2020 US Presidential Election

I am not a Catholic, I was brought up as one but I left religion behind a very long time ago. I believe that Joe Biden should be excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church, and it is amazing that they have not done so, in light of his stance on abortion, which is clearly in conflict with the teachings of his religion.

My opinions about abortion and religion are not reflected in this article, do not matter, and I do not want to debate those issues, other than to say that I agree 100% with the authors that according to the teachings of the RCC, Biden is already sentenced to hell for his actions and beliefs, with regard to abortion. If the pope wasn't political and a coward, he'd excommunicate Biden, officially.

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is a baptized Catholic and professes to be a practicing Catholic. He has and continues to publicly support legal abortions. The Catholic Church clearly and unequivocally holds that every abortion is the murder of an innocent life. For the good of the unborn and for the good of his own soul, President Joe Biden should be declared excommunicated.

I will never understand the obsession or the "fan phenomenon" around certain politicians.

In Spain we despise all politicians no matter the party... we know they are all liars and crooks.
Oh believe me, there are those in the States that think the same thing. I'll never understand how any working class person can think and preach that multi-millionaires are going to fight for our best interest. It's completely ridiculous. All they care about is moving up on the totem pole, with a ladder build of the working class' back. Stg all this political worship is absolutely unAmerican imp.
Classified documents from when Biden was VP, were found in a private office of Biden's last fall.

Notice how the media downplays this, while they made a huge story of it when it happened to Trump.

The FBI should invade his home and search everything, the way they did to Trump.

Classified documents from Biden's time as VP discovered in private office
If Trump is audited, and it is found that he owes money to the IRS, he will pay the full amount and whatever fines, if any. Everybody tries to pay as little tax as is legally possible, and there is nothing wrong with this.

What is the point of this disclosure, other than the invasion of privacy? It's all about hatred of Trump and creating a distraction from what the Biden administration has been doing.

I am more interested in the tax returns of career politicians who became multi-millionaires while working as public servants.

If you're looking for a smoking gun to convict and imprison Trump for criminal tax fraud, you will not find one. If he did not pay enough taxes, or there are mistakes, that is between him and the IRS.

If you want people like Trump to pay more taxes, then the tax laws must be changed. There are many strategies in America to avoid paying taxes, and it's 100% legal.
I believe all rich people have their own tax attorneys to find the loop holes needed to pay the least tax possible. We should be asking Biden why he's hiring 80k IRS agents to come after the poor and working class.
I consider Lincoln the worst president of all time, hands down. He entered into a war that cost the lives of 750,000 men and boys, approximately 2.5% of the entire country, leaving hundreds of thousands of widows and millions of orphans.

If Lincoln was the political genius that he is said to have been, he would have found a way to negotiate with the Confederate states, and if that failed then let them go. Of course, the opportunity to make untold amounts of money for the North was too tempting, as wars are perfect for that.
First time in my life I'm seeing someone pick Lincoln as their worst. I suppose it might make sense. I hear these woke types have been trying to 'cancel' Lincoln for a while now for god knows what. You might be in agreement. Cringe nonetheless.

But regarding your post, as soon as Lincoln was elected president, the South seceded before he even took office. They were already set in their ways. And let's be honest here, the South viewed Lincoln or any other Republican for that matter as an existential threat to their way of life (the preservation of slavery being the main one). In his inaugural address, Lincoln even made a pledge to those confederate punks that he would not interfere with slavery where it existed. He didn't want conflict with them, his primary concern was for the Union. The South had no right to secede. It was unconstitutional, pure and simple.

You can ask any historian who their top 3 presidents of all time are and Abe Lincoln will always be there. Lincoln, FDR, and Washington have consistently dominated the presidential rankings and for good reason. They all led the country through serious crisis. I can understand having personal favorites and having presidents that you dislike, but placing Lincoln at the bottom of the barrel is baffling, objectively speaking. You were better off picking Biden.
If the Civil War were fought today, and the same percentage of deaths occurred, it would cost 8 million lives - eight times as many deaths as COVID-19 caused.
You can relax, buddy. There's not going to be a Civil War.
Damn, weak moment. Just because you dislike one, doesn't necessarily mean you like the other.
How dare you be so reasonable, @tpj. This will not stand!
I believe all rich people have their own tax attorneys to find the loop holes needed to pay the least tax possible. We should be asking Biden why he's hiring 80k IRS agents to come after the poor and working class.
There are legal loopholes that rich people take advantage of, to pay little or no taxes, and it's 100% legal. This does not have to be the case, as laws can be revised, but that's not the way it works with politicians.

