2020 US Presidential Election

:dunno: I think the legal challenges remaining are just a fig leaf to continue soliciting Trump donations (which as of the last 48hrs now carry a disclaimer that 50% of money collected will go to... pay off Trump's massive campaign debt)

Joe Biden is the 46th president of the United States; if I turn out to be wrong about that I'll have more to say in this thread at that time.

I'll be pretty surprised if Trump ends up behind bars after any of this, but as for Parscale and Guilini and all the other swamp monsters in his sphere? I would not put money either way. SDNY is definitely going to try to go after Trump, so that will be interesting, but not really a subject for this thread. Perhaps we can have a "post presidency Trump legal issues" discussion thread when the time comes.

I'm happy this shit show is finally over!
Yes, as I will I be, when it finally actually 100% is ;)

However -- it's worth noting that this election shows we're such a massively divided nation that you may as well say we're in a cold civil war. People can't agree on basic facts, and Biden won because he was able to walk a tightrope of centrist support. The actual left doesn't trust him because they correctly think he's a center-right austerity hawk, and the right of course just sees him as someone they will block at every turn because of his party affiliation and the right's willingness to be party over country at all times even if it burns them.

The suburban center support metric that got him past 270 might mean he's the only person who could beat Trump in 2020, but beyond that... either people find a way to start talking to each other and see eye to eye, or we spiral further towards banana republic / civil unrest. People learned a lot of things this year and one of them was that you can, in some cases, get your local police defunded by putting them under siege.

What's behind us is probably nothing compared to what's coming, so if you can enjoy a moment of relative calm now, we should all do so.
No matter your background, you are classy Mr. Lion. Your posts are always straight from the heart and have a gentle earnestness, even towards those that do not return the same kindness.

We are glad to have you on this support forum, my Bohemian friend.

View attachment 41443
Thanks man... you made my day...
I wonder if Ben actually believes this BS? Or is he making propaganda because his livelihood is drawing right wing cartoons.
Just watched Biden's speech. Seems like a good guy. Maybe I will get over Trump losing. I hope Contrast will get his disability payments.
You are so obsessed with her. You care about her sexual history more than anyone else in the world. It's a little weird that you lecture on derangement syndromes.
Derangement syndromes? What the hell are you talking about?

Most people do not have a clue that this woman, and I use that term quite loosely, Kamala Harris, has no soul whatsoever - it's all about her. She has that cackle, that sounds a lot me like finger nails on a blackboard. Ask her if she regrets locking somebody up for a half a gram of marijuana, you're likely to hear it. She has been raised to be a "bitch". Her own father cannot stand her. She is an absolutely soulless, selfish, man-hating, worthless piece of garbage.
Derangement syndromes? What the hell are you talking about?

Most people do not have a clue that this woman, and I use that term quite loosely, Kamala Harris, has no soul whatsoever - it's all about her. She has that cackle, that sounds a lot me like finger nails on a blackboard. Ask her if she regrets locking somebody up for a half a gram of marijuana, you're likely to hear it. She has been raised to be a "bitch". Her own father cannot stand her. She is an absolutely soulless, selfish, man-hating, worthless piece of garbage.
Okay then.

Just watched Biden's speech. Seems like a good guy. Maybe I will get over Trump losing. I hope Contrast will get his disability payments.
Let's hope so, for the good of the country. U S A!
No matter your background, you are classy Mr. Lion. Your posts are always straight from the heart and have a gentle earnestness, even towards those that do not return the same kindness.

We are glad to have you on this support forum, my Bohemian friend.

View attachment 41443
Still done talking about the election but couldn't resist dropping by with some truth:

Congratulations America, we are thrilled for you here! :) :rockingbanana: :rockingbanana::)

In light of the recent comments from 45, I hope you can keep your Republic - as your Benjamin Franklin once said.
Both choices are bad and there is no lesser of two evils. It's just that liberals and the left keep defending Biden like he is a saint and is a better choice than Trump when both choices are bad.
Make no mistake. Any candidate for President has his entire life put under the microscope in pursuit of scandals. Biden's record for someone at the tail end of his political career is as clean as one can ever expect, and certainly a stark contrast from Trump based solely on his years in office. Remember that Trump got himself impeached in his failed attempt to dig for dirt on Biden and then it got to the point where Rudy got played by Russia with the planted laptop in an attempt to merely attack Biden's son. If you want to say both choices are bad, at the very least outline the ideal candidate. Don't just wallow in learned helplessness.
The actual left doesn't trust him because they correctly think he's a center-right
Center-right would not be vowing to immediately rejoin the Paris climate accords (despite how ineffective they alone will ultimately be to halt climate change). I also don't think he's being sincere about his fracking position. He may not technically want to outright ban fracking, but he wants to wean us off fossil fuels, which leads us to the same spot either way, requiring those in the industry to retrain. It's that inevitable disruption to the status quo that freaks conservatives out more than the idea of baked-in runaway climate change.

He seems more or less where Obama is, which is center-left. Of course, anyone who skews far on the left or right has a hard time agreeing to a common definition of center. They want center to reside closer to their position because center can be seen as synonymous with "normal", so these debates always spiral out of control.
BTW, while I am all for celebrating, the danger of Trumpism is far from over.

Remember when Trump said "stand down and stand by"? Trump has the ability to blow a dog whistle and trigger all sorts of violence in order to tear the world down for things not going his way. We don't know how many militia types are out there but it doesn't take many to cause a string of tragic headlines in this country. There are too many mass shootings as it is in this trigger-happy country. As long as he is running his power-play through the courts then there's no need to use the nuclear option. Once he's exhausted that option then he may blow that dog whistle. Maybe he will rationalize it by saying these people will be "peaceful protesters" ala BLM. He will disregard any violent acts just as BLM did with the rioters. But this will set the stage for civil war.

