2020 US Presidential Election

Biden said "Nothing to See Here". That's why they were slow to get FEMA assistance to East Palestine, Ohio.

Big government, whether socialism or fascism, is tyranny. This is not what the Founders of the United States intended the government to be, and hopefully this will prevail.
Biden said "Nothing to See Here". That's why they were slow to get FEMA assistance to East Palestine, Ohio.

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I noticed the media hasn't been using this picture from Ohio I will share below.


Search "Ohio chemical spill" on Google Images or look at the photos used in MSM articles related to this disaster and you won't see this photo used anywhere, despite how insane the shot looks.

Instead, some are using photos that makes it look like a tiny incident like here:


Look what it says at the bottom of the screenshot. They say both the air and water is safe, yet there's videos of dead fishes, dead animals and there was a case of a 3-year-old girl who was hospitalised and then diagnosed with a respiratory infection.

The President made a press conference all about a balloon, but not one specific to this disaster I just described. I can't even find a clip of the press even asking him about this (unless I missed it?).
In other news, former President Jimmy Carter is now receiving hospice care. Wasn't alive for his presidency but he's always struck me as a good person and a great American. Looking over his background, this man's legacy won't be his Presidency, but instead what he did out of office with his programs and plan of action. Post presidency, he legitimately did good things for communities post office. He was constantly building homes for people and participated in US diplomacy when he was needed. No one has done more good in their post-presidency than Jimmy Carter.
Well if he works for Fox News, they probably told him what to say to avoid any legal fees. Who wants to pay for lawyers?
No lol. Fox News pundits behind the scenes knew that Trump was making bogus claims about rigged elections despite going on live TV and telling us the complete opposite. They even thought Trump's attorney at the time, Sidney Powell was a nutcase too.

We have text messages of Carlson, Hannity, and Ingram conversing privately with Fox News executives and trashing Trump in 2020 which leads me to believe they probably thought there was a financial incentive for Fox News to go along with Trump's fraudulent claims about the election, while also acknowledging just how dumb and dangerous they were. Completely backfired and now they're facing a massive defamation lawsuit in which they will likely settle.
Ohio Senator J.D. Vance reporting on what needs to be done regarding the toxic spill and answering questions from the local people of East Palestine and also from the national news agencies. He thought Biden should have had a short press conference.

I am not going to be mean-spirited about Jimmy Carter's health, as I am sorry to hear it, but he was terrible president who I voted for the first time, but did not vote for, in his second presidential race, which he lost, to Reagan. I did not like, or support, the scandal-ridden, organization, Habitat for Humanity, that he endorsed, after he left politics.
No lol. Fox News pundits behind the scenes knew that Trump was making bogus claims about rigged elections despite going on live TV and telling us the complete opposite. They even thought Trump's attorney at the time, Sidney Powell was a nutcase too
Robert Murdoch had a falling out with Trump. Fox News didn't carry his rallies anymore, but they were on NewsMax. Trump had huge turnouts at his rallies, while Biden stayed in his basement. I can't see how Biden got 81 million votes legally. Biden is now in trouble for influence peddling with China. He's the worst President that I can remember regarding his policies. Woke ideology from the left is trying to take over and senile Biden has to please them.
I was thinking that Trump had so many 'firsts' records as president, that I started a list and I just had to share it. Enjoy!

In somewhat chronological order:

1st President in 28 years not to serve a 2nd term.

1st President in 45 years not to release his tax returns.

1st President in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term.

1st President in 129 years to lose the populist vote twice.

1st President in 152 years to boycott his successors inauguration.

1st President ever to accuse his predecessor of not being an America.

1st President ever to be elected with the help of a foreign nation.

1st President ever to be impeached twice.

1st President ever to have a member of their own party vote conviction in an impeachment trial.

1st President ever to have an arrest warrant issued against him by a foreign Nation.

1st President ever to refuse to concede defeat.

1st President ever to refuse to ensure a peaceful transfer of power.

1st President ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government.

1st President ever that paid researchers to prove presidential election fraud, but kept report from being released publicly after researchers found no evidence that the election had been rigged for Joe Biden.

What are your favorite Trump 'firsts'? My favorite has to be his inciting the MAGA insurrection on 1/6; a first ever, truly unprecedented act and hopefully to never be repeated.
Sad to hear about Jimmy Carter. He is a very bright man as he had a nuclear engineering degree from what I remember. I'm not sure about Habitat for Humanity, as I thought they built houses for poor people with free labor. I don't remember any scandal involving them.

