2020 US Presidential Election

We're talking about the whole world here, so most of them. The US has a massive gun culture problem. I'm sorry, but more than one gun per citizen is fucked up and is totally unnecessary, and it's why you have so many mass shooting events that involve school children. Every time I hear of a mass shooting in the states that involves little kids it repulses me, especially when people defend the culture whilst they jerk off over their assault rifles. You should be standing up in numbers at this point saying "enough of this shit," but that doesn't happen as nothing ever changes. The supremely easy access to weapons - designed to kill as many people as possible - will continue because of the second amendment and associations like the NRA.

It's just as easy to get a gun over there as it is for me to buy power tools over here, and even background checks will not root out all those teenagers whose first offences happen to be the mass-murder suicides. Many of those who commit these crimes fit into this category - teenagers with no priors where the community always say afterwards that they were pleasant and shy, and how they couldn't believe they committed such an atrocity. Yea, well that's why you shouldn't sell such an array of deadly weapons to just anyone.

Everybody says this line about their own country. I hear it all the time from my parents, but the fact of the matter is that we take far more from other countries than we give back in most instances. The British Empire stripped resources from other countries and created a lot of wealth from doing so, and the US is no different. They force other countries to trade in petrodollars to your advantage, and they invade other countries at will. It's also important to build political alliances, and that's why all countries have foreign aid policies. I think all political parties are just as useless as each other as there's too much corruption and gerrymandering going on.

You've had it good for a long time, just like we had it good for a long time. These empires go around in cycles.
The amount of guns in the population is irrelevant. There are literally hundreds of millions of guns in the USA. Out of that hundreds of millions of guns, 3 of them caused the last 3 tragedies. The logic limiting of production and sales of guns is akin to saying that if we had less cigarettes lighters, there would be less forest fires in California.
We're talking about the whole world here, so most of them. The US has a massive gun culture problem. I'm sorry, but more than one gun per citizen is fucked up and is totally unnecessary, and it's why you have so many mass shooting events that involve school children. Every time I hear of a mass shooting in the states that involves little kids it repulses me, especially when people defend the culture whilst they jerk off over their assault rifles. You should be standing up in numbers at this point saying "enough of this shit," but that doesn't happen as nothing ever changes. The supremely easy access to weapons - designed to kill as many people as possible - will continue because of the second amendment and associations like the NRA.

It's just as easy to get a gun over there as it is for me to buy power tools over here, and even background checks will not root out all those teenagers whose first offences happen to be the mass-murder suicides. Many of those who commit these crimes fit into this category - teenagers with no priors where the community always say afterwards that they were pleasant and shy, and how they couldn't believe they committed such an atrocity. Yea, well that's why you shouldn't sell such an array of deadly weapons to just anyone.

Everybody says this line about their own country. I hear it all the time from my parents, but the fact of the matter is that we take far more from other countries than we give back in most instances. The British Empire stripped resources from other countries and created a lot of wealth from doing so, and the US is no different. They force other countries to trade in petrodollars to your advantage, and they invade other countries at will. It's also important to build political alliances, and that's why all countries have foreign aid policies. I think all political parties are just as useless as each other as there's too much corruption and gerrymandering going on.

You've had it good for a long time, just like we had it good for a long time. These empires go around in cycles.
I agree with some of your points Ed. I am a law-abiding citizen and I have a license to carry and I do that to protect my family. Where I live there is way too much crime to just assume my family will be safe.

Part of the problem we have today is Social Media and I'll say it again Mental Health. There are signs through out social media that should trigger red flags. The shooting in Texas is another example of how days before he was on social media saying that he was going to do and somehow no-one, whether it is the FBI or the Social Media giants, weren't alerted to it. All threats should be taken seriously.

This world is getting more and more divided... we need change for sure.
I agree with some of your points Ed. I am a law-abiding citizen and I have a license to carry and I do that to protect my family. Where I live there is way too much crime to just assume my family will be safe.

