2020 US Presidential Election

Joe Biden just announced his candidacy for president.

This is good news. Biden has had the most accomplished presidency since FDR. In 2022 alone, Biden and Dems did the following:
  • passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest investment in fighting climate change in history

  • passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the largest investment in infrastructure since Eisenhower

  • passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation

  • signed the CHIPS and Science Act into law

  • took out the leader of al Qaeda

  • ended America's longest war

  • reauthorized and strengthened the Violence Against Women Act

  • signed the PACT Act, a bill to address veteran burn pit exposure

  • signed the NATO accession protocols for Sweden and Finland

  • issued executive order to protect reproductive rights

  • in the process of canceling $10,000 of student loan debt for borrowers making less than $125,000 and canceled $20,000 in debt for Pell Grant recipients

  • canceled billions in student loan debt for borrowers who were defrauded

  • nominated now-Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace Justice Breyer

  • brought COVID under control in the U.S. (e.g., COVID deaths down 90% and over 220 million vaccinated)

  • formed Monkeypox response team to reach communities at highest risk of contracting the virus

  • unemployment at a 50-year low

  • largest one-year deficit reduction in U.S. history

  • limited the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants

  • $5 billion for electric vehicle chargers- $119 billion budget surplus in January 2022, first in over two years

  • united world against Russia's war in Ukraine

  • ended forced arbitration in workplace sexual assault cases

  • reinstated California authority to set pollution standards for cars

  • ended asylum restrictions for children traveling alone

  • signed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, the first federal ban on lynching after 200 failed attempts

  • Initiated "use it or lose it" policy for drilling on public lands to force oil companies to increase production

  • released 1 million barrels of oil a day for 6 months from strategic reserves to ease gas prices

  • rescinded Trump-era policy allowing rapid expulsion of migrants

  • expunged student loan defaults

  • overhauled USPS finances to allow the agency to modernize its service

  • required federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America

  • restored environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects

  • Launched $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants

  • provided $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. (This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan.)

  • national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct

  • tightened restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments

  • required all federal law enforcement officers to wear body cameras

  • $265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration

  • major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes

  • continued Obama administration's practice of posting log records of visitors to White House

  • devoted $2.1 billion to strengthen US food supply chain

  • invoked Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies

  • enacted two-year pause of anti-circumvention tariffs on solar

  • allocated funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers in 2022

  • relaunched cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate

  • expanded access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraception

  • prevented states from banning Mifepristone, a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval

  • 21 executive actions to reduce gun violence

  • Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies' missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

  • Paying for today's needed renovations with tomorrow's energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding

  • ended Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy

  • Operation Fly-Formula, bringing needed baby formula (19 missions to date)

  • executive order protecting travel for abortion

  • invested more in crime control and prevention than any president in history

  • provided death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty

  • Reunited 500 migrant families separated under Trump

  • $1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities

  • brokered joint US/Mexico infrastructure project; Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security

  • blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts

  • 11 million jobs—more than ever created before at this point of a presidency

  • record small business creation

  • banned paywalls on taxpayer-funded research

  • best economic growth record since Clinton

  • eliminated civil statute of limitations for child abuse victims

  • announced $156 million for America's first-of-its-kind critical minerals refinery, demonstrating the commercial viability of turning mine waste into clean energy technology.
You ever notice that all the Biden voters are as dumb or dumber than he is. Biden can't run again, he's a National disgrace, too old and incompetent.
You ever notice that all the Biden voters are as dumb or dumber than he is. Biden can't run again, he's a National disgrace, too old and incompetent.
The Democrats know that, but the fix is in. For the first time in history, a president has been arrested and it is clear that the reason is to keep him from winning for a second time. Rather than do this, all that the Democrats would have to do is dump Biden and nominate RFK, Jr. or somebody else of his caliber, and they could beat Trump without having to resort to methods that are only used in dictatorships.
You ever notice that all the Biden voters are as dumb or dumber than he is. Biden can't run again, he's a National disgrace, too old and incompetent.
I didn't mean to offend all the Democratic voters. I should not have used the word "all". I have some family members and one friend that voted for Biden. Biden definitely did not unite the country like he said he would at his inauguration.
The Dalai Lama, a huge supporter of Biden, is back in the news. I've stated, in the past on other conversations on this website, that "His Holiness" is nothing more than a degenerate, depraved POS. Now it turns out that he is a pedophile. He should be barred from entering the United States.
Even tho I'm pretty sure Trump's done worse with his daughter Ivanka behind the scenes :facepalm:

Dalai Lama needs to be taken out back or skinned/fed to a bear ASAP.
Joe Biden just announced his candidacy for president.

