2020 US Presidential Election

Even though it's true that he's mostly getting anti-Trump votes, how do you know that won't be enough? Current polling seems to expect it to be. He's ahead on average in almost all the swing states and nationally. By a good margin too. He'd have to fall quite a bit to lose to Trump.
I wouldn't bet the farm on the election of either of them. Trump is very, very good at getting what he wants.

Bloomberg pumping 100 million into Biden's campaign in Florida is fine, but he (Biden) has to get out and campaign.

If Biden had picked somebody for VP that I felt could lead this country well, if necessary, I would have considered voting for him.
I wouldn't bet the farm on the election of either of them. Trump is very, very good at getting what he wants.

Bloomberg pumping 100 million into Biden's campaign in Florida is fine, but he (Biden) has to get out and campaign.

If Biden had picked somebody for VP that I felt could lead this country well, if necessary, I would have considered voting for him.
I mean, that's your right. And I agree, I wouldn't bet much in this election.

But I have to question if you are right on getting out there and campaigning, with COVID-19 going on right now and being the most important issue to voters, Biden could potentially get away with fewer, more targeted campaign events and interviews.
I wouldn't bet the farm on the election of either of them. Trump is very, very good at getting what he wants.

Bloomberg pumping 100 million into Biden's campaign in Florida is fine, but he (Biden) has to get out and campaign.

If Biden had picked somebody for VP that I felt could lead this country well, if necessary, I would have considered voting for him.
What are your problems with Trump that you would consider voting for another candidate?
Sorry but sometimes objectivity really DOES favor one side or the other. This whole "all truth is subjective" thing leads us to Orwell doublespeak, and well, we're kind of already living in a post-truth era. Conceding that we're living in a post-truth era doesn't mean I personally believe there is no objective truth.
Yes, SOMETIMES, but most definitely not all or even MOST times. I would say that politics, in general, falls into the most times category.

We would need to agree to disagree otherwise.
I wouldn't bet the farm on the election of either of them. Trump is very, very good at getting what he wants.

Bloomberg pumping 100 million into Biden's campaign in Florida is fine, but he (Biden) has to get out and campaign.

If Biden had picked somebody for VP that I felt could lead this country well, if necessary, I would have considered voting for him.
I daily look for new conferences etc from Biden to listen to him, but they are coming thin and slow. It seems they are pacing him or scared of what he will say next. The Dems may well be falling into the same trap as they did with Clinton.
Why would Biden agree to a debate when Rogan says he's pro-Trump?

Also, it's weird that previously Rogan was pro-Bernie. I have to wonder if he actually has political values or just wants the fame/views because those two candidates are completely polar opposite.

Or maybe this explains it:


Rogan would probably rather have a culture where that's ok.
I've only every watched Rogan's podcasts a few times, and I've never really pinpointed where his beliefs place him. But, I could give you two sets of 10 of my beliefs; from one set you would think I'm a leftie, from the other a righty. Maybe this is why I have never voted. Some people are more fluid. I doubt he changes position for fame, he's got enough of that, but who knows. I find him a bit overbearing and only watch if he has a guest I'm interested in listening to.

Rogan wants Biden on his show, which he wants to last at least 4 hours, to see if Biden crumbles mentally and starts drifting off into never never land. Definitely not worth the risk in Biden's case. It would definitely fall into Trump's hands.

It would be interesting to know how they would have it set up. All together in the room that he normally uses for podcasts, but would they be facing each other or sat side by side facing Rogan?
Trump election ad uses stock military image 'featuring Russian fighter jets'

A fundraising ad for US president Donald Trump's re-election campaign reportedly used a stock photo featuring Russian fighter jets and weapons as part of a call for viewers to "support our troops".


