2020 US Presidential Election

Trump was amazing on CNN last night. He is right on so many issues, and his being able to tell the truth on CNN, AKA Communist News Network, will be very good for his campaign.

He wants to stop the killing in Ukraine, not prolong it.

CNN gave Trump a great platform, despite their leftist positions, because they need ratings and viewers to avoid bankruptcy.

CNN would be well advised to give a Democrat the opportunity to have a presidential Town Hall, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be an excellent choice. After that, they could schedule a debate between Trump and RFK, which would hike their ratings even more.
Trump was amazing on CNN last night. He is right on so many issues, and his being able to tell the truth on CNN, AKA Communist News Network, will be very good for his campaign.

He wants to stop the killing in Ukraine, not prolong it.

CNN gave Trump a great platform, despite their leftist positions, because they need ratings and viewers to avoid bankruptcy.

CNN would be well advised to give a Democrat the opportunity to have a presidential Town Hall, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would be an excellent choice. After that, they could schedule a debate between Trump and RFK, which would hike their ratings even more.
Trump was amazing on CNN Tuesday night. He continues to lie on so many issues, and his being able to slander E. Jean Carrol again, after just being ruled guilty of it the day before, and when asked if he shared his stash of classified documents with foreign countries, his answer was "not really". More evidence that it was smart to keep Trump off the witness stand, since he is a self-incriminating idiot machine. His audience clapped and cheered, like trained seals. Too much right wing media consumption and the resultant addiction to it on display. Sad.
Trump was amazing on CNN Tuesday night. He continues to lie on so many issues, and his being able to slander E. Jean Carrol again, after just being ruled guilty of it the day before, and when asked if he shared his stash of classified documents with foreign countries, his answer was "not really". More evidence that it was smart to keep Trump off the witness stand, since he is a self-incriminating idiot machine. His audience clapped and cheered, like trained seals. Too much right wing media consumption and the resultant addiction to it on display. Sad.
The woman that sued Trump never reported the alleged incident to the store security or the police. She was 52 years old, three years older than Trump, at the time she claims it happened. She is known to have referred to her ex-husband, who happens to be black, by a racist name, "Ape". Her cat's name is "Vagina", yet these facts and more were not permitted to be brought up in the courtroom, while many things that he said, none of them racist, were.

Fortunately, the rape charges against Trump failed to produce a verdict that included rape, but the jury was probably afraid to pronounce him innocent of all charges in NYC, so they settled for voting him guilty of "sexual abuse".
The woman that sued Trump never reported the alleged incident to the store security or the police. She was 52 years old, three years older than Trump, at the time she claims it happened. She is known to have referred to her ex-husband, who happens to be black, by a racist name, "Ape". Her cat's name is "Vagina", yet these facts and more were not permitted to be brought up in the courtroom, while many things that he said, none of them racist, were.

Fortunately, the rape charges against Trump failed to produce a verdict that included rape, but the jury was probably afraid to pronounce him innocent of all charges in NYC, so they settled for voting him guilty of "sexual abuse".
Trump was at his peak against Joe Biden in 2020 and he lost. Full backing of Fox News and and incumbent... and still lost by 7 million votes.

Why do people keep trying to treat him like a superhero when he fails all the time? FFS, he lost to Hillary by 3 million votes too. Gaming the electoral college was the only reason he even got one term.

Trump on Tuesday said his platform will include the following:
  • supporting a national abortion ban

  • family separation at the border

  • purposefully default on debts

  • insurrection is a-okay and will pardon the insurrectionists

  • Russia is good, Ukraine is at fault

  • unwilling to commit to a peaceful transfer of power

  • continued election lies
The Biden investigations are just beginning. Some say that the Hunter Biden laptop was stonewalled by the Democrats, and false allegations about Trump and Putin, etc., were created, but if they (Democrats) had not done so, Trump would have won in 2020. That is equivalent to stealing an election.