Part of the problem we have today is Social Media and I'll say it again Mental Health. There are signs through out social media that should trigger red flags. The shooting in Texas is another example of how days before he was on social media saying that he was going to do and somehow no-one, whether it is the FBI or the Social Media giants, weren't alerted to it. All threats should be taken seriously.

This world is getting more and more divided... we need change for sure.
It's a vicious cycle, Carlos. I understand the need to carry if you're trained and psychologically sound, but the ease of access (especially to assault rifles) is a major problem. The issue of civilians defending other civilians with guns wouldn't be necessary if there wasn't such a proliferation of guns in the first place. This point cannot be made clearer by looking at the rest of the developed world where gun laws have all been reformed. The stats for the US should make for deeply troubling reading, but your senators don't give a shit!

After all, you didn't create the situation, you're just a part of it. I get that.

A change is most definitely needed.
The amount of guns in the population is irrelevant. There are literally hundreds of millions of guns in the USA. Out of that hundreds of millions of guns, 3 of them caused the last 3 tragedies. The logic limiting of production and sales of guns is akin to saying that if we had less cigarettes lighters, there would be less forest fires in California.

The reasoning here is terrible.

There have already been about 215 mass shootings in your country this year alone. They happen with depressing regularity. When other countries had a mass shooting, they changed their gun laws, and now they rarely happen. It doesn't take a genius to work out what the problem is.

An unstable teenager who wants to kill people can just walk into a gun store, buy an assault rifle, and then slaughter half his classmates by the following week. If you don't think that's a problem then you need to re-evaluate things.
When other countries had a mass shooting, they changed their gun laws, and now they rarely happen.
About 42% (or more) of U.S. households have guns. A lot of private businesses here have guns behind the counters (such as motels, gas stations, 7-Eleven shops, and basically any business in a bad neighborhood). In the U.S., if you tell someone you are taking away their gun, it's similar to saying you are taking away their vehicle or dog. Europeans have accepted the fact that they cannot defend themselves/their homes fully if bad guys break into their home (as you mentioned a lot of guns/crime round in Manchester); it is a compromise they have made in order to reduce gun ownership/gun violence. However, a lot of Americans including some of the posters here are not willing to make this compromise.

I don't think Europeans quite grasp how guns are ingrained in American tradition/culture. England, for example, never had the same type of "gun culture" even in her past, so it is not accurate to compare England and U.S. on this topic. Unlike the U.S., even in her early history England never had "universal right" but had restrictions on who could own guns (limited to Protestants, based on income, etc.). It was also frowned upon for commoners to own guns, as this was considered more of a privilege for the upper classes. Keeping this in mind, the Founding Fathers (U.S.) wanted to make gun ownership more accessible to everyone.

Also, in more modern times (1900s and forward), far less Britons owned guns when compared with Americans. "The gun-owning public in Britain - about four percent of households legally own guns, and about an equally large number may own unregistered guns - has become almost irrelevant to the gun control debate." I suspect gun ownership rates in other European nations were similar before the bans. The English/Europeans were never vested in guns/gun ownership to begin with, so it was easier for them to go forward with the bans and have the public agree with such bans.

Source for above information:

Michigan Law Review: It Isn't About Duck Hunting: The British Origins of The Right to Arms
It's a vicious cycle, Carlos. I understand the need to carry if you're trained and psychologically sound, but the ease of access (especially to assault rifles) is a major problem. The issue of civilians defending other civilians with guns wouldn't be necessary if there wasn't such a proliferation of guns in the first place. This point cannot be made clearer by looking at the rest of the developed world where gun laws have all been reformed. The stats for the US should make for deeply troubling reading, but your senators don't give a shit!

After all, you didn't create the situation, you're just a part of it. I get that.

A change is most definitely needed.

View attachment 50404

The reasoning here is terrible.

There have already been about 215 mass shootings in your country this year alone. They happen with depressing regularity. When other countries had a mass shooting, they changed their gun laws, and now they rarely happen. It doesn't take a genius to work out what the problem is.