Edit: Trump, POTUS & the Commander in Chief of the Russian army:dohanimation
I daily look for new conferences etc from Biden to listen to him, but they are coming thin and slow. It seems they are pacing him or scared of what he will say next. The Dems may well be falling into the same trap as they did with Clinton.
By nominating Biden in the first place, they set themselves up for failure. Their next major mistake, was nominating Harris for VP. If they lose, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
What are your problems with Trump that you would consider voting for another candidate?
I live in New York, which the Democrats are much friendlier towards. Trump is heavily opposed by the governor, and the mayor of NYC. If Biden wins, New York will probably be better off, but his overall platform, mental health, and his choice of VP, are some of the reasons that I will not consider voting for the Democratic party in this election. I dislike Biden's Trump-hating supporters, more than Biden himself. I think Trump has done an excellent job, the Democrats are in very bad shape, so I will likely be voting Republican in this election. Maybe Biden will do fine in the debates, I'm open to listening.
My main problem with Bernie accepting Rogan's endorsement is some of what Rogan says is asinine

That's the thing. Rogan is ultimately a talk-show host. He's not an activist or a politician. It's just that because of the vacuum in politics/activism that some gravitate towards people like Rogan just as they did before with comedians like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. All a talk show host needs to do is create conversations.

It's too late when he's currently winning?

Ignore feature, man. Use the ignore feature.
I live in New York, which the Democrats are much friendlier towards. Trump is heavily opposed by the governor, and the mayor of NYC. If Biden wins, New York will probably be better off, but his overall platform, mental health, and his choice of VP, are some of the reasons that I will not consider voting for the Democratic party in this election. I dislike Biden's Trump-hating supporters, more than Biden himself. I think Trump has done an excellent job, the Democrats are in very bad shape, so I will likely be voting Republican in this election. Maybe Biden will do fine in the debates, I'm open to listening.
That's interesting that the TV debates have any ability to persuade you. You are in the minority per this study:


I feel like the primary purpose is to mobilize supporters to actually go out and vote for the most part. And I do think Biden's centrist approach is a disadvantage here but Trump could certainly motivate additional less political people to vote against him depending on his performance.
This kind of endorsement of a magazine with high authority could be effective in swaying voters for Biden.
Trump's base are anti-intellectuals. They are hardly Scientific American's demographic. Regardless of how unprecedented this move may be, they're still preaching to the converted.

The only possible group that can tilt the election is the Lincoln Project.

It's sort of like how radical Islam can only reform from within. Outsiders telling Islam it needs to clean up its act accomplishes nothing.

A tipping point can be reached where it becomes socially acceptable to abandon the status quo. I personally do not feel such a sea change can or will happen between now and election day. No amount of bombshells seem to be enough to cause the cult of Trump to buckle. I think at most the polls will tilt by 2-3%, so little that the election results will be close enough to cause (bloody) controversy.
The head of Scientific American is Trump- hater Laura Helmuth, who graduated from the most left-wing college in the United States, the University of California at Berkeley, in 1997.

Helmuth is pushing her own political agenda. It is time for her to step down, politics is not the purpose of this magazine, and her predecessors knew this. Their credibility is gone. If I had a subscription to Scientific American, I would ask for my money back.

From Laura Helmuth: "Abe Lincoln? Love him. Best president ever. The most inspiring spot in Washington, D.C. is the Lincoln Memorial--stand there in a crowd sometime and read the Second Inaugural etched into the wall and listen to all the sniffles."

Lincoln was indirectly responsible for the deaths of three quarters of a million men. Helmuth refers to Lincoln as the "best president ever", and writes about the presidential race between Biden and Trump as a, "Matter of Life and Death". What a stupid, hypocrite this woman is. Shame on Laura Helmuth, and Scientific American.

The more I hear about things like this, the more I want Trump to win - and I know I'm not the only one.
The head of Scientific American is Trump- hater Laura Helmuth, who graduated from the most left-wing college in the United States, the University of California at Berkeley, in 1997.

Helmuth is pushing her own political agenda. It is time for her to step down, politics is not the purpose of this magazine, and her predecessors knew this. Their credibility is gone. If I had a subscription to Scientific American, I would ask for my money back.

From Laura Helmuth: "Abe Lincoln? Love him. Best president ever. The most inspiring spot in Washington, D.C. is the Lincoln Memorial--stand there in a crowd sometime and read the Second Inaugural etched into the wall and listen to all the sniffles."

