2020 US Presidential Election

I think Paul is going to block every single person in this chat and eventually just talk to himself haha.
@Paul1980, from your point of view, why have large American cities run by Democrats turned into hellholes full of crime, homelessness, drugs, and poverty that people are fleeing from (Detroit, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.)? And please don't blame it on Trump.
I think Paul is going to block every single person in this chat and eventually just talk to himself haha.
Seems like that's already the case :D
@Paul1980, from your point of view, why have large American cities run by Democrats turned into hellholes full of crime, homelessness, drugs, and poverty that people are fleeing from (Detroit, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.)? And please don't blame it on Trump.
Terrible leadership on a state and local level. The DA of San Francisco, Chesa Boudin is a lunatic and a woke supremacist. A white guy who thinks gangs don't exists and are a social construct. He doesn't want to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent and repeated offenders are often released from jail. Shoplifting is hardly a crime there. For a guy who thinks he's helping minority communities, he's actually doing quite the opposite. Lawlessness is not reform.
Seems like that's already the case :D

Terrible leadership on a state and local level. The DA of San Francisco, Chesa Boudin is a lunatic and a woke supremacist. A white guy who thinks gangs don't exists and are a social construct. He doesn't want to prosecute criminals to the fullest extent and repeated offenders are often released from jail. Shoplifting is hardly a crime there. For a guy who thinks he's helping minority communities, he's actually doing quite the opposite. Lawlessness is not reform.
OOOOhhhh Woke Supremacy. OOoooo, won't prosecute gangs. Ooooh, must be the case. I mean Woke Supremacy is gonna get ya. They want the Black and Latino gangs to run rampant. They might replace you.

Watch out for that Wooookeee Supremacy. OOOO, maybe they will come after you. Oooooooooo.

What might they do, allow lesbians to take over? Oh no, gangs of lesbians coming after me. Watch out.

I have a prosecutor in my town, she is so woke, she won't prosecute those Antifa grandpas. It's such a shame. Bad for the country.
OOOOhhhh Woke Supremacy. OOoooo, won't prosecute gangs. Ooooh, must be the case. I mean Woke Supremacy is gonna get ya. They want the Black and Latino gangs to run rampant. They might replace you.

Watch out for that Wooookeee Supremacy. OOOO, maybe they will come after you. Oooooooooo.

What might they do, allow lesbians to take over? Oh no, gangs of lesbians coming after me. Watch out.

I have a prosecutor in my town, she is so woke, she won't prosecute those Antifa grandpas. It's such a shame. Bad for the country.
I honestly can't make sense of what you're saying.

Are you not aware of how many attorneys in the DA office in SF have retired or flat out quit? There's been a collective movement started by some of these prosecutors (Brooke Jenkins at the helm) to recall this DA from office. Shouldn't that be a sign something is really wrong? It's certainly telling for me.

Innocent people within minority communities are dying from street violence and lives are being put in danger due to these radical policies. The Gallup Polls even show that minorities want to see more policing within in their communities(while also improving quality interactions with the police of course). You don't think repeated offenders should be released out of jail almost immediately? Public safety should the upmost priority if you're a DA...

And please don't misunderstand me, criminal justice reform is an absolute necessity, but the way these woke progressives go about it is complete lunacy. I mean slogans like "Defund the police" or "Abolish the police"... Really? What kind of nonsense messaging is that? It completely goes against the principles of the Social Contract theory.

Ok maybe I was a little over the top with woke supremacists comment, but you have to understand these far left types aren't helping at all, certainly not helping minorities. It's all performative activism with them.
Bailey rejects criticism of Bank of England's handling of inflation

...Andrew Bailey fought back on Monday against critics of the Bank of England's handling of inflation, insisting that the central bank had not allowed the economy to overheat and was treading a "narrow path...

Asked about inflation, the governor of the Bank of Excuses said... "really? are you ready for another ration of blah blah?"

The poor chap talked about Putin, lazy bums who do not want to work (himself?), supply side blah blah... but failed to acknowledge massive money printing, a housing bubble and Brexit as likely causes of rampant inflation.

Inflation at 9%, rates at 1%, is the "legacy" of Andrew Bailey.
I honestly can't make sense of what you're saying.

Are you not aware of how many attorneys in the DA office in SF have retired or flat out quit? There's been a collective movement started by some of these prosecutors (Brooke Jenkins at the helm) to recall this DA from office. Shouldn't that be a sign something is really wrong? It's certainly telling for me.

