2020 US Presidential Election

Congrats on making no sense not once, but twice.

Try research - ever?
When one idiot like you has nothing to back up what you claim, you insult and degrade people instead. What is so hard to understand that there is a Neo-Nazi faction that the US is supporting? Google it moron.
She talks to people as if they were children. Annoying and very difficult to take seriously at times.
When one idiot like you has nothing to back up what you claim, you insult and degrade people instead. What is so hard to understand that there is a Neo-Nazi faction that the US is supporting? Google it moron.
I did Google moron and a picture of you came up.

Name the Neo-Nazi faction.

BTW, I am done with you. Goodbye! You won't be replying to me anymore. Have fun.
When one idiot like you has nothing to back up what you claim, you insult and degrade people instead. What is so hard to understand that there is a Neo-Nazi faction that the US is supporting? Google it moron.
Google isn't a verb.
I did Google moron and a picture of you came up.

Name the Neo-Nazi faction.

BTW, I am done with you. Goodbye! You won't be replying to me anymore. Have fun.
How is he supposed to name you the "Neo-Nazi faction" after you've blocked him?

(Can't read or answer this, also has me blocked).

I give it 'til this summer before @Paul1980 is the only thing @Paul1980 is reading on Tinnitus Talk.
Biden's approval ratings have gone even lower. This is the man that was supposed to repair the country, from the supposed damage caused by Trump. Biden, and that moronic VP, have done nothing but make everything worse.

Biden approval rating drops to new low of 40%, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's public approval rating fell to a new low of 40% this week, a clear warning sign for his Democratic Party as it seeks to retain control of Congress in the Nov. 8 election, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll.

The national poll, conducted on March 21 and 22, found that 54% of Americans disapprove of his job performance as the country struggles with high inflation and Russia's invasion of Ukraine has pushed geopolitical concerns to the fore.

Biden's approval rating, down three percentage points from the prior week, mirrors that which his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump, received at this point in his presidency, as both stood at 40% in mid-March in their second year in office.

Trump's approval rating sank as low as 33% in December 2017.

Poll respondents cited the economy as their top concern, followed by war and foreign conflicts.

Read more here:

Oh, I looked it up. The Neo-Nazi faction in Ukraine is called the Proud Boys. Except they aren't fighting for Ukraine. They like Putin, just like Trump.
Two more examples of Russian National Committee (RNC) hypocrisy. In NC, Mark Meadows used a mobile home that he never visited as their voting address. Voter Fraud.

Now Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, who screams to everyone that abortion is murder, paid for an abortion for in 1989. So if it is murder, him and the other republicans like him should turn themselves in. How many abortions has Trump had? How many murder counts should he be charged on? 6.7. Maybe 10.

The RNC for NC has no comment, because it is a private matter. Oh, I see, Republicans love to get into the private matters of everyone else, until one of their own does it. I wonder what God thinks of this?

If abortion is murder, and the Russians, I mean Republicans really believe that, which they do not, then they need to throw all of those RNC'ers that commit murder in jail. Lock them up, I say.
Trumpism must be some sort of sect.

I had never seen anyone before miss a politician and spend years longing for the comeback of a clown... :ROFL:

It's just hilarious :D :p
Biden knows that virtually any Republican can beat him in 2024, and he's hoping that Trump runs probably thinking that a Trump win is impossible.

I doubt that Russia would have invaded Ukraine if Trump had won in 2020. Europe wanted Biden to win, and now they have him - and the invasion of Ukraine, by Russia.

Biden says he would be 'fortunate' if Trump ran against him again

(CNN) President Joe Biden on Thursday dismissed the challenge posed by a potential rematch with Donald Trump in 2024, saying he'd be "very fortunate" to face Trump again despite polling suggesting that such a contest would be very close.

The remarks are especially notable coming during an emergency overseas trip with Western allies, many of whom fear a return to the America First — and largely anti-NATO — politics of Trump at a time of heightened anxiety about European security.

Between meetings with world leaders in Brussels to coordinate the global response to Russia's war with Ukraine, Biden was asked in a news conference if he was concerned about whether American foreign policy would remain stable if someone else became president.

