2020 US Presidential Election

India is easily the most dirty, unhygienic and filthy country in the world. Picking up from here, our Prime Minister had rightly launched the Swachh Bharat campaign to clean up India.

I have seen videos of India people dumping garbage into a river... nasty. Can't imagine what their beaches look like.

Look at these idiots:
Yeah, your point being?

I already knew India wasn't exactly a rich Utopia and never claimed it to be, but that still didn't really change the fact the US pollutes double the amount India does which contradicts the claim that India is somehow by far a bigger polluter in the Top 2 which is just factually wrong which I pointed out with data on the matter.
Yeah, your point being?

I already knew India wasn't exactly a rich Utopia and never claimed it to be, but that still didn't really change the fact the US pollutes double the amount India does which contradicts the claim that India is somehow by far a bigger polluter in the Top 2 which is just factually wrong which I pointed out with data on the matter.
I think Newsmax or OAN said that. The US is the largest economy in the world so it makes sense we would produce more carbon. We are not trashy like India. They should use landfills, not dump trash in rivers.

The internal combustion engine has served us well for decades. We have lowered emissions by new engine designs plus catalytic converters. House furnaces are now 95% plus efficient but they are starting out with cleaner fuel of natural gas or propane where as cars and trucks burn gas and diesel which are dirtier.
Since that was a reply to my comment, I hope that wasn't directed at me.

I give money every month and a lot of my own time behind the scenes.
No. Red member name means conservative and blue member name means liberal. (y) I read someplace conservatives are generous and giving vs liberals think you owe me a living. Just kidding - was on a mug.
Who is divided? It seems like everyone here is having a nice time and gets along really well. @Hazel even said this thread is going very well and thought everyone was being well behaved.

People must be enjoying it considering it's one of the most commented threads.
People are already really divided. This thread doesn't even move the needle on that.
I think Newsmax or OAN said that. The US is the largest economy in the world so it makes sense we would produce more carbon.
The European Union has an almost identical size of an economy, yet still has lower emissions than the US. Even still the EU still lowered their emissions between 1990 and 2017 while the US increased it. You can find the data below in the wiki page I linked:

1990 emissions
US: 5,085.897 (population:328,239,523)
EU: 4,409.339 (population:447,706,209)

2017 emissions
US: 5,107.393 (change: +0.4%)
EU: 3,548.345 (change: -19.5%)

In terms of GDP PPP (which a lot argue is a better measurement of economic power than nominal which is another topic altogether), China is already bigger than the US (would this explain why Trump failed in his trade war?), and the EU was bigger too (both PPP and nominal) before the UK left the union:
List of Countries by GDP (PPP)

If the US has a large economy, then why not just take advantage of it and do what the EU did who lowered their emissions by almost 20% and you don't need to outspend China either who currently spends the most money on renewable energies. Both China and EU spends more than the US, and the EU (minus UK) has a sightly smaller economy. Unless the EU is just better at finance and more efficient overall, or maybe it has something to do with one bending over for fossil fuel corporations because it's not like the EU has superior solar panel tech:


We are not trashy like India. They should use landfills.
We dump a lot of our crap into their country. If they start refusing (recently some have as these countries continue to rapidly develop and get richer while our middle class continues to shrink) then our streets will start smelling more like shit.

Tokyo used to not be very clean a while ago, but ask anyone now who visited and they'll say it's the cleanest city in the world which I personally have to agree with based on my experience.

The president of the Philippines even threatened a war with Canada over this specific thing that happens in third world countries regarding first world countries leaving a dump (literally) in their country:

Canada–Philippines Waste Dispute
I said the wall design was dumb. I could have used "ill-conceived" I guess instead.
Just embrace Trumpism and throw political correctness out of the window.

"When Trump sends his supporters to the capitol, he's not sending his best! He is bringing people with lots of problems. He's bringing racism, he's bringing crime, they're rapists and some... I assume are good people"
How can I give Biden a low rating, after five days? This reminds me of when Obama won a Nobel prize, after being in office for only twelve days.

So the people in these polls have fortune telling abilities which allow them to rate Biden as better than Trump, in under three weeks of Biden being sworn in.