An unstable teenager who wants to kill people can just walk into a gun store, buy an assault rifle, and then slaughter half his classmates by the following week. If you don't think that's a problem then you need to re-evaluate things.
None of what you said is accurate. To get a gun, you have to produce an ID, get a background check and then buy the gun. I've purchased several guns recently. It's the same routine every time. And no, there haven't been 215 massacres this year.

People die from alcohol impaired drivers every day. So by your logic we should get rid of what? The vehicles? The alcohol? How would that work out?

It's not as easy as making more laws. Killers will find a way to get their weapon. There are literally tens of millions of AR-15s in circulation. The cats out of the bag. You can't wave a magic wand and make them all disappear.

The answer to this problem is better security and law enforcement doing a better job of surveillance with social media. More laws never have and never will stop a demented person from following through with it's crime...

Use a little common sense.
However, a lot of Americans including some of the posters here are not willing to make this compromise.
You've had 27 school shootings this year and around 215 mass shootings, and you're not willing to make a comprise? Fucking hell. I have no words. The gun culture is just insane at this point.
I don't think Europeans quite grasp how guns are ingrained in American tradition/culture. England, for example, never had the same type of "gun culture" even in her past, so it is not accurate to compare England and U.S. on this topic.
This is true. England never did have the same obsession with weapons, but don't you think it's time that your deeply ingrained gun culture is finally changed/reformed? You're the only country with such a hideous amount of gun atrocities, so why do you wanna persist like you're still in the Wild West days rather than modernise your laws as every other country has? There have been no school shootings in the UK, Australia, or most other developed countries for a long time.

One school shooting was enough for other countries to take action. At this point, I cannot fathom how anybody would want to resist change when their kids are frequently getting shot at school.

The gun lobbying money has indoctrinated a lot of people, and it keeps the culture of buying more weapons going.
It was also frowned upon for commoners to own guns, as this was considered more of a privilege for the upper classes. Keeping this in mind, the Founding Fathers (U.S.) wanted to make gun ownership more accessible to everyone.
This is all ancient history and has very little relevance to today. Times have moved on considerably, and so has every other nation except the US.

Everyone will say a few prayers until the next school gets shot up.

There is no longer any sane argument that can be used against introducing new gun laws. How many more mass shootings will it take to effect some sort of change?

What I also find remarkable is that most people here are adamant that laws around noise levels should be brought in as 100 dBA is too loud for a nightclub, for example, but at the same time some of you think it's ok for people to walk the streets with assault rifles and stuff. I find it baffling, in all honesty. Guns are frequently killing kids and many others unnecessarily, and they will also give you tinnitus and hearing loss, so why advocate for one law change but not the other?
You've had 27 school shootings this year and around 215 mass shootings, and you're not willing to make a comprise? Fucking hell. I have no words. The gun culture is just insane at this point.

This is true. England never did have the same obsession with weapons, but don't you think it's time that your deeply ingrained gun culture is finally changed/reformed? You're the only country with such a hideous amount of gun atrocities, so why do you wanna persist like you're still in the Wild West days rather than modernise your laws as every other country has? There have been no school shootings in the UK, Australia, or most other developed countries for a long time.

One school shooting was enough for other countries to take action. At this point, I cannot fathom how anybody would want to resist change when their kids are frequently getting shot at school.

The gun lobbying money has indoctrinated a lot of people, and it keeps the culture of buying more weapons going.

This is all ancient history and has very little relevance to today. Times have moved on considerably, and so has every other nation except the US.

Everyone will say a few prayers until the next school gets shot up.

There is no longer any sane argument that can be used against introducing new gun laws. How many more mass shootings will it take to effect some sort of change?

What I also find remarkable is that most people here are adamant that laws around noise levels should be brought in as 100 dBA is too loud for a nightclub, for example, but at the same time some of you think it's ok for people to walk the streets with assault rifles and stuff. I find it baffling, in all honesty. Guns are frequently killing kids and many others unnecessarily, and they will also give you tinnitus and hearing loss, so why advocate for one law change but not the other?
These "mass shootings" you continually refer to are not what you or the media like to portray them as. I viewed the list. I am familiar with many of the areas where they are occurring. It's in areas that are extremely rough 3rd world type areas and are riddled with gangs and violence. The people in those areas don't give 2 shits about a new gun law. None of their weapons are legal to begin with - 100% black market. Most of the 215 are gang drive-bys where 1 or 2 other gang members were shot. A lot of times just injured and not killed. HUGE difference between that and a true mass shooting in a school, church, or grocery store.