Biden told reporters that he's not thinking about 2024.

Read the rest here:

Everyone keeps making fun of Trump, yet has nothing to say good about Biden lol. Here I'll be the first, his voice puts me to sleep when I'm having a bad night. Ok next.
Jerome Powell, the comedian, managed to sell a meagre 25 basic-point increased of interest rates as "hawkish"...

...with inflation at 8% and climbing fast. And the actual inflation any household must be experiencing exceeds 20%.
I know Trump wasn't perfect but I would much sooner have him than sleepy Joe and cackling Kamala. Trump got respect from foreign leaders. I doubt the Ukraine war would have started under Trump. I also think we would have lower oil and gas prices. Going green energy too fast is a mistake.
I know Trump wasn't perfect but I would much sooner have him than sleepy Joe and cackling Kamala. Trump got respect from foreign leaders. I doubt the Ukraine war would have started under Trump. I also think we would have lower oil and gas prices. Going green energy too fast is a mistake.
Same BS, different BSer.
Just imagine Kamala Harris as President. Now, if that does not send chills down your spine, you've got nerves of steel.
Jerome Powell and his FED filter this kind of headlines to the press and want to pass as "hawkish" a meagre 2,5% interest rate by the end of this year (in case it it finally a reality, which is not for sure).

Interest rates should be already at 10% minimum! Jay Powell is the most incompetent central banker that has ever "run" the Federal Reserve.

Expectations grow that Fed will deploy jumbo-size rate rises

Economists project US central bank to pick up pace of tightening in the face of worst inflation in four decades

Expectations are rising that the US Federal Reserve will make jumbo, half-point interest rate increases this year, as central bank officials signal that they may soon need to step up efforts to reduce the highest inflation in 40 years.

Wall Street economists moved en masse this week to revise their 2022 forecasts for monetary policy, projecting the Fed will double the pace at which it is raising rates at one or more of its forthcoming meetings. The central bank delivered its first increase since 2018 this month, lifting the federal funds rate by a quarter of a percentage point to a new target range of 0.25 per cent to 0.50 per cent.

The economists took their cue from some of the most senior policymakers on the Federal Open Market Committee, who this week were explicit about the central bank's willingness to take aggressive action given price pressures.

"The signalling clearly has been very much on the hawkish side for some time, but that has gotten to a feverish pitch in recent days," said Simona Mocuta, chief economist at State Street Global Advisors.

Jay Powell, Fed chair, kicked off a busy week for the bank's officials on Monday when he embraced the Fed moving "expeditiously" to raise rates to a "neutral" level that ceases to further ignite demand. He also quipped that there was "nothing" preventing it from moving forward with a half-point increase in May.

John Williams, president of the New York Fed and a member of Powell's inner circle, on Friday capped the week off by saying the Fed should proceed with such a move if warranted by the data. It marked a departure from his earlier stance that there was not a compelling argument for a "big step" at the March meeting. Several other branch presidents, including Charles Evans of Chicago, Mary Daly of San Francisco and Atlanta's Raphael Bostic also expressed their openness to doing so.

Loretta Mester, president of the Cleveland Fed, joined more hawkish members such as James Bullard of St Louis and Christopher Waller, a Fed governor, in advocating for "front-loaded" interest rate increases to get to neutral settings or beyond in short order. She is targeting rates at 2.5 per cent by the end of 2022.

"They are trying to remove the ambiguity," said Tom Porcelli, chief US economist at RBC Capital Markets, of the Fed's communication. He said a half percentage point increase at the next meeting is a "done deal", with at least one more likely after that.

Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and Jefferies now expect the Fed to deliver back-to-back half-point increases from May, followed by quarter-point adjustments at each of the four remaining meetings after the June gathering. That will accompany a reduction in the $9tn balance sheet, a process that could begin in May.

Citigroup on Friday announced one of the most aggressive forecasts, projecting the Fed would deliver half-point increases at its next four meetings. It would then moderate to a more typical quarter-point tempo for the remaining two gatherings of the year, so that the top end of the target fed funds range reaches 3 per cent. In 2023, Citi expects it to rise to 3.75 per cent.

