2020 US Presidential Election

Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to the faith of her husband, Jared Kushner. Their three children are Jewish, and they are Trump's grandchildren. Does this sound like the daughter of a Nazi to you? Additionally, many Jews voted for Trump.

Did these Jews support the "preferred candidate of Nazi's" (your term)?

How many people, if any, have you met that were holocaust survivors?
At least 1 living person who made it out of Germany (well he died recently), and then if you count all of my relatives that disappeared, there are probably 10's or 100's.

What I've read is he got 30% of the Jewish vote. I know Jews that voted for him. I got news for you - any race, religion, creed can be racist. And I consider some of those people to be so. When Obama was elected, they said the country would fall apart because a black man can't do it. I consider that in the very least to be prejudice, if not racist.

And I tell these people the same thing - it doesn't matter when Nazis, proud boys, Oath keepers, Alt Right, etc etc are over-joyed with Trumper. It spells trouble and there was.

Believe it or not there were Jews that supported Hitler early on. Same thing. They just thought he was all talk. Or they were against socialists. Sounds familiar, don't it.
Oh boy, the mask has really slipped here, hasn't it @Paul1980.

I think at this point we can safely say we're not dealing with a rational man who is capable of empathising with both/numerous sides of a divide, just based on his dehumanisation of one group he doesn't agree with.

What you call "Nazis" are just people who don't want to live in a country that practices "positive discrimination" and brushes aside those who are by far and above the best candidate for a job, or have their children subjected to "critical race theory" where they are paraded at the front of a classroom for their "colour" and told that all their achievements (now and in the future) are/will be the result of some kind of invisible "privilege". I suppose by that token you'd consider most of the world (outside of North America) to be full of "Nazis"?

But it's beyond ironic you'd accuse @Luman of being "brainwashed", when it is in fact you that's parroting the MSM calling Trump voters (or "Trumpsters"???) "racist Nazis" (despite many of them being Black and South American). You remind me of the people that were asked on camera "what did Trump ever actually say or do that was 'racist'?", to which all of them replied "google it" (it was f*cking hilarious and a perfect example of how little the average person now knows regarding what they think. Not to mention how prepared they are to accept a commercial brand being used as a verb...).

LOL. Yes, it was this guy that started the riots. He was at all of them. If it hadn't been for "umbrella man" breaking those windows, it would have been peaceful. ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ

Sh*t, he must have been at the London BLM riots that started after the criminal Mark Duggan's shooting by police, too.

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Those would also have been peaceful, if it just hadn't been for spider... I mean "umbrella man".

This is one of the few silver linings concerning current world events. That people like @Paul1980 -who have always identified as having "rational", "liberal" politics (which should really be called pseudo-liberal)- would once have called anyone making claims of false flag activity or incitement by agent provocateurs a "conspiracy theorist" (and obviously still do; because ignoring that double standard, as usual) now find themselves digging in that exact same "looney" hole, in an attempt to nonsensically rationalise why their now domineering politics haven't transformed the west into a safe and flourishing utopia, but into a third world circus populated by narcistic virtue signallers, instead.

Yeah man, it was all them "Nazis" what did it! Thank you for the laugh.
Are you saying Nazi's and affiliated groups did not celebrate Trump? No, you are very correct, I am not able to sympathize with you. Call that irrational. Blaming Biden for allowing immigrants to spread the virus sounds like a far right wing talking point. Maybe that isn't Nazi but it sure is close enough for me. Coddling right wing extremists is a problem for me. Call me irrational if it helps you make sense of the world.

Sorry, that is the guy who broke into the Autozone. So you can't blame Democrats, can you, and that was what I was responding to. I don't see any Biden signs, do you? Were a lot of Democrats and BLM causing damage? Yes, of course, but I will give the same response - they should be prosecuted. And politicians shouldn't fan the flames, and Trump did that.

Yes, Nazis and far right extremists caused some of the damage, or fanned the flames. I guess you want to give them a free pass. That is your business, I will not make it mine.

I have no idea what MSM is. I really do not. I try to stay away from groups. The only thing I thought it might be is MSN, which I don't watch except extremely rarely. Again, no idea. Maybe you can fill me in.

I doubt there are Democrats in England. If you find them let me know. And if you say Labour, I would compare Conservatives in England to our Democrats. Oh, BTW, there is a healthy far right wing Nationalist party in England. Many I would call Nazis, like the guy who shot the female legislator.

