2020 US Presidential Election

Well that's basically all Trump has. Shouting slurs and then having Fox News saying "real men like him because he's not PC" and then the viewers faithfully repost his BS.

Next it'll be "real men like him because he's not woke." Then Fox News viewers will say "wait? I'm not a woke man!" And the faithfully repost his BS.

One would have thought that publicly declaring delusional hyperbole intended to incite hatred of and/or violence against the guy who is about to drag your ass into court on felony charges could have negative repercussions. Maybe? Just a little?

"I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too!" said not obvious villain and witch, Donald Trump, GOP hero.

But he is always looking for the grift. Attacking the DA while scheming how to cash in on the situation. And his cult followers will go into debt for him. Have you sent your ongoing contributions? I'm sure you're on his and the GOP's emailing lists.
Trump's words or even his character are not a reason to indict him.

As a result of this highly political indictment, I now hope that whenever Biden is eligible for an indictment, he will be arrested and charged with whatever they can convince a Grand Jury to get him for. I would extend this to his son Hunter, and others in the Democratic Party. I believe that the Democrats have made a huge mistake in doing this to Trump, and it will come back to haunt them, for a long time.
Trump's words or even his character are not a reason to indict him.

As a result of this highly political indictment, I now hope that whenever Biden is eligible for an indictment, he will be arrested and charged with whatever they can convince a Grand Jury to get him for. I would extend this to his son Hunter, and others in the Democratic Party. I believe that the Democrats have made a huge mistake in doing this to Trump, and it will come back to haunt them, for a long time.
Trump's words and his character are a reason to indict him, especially if a gag order is issued. He'll surely violate it at his next rally. He thinks being an ex allows him to break the law with impunity.
That fool Biden just wants to eat chocolate chip ice cream cones while carelessly spending the US taxpayers money. The sooner this fool gets exposed for receiving influencing peddling money from China the better. We should be counting the Fentanyl deaths on his watch because of his foolish border policies.

The Morgan Freeman impersonator said what most Americans think of Biden these last 2 years. He's an incompetent fool that shouldn't be President according to Bill O'Reilly. I was thinking of calling Biden a fool a few more times.
He thinks being an ex allows him to break the law with impunity.
True, but I think his belief that he was beyond accountability for literally anything he did started several decades earlier. That would include cheating hundreds of small business owners over many years who contracted with him, violent sexual assault, and cheating in just about every way imaginable in his business dealings.

Then of course there were his concerted attempts to try to overturn an election, then inciting an insurrection, culminating in the Jan. 6 violent assault on the Capitol, which injured over a hundred police. So much for the Republican's claim they stand for law and order.
Trump's words and his character are a reason to indict him, especially if a gag order is issued. He'll surely violate it at his next rally. He thinks being an ex allows him to break the law with impunity.
The judge was born in Bogota, Colombia. George Soros is from Hungary. These are the people who are persecuting a native-born American ex-president who speaks his mind. A gag order, if it is issued, to suppress the right of freedom of speech, will not work. These two men do not represent the values that America is based on, and neither does Biden, despite being born here. There are many foreign-born American citizens who love our country, and respect it, more than Biden ever will.
Another example of the compromised fool we have as our President:

A Chinese balloon that flew across the United States was able to gather intelligence from several U.S. military sites and transmit it back to Beijing in real time, despite the Biden administration's efforts to prevent it from doing so, NBC News reported Monday.

The high-altitude balloon, controlled by Beijing, was able to make multiple passes over some of the sites before it was shot down Feb. 4, at times flying in a figure-eight formation, NBC said, citing two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.

The three officials said it could transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time, NBC reported.
The judge was born in Bogota, Colombia. George Soros is from Hungary. These are the people who are persecuting a native-born American ex-president who speaks his mind. A gag order, if it is issued, to suppress the right of freedom of speech, will not work. These two men do not represent the values that America is based on, and neither does Biden, despite being born here. There are many foreign-born American citizens who love our country, and respect it, more than Biden ever will.
The majority of Americans from ALL demographic groups approve of the Trump indictment.