Innocent people within minority communities are dying from street violence and lives are being put in danger due to these radical policies. The Gallup Polls even show that minorities want to see more policing within in their communities(while also improving quality interactions with the police of course). You don't think repeated offenders should be released out of jail almost immediately? Public safety should the upmost priority if you're a DA...

And please don't misunderstand me, criminal justice reform is an absolute necessity, but the way these woke progressives go about it is complete lunacy. I mean slogans like "Defund the police" or "Abolish the police"... Really? What kind of nonsense messaging is that? It completely goes against the principles of the Social Contract theory.

Ok maybe I was a little over the top with woke supremacists comment, but you have to understand these far left types aren't helping at all, certainly not helping minorities. It's all performative activism with them.
And now you're blocked too haha.
I honestly can't make sense of what you're saying.

Are you not aware of how many attorneys in the DA office in SF have retired or flat out quit? There's been a collective movement started by some of these prosecutors (Brooke Jenkins at the helm) to recall this DA from office. Shouldn't that be a sign something is really wrong? It's certainly telling for me.

Innocent people within minority communities are dying from street violence and lives are being put in danger due to these radical policies. The Gallup Polls even show that minorities want to see more policing within in their communities(while also improving quality interactions with the police of course). You don't think repeated offenders should be released out of jail almost immediately? Public safety should the upmost priority if you're a DA...

And please don't misunderstand me, criminal justice reform is an absolute necessity, but the way these woke progressives go about it is complete lunacy. I mean slogans like "Defund the police" or "Abolish the police"... Really? What kind of nonsense messaging is that? It completely goes against the principles of the Social Contract theory.

Ok maybe I was a little over the top with woke supremacists comment, but you have to understand these far left types aren't helping at all, certainly not helping minorities. It's all performative activism with them.
No I dont live in SF. Maybe you are a Republican, but I don't use the language of Republicans, namely that everything now is the result of "woke," to describe everything.

I read some about it. I see he is a child of some of the Weather Underground terrorists. So no matter what he is going to be a target of Republicans. The first few articles I saw when I did a search were from New York Post, owned by Rupert Murdoch, and the Washington Examiner, both bastions of conservatives. So immediately I take all of this with a grain of salt. I read about the two cases. I am not sure what to think about them because one was a repeat misdemeanor where other jurisdictions could have charged the defendant, but let him go, and some of it was due to COVID-19. A lot of states, Republican and Democrat, let offenders go home during the pandemic. I can't make sense of the other issues in the case, but again, I take issue with people telling me that everything they don't agree with is woke policies run amok.

As far as defund the police, well, do you know how much political power police have, how much we spend on them? The rise in crime happened in most areas of the country, under Trump. For some reason, his law and order policies didn't keep crime from rising, when it had been falling for years. But I personally believe that police have too much money. There is debate on whether hiring more police means less crime. Look at cities that have hired more police. You can't hire enough police to stand on every street corner, nor would you put up with that. More police, and more money for them at the expense of other programs, doesn't mean less crime.

I want to see more money for early intervention programs. I want to see more money for social workers and psychologists. I don't call that defund the police. I call that looking at why we keep giving police raises, year after year, held hostage to their police organizations, when we need some money for other professions that can help the police. We ask the police to do everything. What is in their best interest? Is it according to the police organizations that are trying to always get them raises, just like a union does (hey, I thought unions were bad?), or giving other professions that can assist cops with say, oh I don't know, showing up when you have a mental patient walking down the streets.

Do you know how much it costs your city when a cop accidentally shoots a mentally ill or unarmed citizen, because they thought they had a gun, or they didn't know how to talk down the person? It costs $500 million here, $500 million there. If stopping that from happening by hiring other people to assist is a woke policy, then I guess I am woke. Glad of it.

Do you know how I think a lot of the people who used the defund the police slogans to bash liberals, have very little interest in what is best for police.

As far as defund the police, I do think the police have more political power than they deserve, and often times more money than they need.
The reason that there are bad cops on our police forces, is almost entirely due to the unions that protect them from being fired before they seriously injure or kill somebody, without justification.

