2020 US Presidential Election

Gavin Newsom would make a great presidential nominee and any Republican doesn't have a chance against him.
A lot of people are leaving California for Texas or Florida and other states. I don't think he would be a good candidate from what I've heard about him. I like Kevin McCarthy as Speaker though and know he is from Bakersfield, CA. I'm glad those bozos Swalwell & Schiff can't serve on the Intel Committee.
This idea of returning to the "good ol' days" is pure nostalgic rose-colored glasses bullshit. There have always been problems and there will always be problems. "Make America Great Again" meant nothing. It's an empty slogan. I asked myself when he started, "what the hell does that slogan even mean?
Bill Clinton used that phrase too when he was campaigning in th 90s. We had budget surpluses year after year under his administration.

Anyways, I believe one of the core tenets of MAGA is to bring back manufacturing in the US. It's a noble goal and very much achievable. And NECESSARY too. You either want more energy independence which will involve doing things like mining out lithium deposits inside the US and building semiconductor fabrication plants OR you can just continue to outsource it to other countries like China which means our energy supply is mostly dependent on nations who are unstable and unfriendly to us. Depending on China for your energy supply basically (i.e. rare earth metals, Lithium, etc) is reckless and foolhardy as adequately demonstrated by the debacle between Russia and Europe's dependency in its oil and gas.

Not to mention, these countries have have worse impact on the environment (the continuity of burning coal or gas) since these nations hardly have regulations.

Many of the legislative bills passed and signed by Biden are MAGA inspired (refer to the CHIPS, BBB, and IRA Bills). Trumpers like to deny it because they're too caught up in their tribalistic bubble, but all the provisions in those bills seek to improve the US from within with CHIPS Act being the most ambitious as far 'MAGA'.
It is as simple as a Google search
Google likes to censor search results though. That's not to say they're totally useless, but the amount of censorship that was going on at the height of the pandemic was pretty blatant IMO. The origin of COVID-19 was a controversial for some odd reason. You couldn't say it originated in a lab or else you would be labeled a far-right nut (going by mainstream media and google)... Like WTF, so absurd.

Let's also not forgot about the dismissal and downplaying of COVID-19 vaccine injuries. Try to write up a negative question related to that. No search suggestion ever comes up and the search results themselves felt like there was a conscious effort to conceal this kind of information.

I swear I despise the current political climate. All tribalistic. You get labeled immediately if you don't fall in line the ideologues of each side. There is no nuance anymore.
Jesus, I need to stop writing long ass posts on a phone (touchscreen is broken). It always leads to a disaster of grammatical errors, missing words/letters, and unfinished sentences. My apologies. I hope my previous post was still clear and conveyed well enough. So embarrassing...
Biden is allowing open borders, allowing criminals, terrorists, and drugs, including deadly Fentanyl to pour into our country. Trump kept our borders safe. How anyone can approve of Biden's policies is beyond me. He needs to be held accountable.
Here's the thing. Capitalists are in favor of illegal immigration. Republicans shill for the capitalists, they always have. Republicans claim to be against illegal immigration and for secure boarders, but in actuality they are not. If they were, they wouldn't be opposed to increasing the minimum wage. No American wants to work a job that offers shitty wages with little to no benefits. There are many shit jobs out there that no one wants to work for. That's where illegal immigrants come into play. They can fill that void and the capitalists take advantage of it.

Don't get me wrong, Democrats are no better when it comes immigration either. They act all self righteous about open borders. It's stupid and cringe. Path to citizenship needs reform and I say that as someone who's for immigration. But we need to be smart about it.
Republicans claim to be against illegal immigration and for secure boarders, but in actuality they are not.
One of the best kept "political secrets"! George W. Bush was especially welcoming of illegal immigrants when he was Governor of Texas. The state had a rapidly growing economy and population, and they couldn't build houses fast enough to fill the need. Vuella, an influx of illegal immigrants saved the day.

The truth is, Republicans are primarily interested in making a buck, and finding cheap labor to exploit is one of their top priorities. Whether importing cheap labor through illegal immigration, or outsourcing their production to countries that have cheap labor costs has always been a primary motivating factor.
One of President Donald Trump's lesser known but profoundly damaging legacies will be the explosive rise in the national debt that occurred on his watch. The financial burden that he's inflicted on our government will wreak havoc for decades, saddling our kids and grandkids with debt.