This is gratifying as it removes the martyrdom image Trump was hoping to use while it brings up Trump's bad character and fraudulent use of corporate funds which Trump Inc has already been convicted.

It diminishes Trump for the general election while pinning his MAGA based GOP opponents like DeSantis, Pence, Haley and Scott to the mat defending Trump from what the majority of Americans see as the rule of law.

Future indictments for Federal obstruction of justice on Trump lying and not turning over the classified documents and GA charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election, all more substantial charges than sex and payoffs, will again be viewed by most Americans as rule of law and further isolate Trump and GOP in the 2024 election.

The GOP and their cult have made it crystal clear that they don't care about the rule of law, but the moderates, you know, the ones that they need to win the general election, are getting more disgusted by the day.

I am loving it.

While the GOP is dying and in their death throws, they are doubling down in the wrong direction.

CNN Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump indictment
True, but I think his belief that he was beyond accountability for literally anything he did started several decades earlier. That would include cheating hundreds of small business owners over many years who contracted with him, violent sexual assault, and cheating in just about every way imaginable in his business dealings.

Then of course there were his concerted attempts to try to overturn an election, then inciting an insurrection, culminating in the Jan. 6 violent assault on the Capitol, which injured over a hundred police. So much for the Republican's claim they stand for law and order.
I agree with you. The ends have always justified the means for Trump and the GOP; the rule of law is just an inconvenience for them and to obfuscate now that they're being held to account. I'm sure we'll see more attempts to circumvent the law as these cases progress over the coming years. I hope democracy survives.
Alvin Bragg, the Progressive Democrat New York County D.A. that is prosecuting Trump, is supported by Color of Change. The COC organization does not care whether Trump is guilty of anything serious, they have already convicted him, just on general principles, and his ethnicity and financial status. Hungarian-born investment billionaire George Soros is a major financial supporter of Color of Change. Soros is a frequent guest of Joe Biden, in the White House, and advises him. Barack Obama, during his presidency, eschewed Soros' advice and company, which he (Soros) continues to be resentful about. He's getting attention from Biden, as well as results from Alvin Bragg. Soros is the worst type of Democrat, using poor people to profit from, not to help them. The minority groups who believe that he is sincere are, to use Malcolm X's term, "Suckers".

DA Alvin Bragg may be facing criminal charges himself, soon, for the leaks about the Grand Jury case. Biden will no doubt be indicted, ASAP after he is out of office in 2025 or later.

Here is the story about the leaks in the Grand Jury that indicted Trump:

LOCK BRAGG UP? Alvin Bragg Could Face Up To Five Years In Prison As Trump Indictment Begins To Backfire
Alvin Bragg, the Progressive Democrat New York County D.A. that is prosecuting Trump, is supported by Color of Change. The COC organization does not care whether Trump is guilty of anything serious, they have already convicted him, just on general principles, and his ethnicity and financial status. Hungarian-born investment billionaire George Soros is a major financial supporter of Color of Change. Soros is a frequent guest of Joe Biden, in the White House, and advises him. Barack Obama, during his presidency, eschewed Soros' advice and company, which he (Soros) continues to be resentful about. He's getting attention from Biden, as well as results from Alvin Bragg. Soros is the worst type of Democrat, using poor people to profit from, not to help them. The minority groups who believe that he is sincere are, to use Malcolm X's term, "Suckers".

DA Alvin Bragg may be facing criminal charges himself, soon, for the leaks about the Grand Jury case. Biden will no doubt be indicted, ASAP after he is out of office in 2025 or later.

Here is the story about the leaks in the Grand Jury that indicted Trump:

LOCK BRAGG UP? Alvin Bragg Could Face Up To Five Years In Prison As Trump Indictment Begins To Backfire
Another opinion piece from Douchebag Dershowitz and another rant from the resident doom$gloom. Look on the bright side for once; Trump will get his first day in court and, as your previous posts says that anyone who accuses Trump will be destroyed, Trump will prevail for sure and has nothing to worry about; he'll get the prosecutor to indict himself - case closed.