This is good news. Biden has had the most accomplished presidency since FDR. In 2022 alone, Biden and Dems did the following:
On the day that Biden was inaugurated, January 20, 2021, there were 392,428 deaths from COVID-19. Today, that number has risen to 1,127,104 deaths. How can you say that he has been successful in curbing COVID-19, with 734,676 deaths? He said in 2020, that anybody (meaning Trump) with 220,000 COVID-19 deaths was not fit to be in the White House. The only reason the deaths have slowed down is natural immunity, which Biden, or anybody for that matter, has no control over. Why is Biden still in the White House when, according to his own words, he should not be there?
Looks like the House Republicans have now completed their first 100 days and after reviewing their accomplishments, they've achieved a grand total of not a damn thing. They instead launched several conspiracy theory investigations into the dumbest shit they could imagine.

They ran on promises to improve conditions for working people, increase wages, and address rampant corporate price gouging, which they haven't even mentioned, let alone addressed legislatively in their first hundred days. All signs point to them not doing a damn thing about it until they remember they need something to talk about for the next election, when they promise next term they'll totally get around to that.
Looks like the House Republicans have now completed their first 100 days and after reviewing their accomplishments, they've achieved a grand total of not a damn thing. They instead launched several conspiracy theory investigations into the dumbest shit they could imagine.

They ran on promises to improve conditions for working people, increase wages, and address rampant corporate price gouging, which they haven't even mentioned, let alone addressed legislatively in their first hundred days. All signs point to them not doing a damn thing about it until they remember they need something to talk about for the next election, when they promise next term they'll totally get around to that.
The Republicans cannot be expected to fix all of the problems caused by the Biden administration, for the past two years, overnight. The first thing they have to do, is stop the weaponization of the Justice System, which the Democrats have begun to use against them. This article outlines some of the activities that are taking place as we speak.

GOP lawmakers seek to cut off funding to Bragg, other prosecutors
The Republicans cannot be expected to fix all of the problems caused by the Biden administration, for the past two years, overnight. The first thing they have to do, is stop the weaponization of the Justice System, which the Democrats have begun to use against them. This article outlines some of the activities that are taking place as we speak.

GOP lawmakers seek to cut off funding to Bragg, other prosecutors
Typical Republicans, they always tell you how the government doesn't work, then they get elected and prove it.

"Show me a budget bill you can pass, Kevin, and we'll talk. Love, Joe."
It's the uniparty. There's no real difference between the two parties. They keep us fighting amongst each other while they rob and laugh at us. People voted for Trump because they were fed up with the two parties. Most of the Trump voters I know are good, hard working people that just want a fair shake, like the rest of us.
It's the uniparty. There's no real difference between the two parties. They keep us fighting amongst each other while they rob and laugh at us. People voted for Trump because they were fed up with the two parties. Most of the Trump voters I know are good, hard working people that just want a fair shake, like the rest of us.
Trump voters now inhabit their own self-created media echo chamber, which functions as a type of lie-filled and toxic closed episteme and sealed-off universe. The creation of such an alternate reality is an important attribute of fascism, in which truth itself must be destroyed and replaced with fantasies and fictions in support of Trump and his movement.

Trumpers have low cognitive sophistication which leads them to embrace simple cognitive shortcuts, like the stereotypes and prejudices that are amplified by Trump. Trump's simple linguistic style appeals to his base because of their limited education and cognitive sophistication.

Trump is attractive to people with a preference for low-effort information processing because Trump's speeches are given at a much lower reading level. Trump lies, rhetoric and orientation has resonated with the poorly educated and cognitively unsophisticated.

White fundamentalist Christian Trump voters distrust mainstream social institutions like education and print media, and they actively seek to eliminate public education and to provide alternative sources of information. As a result, these Trumpers have substantial intellectual deficits that make them easy marks for a wide variety of schemes, from Trump's financial grifts to conspiracy theories to Trump's lies.

Trump and the Republican-fascists have empowered and normalized a dangerous set of antisocial, anti-human, retrograde and anti-democratic values and beliefs, all which resonates with his low IQ voters. Sad but true.
Trump voters now inhabit their own self-created media echo chamber, which functions as a type of lie-filled and toxic closed episteme and sealed-off universe. The creation of such an alternate reality is an important attribute of fascism, in which truth itself must be destroyed and replaced with fantasies and fictions in support of Trump and his movement.

