2020 US Presidential Election

Trump's tax returns were just released. Has anyone viewed his 'Big Beautiful' returns? Seems like a lot of fraudulent deductions happened, but I'm not a tax expert.
If Trump is audited, and it is found that he owes money to the IRS, he will pay the full amount and whatever fines, if any. Everybody tries to pay as little tax as is legally possible, and there is nothing wrong with this.

What is the point of this disclosure, other than the invasion of privacy? It's all about hatred of Trump and creating a distraction from what the Biden administration has been doing.

I am more interested in the tax returns of career politicians who became multi-millionaires while working as public servants.

If you're looking for a smoking gun to convict and imprison Trump for criminal tax fraud, you will not find one. If he did not pay enough taxes, or there are mistakes, that is between him and the IRS.

If you want people like Trump to pay more taxes, then the tax laws must be changed. There are many strategies in America to avoid paying taxes, and it's 100% legal.
Trump's uplifting New Year Eve's speech at Mar-A-Largo: "American is a third world country and everything sucks."

Only one person cheered and everyone else remained silent.

Now imagine if a black man took the mic and said this shit; I think the crowd response would have been more vociferous.

With this, people of third world countries are laughing at him and it certainly helped their leadership in a sense that they said, "at least ours isn't like the Trump presidency in the USA."
Trump's tax returns, as I predicted, are not going to cause him to be put on trial for tax fraud. This was a preposterous idea. Even if he is found to owe some money, and must pay fines, he will not go to prison for it.

After seven years, longer than WWII lasted, and countless investigations, they still have not shown that Trump has ever committed a single criminal act in his entire life.
Ironically the "strategy" of central banks of pouring trillions into the economy, giving away the money to the rich, and fuelling rampant inflation for everyone else, is going to kill global growth.

People are not going to pay hefty prices for ordinary stuff and they will buy less, or stop buying altogether some goods and products.

Recession will hit a third of the world this year, IMF chief warns

The economy is in dire straits and central banks are to blame for that: they did NOT do their job during the last decade. They printed money non-stop and were experimenting with interest rates... this is the result: a global economic crisis.

Lagarde and Powell should quit or be fired.
Trump is the most corrupted President in history by far.

Anybody else will be better fit than him.
My nephew lives in New York and doesn't like Trump. Must be because of his bankruptcies in the past. Some people never got paid. I thought he was a good president though, much better than Biden. Trump claimed his bankruptcies were legal and the only way out of his bad investments.

He could have had partners in his bad investments too. I wish the laymen could have been paid what they were owed. Trump did get other NATO leaders to pay their fair share and had peace during his term.
My nephew lives in New York and doesn't like Trump. Must be because of his bankruptcies in the past. Some people never got paid. I thought he was a good president though, much better than Biden. Trump claimed his bankruptcies were legal and the only way out of his bad investments.

He could have had partners in his bad investments too. I wish the laymen could have been paid what they were owed. Trump did get other NATO leaders to pay their fair share and had peace during his term.
Why do people balk, when some of Trump's companies go bankrupt? It happens to the majority.

"Data from the BLS shows that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more."

Trump owns about 500 businesses, and about seven have gone bankrupt. I'd say that he's not only beat the odds, but he has also been hugely successful.

Trump was a far better president than Biden, and if the Democrats run him again, with Kamala "A work in progress" Harris, as his VP, or not, I will vote for Trump.

If Trump embezzled one trillion dollars from the U.S. Treasury, I'd still prefer him to Joe Biden, who said in October 2020 that Trump was not fit to be president due to COVID-19 deaths. Biden promised to end COVID-19 if elected yet he had over 600,000 additional deaths in the first year and a half of his term which started January 2021. He lied and by his own standards, he is not fit to be president. He is destroying this country.
The Democrats are going to have hell to pay, very soon, for releasing Trump's tax returns to the public.

The author of the article below is not a fan of Trump and in fact thinks very badly of him, but argues that what the Democrats did to him was unfair and may soon have very serious consequences. Let the revenge begin.

Opinion | The House Should Not Have Released Trump's Personal Tax Returns
A Trump critic argues that the committee had a valid reason to obtain and examine Trump's returns, but that publishing those returns was unfair to Trump.
Jan 1 2023

After his trip to the Caribbean, maybe Biden can look at securing our border instead of just focusing on Ukraine. Kari Lake should be the governor of Arizona. She cares and listens to the people, including their views on the border.

Katie Hobbs is just like Biden and could care less for some reason. Hobbs wouldn't give a good reason she didn't debate Kari Lake. MSM continues to cover for the Democrats for some reason regarding the Arizona governor election.
The Republican Party members who rejected McCarthy are part of a very small group of ultraconservatives. This is not something to be happy about, but some people do not understand this.

Trump is not, nor ever was, extremely conservative and this is why he supported the more moderate McCarthy, over those who are extremely religious and seek to have a theocracy in America.
Trump is the most corrupted President in history by far.