Lincoln was indirectly responsible for the deaths of three quarters of a million men, and Helmuth writes about Trump being defeated by Biden as a, "Matter of Life and Death". What a stupid, hypocrite this woman is. Shame on Laura Helmuth, and Scientific American.
Just curious but did your Lincoln hate start with Lew Rockwell?
Just curious but did your Lincoln hate start with Lew Rockwell?
Do you love Lincoln as much as Helmuth does? Do you agree with her that Lincoln was, "...the best president ever"? Is this birdbrain Laura Helmuth capable of understanding that if war-monger Lincoln had simply let the South secede, or negotiated with them, the Civil War would have likely been averted, 750,000 men would not have been killed, millions of children would not have have been left fatherless, hundreds of thousands of women would not have been widowed, and Trump would never have been elected to the office of President of the United States in 2016? Having a high IQ and a P.h.D. from Berkeley, is not a guarantee that somebody has common sense, or compassion for the victims of leaders like Lincoln.
Do you love Lincoln as much as Helmuth does? Do you agree with her that Lincoln was, "...the best president ever"? Is this birdbrain Laura Helmuth capable of understanding that if Lincoln had simply let the South secede, or negotiated with them, a war would have likely been averted, 750,000 men would not have been killed, and Trump would never have been elected to the office of President of the United States in 2016? Having a high IQ and a P.H.D. from Berkeley, is not a guarantee that somebody has common sense.
I don't idolize Lincoln or any other president but I think he was in a tough spot and I don't think prolonging slavery was the answer. I don't subscribe to the idea that "slavery wasn't that bad" to warrant war or that lack of suicide is proof of that.

I also blame Jefferson Davis and the plantation owners (who were the oligarchs of their time) for the death of the Union and Confederate soldiers more than I blame Lincoln but I know you have a different view and feel they should have let the south secede and continue slavery.
Trump's base are anti-intellectuals. They are hardly Scientific American's demographic. Regardless of how unprecedented this move may be, they're still preaching to the converted.

The only possible group that can tilt the election is the Lincoln Project.

It's sort of like how radical Islam can only reform from within. Outsiders telling Islam it needs to clean up its act accomplishes nothing.

A tipping point can be reached where it becomes socially acceptable to abandon the status quo. I personally do not feel such a sea change can or will happen between now and election day. No amount of bombshells seem to be enough to cause the cult of Trump to buckle. I think at most the polls will tilt by 2-3%, so little that the election results will be close enough to cause (bloody) controversy.
You're right about the limited impact of Scientific American on people who almost have a religious belief in the Ubermensch called Donald J. Trump. I thought it might also appeal to a broader base of independents and moderate Republicans who are not shy of looking at strong scientific facts like man made global warming, but maybe this won't be enough to be a game changer as the Lincoln project.
I don't idolize Lincoln or any other president but I think he was in a tough spot and I don't think prolonging slavery was the answer. I don't subscribe to the idea that "slavery wasn't that bad" to warrant war or that lack of suicide is proof of that.

I also blame Jefferson Davis and the plantation owners (who were the oligarchs of their time) for the death of the Union and Confederate soldiers more than I blame Lincoln but I know you have a different view and feel they should have let the south secede and continue slavery.
Do you think that 750,000 men had to die? Did birdbrain, latte drinking, far left Laura Helmuth ever pick up a gun and kill or be killed? No, of course not. She feels that men are simply cannon fodder because, well, that's the politically correct way for a brilliant, man-hating, modern feminist like her to think. She would not even think twice, if you asked her which was worse - the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of men in the Civil War, or 123 women in the NYC Triangle shirt factory fire of 1911. The Civil War soldiers who died, HAD to die, according to people like her. There simply wasn't another way, in their brainwashed pea brains.

I know that staunch abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher, who was well intentioned, educated, and a clergyman, was shocked when Lincoln agreed to go to war with the Confederacy, but as we elected this man, Lincoln, the nation had no choice but to go along with his thirst for blood. Are you aware that the first American female millionaires were made, from their investments in the war industry during this conflict? The war bond deal, was another scandal. The Draft Riots, and the buildings of garrisons and armories to control the population, gives us a pretty good idea of how popular Lincoln and his war was, in New York at the time. The Civil War was about money and control, Lincoln could have prevented it, but he chose otherwise. One of the results of this war, has been the election of Donald Trump as president, whom I did not vote for in 2016, but I'm going to, in 2020. If Trump wins, Laura Helmoth should be told, "Your idol Lincoln made this bed, now you can sleep in it", but that won't shut her up, lol.