Furthermore regarding the year 2022, there were 16 "mass" shootings with more than 2 killed. There have only been 2 true mass shootings in the US this year where more than 10 were killed, Buffalo and Uvalda. These statistical FACTS are a far cry from the 215 "massacres" you are continuously quoting. One shooting victim is one too many but you (and the lying medias') use of the term "mass shootings" is disingenuous and intentionally misleading. Although, you probably didn't know any better as it's obvious you just swallow whatever BS headline the media throws out there - no critical thinking necessary.

You have no clue about what you are talking about regarding guns and this country. You're just a left winger parroting talking points given to you by a left wing lying media.
Also, forest fires don't go after kids at schools.

Ok, Ben, by your definition there were 2 mass shootings. I guess Biden has a better record than Dump on mass shootings then. There will be more.

It's a mass shooting when someone comes into a place where there are many people. Look at the list, many are churches, malls, schools, festivals, etc etc. That is why it is a mass shooting. It doesn't matter if they kill anyone, but they usually do. Maybe you can live with that, but if it happens to you, I suppose you will tell us something like "People kill people."

He's the HUGE winner of the mass shootings contest - Las Vegas, then Sutherland Springs, Pittsburgh, Christchurch... well that last one isn't fair, is it. The shooter simply acknowledged Trump, so it doesn't count, it wasn't in the US. Parkland, Plano, Virginia Beach, Odessa, and on and on.

Remember, only you can prevent mass shootings.

You are a shill of the NRA.

Your Liberal Buddy

BTW, I cant see what your reply is...your blocked!!!! Byeeeee
Mass shootings have very little, if anything, to do with who the president happens to be at the time. Liberals think that passing laws will make criminals stop committing the crime of murder. Conservatives know that you can't legislate people to stop being evil.

I wish guns would have never been invented but they were. The criminals will NEVER give them up. Our only choice now is to defend ourselves the best way we know how.
A change is most definitely needed.
To be honest with you, with the way the Supreme Court (6-3 conservative majority) is now, any drastic legislation on gun control passed by Congress, or even executive orders signed by a President would likely get shot down by them (pun intended). These conservative justices, especially the ones that were appointed by Donny Trump are all strict constructionists, meaning they restrict interpretation only to the exact wording of the law. However it's written is the only basis for interpretation. So in this case, the second amendment states "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" and since this line is found in a document that's considered to be the supreme law of the land… Yeah good luck trying to persuade them otherwise.

Our separation of powers is designed in a way that limits major change. The constitutions greatest strength is also its greatest weakness.

The country is also way too polarized for change. I've come to terms with it… See you in the next mass shooting.
None of what you said is accurate. To get a gun, you have to produce an ID, get a background check and then buy the gun.
Wow really? ID? Are you kidding me? You need ID to buy energy drinks here; who gives a shit about ID.
People die from alcohol impaired drivers every day. So by your logic we should get rid of what? The vehicles? The alcohol? How would that work out?
They do in every country, but guess what, we don't add to our tally of deaths by handing out guns to murderers. We're talking about kids in schools here; what planet are you on? No other developed country has the problem you have. It's a solvable issue but you'd rather bury your head in the sand and pretend people aren't getting slaughtered in large numbers every year.
It's not as easy as making more laws.
Yes it is. Look at every other country that changed theirs and see what happened.
Killers will find a way to get their weapon.
Which is why there shouldn't be such easy access. Killers here and elsewhere can't get to weapons that are designed to kill in mass numbers, so they are much more easily dealt with.
There are literally tens of millions of AR-15s in circulation. The cats out of the bag. You can't wave a magic wand and make them all disappear.
Yes you can. You take them out of circulation and destroy them or reallocate them like other countries did. There's no need for that amount of weapons to be readily available to just anyone. It's absolutely insane.
The answer to this problem is better security and law enforcement doing a better job of surveillance with social media.
Wrong again. The police were at the elementary school before the shooting started and they couldn't stop him because they wanted to wait for tactical gear and backup. They locked themselves in classrooms and repeatedly rang 911 for help for over an hour, but nobody came, even though they were already there and knew what was going on. So, if they couldn't stop him, what good would an armed teacher or a security guard be? There are no guarantees of competence from an armed teacher, police, or a security guard, as they can easily be taken out by a shooter before they start on the kids.