Biden is spending an additional 80 billion dollars of taxpayer money, to hire tens of thousands of IRS agents to investigate these very same taxpayers that pay for everything, including the illegal aliens that he brings in to work for slave wages for the rich that do not pay taxes but financially support his presidency, in return for favors like providing them with cheap, migrant labor.

Despite the fact that Biden has been found to have classified documents in his possession since he was Vice President, the FBI has not raided his home the way they did with Trump.

It's time to start looking at this administration under a microscope.
We should be asking Biden why he's hiring 80k IRS agents to come after the poor and working class.
My understanding is the Republicans have been defunding the IRS for years, making it much more difficult to adequately audit rich people (a big Republican constituency). So poorer people and the working class began to be audited more frequently relative to the rich because it's much cheaper to do so.

I applaud the efforts by the Biden administration to finally bring IRS staffing back to a place where the rich will no longer be able to illegally avoid paying tens of billions in taxes annually. It's a good investment, and makes for a fairer system. I would love to see more progress made on not allowing tens (or hundreds) of billions of dollars legally avoided by rich people by using unfair tax loopholes.
First time in my life I'm seeing someone pick Lincoln as their worst. I suppose it might make sense. I hear these woke types have been trying to 'cancel' Lincoln for a while now for god knows what. You might be in agreement. Cringe nonetheless.

But regarding your post, as soon as Lincoln was elected president, the South seceded before he even took office. They were already set in their ways. And let's be honest here, the South viewed Lincoln or any other Republican for that matter as an existential threat to their way of life (the preservation of slavery being the main one). In his inaugural address, Lincoln even made a pledge to those confederate punks that he would not interfere with slavery where it existed. He didn't want conflict with them, his primary concern was for the Union. The South had no right to secede. It was unconstitutional, pure and simple.

You can ask any historian who their top 3 presidents of all time are and Abe Lincoln will always be there. Lincoln, FDR, and Washington have consistently dominated the presidential rankings and for good reason. They all led the country through serious crisis. I can understand having personal favorites and having presidents that you dislike, but placing Lincoln at the bottom of the barrel is baffling, objectively speaking. You were better off picking Biden.

You can relax, buddy. There's not going to be a Civil War.

How dare you be so reasonable, @tpj. This will not stand!
Lincoln was indirectly responsible for the deaths of 750,000 men and boys. I don't care if I'm the only person in the world that thinks he was the worst president (I am sure that I am not), that is my opinion.

The first husband of my great-great grandmother died at Gettysburg, at 26 years old, leaving her a penniless widow with a baby and three other children under ten years old, to care for. I'm sure that there were hundreds of thousands of such widows and millions of children left fatherless, because of Lincoln's decision. I have a great-great-grandfather who served, not related to the person above, who I am proud of, but if he had refused to serve by disappearing from sight or going to prison, I would be just as proud of him, if not more. Many people were against the Civil War, in both the North and the South.

750,000 men and boys (Lincoln had over 100,000 youths in the Union Army) had to die when all Lincoln had to do, at worst, was let the Confederacy go, peacefully.

The first female millionaires in America made their fortunes in Civil War investments. People who could afford it could pay other less fortunate men to take their place in the draft.

I suggest reading the original lyrics to Battle Hymn of the Republic, by Julia Ward Howe. She was gung-ho about Lincoln and the Civil War, but after it was over became an outspoken advocate for peaceful solutions to war. If I am wrong, about the Civil War, then I'm in good company.

If this is not Cringeworthy, then I do not know what is:

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.
While God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
Biden has had classified documents all along while saying that Trump was "irresponsible" for doing the same exact thing. Biden should be impeached, and the VP as well.

Biden shamed 'irresponsible' Trump for having classified docs before WH admitted he had sensitive VP records
Biden slammed Trump following the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago during an interview on '60 Minutes'
George Santos, MTG and Paul Gosar to get committee assignments. Makes sense to me; keep the GOP tradition alive by appointing liars, buffoons and Qnuts to important jobs, where they can help the common man and the poors pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
There are legal loopholes that rich people take advantage of, to pay little or no taxes, and it's 100% legal. This does not have to be the case, as laws can be revised, but that's not the way it works with politicians.