Give it some time, Biden is not going to surpass Trump's first three years, which were extremely successful. Western Europeans, who only get the left wing news views of America, are socialist orientated, so it's not surprising that they have a low opinion of him. They will soon see that Biden will not be all that great, nor is that woman VP all that she is cracked up to be (no pun intended). The Democrats are absolutely terrified that Trump will run in 2024, which is why they are attempting to bar him from ever running again.
Some good ol' statistics from Pew (who are apparently the most reliable or at least up there) that shows Trump has a tough uphill battle if he's planning to re-run in 2024.

Will he even attempt it? Never mind win it if he lost a decent chunk of the moderate vote after everything that happened. The opposition to Trump will constantly replay the scenes that happened during the Capitol riots which will inspire some uneasy memories in some people, specifically for the moderates. That and the fact he will become more irrelevant over time and soon a lot will forget about him:


Some good ol' statistics from Pew (who are apparently the most reliable or at least up there) that shows Trump has a tough uphill battle if he's planning to re-run in 2024.

Will he even attempt it? Never mind win it if he lost a decent chunk of the moderate vote after everything that happened. The opposition to Trump will constantly replay the scenes that happened during the Capitol riots which will inspire some uneasy memories in some people, specifically for the moderates. That and the fact he will become more irrelevant over time and soon a lot will forget about him:

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I still say he'd win the nomination if he runs again. If he gets 60% approval even after the insurrection, then he's a shoo in to win the nomination. He will definitely then lose the general.
On that last graphic, I'm loving the Dem/Lean Dem "spike" up to 12 in 2020. One last hurrah . Seriously though, that was probably from people losing their jobs from COVID-19 and not receiving enough support with things closed down -- so not funny.
I still say he'd win the nomination if he runs again. If he gets 60% approval even after the insurrection, then he's a shoo in to win the nomination. He will definitely then lose the general.
I don't know if it's as obvious as you think. A big chunk of primary voters will be looking ahead to the general. If even you and I know he will "definitely lose the general", why would his party get behind him? Top Republican officials like McConnell are more evil than they are stupid.
I don't know if it's as obvious as you think. A big chunk of primary voters will be looking ahead to the general. If even you and I know he will "definitely lose the general", why would his party get behind him? Top Republican officials like McConnell are more evil than they are stupid.
His voters are all he needs, he doesn't need the turtle. He just needs his base to still be slurping the kool aid. His base is most of the party.
On that last graphic, I'm loving the Dem/Lean Dem "spike" up to 12 in 2020. One last hurrah . Seriously though, that was probably from people losing their jobs from COVID-19 and not receiving enough support with things closed down -- so not funny.
The slight spike of approval was more likely due to Trump's initial response to the pandemic where for the first time it seemed like he kinda gave a shit about people's lives, except later he let the country become number 1 in the world for coronavirus deaths by letting over 400k people die (surpassed American deaths from WW2 now) because in his own words responding to them dying: "it is what it is".

It was like that all over the world when their leaders took quick action against COVID-19. In the UK Boris Johnson who's like diet Trump (his hair is almost as shitty as his as well) had a slight spike in approval ratings at the beginning when he took some action during the pandemic, but overall at the end he did a shit job like Trump. Now the opposition party (labour) to the conservatives are now the most popular party in the UK.

Not so much about the Illuminati or "deep state" wanting these guys out of power because apparently right wingers are the true heroes, but it's because they were horrible doing their job. I'm really hoping there's isn't going to be another election fraud bullshit conspiracy theory that Trump made up when they have their next election in the UK but knowing how crazy the world got, I wouldn't be surprised.
Oh cool. I need a new mug. I got you a conservative one too:

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I had never heard of a private prison. Found out they amount to about 8% of the total and are usually worse than the public ones for the prisoner. I'm not sure what that has to do with being a conservative. It seems to be more about profits for owners of them.
I had never heard of a private prison. Found out they amount to about 8% of the total and are usually worse than the public ones for the prisoner. I'm not sure what that has to do with being a conservative. It seems to be more about profits for owners of them.
You are probably on the young side then and maybe don't remember this. Conservatives used to argue for it as a "free market" solution to corrections costs. Libertarians, at least, still argue this. It's a universally horrible idea in any case but it fits with "free market" and "small government" ideology.

