If Trump is audited, and it is found that he owes money to the IRS, he will pay the full amount and whatever fines, if any. Everybody tries to pay as little tax as is legally possible, and there is nothing wrong with this.Trump's tax returns were just released. Has anyone viewed his 'Big Beautiful' returns? Seems like a lot of fraudulent deductions happened, but I'm not a tax expert.
What is the point of this disclosure, other than the invasion of privacy? It's all about hatred of Trump and creating a distraction from what the Biden administration has been doing.
I am more interested in the tax returns of career politicians who became multi-millionaires while working as public servants.
If you're looking for a smoking gun to convict and imprison Trump for criminal tax fraud, you will not find one. If he did not pay enough taxes, or there are mistakes, that is between him and the IRS.
If you want people like Trump to pay more taxes, then the tax laws must be changed. There are many strategies in America to avoid paying taxes, and it's 100% legal.