2020 US Presidential Election

George Santos – the New York Republican congressman under local, state, federal and international investigation over his largely made-up résumé, suspect campaign finances and criminal aspects of his personal history – has been reportedly given two committee assignments; the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, and the House Small Business Committee.

Santos will be great on these two committees. Someone with such a strong educational background and resume can leverage their experience to help the people that they represent. He has spent a good part of his life training as an astronaut. He also built and piloted his own spacecraft. He flew a solo mission to mars where he met Darth Vader and the robot from Lost in Space. He didn't mention this on his résumé out of humility.

The House Small Business Committee will also be a good gig for him, as he was able to become a multi-millionaire in less than a year, starting from almost nothing.

All joking aside, please tell me again how Republicans are concerned about national security, ethics and law and order... I'll wait right here.
No one trusts Christine Lagarde anymore. She's such a useless "banker"... but a very useful puppet

Exclusive: ECB union says staff losing faith in leadership over inflation, pay | Reuters

I expect the FED to drive rates up to 6% or higher, and the ECB, after much blah blah, to take rates to the region of 4%, because inflation is really through the roof and biting our wallets...

Biden needs inflation to go down too. Real estate prices in the US are just insane! There's a huge real estate bubble.
Looks like ol' Sleepy Joe snuck this in under the Republican's nose without them even noticing or raising objection.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unveiled a streamlined process for immigrants without legal status who are victims of, or witnesses to, labor exploitation, to apply for deferred action, a form of immigration relief that allows federal officials to shield certain individuals from deportation.​

Looks like ol' Sleepy Joe snuck this in under the Republican's nose without them even noticing or raising objection.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unveiled a streamlined process for immigrants without legal status who are victims of, or witnesses to, labor exploitation, to apply for deferred action, a form of immigration relief that allows federal officials to shield certain individuals from deportation.​

Massa Biden is currenty the world's chief slave-labor importerm via illegal immigration. Taxpayers pick up the tab for their upkeep in hotels, tents and shelters, while his rich supporters get extremely cheap labor by exploiting these migrants, without pesky unions or board of labor problems.

Suburban Joe, as he would prefer to be called, isn't always as dumb as he seems. The Party of Slavery has not let modern times curtail them, they always find new ways to do their bidding. while lying through their teeth to the very people that voted for them.

Malcolm X, in the 1960's, advised his listeners not to vote for the Democrats. He would still say the same thing, if he were alive today.
Typical. Don't read the the info on attached link; demonstrate current Republican ignorance.

It's just they don't have ideas, it's that they're actively not pushing solutions anymore. It will be very hard for Republicans to attack this policy without lying about it, as demonstrated by the above post.

It's because if any of these issues got solved, they wouldn't have any red meat to throw to the base in 2 to 4 years.
Typical. Don't read the the info on attached link; demonstrate current Republican ignorance.

It's just they don't have ideas, it's that they're actively not pushing solutions anymore. It will be very hard for Republicans to attack this policy without lying about it, as demonstrated by the above post.

It's because if any of these issues got solved, they wouldn't have any red meat to throw to the base in 2 to 4 years.
If you are referring to me as a "Republican", you are wrong. I voted for Obama twice and Hillary. If Biden had selected a halfway decent VP, I might have voted for him, but he chose a half-wit for political reasons and to protect himself from being impeached. I voted for Trump in 2020, and I'm not sorry.

As far at that article, it means nothing. It is an attempt to legitimize the importation of desperate people that can be exploited by the moneyed supporters of Biden. I have nothing against immigration, but the policies that Biden has put forward flooded the country with people that were not processed the right way. The major cities where they are sent cannot afford them. New York City, for instance, is a sanctuary city with a Democratic mayor, Eric Adams, and he has told Biden that we cannot afford to care for any more of them.

It's going to stop, one way or another. No other president has done what Biden has, whether Republican or Democrat.

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, Oct. 2022, New York City:

"Hundreds of buses have arrived in New York City. Since early September, we have seen an average of five to six buses per day. Yesterday, at least nine buses arrived.

The majority are adults who cannot legally work in this country. Many are families with school-aged children. Some are in desperate need of serious medical care.

New York City has helped them all.

But extending that care has come at great cost to our city and our people. The asylum seekers arriving here need more than a hot meal or a bed for a night. Without the ability to work legally in this country, they need long-term shelter, health care, and a great deal of institutional support. It is straining the limits of our ability to provide care for New Yorkers in need, and it is burning through our city's budget. We expect to spend at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year on this crisis. All because we have a functional and compassionate system.

Our right-to-shelter laws, our social services, and our values are being exploited by others for political gain.

New Yorkers are angry. I am angry, too.

We have not asked for this. There was never any agreement to take on the job of supporting thousands of asylum seekers. This responsibility was simply handed to us without warning as buses began showing up. There is no playbook for this, no precedent."
NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Oct. 2022.
If you are referring to me as a "Republican", you are wrong. I voted for Obama twice and Hillary. If Biden had selected a halfway decent VP, I might have voted for him, but he chose a half-wit for political reasons and to protect himself from being impeached. I voted for Trump in 2020, and I'm not sorry.