If Trump or anybody in his family has peddled influence, then they deserve to be prosecuted. So far, the worst allegation they've charged him with has been for paying off a porn star.
Comer said on Sunday, "Unfortunately, we can't find the informant. We believe the informant is still present. The informant is familiar to the whistleblower. The informant is quite trustworthy."

He continued: "The nine of the 10 people that we've identified have very good knowledge with respect to the Bidens. They're one of three things, Maria, they're either currently in court, they're currently in jail, or they're currently missing. So it's of the utmost importance that the FBI work with us to be able to try to identify what research they've done, what investigations they've done, because we have people that want to come forward, but honestly, they fear for their lives."

"They're in the spy business"

Oh ok then, no further questions.

But also, they said that they already have 9 out of 10 witnesses. But they need the 10th? Why? Just bring out the 9!

"They fear for their lives."

But they already collaborated with you, so why not give you the information that you need? Or even make an exposè, with the camera pointed in the back of their heads, voice modified, and let them speak?

The documents that these informants gave you were already useless, and you know of other documents that "will blow this case wide open", but you can't release them.

So, the "credible whistleblower" is receiving the information from a second source, and the "informant" is suddenly missing? Yes, that makes sense.

GOP: "Biden has been corrupt for years. He's been using his positions to get himself and his family rich."

Everybody: "Well, politicians are often corrupt. It's possible. What kind of evidence ya got?"

GOP: "uhhhh... Pocket Sand!"

Spoiler alert: The "informant" doesn't exist. Republicans literally made it all up.

Now they're just going to claim that Hillary Clinton must have personally murdered the imaginary informant.
Ron DeSantis said the border should be closed. Trump said that we have stupid people running our country. I agree with both statements. If we got 4-5 million illegal immigrants in our country since Biden took over, why do we want more? Are the Democrats looking for more votes? I see no other reason.
NEW: CBP reports 16 people on the FBI's terror watchlist were arrested by Border Patrol at the Southern border in April alone. That single month is more than all four years of FY17, FY18, FY19, and FY20 - combined (11).

Who in their right mind would support the Biden Administration border policy with this going on and all the Fentanyl deaths?
Anybody who has been the sole or principal owner of 500 businesses could handle these five cases, and more, in their sleep.

I think that the DA may have to drop the Stormy Daniels case, as their chief witness is a pathological liar.

'Game-Changer' Costello Testimony May Have Sunk Manhattan DA's Case Against Trump, Dershowitz Says
The Trump Organization, the company led by former President Trump and his family, finished last in an Axios Harris survey of brand reputations for the second year in a row. His conglomeration scored a 52.9 out of 100, making it the only company to receive a "very poor" score, according to the rankings. FTX, Fox Corporation, Twitter and Facebook also received the lowest scores, rounding out the bottom five.

Looks like the Trump crime family has been sleeping at the switch and will need to burnish their brand to such an intensely as to blind us to their crimes, which many people say will be difficult while they are running away from accountability. Sad and true.
The Trump Organization, the company led by former President Trump and his family, finished last in an Axios Harris survey of brand reputations for the second year in a row. His conglomeration scored a 52.9 out of 100, making it the only company to receive a "very poor" score, according to the rankings. FTX, Fox Corporation, Twitter and Facebook also received the lowest scores, rounding out the bottom five.

Looks like the Trump crime family has been sleeping at the switch and will need to burnish their brand to such an intensely as to blind us to their crimes, which many people say will be difficult while they are running away from accountability. Sad and true.
At a worth of 2.5 billion USD, Trump is doing fine, financially, and his campaign isn't off to a bad start, either.

One rhetorical claim is that Trump "bankrupted four companies!" Yes, four or five of his five hundred companies in the Trump organization went bankrupt, which is a very low percentage. He is an extremely deft businessman.

20.8% of private sector businesses in the U.S. fail within the first year. After five years, 48.4% have faltered. After 10 years, 65.1% of businesses have failed.