Biden is spending an additional 80 billion dollars of taxpayer money, to hire tens of thousands of IRS agents to investigate these very same taxpayers that pay for everything, including the illegal aliens that he brings in to work for slave wages for the rich that do not pay taxes but financially support his presidency, in return for favors like providing them with cheap, migrant labor.

Despite the fact that Biden has been found to have classified documents in his possession since he was Vice President, the FBI has not raided his home the way they did with Trump.

It's time to start looking at this administration under a microscope.
Biden can do what Trump suggested: retroactively declassify these documents by just thinking about them in his head.

If the Republicans somehow pass their new law limiting the number of IRS agents approved by Biden, the General Accounting Office said this would increase the budget deficit by 114 billion over 10 years. I thought Republicans were fiscal conservatives? Guess not.
Biden can do what Trump suggested: retroactively declassify these documents by just thinking about them in his head.

If the Republicans somehow pass their new law limiting the number of IRS agents approved by Biden, the General Accounting Office said this would increase the budget deficit by 114 billion over 10 years. I thought Republicans were fiscal conservatives? Guess not.
If you choose to believe the GAO, go right ahead. These are "big government" advocates, you can't reason with that because it's their job to present things this way. If it were up to them, they'd audit every single working-class and middle-class household every year, no matter how much or little taxes they pay.

As somebody else mentioned earlier, Biden's lawyers waited until after the Midterms, to reveal that he has been hanging onto classified government documents since he was VP. He deserves to have the worst two years of his political life, starting ASAP, and I think that it's only just beginning to hit him.

I argued on this thread, even before the revelation yesterday that Biden has classified documents, that many or all presidents have done this, but nobody believed me. Well, here is the proof that I was right, and Biden was not even the president, back then. Biden deserves to have the FBI rip his home apart, to find more, and be the subject of as many investigations as Trump was - and get impeached.
The Biden document scandal is a huge win - for Trump.

Classified Biden documents included Ukraine, Iran and UK briefings – report
Documents found in boxes at UPenn's Biden Center for Diplomacy in Washington six days before November midterms

Some of the classified documents from Joe Biden's time as vice-president that were found last year in a private office included US intelligence memos and briefing materials concerning Ukraine, Iran and the UK, CNN reported, citing a source familiar with the matter.

The documents were found in boxes stored at the University of Pennsylvania's Biden Center for Diplomacy in Washington, where he was an honorary professor until 2019. They were found when his personal lawyers were closing out the office space just before the midterm elections.

Some of the documents were marked as Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information, and according to CNN were commingled in the boxes with personal documents including planning materials for the 2015 funeral of the president's son Beau Biden.

The documents were discovered on 2 November, six days before the midterm elections and several weeks before the attorney general, Merrick Garland, appointed a special counsel to investigate mishandling of national security materials and obstruction of justice by Donald Trump.

Many people were against the Civil War, in both the North and the South.
No one wanted war. That included Northerners, some Southerners, and Lincoln above all. Southern leadership and wealthy elite slave owners however, they sought war. They couldn't stand even the notion that federal government might work against slavery, let alone pass legislation or take action to curtail it. They preferred to destroy everything rather than compromise.
750,000 men and boys (Lincoln had over 100,000 youths in the Union Army) had to die when all Lincoln had to do, at worst, was let the Confederacy go, peacefully.
I take issue with the bolded statement above. It's rather simplistic and fails to consider what the long term implications would be. Your statement assumes there would not have been any future conflict between the Union and Confederacy. I beg to differ and would actually argue that the consequences of letting the Confederacy go would have been far more disastrous.

Here's my take:

1. It's very likely there would have been continuous conflict between the two sides for control of the rest of the continent. The whole problem leading up to secession was about the future of slavery in the west. There were still many US territories (controlled by the Federal Government) that were not yet integrated and admitted into the Union. The South always had desires to expand slavery westward while the Union wanted these territories to remain free of slavery. We would have likely seen fighting over disputed territories in the west just like what happen with 'Bleeding Kansas' for example which happened before the Civil War. We would see an escalation to all out warfare eventually.

2. With Lincoln's emancipation proclamation not being enforced in the Confederate states, it would mean the institution of slavery would likely remain well into the 20th century. More victims of slavery as a result along with the millions of slaves already held in captivity.

3. The entire United States might have disintegrated. If the US allowed the Confederacy to 'peacefully' leave, it would set a precedent that states could just secede if they want to which means every conflict could lead to succession. We could have a Balkanized US divided up into multiple countries And what about the transcontinental railroad? That might have not been built also.