Trumpers have low cognitive sophistication which leads them to embrace simple cognitive shortcuts, like the stereotypes and prejudices that are amplified by Trump. Trump's simple linguistic style appeals to his base because of their limited education and cognitive sophistication.

Trump is attractive to people with a preference for low-effort information processing because Trump's speeches are given at a much lower reading level. Trump lies, rhetoric and orientation has resonated with the poorly educated and cognitively unsophisticated.

White fundamentalist Christian Trump voters distrust mainstream social institutions like education and print media, and they actively seek to eliminate public education and to provide alternative sources of information. As a result, these Trumpers have substantial intellectual deficits that make them easy marks for a wide variety of schemes, from Trump's financial grifts to conspiracy theories to Trump's lies.

Trump and the Republican fascists have empowered and normalized a dangerous set of antisocial, anti-human, retrograde and anti-democratic values and beliefs, all which resonates with his low IQ voters. Sad but true.
The fascists are those who mandate masks that are unhealthy and do not prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and fired the first responders and medical personnel who did not comply. These people voted for a woman who got her start in politics by offering her body to a high-ranking Democrat, for the office of vice president and a man who has dementia for the oval office. The cognitively impaired continue to support them as the economy is flushed down the toilet, and multiple billions of dollars of taxpayer money are transferred to a corrupt former comedian who allows his country to be destroyed so that he can embezzle hundreds of millions of dollars of our aid for himself. The cognitively impaired deny that a lab owned by Chinese Communists could have been responsible for the leakage of COVID-19 and that the American medical leader who financed, with our taxes, dangerous research projects there, made millions of dollars from it, while nearly everybody else was struggling due to his incredibly incompetent, some would say criminal, leadership and decisions.

A highly qualified Democrat, who is expected to seek the nomination for the next presidential race, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., will no doubt be brushed aside, while his party continues to prosecute their Republican opponent relentlessly, in order to create a single-party country like all dictatorships in history. The members of the party are mentally ill, as they deny reality and accuse others of being in the lower spectrum of intelligence, which of course is not an indication of rational thinking. Their president blames Trump for the horrendous, deadly Afghanistan withdrawal when saying nothing would have been the best option for this dishonest, incompetent, corrupt and dangerous liar.
If the Democrats nominate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., or somebody else that is acceptable, I will vote for him or her, rather than Trump. However, if they choose to nominate Joe Biden, I will vote for Trump, even if he is serving twenty years in Sing Sing.

Just a quick drive-by. I'm going to do things differently here, keep it plain Jane boring.

Latest polls for the 2024 Florida Republican Primary:

Trump 43% (+8)
DeSantis 35%
Ramaswamy 4%
Haley 3%
Hutchinson 1%
Johnson 0%


Trump 47% (+15)
DeSantis 32%


Pretty strong showing from Trump in Florida. I've been way off the mark with DeSantis, like by a mile. Head-2-head, Ronald polls terribly nationwide against Trump. DeSantis' popularity is heavily concentrated in Florida, but he can't even narrow down the margins closely against Trump in FL, as their Governor no less. I expected more TBH. This is all subject to change, but not a promising start for the Ronald. Really disappointing.

Trump has been polling extremely well nationwide among other Republicans in the election trackers too.
Trump says the best way for Fox to win their Dominion trial, where they are being sued for lying about the 2020 election, is for Fox to lie about the 2020 election even more. What could go wrong following the sage advice of this stable genius?
For those who only listen to conservative media or to MSM Fox:

Fox News today settled the defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million, averting a high-profile trial that put Fox in the crosshairs over its coverage of false vote-rigging claims in the 2020 U.S. election. They simply lied and fed their bullshit down the hungry throats of the gullible Trumpers. They lied and people died.

Dominion still has lawsuits against right-wing networks Newsmax and OAN, as well as against Trump allies Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Mike Lindell.

Smartmatic's 3 billion dollar lawsuit may now complete the one-two punch to take out Fox.

The more you know...

Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims
Gomer couldn't find his ass if both hands were tied behind his back. I'd like to see a serious investigation of Hunter Biden. How is a crackhead worth $50k a month in employment wages? While they're at it, they can investigate Trump's kids, especially that slime Jerad Kushner.
The GOP's entire "pro-life" messaging is completely off. They can't possibly make a case for their position as long as the leading cause of death among children is gun violence.