In 2023, under the Biden administration, bankruptcies hit a 12-year high:

Total overall commercial bankruptcies increased 19 percent in the first quarter of 2023, as the 5,733 filings surpassed the 4,808 commercial filings during the first quarter of 2022. Total commercial chapter 11 filings registered a 77 percent increase to 1,301 during the first quarter of 2023 from the 735 total commercial chapter 11s during the same period in 2022.
Honestly haven't been following much US politics lately. I'm usually a pasty nerd for these upcoming election cycles. But it looks like Trump is still wrecking havoc in the Republican primaries. Not much has change in the polls there.

Biden currently edges Trump by 5 points based on recent National GE polls (ChangeResearch).
Ron DeSantis said the border should be closed. Trump said that we have stupid people running our country. I agree with both statements. If we got 4-5 million illegal immigrants in our country since Biden took over, why do we want more? Are the Democrats looking for more votes? I see no other reason.
Also cheap labor for the corporations. That's who really runs the country.
Honestly haven't been following much US politics lately. I'm usually a pasty nerd for these upcoming election cycles. But it looks like Trump is still wrecking havoc in the Republican primaries. Not much has change in the polls there.

Biden currently edges Trump by 5 points based on recent National GE polls (ChangeResearch).
Depends on the poll.

Washington Post / ABC poll has Trump ahead by 7 points 49 to 42. Less than 35% think Biden has the mental capacity to do a second term. Sad choice between an ex game show host and a demented puppet.
Also cheap labor for the corporations. That's who really runs the country.

Depends on the poll.

Washington Post / ABC poll has Trump ahead by 7 points 49 to 42. Less than 35% think Biden has the mental capacity to do a second term. Sad choice between an ex game show host and a demented puppet.
I thought that Trump is Putin's puppet?
Also cheap labor for the corporations. That's who really runs the country.

Depends on the poll.

Washington Post / ABC poll has Trump ahead by 7 points 49 to 42. Less than 35% think Biden has the mental capacity to do a second term. Sad choice between an ex game show host and a demented puppet.
I think the mental capacity of both of them isn't much different. Polls don't mean much at this point.
I think the mental capacity of both of them isn't much different. Polls don't mean much at this point.
I would rather that Biden and Trump both drop out, but of the two of them, although he is not normal acting, compared to DeSantis and others, Trump is a far better candidate than Biden.
Depends on the poll.

Washington Post / ABC poll has Trump ahead by 7 points 49 to 42. Less than 35% think Biden has the mental capacity to do a second term. Sad choice between an ex game show host and a demented puppet.
I see. I'm not familiar with the methodologies behind Washington Post's polling, but it's pretty surprising seeing these left wing sources giving Trump a decent lead. I think the numbers are probably a lot closer though in actuality.

I rely on ChangeResearch, Morning Consult, and FiveThirtyEight for reliability on election outcomes. They call about 75%+ of the races correctly. We're still in the preliminary stages when it comes to polling though. Things can still change. DeSantis has yet to formally announce he's running.
I would be okay with DeSantis. Trump goes off the rails sometimes, but he has been harassed so much by the left and the liberal media. I think Trump and DeSantis have similar policies.
Here's a shot of an insurrectionist mob on a violent, traitorous, rampage, on January 6.

View attachment 53788
Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers and the Grand Poobah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes, was convicted on charges of seditious conspiracy and other crimes and sentenced to 18 years behind bars.

Rhodes' sentence was the longest handed out so far for the Water Buffaloe tour group, where thousands of Trumpists waited patiently in the queue to observe the US legislature and calmly watch the counting of the electoral votes.

Not sure what this Grand Poobahtard did (maybe jumped the queue?) but it must have been bad, real bad.
I would be okay with DeSantis. Trump goes off the rails sometimes, but he has been harassed so much by the left and the liberal media. I think Trump and DeSantis have similar policies.
No, you won't.

Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers and the Grand Poobah of the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes, was convicted on charges of seditious conspiracy and other crimes and sentenced to 18 years behind bars.

Rhodes' sentence was the longest handed out so far for the Water Buffaloe tour group, where thousands of Trumpists waited patiently in the queue to observe the US legislature and calmly watch the counting of the electoral votes.