"Once you go 50 basis points, it increases the probability that you go 50 again," said Andrew Hollenhorst, its chief US economist. "You don't want to be seen as being less active if it doesn't look better on the inflationary front."

Recommended Markets InsightScott Minerd For lessons on fighting inflation, skip Volcker and remember 1946 Shifting expectations have unsettled US governments bond markets, sending yields surging across all maturities. The benchmark 10-year note traded as high as 2.5 per cent, nearly a full percentage point above its January level. The two-year yield rocketed up to 2.23 per cent at one point, having started 2022 at about 0.8 per cent.

Mounting support for the Fed to "think bigger" — as Bullard, who dissented on March's quarter-point move, urged his colleagues to do this week — reflects a recognition that inflationary pressures are becoming more prevalent and deeply embedded in the economy.

"If the Fed is too slow to hit the [neutral] milestone, it may put itself in a position where it needs to tighten that much faster later this year or earlier next year and cause a dramatic slowdown in economic activity," said Blerina Uruci, chief US economist at T Rowe Price.
Biden is causing shock waves around the world, and not in a good way, due to his remarks in Poland. The latest NBC poll is not very encouraging for him, either. This poll was conducted between March 18-22, before the president's overseas trip.

Biden's job approval falls to lowest level of his presidency amid war and inflation fears
March 27, 2022 NBC News

Seven in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in the president's ability to deal with Russia's invasion of Ukraine as Biden's approval fell to 40 percent in new NBC News poll.

Amid Europe's largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden's ability to deal with Russia's invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons.

And during the nation's largest inflation spike in 40 years, overwhelming majorities said they believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and disapproved of the president's handling of the economy.

Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden's overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress ahead of November's midterm elections.

Read the rest here:
The world's leaders are worried, thanks to Biden's unscripted words regarding Putin and Russia. The ironic thing is, many if not the majority of them supported him, in his campaign to unseast Trump. Now they have gotten who they wanted - a man who is incompetent, due to his age and mental state, and not even aware of what he is doing or saying. However, they are not to blame for his election victory, that goes to those who voted for him.

Biden's suggestion that Putin must go causes anxiety in Europe
One foreign policy analyst called the president's remarks "a highly escalatory move."

LONDON — Until the final line of President Joe Biden's speech, Western allies had been in near lockstep against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nine words have caused perhaps the most significant cracks to date.

"For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power," Biden said of Russian President Vladimir Putin in an ad-libbed line at the end of an otherwise carefully measured speech in Poland on Saturday, capping three days of diplomacy in Europe.

The president has often criticized Putin, indeed branding him "a butcher" earlier that day. But appearing to call for an end to Putin's leadership was seen by some world leaders, officials and experts as a risky and escalatory move — adding fuel to the Kremlin's propaganda machine and narrowing the window for efforts to make peace in Ukraine.

U.S. officials have hurriedly attempted to walk back and clarify Biden's comments. And the president himself gave an unequivocal "no" when asked by a reporter Sunday if he backed regime change in Moscow.

It comes less than a week after the Kremlin said it wouldn't rule out using nuclear weapons if it faced an existential threat.

French President Emmanuel Macron told French TV on Sunday that he "wouldn't use this type of wording," and warned that "we should not escalate things, neither with words or actions."

Whereas Biden has been one of the most vocal Putin critics among world leaders, Macron has publicly sought to maintain an open line with the Kremlin before and after its troops crossed into Ukraine.

Meanwhile the chief diplomat of the European Union, Josep Borrell, made clear that "we are not after a regime change. That is something for the Russian citizens to decide."

French defense expert François Heisbourg, who is a senior adviser at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank, tweeted that Biden's comments were "a highly escalatory move." And Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the United States, wrote that they were "quite unwise, strategically" and warned European powers that "we should not follow this rhetoric."