As far at that article, it means nothing. It is an attempt to legitimize the importation of desperate people that can be exploited by the moneyed supporters of Biden. I have nothing against immigration, but the policies that Biden has put forward flooded the country with people that were not processed the right way. The major cities where they are sent cannot afford them. New York City, for instance, is a sanctuary city with a Democratic mayor, Eric Adams, and he has told Biden that we cannot afford to care for any more of them.

It's going to stop, one way or another. No other president has done what Biden has, whether Republican or Democrat.

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, Oct. 2022, New York City:

"Hundreds of buses have arrived in New York City. Since early September, we have seen an average of five to six buses per day. Yesterday, at least nine buses arrived.

The majority are adults who cannot legally work in this country. Many are families with school-aged children. Some are in desperate need of serious medical care.

New York City has helped them all.

But extending that care has come at great cost to our city and our people. The asylum seekers arriving here need more than a hot meal or a bed for a night. Without the ability to work legally in this country, they need long-term shelter, health care, and a great deal of institutional support. It is straining the limits of our ability to provide care for New Yorkers in need, and it is burning through our city's budget. We expect to spend at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year on this crisis. All because we have a functional and compassionate system.

Our right-to-shelter laws, our social services, and our values are being exploited by others for political gain.

New Yorkers are angry. I am angry, too.

We have not asked for this. There was never any agreement to take on the job of supporting thousands of asylum seekers. This responsibility was simply handed to us without warning as buses began showing up. There is no playbook for this, no precedent."
NYC Mayor Eric Adams, Oct. 2022.
Still haven't read the article. Still a typical Republican response, which is deflection. Call yourself whatever you want; I'm only going off your posts. Maybe read and truthfully respond to the linked article, then I'll believe you're not a MAGA cultist.
Still haven't read the article. Still a typical Republican response, which is deflection. Call yourself whatever you want; I'm only going off your posts. Maybe read and truthfully respond to the linked article, then I'll believe you're not a MAGA cultist.
I read the article when you posted it. It's propaganda.

The facts are that we cannot afford to pay for Biden's migrants, and leaders of migrant-occupied cities such as New York, have declared that they are now in an emergency crisis, without the funds or resources to handle it.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, it is all due to the Biden Administration.
I will never understand people's vast ability to believe and interpret bullshit more than facts, there is so much bullshit out there today and everyone falls for it, whether it be about vaccines, politics, influencers, Biden, or Trump. It is as simple as a Google search or a good book not written by a partisan hack and or someone just looking to make a quick buck on a gullible populace.

This idea of returning to the "good ol' days" is pure nostalgic rose-colored glasses bullshit. There have always been problems and there will always be problems. "Make America Great Again" meant nothing. It's an empty slogan. I asked myself when he started, "what the hell does that slogan even mean?" It's just like "God Bless America." What are we requesting god to bless our country? We are no more special than anybody else. Get real.
I read the article when you posted it. It's propaganda.

The facts are that we cannot afford to pay for Biden's migrants, and leaders of migrant-occupied cities such as New York, have declared that they are now in an emergency crisis, without the funds or resources to handle it.

Trump has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, it is all due to the Biden Administration.
No, it's not propaganda, it's policy. Still lying, but I'm not surprised because I said Republicans would lie about this crafty Biden maneuver, like you did. You can stop now, if you have a modecum of self control.

Maybe post about George Santos; you may find something to comment upon in his new Vietnam war record, metals. It also appears he like to dress in drag, just like Rudy! Plenty of salacious fodder with this, uh, dude, right?
No, it's not propaganda, it's policy. Still lying, but I'm not surprised because I said Republicans would lie about this crafty Biden maneuver, like you did. You can stop now, if you have a modecum of self control.

Maybe post about George Santos; you may find something to comment upon in his new Vietnam war record, metals. It also appears he like to dress in drag, just like Rudy! Plenty of salacious fodder with this, uh, dude, right?
You simply prefer character attacks, and switching topics, to the truth.

Trump, "Rudy" and Santos have nothing to do with the topic of illegal immigrants that Joe Biden has allowed to enter the United States. Why are you bringing these people up, is it because you simply cannot get a grip on the fact that Biden is having major problems dealing with the problems that he has created for himself, and the country? If I wanted to talk about disgusting and insulting behavior and words that Biden has been responsible for, I could, but it has nothing to do with the border crisis that he has created.

It is a fact that the Democratic mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, has said that the city cannot handle the huge amount of migrants that are being sent.

The investigations into the Biden Administration have not even begun, and it's already not looking good for "Suburban" Joe.
The FBI has found six more classified documents in Biden's Wilmington home.

Now, Joe, tell us again how great you are, and how "irresponsible" Trump was.
The FBI has found six more classified documents in Biden's Wilmington home.

Now, Joe, tell us again how great you are, and how "irresponsible" Trump was.
It looks like Justice Department needs another special counsel to investigate the presence of classified documents taken from Pence's home last week. Now we need the FBI to search his residence.