It's sick that you're defending this, in my opinion. Do you have kids? Would you be saying this if a teenager had just shot your kid and all his friends at school because he used his ID to buy a gun? I think you are numb to these events in the US now because they happen so frequently. They no longer have an emotional impact on you because it's not your family that's involved, so they become just another news story.
More laws never have and never will stop a demented person from following through with it's crime...

Use a little common sense.
They did everywhere else. You just choose to ignore that fact.
These "mass shootings" you continually refer to are not what you or the media like to portray them as. I viewed the list. I am familiar with many of the areas where they are occurring. It's in areas that are extremely rough 3rd world type areas and are riddled with gangs and violence.
Oh yea, fuck those areas. There aren't any humans who live in those places, so it doesn't count. The total number of deaths per capita is off the scale. Every country has gang violence, but they still don't get tallies anywhere near yours. Innocents get wrapped up in amongst it all.
Although, you probably didn't know any better as it's obvious you just swallow whatever BS headline the media throws out there - no critical thinking necessary.
You're a lost cause. Kids will continue to die because of people like you and your ideology.
You have no clue about what you are talking about regarding guns and this country. You're just a left winger parroting talking points given to you by a left wing lying media.
Left winger? :LOL: I'm from a conservative background, but I'm not far-right and I don't support various ideals that are seen in some political parties. My views cannot be expressed with simple umbrella terms like right or left wing because I'm way beyond all that. I'm a mixture of all sorts of beliefs that would fall all over the spectrum.
Conservatives know that you can't legislate people to stop being evil.
You can stop giving them guns and assault rifles, though. Doing that would make a huge difference.
Our separation of powers is designed in a way that limits major change. The country is also way too polarized for change as well. I've come to terms with it… See you in the next mass shooting.
It's a tragic state of affairs.
@Ed209, I admire your passion on wanting to end this type of tragedy. I really do. All decent people share that same passion. I disagree on how to stop it.

You mention how well other countries have done at stopping this type of crime. If what you're saying is accurate and as simple as just following the same protocol, then I and many others would be on board. I just don't believe that it would work in this country. I may be wrong. You may be, too.

I still believe that a killer will find there weapon of choice (or something similar), especially when there are so many weapons in circulation and unaccounted for on the black market.

One mass murderer is too many but they're not as prevalent as the 215 that is being floated around. There have been 2-3 in the country this year. I simply don't believe they could have been stopped by some new gun law. There are hundreds of millions of guns in circulation already.
I admire your passion on wanting to end this type of tragedy. I really do. All decent people share that same passion. I disagree on how to stop it.
I have young children myself, so when I hear these stories coming out of America it really touches a nerve with me as nothing is ever done about it. What's worse is that stricter gun laws were introduced in the US Congress, but they were defeated by Republicans, independents and some moderate Democrats. On what grounds? It's crazy that this is allowed to go on with complete inaction.
You mention how well other countries have done at stopping this type of crime. If what you're saying is accurate and as simple as just following the same protocol, then I and many others would be on board. I just don't believe that it would work in this country. I may be wrong. You may be, too.
If you look at the facts, you'll see that all the countries that introduced gun reforms saw a dramatic decrease in gun-related homicides, and mass shootings have become a rare anomaly and nothing like the regular occurrences that the US sees.