The solution is to eliminate their unions but most politicians both Democrats and Republicans, will not support this.
I think Paul is going to block every single person in this chat and eventually just talk to himself haha.
I normally laugh about your jokes but this one is off the mark. If we disagree with each other, then that's fine & dandy as long as we at least try to understand each other's position and are willing to exchange the merits of ideas/policy, but let's not get off the rails in this thread by going down the never-ending ad hominem road.
I normally laugh about your jokes but this one is off the mark. If we disagree with each other, then that's fine & dandy as long as we at least try to understand each other's position and are willing to exchange the merits of ideas/policy, but let's not get off the rails in this thread by going down the never-ending ad hominem road.
I think he blocked me and I never once attacked him :dunno:
If you were truly concerned about police, you would do something to stop the carnage of dead policemen.

If you were truly concerned about kids, you would do something to stop the carnage of dead kids.

But you have been brainwashed to equate gun control with losing your gun. Stop criminals from getting guns, or, go to your kids school, your place of business, or your hospital to collect the dead.
If you were truly concerned about police, you would do something to stop the carnage of dead policemen.

If you were truly concerned about kids, you would do something to stop the carnage of dead kids.

But you have been brainwashed to equate gun control with losing your gun. Stop criminals from getting guns, or, go to your kids school, your place of business, or your hospital to collect the dead.
There are a lot of problems that's unique to the US because they don't really exist in other countries. However, for some reason we don't want to use strategies that work in other countries in order to improve our own. It's perplexing really. RIP to the victims.
This is a very powerful message from Steve Kerr, and I agree with every word.

When is there going to be a gun law reform, and how many more schoolchildren and other innocent people have to die before some of the senators over there see sense? The fact that anyone can just walk into a store and buy guns and assault rifles without background checks is fucked up. Even if the majority of Americans want this change, the NRA and the senators that want to retain their power hold all the cards, and this shouldn't be allowed to happen in a democracy. Congress proposed a bill to expand background checks for guns which included a ban on assault weapons and a ban on high-capacity gun magazines, but it failed to get passed into law because it didn't get enough votes. The reason the majority of senators didn't vote this through is that they want to retain their power, and the NRA have too much of a lobbying influence.

I think it's a sickening indictment of how power is structured and retained when it's against the interests of the majority of US citizens. Who are these people fighting against who use the second amendment argument? Their own government? They are a nuclear superpower who have access to one of the world's most powerful armies. It's nonsense. And if it's really about self defence, then what is wrong with controlling the supply of weapons and the hands they end up in? Why would any sane person think that it's acceptable that a psychopath can walk into a store, buy assault rifles and other weapons unrestricted, and be killing kids indiscriminately by the afternoon?

Wake the fuck up! I have young children of my own and these stories break my heart. I cannot imagine what the families go through every time this shit happens. It's disgusting. The US is the only country that want to retain their current gun laws in face of all these slaughter events. All the countries that changed their laws saw a dramatic decrease in these kinds of crimes; it's a no-brainer.
Greed $ controls. Whatever the issue and platform is, someone is making money off it. Lots of money is made off chaos, bias and my people. Liberal versus conservative discussion by us is useless as we are being used by powerful $ greedy people. Hurt most by this is children, elderly and disabled.

I support price controls on all services - from education to what a plumber or lawyer can charge. I believe in placement of armed policemen at every public school. Guns and fireworks should not be sold on the internet. If someone's steals or hurts another, jail time is needed. I believe that media, lawyers, unions and all special interest groups should be banned from donating political. I believe in oil pipelines to control inflation. I believe if the government pays off student loans, then that is vote gathering and it's unfair to those that paid off their loans. I don't believe that social security should be taxed when free money isn't. Everything in this paragraph is my social, but we all must consider power and its friend $ greed. Are any of our thoughts, opinions and social beliefs conclusively accepted? Nope, but children, the disabled and elderly should be protected from abuse.
Take the guns away, make the schools heavily guarded, I don't care, this crap needs to stop.

No amount of Trumpism or Cool Joe can save my son from a gunman.
Ya it's time to take action. I just don't know how to do it. Only thing that can be done is completely banning all firearms. Where I live they do background checks and call you in a few days if you're approved.
Ya it's time to take action. I just don't know how to do it. Only thing that can be done is completely banning all firearms. Where I live they do background checks and call you in a few days if you're approved.
Banning all guns may help mitigate but then illegal firearms will still be here and people cannot defend themselves legally. There is always a caveat but my priority is still the kids.
What happened in that grammar school is terrible.

I posted a lot in this thread about abuse of children and elderly. These numbers also add up to horror and...

I was witness to this in health care.

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