But the most twisted thing to consider, Imagine how WW1 or WW2 would pan out if the US was not strongly unified in the 20th century. If they were divided into 2 weaker nations (with animosity for one another), I think Hitler and the Axis alliance win WW2.

The Civil War was ugly and brutal. There's no denying that, but abolishing slavery and restoring the Union were absolute necessities. For the sake of our future. And to drive my point on why Lincoln is top dog. He fulfilled his oath of office as president of the United States which was to defend and preserve the US Constitution. Had he not restored the Union, he would have been vilified and considered a coward today.

Long historical perspective tells us that Lincoln was on the right side of history. He did the right thing. Emancipation proclamation, 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment paved the way for a even stronger union.
Our beloved EU politicians have turned out to be completely corrupt. Who would have expected this? :woot: :wideyed:

I did expect it..

EU corruption probe explores Morocco links

Investigators believe Pier Antonio Panzeri, the former MEP at the centre of Qatargate, also received bribes from Rabat


In the meantime, in the US, the Trump Sect continues churning out the usual BS... :depressed:
No one wanted war. That included Northerners, some Southerners, and Lincoln above all. Southern leadership and wealthy elite slave owners however, they sought war. They couldn't stand even the notion that federal government might work against slavery, let alone pass legislation or take action to curtail it. They preferred to destroy everything rather than compromise.

I take issue with the bolded statement above. It's rather simplistic and fails to consider what the long term implications would be. Your statement assumes there would not have been any future conflict between the Union and Confederacy. I beg to differ and would actually argue that the consequences of letting the Confederacy go would have been far more disastrous.

Here's my take:

1. It's very likely there would have been continuous conflict between the two sides for control of the rest of the continent. The whole problem leading up to secession was about the future of slavery in the west. There were still many US territories (controlled by the Federal Government) that were not yet integrated and admitted into the Union. The South always had desires to expand slavery westward while the Union wanted these territories to remain free of slavery. We would have likely seen fighting over disputed territories in the west just like what happen with 'Bleeding Kansas' for example which happened before the Civil War. We would see an escalation to all out warfare eventually.

2. With Lincoln's emancipation proclamation not being enforced in the Confederate states, it would mean the institution of slavery would likely remain well into the 20th century. More victims of slavery as a result along with the millions of slaves already held in captivity.

3. The entire United States might have disintegrated. If the US allowed the Confederacy to 'peacefully' leave, it would set a precedent that states could just secede if they want to which means every conflict could lead to succession. We could have a Balkanized US divided up into multiple countries And what about the transcontinental railroad? That might have not been built also.

But the most twisted thing to consider, Imagine how WW1 or WW2 would pan out if the US was not strongly unified in the 20th century. If they were divided into 2 weaker nations (with animosity for one another), I think Hitler and the Axis alliance win WW2.

The Civil War was ugly and brutal. There's no denying that, but abolishing slavery and restoring the Union were absolute necessities. For the sake of our future. And to drive my point on why Lincoln is top dog. He fulfilled his oath of office as president of the United States which was to defend and preserve the US Constitution. Had he not restored the Union, he would have been vilified and considered a coward today.

Long historical perspective tells us that Lincoln was on the right side of history. He did the right thing. Emancipation proclamation, 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment paved the way for a even stronger union.
Thank you for the detailed response. but I still think that Lincoln should not have entered into the Civil War. History sides with the victors, no matter what the cost in lives are, and this war far was beyond what any society should have engaged in.
Comparing Binden and Trump's document handling is, as one conservative pundit said, "like comparing apples to orangutans".

Perfectly sums up the MAGA hyperbole.
In Spain there is a government-controlled body that cooks inflation data for the government and always shows lower inflation than what price tags show in stores...

Tomorrow there's US inflation data. So...

Who cooks inflation for the US government?
Comparing Binden and Trump's document handling is, as one conservative pundit said, "like comparing apples to orangutans".

Perfectly sums up the MAGA hyperbole.
This anonymous person is funny, but the idea that one is "more innocent" is ridiculous.

If a person is accused of robbing 50 banks, and his accuser is then found to have robbed one, they are still both bank robbers and subject to the same laws.

The Democrats are showing their hypocritical side, as usual.

I hope that Biden enjoyed ruining this country for the past two years, because he is not going to enjoy what is in store for him, very shortly.
This anonymous person is funny, but the idea that one is "more innocent" is ridiculous.