I remember a Middle East incident with helicopters that didn't go well under the Carter administration. Walter Mondale from my state of Minnesota was his Vice President.
Republican lawmakers from the House and Senate criticized President Biden's unannounced trip to Kiev, Ukraine, on Monday and said it shows Biden is more interested in Ukraine than the crisis at the border or the release of toxic chemicals into the air and water in East Palestine, Ohio.
What are your favorite Trump 'firsts'?
Hey @Jammer -- Great list, and so many more that could be added. Here's the one that is foremost in my mind.

First President ever to actively solicit racist, violent, right-wing, nationalist organizations to serve as his own private militia. He used them and their cohorts to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6th, and also to threaten and harass anybody he deemed to be deserving of his wrath and vindictiveness.

Perhaps even worse, he continues to hold the threat of "retaliation" by these right-wing nut jobs over the Dept. of Justice and other state and federal law enforcement agencies lest they even think about indicting him on any number of his almost innumerable criminal offenses.

I certainly hope the courts will impose a gag order on him as a condition of any bail agreement when those indictments eventually happen. It's not difficult to envision any number of bombings or other anti-government activites that could be carried out.

It's hard to believe that some people actually say they felt safer with Trump than they do with Biden as President.​
The President has made a "surprise visit" to Ukraine, but has yet to make a press conference about Ohio (at least go on camera talking about it, but nope). Even Kiev's air quality looks better than East Palestine, Ohio:

Today I just found this video of an anti-war rally in DC started by libertarians, but has people of all beliefs taking part in it whether they're right wing or left wing. You should see all the banners and flags being waved there along with the US flag. It's so mixed as in you can't tell if it's a left wing or right wing rally; nonetheless it was started by libertarians. I'm not even a libertarian, but I would have joined this rally too.

So it got me thinking, why don't we just set aside our differences, then unite to show we will not tolerate this any further. Look at the crumbling infrastructure, the homeless slums, rising violent crime etc; it will not get any better unless everyone unites under 1 coalition (temporary or not) and demand better.

I assume the majority here either likes Trump or Bernie Sanders. What do these two have in common? The media weren't a fan when both spoke about bringing back manufacturing jobs and protecting industry from multinational corporations. Even CNN spoke about how they sound-alike.

Both were anti-NAFTA and anti-TPP, which the latter would just given up control of the country to multinational corporations who have no obligation to a single country because all they want is to dominate and control everything so all governments around the world kneel down for them. The TPP lets corporations that have nothing to do with your country to sue your government in court.

They basically dictate how things run like a dictatorship government, except it's international. If nothing is done, then they're going to introduce a more intense form of debt-slavery on us.

I'm not a current follower of either Trump or Bernie, however we all want the reindustrialisation of America and taking back control of land and industry for the people (such as you) to benefit from along with ending the endless wars where tax money is being wasted on wars that only increase the profits of weapons manufacturers, whilst the homeless of skid row can't even have basic shelter.

We have an issue, it's going to take more than 1 person to change anything because if you "follow the money" relating to the government and media, they try everything to shut down anyone that goes against their end goals. As I just discussed, this includes them outsourcing manufacturing jobs and giving up control to multinational corporations whilst doing nothing to support the people of Detroit who got poorer due to the outsourcing of industry there.

It's purely rotten and they can get away with it because they're not intimidated if we sit back and do nothing whilst hoping for miracles. There's more of us than there are them.
Big government, whether socialism or fascism, is tyranny. This is not what the Founders of the United States intended the government to be, and hopefully this will prevail.
I don't have any hope of the future. The gap between have nots and have yachts is going to grow larger and larger with the government showing more signs of becoming more tyrannical to protect this arrangement that's developing.

I was reading something about food production in Ohio which said over 90% of farms in that state are owned by families. Looks like the chemical spill there is going to ruin that soon. It's now in the river and the acid rain is going to reach more places. The chemicals are going to stick around for a while.

Now you have a situation that could be similar to COVID-19 when so many small businesses went bankrupt, yet big corporations made record high profits, so now they have more control over the economy. In the case of the Ohio disaster, they are now going to have more control over the supply of food. Every year people are losing more and more control over their own lives.
It's hard to believe that some people actually say they felt safer with Trump than they do with Biden as President.
I can't believe you can say this with reportedly 100,000 people dying from Fentanyl every year due to the open borders because of Biden, plus the terrorists coming through. You must be into the woke ideology. Drag queens and child mutilation is not normal. The weoponization of the FBI to collude with big tech is not normal either. We should recognize the 1st amendment instead of suppressing it.
I am not going to be mean-spirited about Jimmy Carter's health, as I am sorry to hear it, but he was terrible president who I voted for the first time, but did not vote for, in his second presidential race, which he lost, to Reagan. I did not like, or support, the scandal-ridden, organization, Habitat for Humanity, that he endorsed, after he left politics.
Serving in politics is far more nuanced and complicated than most will understand. Not surprised by this post in the slightest.
I can't see how Biden got 81 million votes legally.
Again, Trump failed to produce any genuine evidence of widespread voter fraud in the courts. His own officials in the White House confirmed the elections were secured. Election officials in each state also refuted his claims of voter fraud. And the publicize phone call between Trump and Republican Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger was the final nail in the coffin for Trump in his sorry attempt to overturn the Georgia 2020 election results. Failure after failure. Trump's claims were based on falsehoods.