34 felonies appear to be charged. This leak gives Trump an excuse to rage and bloviate. Now Trump is in a panic-fueled spin room, no doubt. The story isn't so much the "indict himself" as the likelihood that this "leak" came from someone in Trump's orbit. Trump's trying to find an angle to get control of this situation and direct him minions to post his BS, which they willing oblige.

Wait till he's indicted on the top secret documents at Mar A Lago. Trump is on tape cherry picking documents he wanted to keep, in direct violation to the subpoena DOJ had already served on him. The biggest crime happened after he left office. His Mar A Lago Tapes recorded it all — his pilfering of the top-secret documents. He taped all his felonies. His own cameras document what a bigly stable genius he is. Amazing.

Just yesterday, during Trump's interview with Hannity on Fox:

Hannity: "I can't imagine you ever saying: 'Bring me some of the boxes that we brought back from the White House. I'd like to look at them.'"

Trump: "I would do that!"

Hannity: "Alright, let me move on..."

Trump: "I have the right to take stuff!"

If Fox News really wanted Trump to win, they'd stop inviting him over to chat, where he continues to incriminate himself... but, but there must be the Deep State Conspiracy minion at Fox holding Trump accountable by letting him talk! Oh no! Love it!
Another opinion piece from Douchebag Dershowitz and another rant from the resident doom$gloom. Look on the bright side for once; Trump will get his first day in court and, as your previous posts says that anyone who accuses Trump will be destroyed, Trump will prevail for sure and has nothing to worry about; he'll get the prosecutor to indict himself - case closed.

34 felonies appear to be charged. This leak gives Trump an excuse to rage and bloviate. Now Trump is in a panic-fueled spin room, no doubt. The story isn't so much the "indict himself" as the likelihood that this "leak" came from someone in Trump's orbit. Trump's trying to find an angle to get control of this situation and direct him minions to post his BS, which they willing oblige.

Wait till he's indicted on the top secret documents at Mar A Lago. Trump is on tape cherry picking documents he wanted to keep, in direct violation to the subpoena DOJ had already served on him. The biggest crime happened after he left office. His Mar A Lago Tapes recorded it all — his pilfering of the top-secret documents. He taped all his felonies. His own cameras document what a bigly stable genius he is. Amazing.

Just yesterday, during Trump's interview with Hannity on Fox:

Hannity: "I can't imagine you ever saying: 'Bring me some of the boxes that we brought back from the White House. I'd like to look at them.'"

Trump: "I would do that!"

Hannity: "Alright, let me move on..."

Trump: "I have the right to take stuff!"

If Fox News really wanted Trump to win, they'd stop inviting him over to chat, where he continues to incriminate himself... but, but there must be the Deep State Conspiracy minion at Fox holding Trump accountable by letting him talk! Oh no! Love it!
The majority of career law professionals seem to be saying this indictment is a mistake.

Trump said yesterday, that D.A. Alvin Bragg should indict himself and resign, over the Grand Jury leaks last week regarding this case.

I am looking forward to Biden being indicted, in the future. As much as I despise him (Biden), I never wanted him, or any other president, to be legally prosecuted, but now that the Democrats have stepped over the line, they deserve it and need to learn a lesson. I am sure that indictments are in the works, not just for Biden and his crackhead son, but for other crooked Democrats, as well.
Hitler STalin Mao Biden.jpg
Don't drop the soap Mr. Trump, and remember when you get inside, you're going to want to target the biggest guy, that way you send a message to the rest. Never turn down fights, don't gamble, don't do drugs, don't accept any gifts, and most importantly, don't snitch.

As you work your way through the ranks, which I'm sure a man of your stature can, you're going to want to control the dorm. Once you control the dorm, the COs will give you a bit of control. The inmates inside your dorm will follow suit. Every once in a while you will have to accept fights to maintain dominance. And whatever you do, don't go into PC.

:sneaky: break any of those rules and it's game over.
Why stop with Trump? Perhaps it would be wise to round up his supporters, seize their property and put them in camps.