Not sure what this Grand Poobahtard did (maybe jumped the queue?) but it must have been bad, real bad.
People get less time than that, for murder in the first degree.

Speaking of seditious organizations, Black Lives Matter, which had 90 million dollars in donations, is on the verge of going bankrupt, lol.
People get less time than that, for murder in the first degree.

Speaking of seditious organizations, Black Lives Matter, which had 90 million dollars in donations, is on the verge of going bankrupt, lol.
Fucked around and found out how bad a terrorism enhancement is and probably won't be the last.

When the truth slips out...

"Trump has the personality of a mortician, and the energy that makes Jeb Bush look an Olympian."

Donald Trump Jr., 5/2/23

Freudian slip lol
DeSantis is the best candidate to beat Biden, but the press loves Trump because he is crazy and more interesting to read about. DeSantis had the best approach to COVID-19, and showed much better leadership than most. We need a two-term president to fix the problems that the Biden administration has caused. The ideal matchup of leading candidates would be RFK Jr. vs. DeSantis.
DeSantis made a good speech in Iowa today. I think he could get this country back on track. He criticized the debt bill McCarthy wants to pass.
Ken Paxton explains how Democrats cheat on elections. I know in the 2020 Presidential election there were spikes at about 3:00 am in all of the swing states favoring Biden. Biden never got 81 million votes legally. Now Paxton is being impeached probably because of this video in April 2023.

Ken Paxton explains how Democrats cheat on elections. I know in the 2020 Presidential election there were spikes at about 3:00 am in all of the swing states favoring Biden. Biden never got 81 million votes legally. Now Paxton is being impeached probably because of this video in April 2023.
Hi Buddy,

Paxton is being impeached by Republicans for bribery and abuse of office, issues not related to the election. Check for yourself, perhaps read something online as there are a lot of articles about this guy.

Enjoy the spring and your bikes @just1morething!
Congress finally going to vote to raise the debt ceiling, took these losers long enough...
Hi Buddy,

Paxton is being impeached by Republicans for bribery and abuse of office, issues not related to the election. Check for yourself, perhaps read something online as there are a lot of articles about this guy.

Enjoy the spring and your bikes @just1morething!
Nice to see you posting here, Daniel. Been reading some of your earlier stuff here dating back to 2020. I like where you lean in the political spectrum.

Are familiar with the works of John Rawls by any chance? I feel like his Justice as Fairness principles align with your views.
Not looking good for the Donald:
Federal prosecutors have obtained an audio recording of a summer 2021 meeting in which former President Donald Trump acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document about a potential attack on Iran, multiple sources told CNN, undercutting his argument that he declassified everything.

The recording indicates Trump understood he retained classified material after leaving the White House, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. On the recording, Trump's comments suggest he would like to share the information but he's aware of limitations on his ability post-presidency to declassify records, two of the sources said.
But wait. I think he cleared this up during his CNN town hall:
KAITLAN COLLINS: When it comes to your documents, did you ever show those classified documents to anyone?

DONALD TRUMP: Not really. I would have the right to. By the way, they were declassified after–

KAITLAN COLLINS: What do you mean not really?

DONALD TRUMP: Not – not that I can think of.

Let me just tell you, I have the absolute right to do whatever I want with them. I have the right. I was negotiating with NARA. Do you know what NARA is?

KAITLAN COLLINS: The National Archives.

DONALD TRUMP: Extremely – extremely left group of people.

KAITLAN COLLINS: But you don't negotiate with them.

DONALD TRUMP: Extremely left. And I was negotiating with them.

KAITLAN COLLINS: They're not left. They're bipartisan.

DONALD TRUMP: All of a sudden, they raided my house. They didn't raid the house of Joe Biden. They didn't raid Obama.

KAITLAN COLLINS: But Joe Biden didn't ignore a subpoena to get those documents back, like you did.
When you're president, they let you do it. He'll be bragging all they way into sentencing:

"Longest prison sentence for abuse of office this century, maybe ever!"

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