I don't know how many times it needs to be said again, but Biden was essentially the 'not Trump' vote in 2020. Trump is one of the most polarizing figures in politics especially in terms of popularity. Even a Trump supporter has to be aware of this.
What are your favorite Trump 'firsts'?

There were also reports where he suggested nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting the US. First time I've ever heard someone propose that. Lol.
I noticed the media hasn't been using this picture from Ohio I will share below.
I assume the majority here either likes Trump or Bernie Sanders. What do these two have in common? The media weren't a fan when both spoke about bringing back manufacturing jobs and protecting industry from multinational corporations. Even CNN spoke about how they sound-alike.
'm not a current follower of either Trump or Bernie, however we all want the reindustrialisation of America and taking back control of land and industry for the people (such as you)
Seems like you haven't been following politics much in the past year or so. What are your thoughts on the BBB, CHIPS and IRA bills passed under Biden? The US might actually become a massive hub for advanced manufacturing especially in renewables, EVs, and chips. A step in the right direction perhaps or is Biden still worse than Satan himself?

Like Republicans could have passed any of that from 2017-2019 with their majority and president and they got none of it done, zero, literally passed nothing.

Bernie and Trump campaign on bringing back manufacturing jobs, Biden ends up doing it. Checkmate.
I love how Bernie and the Progressives, since Biden has thrown them a few crumbs, have remained completely silent about the Biden and Soros War Machine project that is supplying Ukraine with weapons and other support, at the taxpayers' expense, which is not going to prevent Russia from eventually obtaining parts of the country that Putin feels belongs to them.

The environmental damage, deaths, and human rights violations should be sparking massive demonstrations and outcry from the Left and Progressives, but they're not interested in gong against their puppet-controlled benefactor, Biden.

Republicans, for the most part, are happy with the profits, so it's smooth sailing as far as that part of the deadly equation. When War Fatigue gets to be too much, Ukraine will sit down at the table with Russia, and work something out. Biden, of course, will give himself credit for this.

The invasion did not happen under Trump, because he was not willing to play the game. He is not a war profiteer, like Biden and his string-pullers.

Go ahead and point out Trump's election claims and "failures', but he did not get us into a wartime economy, or have Chinese Spy Balloons visible all over the country.

Those who voted for Biden, elected a War Monger, and they have blood on their hands.
Trump did normalize wearing makeup for men, so there is that.
Those who voted for Biden, elected a War Monger, and they have blood on their hands.
Says the person who voted for Biden twice before. Remember who was Obama's vice president when you said you voted twice for Obama?

Don't go casting stones. You might hit yourself and get blood on your hands.
Bernie and Trump campaign on bringing back manufacturing jobs, Biden ends up doing it. Checkmate.
Completely agree - Checkmate indeed.
@ZFire, you should step away from your Tribalistic bubble for a bit and look at the facts. It has been said that 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they knew of the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was suppressed by Twitter and many other big tech companies that are mostly Democrats.

True-the-Vote and the documentary 2000 Mules sheds some light on the corruption during the 2020 Presidential election. Most of the courts didn't look at the votes for lack of standing not merit. I suppose they worried about the left wing lunatics rioting. Dumb people vote for dumb Presidents so it seems. Of course I'm not referring to you or @Jammer. You may want to stop watching Jimmy Kimmel for a change. He never bashes Biden which says a lot about him.
Trump did normalize wearing makeup for men, so there is that.

Says the person who voted for Biden twice before. Remember who was Obama's vice president when you said you voted twice for Obama?

Don't go casting stones. You might hit yourself and get blood on your hands.

Completely agree - Checkmate indeed.
You are supporting a War Monger, a tool of Wall Street that is taking advantage of Ukraine to make money for his supporters and string pullers.

