The last thing we need is more tax. If you really want to kill any chance of a recovery or want to increase the rate at which the economy drops into a recession, then increase taxes. It will kill any last hopes of seeing any growth.Forgot to add... Biden also used to say that he was going to ley a 15% global corporate tax. We are still waiting. We won't see that approved. "The rich" (I suppose he meant Elon Musk, Bezos etc) also were going to pay more tax... our eyes won't see that either. Biden the sneaky liar.
I'm tired of hearing how everything is the fault of billionaires all the time. It's such a cop-out of an argument as it's the top 1% that are typically the most productive and are the largest net providers to the economy. If you take the grafters out of society, then innovation would die and the creation of jobs would plummet leaving a stagnant economy where the government would have even less money for social services. We live in a free society where anybody can attempt to become successful at doing or creating something. Everybody's living standards are raised by the pioneers that create wealth and industry, and what we are lacking right now is productivity. We need more people to be working and earning so that we no longer have to keep borrowing money to fill the budget deficits. If we as a society cannot become more productive, then we need to start cutting our budgets, and we need to learn to live within our means.
This trend of kicking the can down the road whilst constantly raising the debt ceiling needs to end. It will not end well, and it's not fair for us to pass on such a significant debt to our children and our children's children.
Capitalism will always have the issue of the rich getting richer whilst the poor get poorer. It's an inherent problem that hasn't been solved, but I strongly believe that all developed nations should have universal healthcare and other social security measures. Those who are capable of working and providing should not become accustomed to handouts, however, as this type of behaviour can often run in families. The world doesn't owe anyone a living, so able people shouldn't expect a comfortable life without having to make any effort.