Additionally, they do everything they can to make life for children a living hell. They are working over time to limit the amount of education non-privileged children can get, they want to reduce funding for children's meal programs, they are killing child labor laws, creating conditions where children under the age of 16 can be forced into marriages, they have created such a hostile environment for doctors and hospitals are closing all around red states.

The GOP's position is cynical and dystopian. It should not be surprising to them that no one is buying their "pro-life" stance. We know it is about controlling women's bodies and nothing else.

The GOP is the most anti-woman, anti-family organization around. They need to just stop with their posturing and own their real position: they are patriarchal authoritarians.

As long as the GOP takes away any services that help families make the choice to have more children, then we need to use the term "Forced Birthers".

If anyone is truly pro life - working to provide health care, child care, affordable and safe housing, food stamps, education - you know, the Jesus things - then they are most likely a Democrat.

Abortion is now political Kryptonite for Republicans
The GOP's entire "pro-life" messaging is completely off. They can't possibly make a case for their position as long as the leading cause of death among children is gun violence.

Additionally, they do everything they can to make life for children a living hell. They are working over time to limit the amount of education non-privileged children can get, they want to reduce funding for children's meal programs, they are killing child labor laws, creating conditions where children under the age of 16 can be forced into marriages, they have created such a hostile environment for doctors and hospitals are closing all around red states.

The GOP's position is cynical and dystopian. It should not be surprising to them that no one is buying their "pro-life" stance. We know it is about controlling women's bodies and nothing else.

The GOP is the most anti-woman, anti-family organization around. They need to just stop with their posturing and own their real position: they are patriarchal authoritarians.

As long as the GOP takes away any services that help families make the choice to have more children, then we need to use the term "Forced Birthers".

If anyone is truly pro life - working to provide health care, child care, affordable and safe housing, food stamps, education - you know, the Jesus things - then they are most likely a Democrat.

Abortion is now political Kryptonite for Republicans
Biden claims to be a Roman Catholic and yet he goes against his church by supporting abortion legislation. He is a hypocrite and the Pope is, as well, for not excommunicating him as this is totally against their teaching. Catholics make up 22% of the country. I am not in the least religious, but this is a significant number, and they are not the only religion to be against abortion. I believe that it should be left up to the states, and am not a big fan of abortion as it is a violation of the civil and human rights of the unborn.

American women, by the way, live far longer than men. "Men die younger than women in the United States, on average. American women had a life expectancy of 79 years in 2021, compared with men's, which was only about 73, according to CDC data." So much for the oppression of women in America. Men have no rights, in family court, and women almost always get custody, possession of the house, etc. and if they remarry, their ex-husband still must pay child support unless the ex-wife's new sucker adopts her first husband's children.

I worked when I was a kid, starting at 10 or so with shoveling snow, cleaning yards, etc., and by 14 I had on-the-books part-time jobs delivering groceries, Rx drugs, etc. by bicycle, and also doing stock-room work. It was extremely valuable to have these experiences. The snowflakes who were not permitted to work when young, will never realize how important such early experiences are.

People that cannot afford to have children, should not. My father always worked full-time and often part-time, and even a third job on weekends at the USPS during the holiday season. We were not well off and never received a single government handout. Self-respect is something that is intrinsic to a society that expects to survive.
The news warms my heart. Tucker Carlson has been fired by Fox News for being the largest douchebag in history.

I'm sure he'll be OK. I hear that Walmart is looking for greeters.
So Biden officially declares he's running for reelection. Can't really fault him here. Incumbency advantage is real, always has been in US politics. The best person the Democrats can run is an incumbent President to be honest, especially when the Democrats have no one else.

The power of the incumbency in the palm of my hand.
Biden is too old and has dementia. I can't believe he's even running for re-election. He probably forgot already that he entered the race. Most Americans' don't want Biden or Trump from what I've heard. Biden must not know he's being investigated for influence peddling money from China and other countries. James Comer said the walls are caving in on the Biden family.
Favorite Carlson quote (so far): "We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."

From The Guardian.
What are the chances of DeSantis winning the next US presidential election?
There's a good chance he won't even get the Republican presidential nomination. Trump is currently beating him in the primary polls nationwide by a decent margin.


Trump 50.5% (+25.3)
DeSantis 25.2%

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