Anybody else will be better fit than him.
Well he's a businessman, so naturally he's going to be corrupt lol.

It's arguable on who the most corrupted president in history was. Warden G. Harding and Richard Nixon comes to mind, but Andrew Jackson would be my choice. He legitimately corrupted the democratic process with the spoils system and set the country back for decades as a result.

Most Historians will tell you James Buchanan was the worst president of all time though. Not really corrupt, but failed to do anything to prevent state succession. Pretty much kickstarted the Civil War.
Trump's tax returns were just released. Has anyone viewed his 'Big Beautiful' returns? Seems like a lot of fraudulent deductions happened, but I'm not a tax expert.
These tax returns are fairly common among corporations and wealthy elites too, so it's not exclusive to Trump I'm afraid. Honestly, seeing him pay very little taxes isn't really surprising to me. I mean, it's appalling to see rich people pay very little in taxes but Trump already admitted to paying almost no taxes by taking advantage of our laws during his 2016 campaign run. He never planned on changing the tax code. The Trump tax cuts gave the rich even more breaks.

So yeah, the tax code especially for the rich in the US is intentionally kept extremely complex and confusing, thanks to all the crap we allow them to get away with. It requires much more resources to audit. A typical 1040 is very straight-forward and easy to audit and it's why the IRS goes after middle class and poor folks more frequently instead.

That's also why understaffing the IRS benefits the rich and why Republicans were so upset when IRS got all that funding to correct this discrepancy in the Inflation Reduction bill.
Well he's a businessman, so naturally he's going to be corrupt lol.

It's arguable on who the most corrupted president in history was. Warden G. Harding and Richard Nixon comes to mind, but Andrew Jackson would be my choice. He legitimately corrupted the democratic process with the spoils system and set the country back for decades as a result.

Most Historians will tell you James Buchanan was the worst president of all time though. Not really corrupt, but failed to do anything to prevent state succession. Pretty much kickstarted the Civil War.
I consider Lincoln the worst president of all time, hands down. He entered into a war that cost the lives of 750,000 men and boys, approximately 2.5% of the entire country, leaving hundreds of thousands of widows and millions of orphans.

If Lincoln was the political genius that he is said to have been, he would have found a way to negotiate with the Confederate states, and if that failed then let them go. Of course, the opportunity to make untold amounts of money for the North was too tempting, as wars are perfect for that. The first female American millionaires were created, through Civil War investments.

If the Civil War were fought today, and the same percentage of deaths occurred, it would cost 8 million lives - eight times as many deaths as COVID-19 caused.
I mean, it's appalling to see rich people pay very little in taxes but Trump already admitted to paying almost no taxes by taking advantage of our laws during his 2016 campaign run. He never planned on changing the tax code. The Trump tax cuts gave the rich even more breaks.
I'm still waiting for Biden to approve the "global corporation tax" of 15%. He may have... forgotten hahaha.

Please allow me to borrow your content haha:

I'm enjoying watching the 'McCarthy Show" and anxiously awaiting the next vote. Will he be voted off the island or will he be somebody's Big Brother?
Trump was not an ultraconservative, and neither is McCarthy.

The most absurd thing about this is that that the very people, mostly Democrats, who do not like the Republican Party, hate Trump, who delivered a knockout punch to the leaders of the GOP. They should have thanked him.
I will never understand the obsession or the "fan phenomenon" around certain politicians.

In Spain we despise all politicians no matter the party... we know they are all liars and crooks.
McCarthy has lost the 8th vote today on the McCarthy Show. Maybe if he offered benefits instead of concessions he may get more votes? Embarrassing to say the least.

Just a thought.
Isn't that what Trump's cult followers are suffering from?
I'm not sure if it's available in Australia. I know someone from there and she likes Trump. How can you like Biden with the damage he's done in 2 short years?
A visiting professor, from Germany, currently teaching in Texas, said the other day, on Facebook, that Trump was the worst president in the history of the United States.

I don't know where they get these absurd ideas, but many highly educated people seem to have TDS worse than people without advanced degrees. Trump did not:
1) Start a war
2) Order the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan
3) Get us into a near-nuclear standoff with the USSR over missiles in Cuba
4) Hand over two billion dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban
5) Commit any number of other monumentally bad actions as president.

He was average, at worst.
I wonder if Biden will listen to Governor Abbott of Texas. He handed him a letter yesterday on how to deal with the illegal migrants. He said Biden was 2 years and about 20 billion dollars too late on addressing the situation at the border.
I wonder if Biden will listen to Governor Abbott of Texas. He handed him a letter yesterday on how to deal with the illegal migrants. He said Biden was 2 years and about 20 billion dollars too late on addressing the situation at the border.
Biden does not see it that way. He deliberately invited and allowed these illegals to enter the country, to serve as cheap laborers for his wealthier supporters who helped finance his campaign.

Now that even the Sanctuary Cities are telling him that they can't afford to house, feed, and maintain more and more illegals, and the House is now in the hands of mostly Republicans, he is backing off a bit.

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