Also, it's a joke.
I had never heard of a private prison. Found out they amount to about 8% of the total and are usually worse than the public ones for the prisoner. I'm not sure what that has to do with being a conservative. It seems to be more about profits for owners of them.
Conservative politicians tend to be more likely to support them.
I know it's still early, but when is Biden going to start letting those kids out of the cages and reunite them with their families?

Putting Tubman on the 20 dollar bill, while cool, is a purely symbolic gesture and can wait.
I know it's still early, but when is Biden going to start letting those kids out of the cages and reunite them with their families?

Putting Tubman on the 20 dollar bill, while cool, is a purely symbolic gesture and can wait.
Agree. Symbolic gestures are what you do after you take care of people's basic needs. I hope they put together a task force to reunite the kids that were permanently separated.
You are probably on the young side then and maybe don't remember this
No, I just don't read much about prisons is all. I got on this thread out of boredom and for a few laughs. I thought Trump's America First was a good idea. We don't need endless wars because of our government. And being self sufficient in our energy needs made sense.
"When Trump sends his supporters to the capitol, he's not sending his best! He is bringing people with lots of problems. He's bringing racism, he's bringing crime, they're rapists and some... I assume are good people"
Wrong. He didn't send anyone, they volunteered because they thought the election was stolen. Everyone listens to mainstream media which seems to be left wing. The right wing people are mostly of a non-violent nature and pro-life.
Both parties have a percentage of weirdos, mainly the left though it appears to me.

Btw, I don't like your avatar.
Wrong. He didn't send anyone, they volunteered because they thought the election was stolen. Everyone listens to mainstream media which seems to be left wing. The right wing people are mostly of a non-violent nature and pro-life.
Both parties have a percentage of weirdos, mainly the left though it appears to me
Calm down pal.

It was just a simple mockery of Trump's speech when he announced that he was running for president, hence the quotation marks. Thought it would have been very obvious and easy to shrug off as something to not take so seriously.
Btw, I don't like your avatar.
Fantastic! I was going to change it, but now I'm going to keep it just for you (y). That avatar is still going to stay laughing :ROFL: for a very long time.
Calm down pal.

It was just a simple mockery of Trump's speech when he announced that he was running for president, hence the quotation marks. Thought it would have been very obvious and easy to shrug off as something to not take so seriously.

Fantastic! I was going to change it, but now I'm going to keep it just for you (y). That avatar is still going to stay laughing :ROFL: for a very long time.
Okay I will ignore the child that doesn't donate to Tinnitus Talk.
Rudy Giuliani used election conspiracy theories to hawk vitamins, gold, and cybersecurity products: lawsuit

Giuliani used conspiracy theories about the election to personally profit. This would at least partially explain why he doctored video footage in Georgia for one:

"He 'cashed in by hosting a podcast where he exploited election falsehoods to market gold coins, supplements, cigars, and protection from 'cyber thieves,''" reported Drew Harwell. "The lawsuit frames Giuliani not as an ideological crusader but as a shrewd marketer eager to monetize his growing fan base, using the kinds of social-media-influencer techniques popular across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, including infomercial-style endorsements and promotional discount codes...one example highlighted in the lawsuit, the report noted, "For just $596, an online fraud-protection company that Giuliani called 'the only folks to trust that I know of' was selling four years of online defense from home-stealing 'cyber thieves.' 'Use code 'Rudy' — that's me — and sign up for 30 free days of protection,' Giuliani said, before resuming a diatribe about an international communist vote-stealing plot — and, later, another advertisement, in which he hawked dietary supplements.""

Bill Barr had said a lot of the conspiracies that Trump repeated came directly from Giuliani. I actually wonder now if Trump only saw the doctored footage. Trump did refuse the unedited footage when offered on the SOS tape but still. Interesting.

Also, recently Madison Cawthorn finally admitted he saw no evidence of fraud but thought "in general" things like drop boxes were "unconstitutional". Full interview here:

Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who sought to overturn Biden's win, acknowledges the election 'was not fraudulent'

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