Australia, for example, banned all semi-automatic rifles and all semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns after a mass shooting. They had a gun amnesty where loads of guns were taken out of circulation, and licensed owners were required to take a training course in order to keep their guns. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, homicides via a gun plummeted to 0.15 per 100,000 people in 2014 from 0.54 per 100,000 people since the reform. That's a drop of 72%. It's a very significant difference.

Canada did a similar thing after a mass shooting in their country. Their homicide rate via guns is now around 0.5 per 100,000 people, and they don't have all the mass shootings that the US has.

The UK also reformed its gun laws the same year as Australia after a school massacre in Dunblane. We have a homicide rate via guns of 0.04 per 100,000 people, and there aren't mass shootings all the time.

New Zealand reformed their gun laws in 2019 after it had a mass shooting. They did the same thing as Australia, pretty much.

The US has a homicide rate via firearms of around 4.12 per 100,000 people. To put that into perspective, it's around 2646.67% higher than Australia and 724% higher than Canada. Compared to the UK it's a 10,200% increase.

Every country that has reformed its gun laws has improved in every regard. The US is the only developed country that has stayed rather draconian and is continuing to ignore kids being murdered in schools.
I still believe that a killer will find there weapon of choice (or something similar), especially when there are so many weapons in circulation and unaccounted for on the black market.
This is not true. Your average 18-year-old loner is not going to have links to black market arms dealers, and they won't have the money either. The reason they can do these atrocities so freely is because of how incredibly easy it is to acquire assault rifles and other deadly weapons. Those who use black market weapons are hardcore organised criminals, and they aren't into killing kids whilst they're in school. They remain largely a law enforcement threat, and a gang on gang threat. You can see this reflected in the statistics of every other country.
@Ed209, there is no question that something needs to be done. One idea would be for the gun dealer to require that another person essentially vouch for certain individuals purchasing and/or certain guns being purchased. Basically, requiring a co-signer.

So, if the dealer has a seemingly troubled looking 18 yr old coming in to purchase an AR-15, he can require that another responsible party be involved and on the hook if bad things happen. I haven't thought it through but it makes sense at first glance. Obviously, there are other precautions that should be taken.

Restricting 2nd amendment rights is something that will never fly in this country but getting smarter about it is something that most fair-minded people can get behind.

You speak of the senators and NRA holding up progress. It looks that way from an outside perspective but the real problem is that the left wing goes so far left with their "solutions" that the other side has to dig their heels in and resist. If both sides would be more forthright and honest in their dealings, we could have smart gun reform.
there is no question that something needs to be done. One idea would be for the gun dealer to require that another person essentially vouch for certain individuals purchasing and/or certain guns being purchased. Basically, requiring a co-signer.
This is a current UK requirement and is something my cousin had to do to get his shotguns.
So, if the dealer has a seemingly troubled looking 18 yr old coming in to purchase an AR-15, he can require that another responsible party be involved and on the hook if bad things happen. I haven't thought it through but it makes sense at first glance. Obviously, there are other precautions that should be taken.
I agree.
Restricting 2nd amendment rights is something that will never fly in this country but getting smarter about it is something that most fair-minded people can get behind.
Yea, something definitely has to change.
You speak of the senators and NRA holding up progress. It looks that way from an outside perspective but the real problem is that the left wing goes so far left with their "solutions" that the other side has to dig their heels in and resist. If both sides would be more forthright and honest in their dealings, we could have smart gun reform.
They've gotta do something as inaction under these circumstances is totally inexcusable.
I don't know what's wrong or right, all I know is no changes are being made. I vote tighter gun laws and I'm ultra MAGA lol.

When it comes to kids, I just stop caring about politics.
A couple of news stories that came across my computer screen tonight:

Authorities say a woman in West Virginia fatally shot a man who began firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowd of people at a party.

A woman in West Virginia fatally shot a man who began firing an AR-15-style rifle into a crowd of people that had gathered for a party, authorities said.

A man 37, was killed after he pulled out the rifle and began shooting at dozens of people attending the birthday-graduation party outside an apartment complex in the city of Charleston, police said in a statement.