If a person is accused of robbing 50 banks, and his accuser is then found to have robbed one, they are still both bank robbers and subject to the same laws.

The Democrats are showing their hypocritical side, as usual.

I hope that Biden enjoyed ruining this country for the past two years, because he is not going to enjoy what is in store for him, very shortly.
Nothing will happen to either one of these clowns. It's a dog and pony show to keep the masses entertained and at each other's throats while they steal the treasury and gut the country IMHO.
Biden's document scandal is not going away, no matter how hard the Democrats try to whitewash it.

The Memo: Biden documents deliver political gift for Trump

Former President Trump has got an unexpected political gift with the revelation that documents marked as classified were found in an office previously used by President Biden.

The discovery, which dates to November but only publicly emerged on Monday, will have big political reverberations.

BREAKING NEWS - Classified documents are found at a second Biden location!

Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location

WASHINGTON — Aides to President Joe Biden have discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington office he used after leaving the Obama administration, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Trump is in the clear as I always said he would be. The Russian allegations were false, his taxes have not shown anything seriously wrong, and Biden also has classified documents - more of which may turn up at additional locations. Perhaps Hunter sent some to China.

The government will have to forget about prosecuting Trump for having classified documents unless they want to do the same to Biden.

Biden called Trump, "Irresponsible", for having classified documents. At least Trump knew about them, which Biden claims, in his case, he did not. That's enough to convince me that Biden is totally incompetent, at the very least.

Biden had these documents since before he was even running for president.
I just think Trump made much more sense than Biden. I did vote for Trump and he probably would have won if not for illegal activities like weaponizing some of the FBI to suppress our 1st Amendment.

Also Kari Lake got robbed of being elected Governor of Arizona by obvious fraud by Katie Hobbs with the tabulator malfunction on Election Day and excessively long lines which disenfranchised voters. I hope Kari Lake wins her Arizona Supreme Court appeal.

The Democrats and their "talking heads" that support them are corrupt and they are also lunatics for the most part, especially Biden.
I start thinking that some members of the "Trump-obsessed-sect" should go to the shrink.

Being fanatics of a... politician! haha. I had never seen that and find it fascinating, unless they are getting personal benefit out of it, like an appointment at some administration...

Now I'm wondering is Freud or some psychoanalyst described "political obsession" in its writing.

Well... there's at least one historical precedent of people getting crazy about one "leader": Germany when Hitler rose to power.
In Spain there is a government-controlled body that cooks inflation data for the government and always shows lower inflation than what price tags show in stores...

Tomorrow there's US inflation data. So...

Who cooks inflation for the US government?
Freshly baked for the US government:

US inflation falls to slowest pace in more than a year

December figures show sixth consecutive month of decline amid Fed tightening

I would like to ask US citizens in this forum if any of you believes inflation is really at only 6,5%, as just reported...
I've never lost a single borrowed library book, or even returned one late, in my entire life, yet Biden has managed to lose track of a number of top-secret, highly classified, government documents - not just once, but twice and there may be more that will be found as the investigations proceed.

I would advise not saying, "But, Trump....", etc. Just ask yourself if this man, Joe Biden, is competent enough to be the President of the United States of America. That is all you have to do.
All of the fulminations from these unconditional Trump supporters are, according to a New Yorker Magazine Editorial, largely irrelevant.

Why? For the incontrovertible reason that none of the candidates he endorsed in our last election won.

Have you ever been in sales? Either you bring in the money or you're out.

How about Pro Sports? Either you score up the points or you're history.

The Republican Party has been forced to conclude (especially after his Presidential loss) that even a figure such as Trump now has zero political usefulness since his endorsements did not result in those candidates winning elections.

In our Winner-Take-All, Loser-Take-Nothing hypercompetitive society, the former Arc of Trump's Rise is now on the decline. Without an influence that is sufficient to win elections, his political value is zero.

There are very rarely any second chances given to American Politicians who lose (just consider how politically irrelevant this has made Hillary).

A number of political commentators have likened the GOP's current situation to the one that Nixon faced in 1972 when the extreme right Presidential Candidate George Wallace threatened to siphon away enough Republican votes to program Nixon's loss. (And he was reportedly jubilant on the afternoon when he learned that Wallace was shot, paralyzed, and thus defunct as a Candidate).

The GOP now faces a similar dilemma. Any new Candidate will have to reckon with the intransigent Trumpers who will refuse to back anyone else who is even slightly more moderate.

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