The only variable is we don't know how many will come out and fight yet. If it's only a handful, then it's a footnote in history. If it's a lot, then it's a civil war.

That's because government is sort of like fiat currency. It only works when the people believe that it works. Why did the Revolutionary War happen in the first place? It's because there was a critical mass of people who rejected the existing order. They had their reasons and history was won by the victors. I'm not trying to demonize the founding fathers or anything, but this notion that the rules are the rules and it can't ever be overturned is naïve.

Trump plays to his base as all autocrats do, in order to create a literal cult of personality. And he builds strawmen to scapegoat as well. Convince enough people that their way of life is under enough of an existential threat and they will lash out. This is true of Al Qaeda and it's true of Trump should he choose to go all the way.

So really anything can happen between now and the inauguration, and even AFTERWARDS, should Trump foment an insurgency through the right-wing media engine. And really, just as we have neo-Nazis, any -ism doesn't require the presence of its founder. The seed has been planted and we will be dealing with this noxious weed for years to come.

Remember the optimism of Obama's original inauguration? I think Obama was kind of the "philosopher-king" type of leader, a best-case scenario to lead ourselves out of the chaos and cynicism left by GW Bush. The fact that the tea-party and then Trumpism rose up under Obama is a sign that we have problems that can't really be solved through any one leader, no matter how well-meaning or benevolent. Biden is our second social immune-response against the pull towards dictatorship-lite, and the fact that things are see-sawing like this is evidence that America as we know it is indeed in a long-term stair-step-shaped death-spiral.

I hope I'm wrong.
Congratulations America, we are thrilled for you here! :) :rockingbanana: :rockingbanana::)

In light of the recent comments from 45, I hope you can keep your Republic - as your Benjamin Franklin once said.
Some are thrilled, but about 70 million US voters are not.

Derangement syndromes? What the hell are you talking about?

Most people do not have a clue that this woman, and I use that term quite loosely, Kamala Harris, has no soul whatsoever - it's all about her. She has that cackle, that sounds a lot me like finger nails on a blackboard. Ask her if she regrets locking somebody up for a half a gram of marijuana, you're likely to hear it. She has been raised to be a "bitch". Her own father cannot stand her. She is an absolutely soulless, selfish, man-hating, worthless piece of garbage.

It ain't over yet. Gotta wait till January to find out if GOP keeps the majority in the US Senate or not.
How is it over if both are the same?

On your note, it is obvious fraud was committed but that will be disregarded. It is historically telling when the MSM tells the sheep that Trump's concerns is "fake news" and the majority just shove it aside.
I wonder if Ben actually believes this BS? Or is he making propaganda because his livelihood is drawing right wing cartoons.
What propaganda? Put down the drugs, man. If he draws right wing cartoons, he'll have plenty of ammo in the coming years with Biden & co.

Sheesh. :rolleyes:
Seeing this video makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Why did America only have these two candidates to be US President.

Those of you that voted for Biden get angry about those that voted for Trump and defended him are bloody hypocrites. There is no lesser of two evils. We should not be condoning this type of behaviour from either Biden or Trump. It doesn't matter that Biden has a cleaner rap sheet than Trump. This should have been the reason why you shouldn't have voted for Biden in the first place, period.

America needs to ditch the 2 party system and adopt a MMP system to allow other political parties a chance to govern.
I wonder how many people voted for Biden and that person, simply because they were fearful that if Trump was reelected, there would be more of the riots, arson, lootings and personal attacks by the mobs of anti-Trump crazed animals, who ran amok in the streets of many sections of the country, for months prior to the election. What has happened in the streets now that Trump has lost? I have not seen any, rioting, firebombing of cops, looting, attacks on citizens or arson by Trump supporters. President Trump is reportedly planning to file some lawsuits, regarding the way the ballots were handled. This is the response of civilized people, when dealing with a problem. I will never vote Democrat again. I don't care if the Republicans run Mickey Mouse and Goofy, I will not allow myself to be intimidated by the threat of violence by the fascistic, brutal, primitive mob mentality associated with the Democrats.
Derangement syndromes? What the hell are you talking about?

Most people do not have a clue that this woman, and I use that term quite loosely, Kamala Harris, has no soul whatsoever - it's all about her. She has that cackle, that sounds a lot me like finger nails on a blackboard. Ask her if she regrets locking somebody up for a half a gram of marijuana, you're likely to hear it. She has been raised to be a "bitch". Her own father cannot stand her. She is an absolutely soulless, selfish, man-hating, worthless piece of garbage.
I don't even know where to begin here. The misogyny is simply stunning.
Glad to see it should be over. We have a lot of work ahead though. We can't stop at just electing the President. It's scary just how divided we are.
Seeing this video makes me fucking sick to my stomach. Why did America only have these two candidates to be US President.

Those of you that voted for Biden get angry about those that voted for Trump and defended him are bloody hypocrites. There is no lesser of two evils. We should not be condoning this type of behaviour from either Biden or Trump. It doesn't matter that Biden has a cleaner rap sheet than Trump. This should have been the reason why you shouldn't have voted for Biden in the first place, period.

America needs to ditch the 2 party system and adopt a MMP system to allow other political parties a chance to govern.
I agree with the first half of your post. Not the 2nd because if people can't realize when things are rigged, parties are controlled and there's little choice, it doesn't matter how many parties there are. The system in Europe demonstrates that.

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