owes at least $127,000 in back taxes.

The complaints were filed by Chris Jacobs, a former Republican aide on Capitol Hill, to coincide with Monday's federal tax filing deadline.

"Federal agencies must implement laws on a non-partisan basis," Jacobs told The Post. "The fact that the IRS did not audit Joe Biden's 2017 through 2019 returns, despite several articles publicly raising questions about the propriety of his actions, raises questions about how the IRS administers our nation's tax laws, and whether political considerations played a role in the IRS' decisions."

Biden and his wife, Jill, avoided paying Medicare taxes on book income and speaking fees in 2017 and 2018 by routing $13.3 million through "S corporations" and counting a small amount as eligible for the federal health care tax.

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Bullard (FED) asked to raise interest rates by 75 basic points in May. He must be the only one with a bit of common sense within the FED.
Abbott in Texas so concerned with illegal immigrants and his wall that he adds extra checks to trucks. Produce and other goods rot while waiting for the checks. Probably will lose a few votes but the bigots of Texas will still re-elect him.

GaySantis so thin skinned he eliminates the Special District for Mickey Mouse. State and county tax payers will pick up the tab. But again he will probably be re-elected. He won't run for President if sore loser Trump runs.

This is what happens when the anti-woke mob runs amok.
I think this belongs here as Tucker Carlson is an important figure in this mess, and of course his boss Rupert Murdoch. Time to toast your nuts , that is , if your having problems down stairs.
'We Build the Wall' leaders who worked with Bannon plead guilty to fraud

Two of Bannon's co-conspirators plead guilty to fraud for "We Build the Wall."

They "repeatedly and falsely assured the public that he would 'not take a penny in salary'" and that "100 % of the fund raised will be used in the execution of our mission and purpose."

Kolfage took more than $350,000 for his personal use while Bannon used a nonprofit group under his control to receive $1 million from for personal expenses. They were arrested on a super-yacht owned by Chinese billionaire. See pictures here:

The 152-Foot-Long Yacht Steve Bannon Was Arrested On Is For Sale For $28 Million

Trump pardoned him so it's up to the State of NY to go after him. But for now he is still available for Trumpers to make more donations. So those of you here who still worship Trump and his ilk, please please, as a favor to this crazy woke liberal, donate here:

Surging US inflation expectations defy FED's efforts (efforts??? Which "efforts"??) to tame price growth

Barometer reaches new high on concern central bank was "complacent on inflation for too long"

Obviously Jay Powell and his colleagues at the FED were very busy trading with their own private money while deciding on interest rates, QE, etc at the same time..

It is amazing that Jay Powell has not been fired yet.
Today Christine Lagarde added to the comedy performed by the FED saying that "we should be a little bit more patient" :ROFL:

She said that after wasting years and being a professional at losing precious time to raise interest rates and stop expanding the ECB balance... she's still creating money and saying she will "fight inflation". What-a-joke :cautious:

I hope the French remember this Sunday, at the presidential election, that Macron and Lagarde are making the average citizen poorer every day, and they are doing so on purpose.
Surging US inflation expectations defy FED's efforts (efforts??? Which "efforts"??) to tame price growth

Barometer reaches new high on concern central bank was "complacent on inflation for too long"

Obviously Jay Powell and his colleagues at the FED were very busy trading with their own private money while deciding on interest rates, QE, etc at the same time..

It is amazing that Jay Powell has not been fired yet.
Yeah Juan guess what they kept interest rates artificially low for many years before Biden. Now Biden has to deal with that and all the other BS and fraud that occurred.

How long has unemployment been an issue in Spain? Ever since I was in college, 35 years ago. Way before Euro, way before you were probably born.

No se que hacer durante mucho siestas.
How long has unemployment been an issue in Spain? Ever since I was in college, 35 years ago. Way before Euro, way before you were probably born.

No se que hacer durante mucho siestas.
Yes, unemployment here is a never ending issue... however, many of those people are working illegally and getting the unemployment subsidy. So the issue has to do more with working illegally.

The Spanish economy will take a bit hit when the ECB raises interest rates, but that's the right thing to do. It has to be done. If Lagarde is not up to the job, she should quit and go.
Yes, unemployment here is a never ending issue... however, many of those people are working illegally and getting the unemployment subsidy. So the issue has to do more with working illegally.

The Spanish economy will take a bit hit when the ECB raises interest rates, but that's the right thing to do. It has to be done. If Lagarde is not up to the job, she should quit and go.
Hey Juan,

As far as what Americans should be worried about, yeah, inflation is bad. The Fed sucks.

But our biggest threat is that 3 headed monster: the Woke Mob-Critical Race Theory-Border Wall.

You see, Juan, we can't subject our kids to the woke mob that is out there, ready to suck them in with their books on math, or discussions of history. We just need our statues of Robert E. Lee, most of them built when african americans were gaining new freedoms.

And then there is critical race theory. Talk about a 3 headed monster within a 3 headed monster. That has 3 things we really hate - Critical thinking, race, and theories. The only theory we need is Jesus, and his love of guns.

And finally, that glorious 30 foot wall. I say make it 100 feet. People can climb over 30. Let's be like China and Israel, and wall ourselves in with the highest walls we can pay for, with the best slush funds we can find. And let's build a wall around our northern border. A lot of Canadians slip into this country.

Build the wall, drain the swamp, build the wall...

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