It appears that the Trump's irresponsible document handling, hording has spread. I wonder what other classified documents would be found in Trump's other residences? I think another search warrant or two is in order and send the FBI back in.

Unlike Trump, Pence hasn't refused to return documents, he didn't lie on a subpoena saying he returned them all when he knew he didn't, he didn't sue the DOJ to keep the documents and he didn't say they were planted.
Biden running for re-election in 2024 is a joke. He has declining cognitive skills already. I hope "The Big Guy" is exposed for his corruption of influence peddling. James Comer and Jim Jordan will get to the bottom of this.
Joe's a corporate stooge, always has been, always will be. Not to mention a liar, alleged rapist, and plagiarist.
Joe should deliver the promised 15% global tax on corporations. They would still pay peanuts compared to the employee who pays 50% in taxes, and then pays VAT, fees, property tax etc etc on net income.
Trump running for reelection is a joke. He lost the popular vote in 2016 by three million, lost by seven and a half million in 2020, while also being the first republican presidential candidate to lose Az and GA in over 3 decades. He left office with the lowest approval rating of any president in history and is one of only three presidents seeking reelection to not win a second term. He saw nearly all of his picks in the midterms lose their elections in 2022. Loser is his name.

His time has come and gone. Most diehard Republicans I know have turned their backs on him; he is a bad nightmare that they can't escape. Sad.
Joe should deliver the promised 15% global tax on corporations. They would still pay peanuts compared to the employee who pays 50% in taxes, and then pays VAT, fees, property tax etc etc on net income.
Is he responsible for the other 130 countries to keep their promise? The devil is in the details.
Biden is allowing open borders, allowing criminals, terrorists, and drugs, including deadly Fentanyl to pour into our country. Trump kept our borders safe. How anyone can approve of Biden's policies is beyond me. He needs to be held accountable.
Biden is allowing open borders, allowing criminals, terrorists, and drugs, including deadly Fentanyl to pour into our country. Trump kept our borders safe. How anyone can approve of Biden's policies is beyond me. He needs to be held accountable.
Here are facts regarding Trump's claim about the boarder conditions inherited by Biden. Please don't get confused by the facts.

Read and learn if you want. Otherwise, continue to spew Fox MSM BS. our choice.

Here are facts regarding Trump's claim about the boarder conditions inherited by Biden. Please don't get confused by the facts.

Read and learn if you want. Otherwise, continue to spew Fox MSM BS. our choice.

That's their opinion. Then why is there so many Fentanyl deaths since Biden took over? Biden is a career politician, corrupt idiot than ruined our country. I like Fox News and NewsMax. I'm disgusted DirecTV dropped NewsMax last night. The liberals want control of everything like what Elon Musk exposed on Twitter.

You must think you know more than governors' DeSantis and Abbott who have to deal with the illegal migrants. They are both highly intelligent and sensible people, unlike Biden who doesn't know his a** from a hole in the ground.
I get my news from Redacted. They are not biased one way or another, they do not use corporate sponsors, so you get the unfiltered news. You can find Redacted on YouTube.
I get my news from Redacted. They are not biased one way or another, they do not use corporate sponsors, so you get the unfiltered news. You can find Redacted on YouTube.

Unfortunately, some here like entertainment (infotainment) as opposed to unbiased news and will die believing that Trump is the Chosen One sent from on high to unburden their weak minds and replace the remaining wisdom in their uneducated brains with his words and opinion.

Again, since you can confuse them with the facts, they will simply glom onto easily consumed talking points that are quickly regurgitated out, without giving it a second thought, let alone any thought. Remember, Trump's favorites are his fans, the uneducated and simple minded.
Remember. Trump enjoys simple minded dolts, like myself and all the other MAGA dbags, because he enjoys swindling us to fund his nonexistent PAC.
I agree. Trump really has you and the rest of your MAGA cult believing he's the second coming. He's laughing at you all when he said his famous lie, "I'm not responsible for anything", because you drank the Koolaid!
I'm a dolt and have Trump Derangement Syndrome and am also quite insane. I need to keep repeating this to myself or I'll never get better.
This is very true, but don't be so hard on yourself as many others have TDS too. Some of them have actually been cured of this insidious condition. A mental health expert would be of great benefit to you.
Conservative Columnist Shreds 'Deranged Hobo' Trump: 'Lost His Grip On Reality'

Here is what the National Review senior writer Charles C.W. Cooke said Donald Trump's rambling posts on his flailing Truth Social platform show his "deterioration" on "full display."

Remember, the National Review provides conservative perspective on the issues that shape the conservative world and is America's premier destination for conservative analysis.

In a column posted on Wednesday titled "Trump Has Completely Lost His Grip on Reality," Cook wrote that the former president is "ranting like a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park" with his messages.

Cooke has been a persistent Trump critic and last year urged the Republican Party to turn to someone else for 2024.

"The man lost," he wrote. "He's a loser. It's time we picked a winner for a change."​

Looks like conservatives are seeing how Trump is a true loser, "a deranged hobo in a dilapidated public park". But I'm sure there will be others who will say he is the best thing since sliced bread.

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