A woman, who was attending the party, drew a pistol and fired, killing the man, the statement said.

"Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved lives last night," Chief of Detective told news outlets.

The man was at the apartment complex earlier in the evening in a vehicle and had been warned to slow down because children were playing, police said. They said he left, but returned later, parked in front of the complex and began firing.

After fatally shooting the man, the woman waited along with several witnesses for police to arrive, and all have cooperated with the investigation, authorities said.

No charges would be filed against the woman.


Tuscaloosa police arrested a woman Thursday afternoon after a road rage incident led to a shooting in a parking lot.
According to witnesses, a woman pulled into a parking lot and confronted a man and his girlfriend, believing they had cut her off in traffic. The woman reportedly pointed a gun at the man, and he fired a weapon in return, hitting her vehicle.

A Tuscaloosa Police officer was in the parking lot at the time and heard the shots. The officer confronted the man and took him into custody. After investigating what happened, the woman was taken into custody and charged with menacing. Her bond was set for $1,000.

It was determined that the man who fired the shots acted in self-defense and was not charged.
It seems America is like a "western movie"... but with a few real psychopaths. The forced lockdowns have not been great for mental health.
It seems America is like a "western movie"... but with a few real psychopaths. The forced lockdowns have not been great for mental health.
True. Mass murder needs to be classified differently from other murders and mass crime. They are often loners who have been bullied.

The others - the majority that commit crime and murder have group identifications. Liberal laws - you have been so hurt with bias, so we will pamper. All this provides more violence and corruption. This is now second generation. Progressive morals are responsible for much of this. They also want to de-fund the police.

Gangs and many who are non-responsible have money and some live in middle and rich class neighborhoods. Last night we had gang and non-responsible activity. Gun shots and loud firecrackers everywhere and police were unable to control.

High power guns need to be banned and a lot of requirements are needed to own a gun. This will slow down the likes of the Texas guy. Good, responsible citizens should be able to own guns to protect their home.

Single young males in my state can only get $1,006.00 a month in assistance, but if children are included, up to $6,020.00 with no tax. Plus, free healthcare, rent, iPhones, internet access and everything imaginable. My taxes are through the roof and real estate taxes keep going up every year.

Progressives hate the old and disabled. I posted links to this within this thread. Special interest groups make money representing everything that is wrong and harmful to our nation, but they don't represent the elderly and disabled as there's no money in it for them. Vote gathering is sickening. The upper middle class, super-rich, special interest groups, retired politicians and Hollywood are making a bundle.
It seems America is like a "western movie"... but with a few real psychopaths. The forced lockdowns have not been great for mental health.
I love America and grew up being heavily influenced by their culture, but their overly relaxed attitude to kids being killed in schools cannot be ignored.

I've had some of the best times of my life there, and I can't wait to take my kids when they're a bit older.

Btw @Greg Sacramento, my dad is still waiting for care assistance. Nobody has been yet which I think is appalling. He's really declining and my moms having to do everything on her own.
Drugs in the USA are banned and illegal yet we have more overdoses now than at any other time in our history.

Here's a thought. Let's teach our children to love God and each other instead of teaching hate. Families across this country are pulling their kids from school and home schooling.

Let's start there.
Single young males in my state can only get $1,006.00 a month in assistance, but if children are included, up to $6,020.00 with no tax. Plus, free healthcare, rent, iPhones, internet access and everything imaginable. My taxes are through the roof and real estate taxes keep going up every year.

Progressives hate the old and disabled. I posted links to this within this thread. Special interest groups make money representing everything that is wrong and harmful to our nation, but they don't represent the elderly and disabled as there's no money in it for them. Vote gathering is sickening. The upper middle class, super-rich, special interest groups, retired politicians and Hollywood are making a bundle.
I think politicians need their voters served on a silver tray. So the only option left for the elderly and disabled is creating associations and campaigning for their own rights, like those "special interest groups" are doing.