Goody Two Shoes book 1888 orig story 1765.jpg
You're right about the limited impact of Scientific American on people who almost have almost a religious belief in the Ubermensch called Donald J. Trump. I thought it might also appeal to a broader base of independents and moderate Republicans who are not shy of looking at strong scientific facts like man made global warming, but maybe this won't be enough to be a game changer as the Lincoln project.
The Lincoln Project is also effective because they fight like Republicans (they have said as much themselves) and are willing to go low and say blunt things like "Trump is a vile human being and a sociopath and doesn't give a shit if you die" without *any* sugar coating. This tactic works in US politics where to a certain percentage of people this tone reflects "telling it like it is."
Do you think that 750,000 men had to die? Did birdbrain, latte drinking, far left Laura Helmuth ever pick up a gun and kill or be killed? No, of course not. She feels that men are simply cannon fodder because, well, that's the politically correct way for a brilliant, man-hating, modern feminist like her to think. She would not even think twice, if you asked her which was worse - the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of men in the Civil War, or 123 women in the NYC Triangle shirt factory fire of 1911. The Civil War soldiers who died, HAD to die, according to people like her. There simply wasn't another way, in their brainwashed pea brains.

I know that staunch abolitionist Henry Ward Beecher, who was well intentioned, educated, and a clergyman, was shocked when Lincoln agreed to go to war with the Confederacy, but as we elected this man, Lincoln, the nation had no choice but to go along with his thirst for blood. Are you aware that the first American female millionaires were made, from their investments in the war industry during this conflict? The war bond deal, was another scandal. The Draft Riots, and the buildings of garrisons and armories to control the population, gives us a pretty good idea of how popular Lincoln and his war was, in New York at the time. The Civil War was about money and control, Lincoln could have prevented it, but he chose otherwise. One of the results of this war, has been the election of Donald Trump as president, whom I did not vote for in 2016, but I'm going to, in 2020. If Trump wins, Laura Helmoth should be told, "Your idol Lincoln made this bed, now you can sleep in it", but that won't shut her up, lol.

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Ya know, a lot of people across the political spectrum praise Lincoln. Donald Trump himself gave a speech recently praising him. That doesn't make him good of course but I don't think Helmuth likes him because she hates men or think their lives are worthless. Unless President Trump also thinks that, which maybe he does since he broke his campaign promise to resist war.

Does not liking Trump make someone far left now? Do you have any other evidence to suggest she's some radical? Or do you just call anyone far left when they disagree with you?
Ya know, a lot of people across the political spectrum praise Lincoln. Donald Trump himself gave a speech recently praising him. That doesn't make him good of course but I don't think Helmuth likes him because she hates men or think their lives are worthless. Unless President Trump also thinks that, which maybe he does since he broke his campaign promise to resist war.

Does not liking Trump make someone far left now? Do you have any other evidence to suggest she's some radical? Or do you just call anyone far left when they disagree with you?
Trump has both mocked and praised Lincoln just like he does with everything else so he can quote one or the other whenever it benefits him.

But you said it well. Lincoln is widely loved but men, women, Republicans and Democrats. But apparently, if are a woman "uppity" enough to like Lincoln and give a negative opinion about Trump (so most women in the US) then I guess you are a "Latte drinking male-hating feminist."
Personal observation: a few years ago, I was able to have discussions with Trump voters where their views seemed at least mainstream enough where I could find some common ground but it seems like lately only the most fanatical Trump followers/ worshippers are left and i wonder how that will play out regardless of who wins the election.

If someone insults Biden, I'm not motivated to vilify that person but if someone insults Trump, to his followers, it's literally like they are attacking their spouse, child or religion. I can't imagine listening to him speak and having that Messiah type reverence for him. It's totally bizarre to me.
Personal observation: a few years ago, I was able to have discussions with Trump voters where their views seemed at least mainstream enough where I could find some common ground but it seems like lately only the most fanatical Trump followers/ worshippers are left and i wonder how that will play out regardless of who wins the election.