As of Dec. 31, 2020, the national debt had jumped to $27.75 trillion, up 39% from $19.95 trillion when Trump was sworn in.

If you like adding to the national debt, Trump is your man.

One of the best kept "political secrets"! George W. Bush was especially welcoming of illegal immigrants when he was Governor of Texas. The state had a rapidly growing economy and population, and they couldn't build houses fast enough to fill the need. Vuella, an influx of illegal immigrants saved the day.

The truth is, Republicans are primarily interested in making a buck, and finding cheap labor to exploit is one of their top priorities. Whether importing cheap labor through illegal immigration, or outsourcing their production to countries that have cheap labor costs has always been a primary motivating factor.
Why are the Republicans complaining about illegal immigrants overwhelming the border then? What you say makes no sense. Biden doesn't want to do anything, even though we have a Fentanyl crisis. I'm not sure where you get your news but it's false.

Remember Elon Musk exposing the Democrat corruption regarding censorship? The whole Democratic machine appears corrupt to me. George Soros and others are influencing them from what I hear. Then we have a corrupt President who is basically a puppet. It's so blatantly obvious to anyone that has any common sense. Watch Fox News instead of CNBC and CNN. The Democrats even influenced AT&T to remove NewsMax which was one of my favorite channels. I can watch NewsMax online for now or switch to Dish Network eventually.
One of the best kept "political secrets"! George W. Bush was especially welcoming of illegal immigrants when he was Governor of Texas. The state had a rapidly growing economy and population, and they couldn't build houses fast enough to fill the need. Vuella, an influx of illegal immigrants saved the day.

The truth is, Republicans are primarily interested in making a buck, and finding cheap labor to exploit is one of their top priorities. Whether importing cheap labor through illegal immigration, or outsourcing their production to countries that have cheap labor costs has always been a primary motivating factor.
The Republicans have done that, but now the Democrats are the kings of undocumented, exploitative labor. Trump certainly did not support it, and look at how the Democrats reacted to his administration's attempts to control it with a border wall and other measures.
I don't think Biden even wants to meet with House Speaker McCarthy regarding the budget deficit or the border crisis. If we can support Ukraine we should be able to finish our border wall leaks and get the (Remain in Mexico) policy back into place. I thought it was in our Constitution for our government to protect our border?
You need to go after the employers that hire the undocumented if you want to stop illegal immigration. It is well documented that the Trump Organization has employed undocumented immigrants for years across its golf courses and businesses.

That why Joe slipped a fast one under the noses of the Republicans with his new policy that allows those undocumented to report the businesses that hire and abuse them, without fear of immediate deportation.

This is the greatest step we can take as a nation by removing the demand for illegal immigration.

But those that only get their news from right wing news media will disagree and say that this is hyperbole and not true. Gotta stop confusing these folks with the facts; facts tend upset those carefully crafted ideas and hallucinations created by RW MSM.
You need to go after the employers that hire the undocumented if you want to stop illegal immigration. It is well documented that the Trump Organization has employed undocumented immigrants for years across its golf courses and businesses.

That why Joe slipped a fast one under the noses of the Republicans with his new policy that allows those undocumented to report the businesses that hire and abuse them, without fear of immediate deportation.

This is the greatest step we can take as a nation by removing the demand for illegal immigration.

But those that only get their news from right wing news media will disagree and say that this is hyperbole and not true. Gotta stop confusing these folks with the facts; facts tend upset those carefully crafted ideas and hallucinations created by RW MSM.
This is the NY Times, not "right wing news media".

I know off topic, but that looks beautiful.
Yeah, it's on top of a river. Have a ravine on the other side too. It was my parents place. I like watching the deer and wild turkeys. But I'm disgusted with my left ear sound upon awakening (about talking volume) and my toes that are numb and sting bad at times. Ruins my quality of life.
Good news everyone! Ronna McDaniel has become the longest serving leader of the fractured GOP since the Civil War. She has the pleasure of leading them on their only true mission - to own the libs again.