What worries some in Europe is that Biden's unscripted remark will give credence to a belief in Moscow that Washington's goal is not, in fact, Ukrainian freedom — but a regime change in Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday that Biden's words were "certainly alarming" and being watched closely. On Sunday, he said the comments were "astounding, to use polite words," according to Reuters.

Russia has accused the West of fomenting a series of "color revolutions" to overthrow governments in several former Soviet countries, including Ukraine. It has long claimed that Washington's ultimate motivation for supporting Kyiv is to topple Putin in a similar fashion.

In Berlin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told local TV on Sunday that NATO and Biden "agree completely" that regime change was not a goal of their strategy on Ukraine.

There are also some foreign policy-watchers who are sympathetic with Biden's position — and critical of Europe.

"It's a bit rich for European politicians who have got Putin wrong at every moment to start piling in with advice about Russia," said Jonathan Eyal, an associate director at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based think tank.

The U.S. had been the loudest voice warning a sometimes-skeptical world that war was imminent, while leaders like Macron jetted to Moscow for talks.

Eyal calls the furor around Biden's comments "enormous irrelevant noise."

"It's pretty obvious that the American president misspoke and it is pretty obvious that the U.S. policy is not one of conditioning everything on regime change in Moscow," he said.

"Let's put the record straight: The only person who is attempting regime change is Putin, who is trying to overthrow the elected government in Ukraine.

"Biden's comment will only further confirm them in that belief," Thomas Graham, a distinguished fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a Washington-based think tank, told NBC News.

The president's framing of the war as "a struggle between democracy and autocracy" already "leaves little room for diplomacy," he added. But "Biden's call for Putin's removal — no matter how his officials try to walk it back — only further narrows" that window.

Asked for comment on the international reaction to Biden's words, the White House on Monday pointed to an earlier statement sent widely to reporters over the weekend. "The President's point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin's power in Russia, or regime change," a White House official said.

Not everyone was so aghast.

The remarks were championed in Kyiv, which has called on the U.S. and its allies to do more to help its fight against Russia.

Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's ambassador to the U.S., told NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that Ukraine "heard President Biden loud and clear," and that Putin "cannot stay in power in a civilized world."

In Berlin, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told local TV on Sunday that NATO and Biden "agree completely" that regime change was not a goal of their strategy on Ukraine.

There are also some foreign policy-watchers who are sympathetic with Biden's position — and critical of Europe.

"It's a bit rich for European politicians who have got Putin wrong at every moment to start piling in with advice about Russia," said Jonathan Eyal, an associate director at the Royal United Services Institute, a London-based think tank.

The U.S. had been the loudest voice warning a sometimes-skeptical world that war was imminent, while leaders like Macron jetted to Moscow for talks.

Eyal calls the furor around Biden's comments "enormous irrelevant noise."

"It's pretty obvious that the American president misspoke and it is pretty obvious that the U.S. policy is not one of conditioning everything on regime change in Moscow," he said.

"Let's put the record straight: The only person who is attempting regime change is Putin, who is trying to overthrow the elected government in Ukraine."

Read more:
According to this recent Harvard poll, if the 2024 election was held today, Trump would lead Biden by six points, and Harris by eleven. This is the result of the Democratic party nominating two morons to run against an unpopular incumbent ticket in 2020.

Poll: Trump leads Biden, Harris in 2024 match-ups

If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.

Vice President Harris performs even worse in a hypothetical match-up with Trump. Forty-nine percent said they would choose Trump, while 38 percent said they would support Harris.

Read more here:

The attempted coup d'etat in the US: like a banana republic.

Records show long gap in Trump phone logs as January 6 violence unfolded

Panel reportedly investigating 'possible coverup' of records, with unexplained gap of seven hours as Capitol insurrection took place.
Everytime they say they have something on Trump, nothing happens. Same can be said the other way around lol.
Everytime they say they have something on Trump, nothing happens. Same can be said the other way around lol.
If the next election was held tomorrow, and he was nominated, there is nothing to prevent Trump from running and winning. This is driving the Democrats crazy and they are looking for a way to "get" him before the election in Nov. 2024, which is 763 days from today. They should be looking for a candidate that can beat him, and I do not think they have any such person in mind.

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