If someone insults Biden, I'm not motivated to vilify that person but if someone insults Trump, to his followers, it's literally like they are attacking their spouse, child or religion. I can't imagine listening to him speak and having that Messiah type reverence for him. It's totally bizarre to me.
I think it's because Trump's rhetoric has moved out of the mainstream. Now he tells his followers anyone left of him is a socialist. That wasn't always the case. In 2016, he actually was to the left of Hillary on some stuff.
Laura Helmuth, of Scientific American, shows every sign of being a Latte drinking male-hating feminist. If the feminists are so "uppity", then why has no woman ever been drafted, in the entire history of our country, even to perform easy, safe, non-combat service? There are women who have volunteered for the military, I'll give them that, but it's a very small minority. Men are expected to do everything, devote their lives to women and children, yet have fewer and fewer rights, as time passes. The average man with children is totally screwed. Those who don't know any better, and that is the majority, are chumps. Hopefully, there will be a re- awaking of what it is to be a man, little by little, rather than a slave to the feminist-orientated culture we've created. Rant continues below, lol.

If a man is a Latte drinking, pro-feminist, Lincoln-loving, self hating house male, he is a traitor to his own sex. He will be affected by TDS, 100%, 24/7. Such men will dutifully vote for Biden and Harris. The latter, earlier today, made a remark, "A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States..." A Freudian slip, perhaps? How about Biden saying, "Harris-Biden administration", a few hours later? You can't make this kind of thing up, it's all over the news.

Many of the women who supposedly hate Trump would drop everything to marry him, even if it was only for long enough to obtain a huge settlement after the divorce. I cannot prove this, but I've been around the block enough times, that I can say this without hesitation. :cool:
Laura Helmuth, of Scientific American, shows every sign of being a Latte drinking male-hating feminist. If the feminists are so "uppity", then why has no woman ever been drafted, in the entire history of our country, even to perform easy, safe, non-combat service? There are women who have volunteered for the military, I'll give them that, but it's a very small minority. Men are expected to do everything, devote their lives to women and children, yet have fewer and fewer rights, as time passes. The average man with children is totally screwed. Those who don't know any better, and that is the majority, are chumps. Hopefully, there will be a re- awaking of what it is to be a man, little by little, rather than a slave to the feminist-orientated culture we've created. Rant continues below, lol.

If a man is a Latte drinking, pro-feminist, Lincoln-loving, self hating house male, he is a traitor to his own sex. He will be affected by TDS, 100%, 24/7. Such men will dutifully vote for Biden and Harris.

Many of the women who supposedly hate Trump would drop everything to marry him, even if it was only for long enough to obtain a huge settlement after the divorce. I cannot prove this, but I've been around the block enough times, that I can say this without hesitation. :cool:
What signs are you referring to?

I mean, men are in charge of government and half of the population, if they were really as oppressed as you are saying here, why don't they do something about it? Are you saying they're all brainwashed?

I'm not saying men don't have any problems in society btw, I can definitely list them. But how is that feminism's fault? I personally blame the patriarchy for the social problems facing men. They were after all instituted by other men for the most part.
Laura Helmuth, of Scientific American, shows every sign of being a Latte drinking male-hating feminist. If the feminists are so "uppity", then why has no woman ever been drafted, in the entire history of our country, even to perform easy, safe, non-combat service? There are women who have volunteered for the military, I'll give them that, but it's a very small minority. Men are expected to do everything, devote their lives to women and children, yet have fewer and fewer rights, as time passes. The average man with children is totally screwed. Those who don't know any better, and that is the majority, are chumps. Hopefully, there will be a re- awaking of what it is to be a man, little by little, rather than a slave to the feminist-orientated culture we've created. Rant continues below, lol.

If a man is a Latte drinking, pro-feminist, Lincoln-loving, self hating house male, he is a traitor to his own sex. He will be affected by TDS, 100%, 24/7. Such men will dutifully vote for Biden and Harris. The latter, earlier today, made a remark, "A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States..." A Freudian slip, perhaps? How about Biden saying, "Harris-Biden administration", a few hours later? You can't make this kind of thing up, it's all over the news.

Many of the women who supposedly hate Trump would drop everything to marry him, even if it was only for long enough to obtain a huge settlement after the divorce. I cannot prove this, but I've been around the block enough times, that I can say this without hesitation. :cool:
The irony for men who view women as unprincipled gold diggers is that if that is your view of women, the only women who will stick around (and can stand to be around that bs) are the ones who want something in exchange for their company. In other words, you are selecting specifically for that kind of woman and then using that bias you have set up to generalize.

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