I am sorry that I voted for Obama and Biden. Is that good enough for you? Are you man enough to say that you voted for a War Monger who is capitalizing on killing and destruction, and that you regret it?
It has been said that 17% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they knew of the Hunter Biden laptop story, that was suppressed by Twitter and many other big tech companies that are mostly Democrats.
Doubtful. This reminds me of the time when Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and wouldn't lose any votes. I believe him.

I'm curious, where did pull you up that statistic? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Regardless, wake me up when Hunter Biden's laptop reveals that there was illegal behavior from Joe Biden. There doesn't seem to be any proof for that. Waiting on Republicans to shed more light on this matter if it ever comes to that... Hunter Biden does seem like a troubled person, but as far as scandals, this whole Hunter Biden shit seems rather tame when compared to other scandals.

On a side note, what ever happen to Hilary and her emails? I thought Trump was going to prosecute her to fullest extent after he won.
Most of the courts didn't look at the votes for lack of standing not merit. I suppose they worried about the left wing lunatics rioting.
The courts don't work like that. Evidence is everything in a court of law. You make a legal complaint, you better have hard evidence to back up that complaint, that way you have legal grounds to proceed. It's not the Judge's job to 'look at the votes'. The attorneys present the evidence and the judge determines if the evidence has legal basis because relying on evidence is pertinent at trials. Speculation, rumors or hearsay will get your case toss out real quick, which was the case for Trump in these election lawsuits (over 50 of them). If Trump had proof, I would have sided with him.

But in the end, I'm not sure why we are still talking about 2020. It's over and done with. Trump's running again, we should be talking about that instead. He has another fair shot at becoming the president.

Trump's upcoming campaign run is going to be interesting though. I think he has some strong leverage over the Republican Party to the point where he can possibly hold them hostage. He can easily threaten to run as a third party if he doesn't get the nomination. Not sure how the GOP will take it. I think they fall in line like how they always do. Ron DeSantis will also add an interesting dynamic in these primaries if he chooses to run (looking likely after today).
you may want to stop watching Jimmy Kimmel for a change.
I'm honestly getting bored of this thread. We are all set in our own ways and no one's mind is going to be changed. I'm going ease up on my activity here until the primaries heat up. I prefer talking about the technical stuff anyways like polling data for instance, and seeing how it shifts for any given candidate as the primaries/campaigning progresses. It's the 'fun' part in politics for me.

Trump's been gaining some momentum recently. I predict the polls will have Trump up 5-10 points on average consistently over the other Republican candidates. His lead might be way more narrow if DeSantis is running though. Going to be interesting.

And on the Democratic side, it looks like nobody is going to be challenging Joe Biden. Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it. I think the democratic caucus should be looking for someone else to run. Biden did his part, but who the fu-k else do they have that can run? I can't think of no one. Not a good long term outlook IMO.
You are supporting a War Monger, a tool of Wall Street that is taking advantage of Ukraine to make money for his supporters and string pullers.

I am sorry that I voted for Obama and Biden. Is that good enough for you? Are you man enough to say that you voted for a War Monger who is capitalizing on killing and destruction, and that you regret it?
Don't forget you voted for Hillary as well. We see things very differently and I'm happy that Joe won and Trump lost. Now i'ts time to contemplate my navel...
I'm honestly getting bored of this thread. We are all set in our own ways and no one's mind is going to be changed. I'm going ease up on my activity here until the primaries heat up. I prefer talking about the technical stuff anyways like polling data for instance, and seeing how it shifts for any given candidate as the primaries/campaigning progresses. It's the 'fun' part in politics for me.

Trump's been gaining some momentum recently. I predict the polls will have Trump up 5-10 points on average consistently over the other Republican candidates. His lead might be way more narrow if DeSantis is running though. Going to be interesting.

And on the Democratic side, it looks like nobody is going to be challenging Joe Biden. Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of it. I think the democratic caucus should be looking for someone else to run. Biden did his part, but who the fu-k else do they have that can run? I can't think of no one. Not a good long term outlook IMO.
Enjoy your break; I'm sure we'll all be waiting for your return during primary season. Toodle-oo.
Hunter Biden's laptop reveals that there was illegal behavior from Joe Biden.
Just watch the House Oversight hearings on that subject. They keep getting stonewalled by the Biden Administration . That should show you something. Checkmate. Btw, I got your terminology (Tribalistic bubble) from your post.

I'm honestly getting bored of this thread.
Me too. I'm getting equally sick of the Biden Administration ignoring problems in the US while spending billions of taxpayer money on Ukraine instead of trying to diplomatically end this savage war. Here's Mike Lindell on Jimmy Kimmel regarding election corruption. I thought he held up well against extremely liberal Jimmy Kimmel.


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