In Spain we also see how taxpayer's money is being wasted in all sorts of minorities, illegal immigrants, victims of "gender violence" etc etc... Most people receiving the money are NOT in need. They are just exploiting this goldmine granted by corrupt politicians.

NGOs are making a ton of money "channeling" funds to artificially victimised groups, portrayed as "victimised" by the media.

All the above is worrying because this is a GLOBAL phenomenon, like the real estate bubble is a global phenomenon and the "inability" of central banks to tackle inflation has become a "global" phenomenon. The obvious conclusion is this is all planned; politicians are laying down a pre-conceived plan and everyone is falling for it.

No one is acting because all this unrolls "in installments". First they take this, then they raise this and that tax, then they give away money to illegal immigrants and victimised groups and then... they will let them vote for those who gave them OUR money.
Today, my wife went out to get me a special toothpaste. The stores she went to were out of supply, so she went to a national chain store, a store that she normally avoids due to violence.

She saw a mother slap her daughter across the side of her head over her ear. The child said, my ear always hurt, and you keep hitting me there.

An elderly woman in a wheelchair with an older man was moving slow down an aisle. A woman violently pushed both of them so she could get by.

On the way out of the store, she saw a woman pushing a cart out of the store without paying. She went to a very expensive car. In the parking lot, a woman stole a cart from a woman and started to place the items in the trunk of a very expensive car. At the end of the parking lot, when my wife was driving out, three guys were tossing a gun to each other.

Within ninety minutes of my wife being out, she saw road rage and then a home invasion as police had a stop and check. Police cars heading in all directions with sirens on all the time she was driving.
Today, my wife went out to get me a special toothpaste. The stores she went to were out of supply, so she went to a national chain store, a store that she normally avoids due to violence.

She saw a mother slap her daughter across the side of her head over her ear. The child said, my ear always hurt, and you keep hitting me there.

An elderly woman in a wheelchair with an older man was moving slow down an aisle. A woman violently pushed both of them so she could get by.

On the way out of the store, she saw a woman pushing a cart out of the store without paying. She went to a very expensive car. In the parking lot, a woman stole a cart from a woman and started to place the items in the trunk of a very expensive car. At the end of the parking lot, when my wife was driving out, three guys were tossing a gun to each other.

Within ninety minutes of my wife being out, she saw road rage and then a home invasion as police had a stop and check. Police cars heading in all directions with sirens on all the time she was driving.
It's completely out of control. 98% of the gun crimes come from the type of areas you just described. Those areas are 3rd world and I wonder if the European countries deal with the same level of hood that we do in the US.

Our government has purposely and systematically destroyed the family structure of the poor in our country.
Drugs in the USA are banned and illegal yet we have more overdoses now than at any other time in our history.
Drugs are a different animal as they are easy to grow/produce, and black market access is pretty much on every street corner and available to everybody. My personal opinion on drugs is that they should stop wasting money on the fight against them and decriminalise them. Eliminate the black market, control what goes into them, and tax those who choose to use them in the same way we do cigarettes and alcohol. Make sure that there are extended programs on the dangers that drugs pose in schools, and educate your kids at home. This mainly changes the context in which drugs are framed, and I don't think it would make a huge difference on who chooses to use them as I believe the same people will go that route whether they are legal or not. There would obviously be other problems, but on balance, I think it's a path worth exploring. The war on drugs has failed across the world; it's a waste of time, money, and resources to continue fighting it, in my opinion.

The difference between restricting access to guns - and reducing the amount that is in circulation - is that you make it incredibly difficult for youngsters to get hold of them. One cannot grow or produce a gun at home, for example. The supply chain relies upon gun manufacturers, and the vast majority of school shooters rely on gun stores supplying them.
I wonder if the European countries deal with the same
From what I have been told, Europeans see a lot of liberal media articles from the US and FOX News. We see much of the same, but local feeds do have to print local real news events.

Been told by Europeans that they think that San Francisco is a wonderful city, but the truth is many neighborhoods are the pits, thanks to their local and national representatives.

I saw at least one illegal drug related death every hospital shift I worked, but few were statistically recorded and reported as cause of death.

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