None of what you said is accurate. To get a gun, you have to produce an ID, get a background check and then buy the gun.
Wow really? ID? Are you kidding me? You need ID to buy energy drinks here; who gives a shit about ID.
People die from alcohol impaired drivers every day. So by your logic we should get rid of what? The vehicles? The alcohol? How would that work out?
They do in every country, but guess what, we don't add to our tally of deaths by handing out guns to murderers. We're talking about kids in schools here; what planet are you on? No other developed country has the problem you have. It's a solvable issue but you'd rather bury your head in the sand and pretend people aren't getting slaughtered in large numbers every year.
It's not as easy as making more laws.
Yes it is. Look at every other country that changed theirs and see what happened.
Killers will find a way to get their weapon.
Which is why there shouldn't be such easy access. Killers here and elsewhere can't get to weapons that are designed to kill in mass numbers, so they are much more easily dealt with.
There are literally tens of millions of AR-15s in circulation. The cats out of the bag. You can't wave a magic wand and make them all disappear.
Yes you can. You take them out of circulation and destroy them or reallocate them like other countries did. There's no need for that amount of weapons to be readily available to just anyone. It's absolutely insane.
The answer to this problem is better security and law enforcement doing a better job of surveillance with social media.
Wrong again. The police were at the elementary school before the shooting started and they couldn't stop him because they wanted to wait for tactical gear and backup. They locked themselves in classrooms and repeatedly rang 911 for help for over an hour, but nobody came, even though they were already there and knew what was going on. So, if they couldn't stop him, what good would an armed teacher or a security guard be? There are no guarantees of competence from an armed teacher, police, or a security guard, as they can easily be taken out by a shooter before they start on the kids.
It's sick that you're defending this, in my opinion. Do you have kids? Would you be saying this if a teenager had just shot your kid and all his friends at school because he used his ID to buy a gun? I think you are numb to these events in the US now because they happen so frequently. They no longer have an emotional impact on you because it's not your family that's involved, so they become just another news story.
More laws never have and never will stop a demented person from following through with it's crime...
Use a little common sense.
They did everywhere else. You just choose to ignore that fact.
These "mass shootings" you continually refer to are not what you or the media like to portray them as. I viewed the list. I am familiar with many of the areas where they are occurring. It's in areas that are extremely rough 3rd world type areas and are riddled with gangs and violence.
Oh yea, fuck those areas. There aren't any humans who live in those places, so it doesn't count. The total number of deaths per capita is off the scale. Every country has gang violence, but they still don't get tallies anywhere near yours. Innocents get wrapped up in amongst it all.
Although, you probably didn't know any better as it's obvious you just swallow whatever BS headline the media throws out there - no critical thinking necessary.
You're a lost cause. Kids will continue to die because of people like you and your ideology.
You have no clue about what you are talking about regarding guns and this country. You're just a left winger parroting talking points given to you by a left wing lying media.
Left winger?

I'm from a conservative background, but I'm not far-right and I don't support various ideals that are seen in some political parties. My views cannot be expressed with simple umbrella terms like right or left wing because I'm way beyond all that. I'm a mixture of all sorts of beliefs that would fall all over the spectrum.
Conservatives know that you can't legislate people to stop being evil.
You can stop giving them guns and assault rifles, though. Doing that would make a huge difference.
Our separation of powers is designed in a way that limits major change. The country is also way too polarized for change as well. I've come to terms with it… See you in the next mass shooting.
It's a tragic state of affairs.