This is what the current administration would like to do, but can't because their targets are extremely well armed.
I know some people despise Trump, but they never talk about Biden and the last 2 years of his administration. They are still focused on Trump for some reason. Reminds me of Jimmy Kimmel, not a bad word about Biden or Harris and their disastrous policies.
Why stop with Trump? Perhaps it would be wise to round up his supporters, seize their property and put them in camps.

This is what the current administration would like to do, but can't because their targets are extremely well armed.
So you're extremely well armed? I hope you are allowed to communicate in the camp to let us know how you're enjoying your "winning". So much winning!
So you're extremely well armed? I hope you are allowed to communicate in the camp to let us know how you're enjoying your "winning". So much winning!
I live in a blue state, I have no arms. We're not permitted to buy a bulletproof vest, to protect ourselves, if we hunt or from being shot by a criminal.

The news of Biden, with the help of the DOJ having his opponent arrested, is going over really well in other parts of the world, such as China which is laughing at us.

His name will forever be associated with the disgraceful first-ever such case in American history.

If Trump beats him in 2024, I hope that Biden's son is sentenced to prison. That would be better than indicting Biden, himself, although arresting both of them would be fine, after the events of the past 24 hours.

I expect Trump's number to go up, people are paying much more attention to him than Biden and this indictment could make it possible for him to win and become president again.
It's so sad to watch Trump's downfall.

And by 'sad', I mean it in the pathetic sense. Like watching an old crack addict prostitute herself on the streets, or witnessing a midlife crisis. Or watching inequality come for us all.

The man was born with so much. He snorted everything in sight so he could attempt to heal his sad, broken little ego. And he damaged an entire country doing so. It'll take the US decades to recover, if it ever will. The crazies might diminish, but they won't disappear.

He has nothing left but to yell about 'the system'. Literally nothing left in the tank. So sad.
It's so sad to watch Trump's downfall.

And by 'sad', I mean it in the pathetic sense. Like watching an old crack addict prostitute herself on the streets, or witnessing a midlife crisis. Or watching inequality come for us all.

The man was born with so much. He snorted everything in sight so he could attempt to heal his sad, broken little ego. And he damaged an entire country doing so. It'll take the US decades to recover, if it ever will. The crazies might diminish, but they won't disappear.

He has nothing left but to yell about 'the system'. Literally nothing left in the tank. So sad.
Fauci's lab probably created COVID-19, but it's not been proven yet. Either way, if the virus had not happened, Trump would have won again, and the economy would have been superb or at least much better than now. Putin would likely not have invaded Ukraine, during a Trump presidency.

The idea of a sitting president having an opponent, who was also his predecessor, arrested, has still not sunken in, for some Americans, but other parts of the world see it for what it is.

That's OK, it just proves the depths that the state is willing to sink to, to "Get Trump", and they are only doing this to prevent him from representing anybody but himself.
I don't care about Trump's affairs or personality, only his policies. We were a much better country during the Trump administration; under Biden everything is going to hell. Democrats just won't admit that. I don't like the weaponization of the Justice Department and the FBI either, all caused by the Democrats' corruption.

This is what someone said about Biden:

Obama once said, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to "F" things up." Have we underestimated Joe?

Not at all. The old turd is performing exactly as expected. He's appointed all the expected fruitcakes to cabinet positions, and done the work of his handlers with the exact lack of vigor and cognition we knew was to be. He can't speak off the teleprompter and won't take questions, avoids the real press, has capitulated to our enemies, destroyed our economy and weakened our standing in the world. He's a f*ck up, alright. His son is a disaster! His whole damn family are a bunch of crooks. No, he was not underestimated.​
The Dalai Lama, a huge supporter of Biden, is back in the news. I've stated, in the past on other conversations on this website, that "His Holiness" is nothing more than a degenerate, depraved POS. Now it turns out that he is a pedophile. He should be barred from entering the United States.

Dalai Lama apologizes after video asking boy to 'suck my tongue'

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