The GOP marginalized various groups with rhetoric, chased off any republican with any integrity, while working across the aisle is frowned upon. They're doubling down on culture war issues, issues most won't change their mind on, to further alienate themselves from the voters.

The GOP can't win an election without voter suppression, the electoral college, or gerrymandering, you obviously have a messaging problem. I believe that since the end of Reagan's presidency, Republicans have won the presidential popular vote in 2 out of 9 elections.

Trump and the GOP has had to pander to several special interest groups to get elected: the religious right, the second amendment folks, small government types, white supremacist groups, anti immigrant folks, and tax averse folks.

I'd really like to see the GOP get back to becoming a respectable political party that has a platform tied to their agenda, rather than the party of radical revenge.

I wish Ronna luck, but unless she's good at hearding cats, she'll guide them into the abyss once again.
Good news everyone! Ronna McDaniel has become the longest serving leader of the fractured GOP since the Civil War. She has the pleasure of leading them on their only true mission - to own the libs again.

The GOP marginalized various groups with rhetoric, chased off any republican with any integrity, while working across the aisle is frowned upon. They're doubling down on culture war issues, issues most won't change their mind on, to further alienate themselves from the voters.

The GOP can't win an election without voter suppression, the electoral college, or gerrymandering, you obviously have a messaging problem. I believe that since the end of Reagan's presidency, Republicans have won the presidential popular vote in 2 out of 9 elections.

Trump and the GOP has had to pander to several special interest groups to get elected: the religious right, the second amendment folks, small government types, white supremacist groups, anti immigrant folks, and tax averse folks.

I'd really like to see the GOP get back to becoming a respectable political party that has a platform tied to their agenda, rather than the party of radical revenge.

I wish Ronna luck, but unless she's good at hearding cats, she'll guide them into the abyss once again.
Unless Wikipedia is wrong about it, Ronna McDaniel is a major Trump supporter.

Unless Wikipedia is wrong about it, Ronna McDaniel is a major Trump supporter.

You two have something in common.

Isn't it ironic how she cites Lincoln's 'house divided will not stand' quote?

The only bad news for the Democrats is McDaniel said she this would be her last term as Chair of the RNC.
You two have something in common.

Isn't it ironic how she cites Lincoln's 'house divided will not stand' quote?

The only bad news for the Democrats is McDaniel said she this would be her last term as Chair of the RNC.
Did you catch Biden's "sermon" at MLK's church, recently? He praises nonviolence, yet he has given over 50 billion dollars of our money, in military and other aid, to fund a war in Ukraine. This is typical for this corrupt, dangerous hypocrite.
Biden sounded fairly coherent in his speech in Virginia. I don't think everything he said was true, but he seemed to talk better than he has in the past. I still think if there are reportedly around 100,000 deaths from Fentanyl every year in the US that he would address our southern border. Governor Abbott of Texas says Biden never gets back to him on his suggestions.

I would like to see more press conferences from Biden to see if he could answer questions from the press on his own without teleprompters.
The current inflationary crisis was caused by idiots like Trump who told central bankers to lower and lower interest rates.

Now interest rates are still too low, and inflation is rampant and came to stay. So the average citizen is every day poorer.
I'm still waiting for Biden's "global corporate tax at a minimum rate of 15%" to be approved...

Has Joe forgotten? Has he lost his memory? Aren't there "advisors" to remind him? :ROFL:

And the EU, as always, is failing to protect its citizens from predatory practices and market dominance by Big Tech. Why is Big Tech NOT paying any taxes in the EU and politicians are doing NOTHING about it?
Donald Trump is looking to run for President again in 2024, and there are news articles about who his running mate will be. If he is selected, this very well could be Upstate New Yorker, Elsie Stefanik.

GOP investigations could launch Stefanik in 2024
"Rep. Elise Stefanik, who became a GOP favorite by aggressively defending former President Trump, is in position to be a bigger player on the national stage — possibly as his 2024 running mate.

Several people in Trump's orbit told Axios that he and Stefanik have a good personal relationship, and say he has mentioned he may want a woman as his running mate in 2024 to try to win support among suburban women — a potential weakness for him.

Breaking news: Chinese balloon discovered hovering over the United States.

It probably contains a suitcase full of money, to be dropped off for Joe and Hunter Biden.

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