No, I don't think the common Republican is a Nazi. I just think they should be careful not to make their talking points.

BTW, this is my last response, no matter what you say. It's been fun but you all tire me with your "positive discrimination".
At least 1 living person who made it out of Germany (well he died recently), and then if you count all of my relatives that disappeared, there are probably 10's or 100's.

What I've read is he got 30% of the Jewish vote. I know Jews that voted for him. I got news for you - any race, religion, creed can be racist. And I consider some of those people to be so. When Obama was elected, they said the country would fall apart because a black man can't do it. I consider that in the very least to be prejudice, if not racist.

And I tell these people the same thing - it doesn't matter when Nazis, proud boys, Oath keepers, Alt Right, etc etc are over-joyed with Trumper. It spells trouble and there was.

Believe it or not there were Jews that supported Hitler early on. Same thing. They just thought he was all talk. Or they were against socialists. Sounds familiar, don't it.
So Trump has a Jewish son-in-law, a daughter who became Jewish, and three grandchildren who are being raised in the Jewish faith. If I were a Nazi, I'd disown them.

I have a small amount of Jewish ancestry, but more importantly, I grew up in an area with the 2nd largest amount of holocaust survivors, only surpassed by Israel. This had a profound effect on our community.

I have never heard any holocaust survivors or their families throw the word "Nazi" around the way many people do when referring to Trump. It is a disgrace, actually.

Trump's father built housing projects meant mainly for the returning WWII vets. A huge number of Jewish families lived in these buildings, and Donald Trump had far more experience with Jews than the average American does, and his daughter married one.

The man is not perfect, nobody is, but he is not a Nazi.
Oh it's Timcast, I am sure it is going to be a fair and balanced discussion. I can't wait.

Here is Trump's job legacy, from Forbes, probably the most pro-business magazine out there. But you wont believe it, will you?

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

I guess this is what winning is about. And I am sure you will blame everyone else under the sun. Truth is you just wanted a wall, that Mexico didn't pay for. You didn't care who was running the show, and that he was a failed businessman many times over, who is living off of Daddy's billion $ real estate fortune. When will you learn?
I don't give a shit about Trump. They are the same and it's typical of leftists to evade and redirect. Bye, bye...
Thousands of people died without going to hospital, with no diagnosis. Pretty easy to understand.
You blame Trump for those deaths yet don't have an actual number, just assumption. If we are putting American COVID-19 deaths on the President that means Biden will surpass Trump soon, while he promised he would end it.
You blame Trump for those deaths yet don't have an actual number, just assumption. If we are putting American COVID-19 deaths on the President that means Biden will surpass Trump soon, while he promised he would end it.
The clown told people to inject bleach for COVID-19... totally irresponsible, a total clown.
You blame Trump for those deaths yet don't have an actual number, just assumption. If we are putting American COVID-19 deaths on the President that means Biden will surpass Trump soon, while he promised he would end it.
Biden is a pathological liar and so are many of his supporters.

Biden claimed that Trump said that drinking bleach might cure COVID-19. Snopes, which is not pro-Trump, investigated this and came to the conclusion that Trump never said this.

"And when it comes to COVID-19, after months of doing nothing, other than predicting the virus would disappear, or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, Trump has simply given up," said Biden, who delivered his remarks at a metalworks factory near his hometown of Scranton on Thursday.

Trump spoke about the role he thought disinfectants could play in tackling an infection caused by the virus during a now infamous April 23 briefing. But he didn't say people should drink bleach".

The clown told people to inject bleach for COVID-19... totally irresponsible, a total clown.
Then he said he told his people to slow down the testing. Made him look bad. When he finally got it (just a matter of time), he boasted how he beat it. It was like he spiked the football. No compassion. Narcissist. He is psychotic. That pretty much sealed the deal for him if there were any undecideds left, or at least when he asked for Proud Boys (yes, they are far right wing, minority hating = Nazis in training) to "be ready."

Hey righties, do me a favor, if you haven't done it already - when you vote for him again, be sure to dig your nuke shelters. You're gonna need em. Oh, and have a plan.
More support for what? That is what he said in the election. Huge, Great, Black people love me. He lost their vote by record numbers.
Oh Pete Pete Pete. Typical of you too. So typical.

Sorry I have better things to do than waste my time on a bunch of Trump losers.
Then he said he told his people to slow down the testing. Made him look bad. When he finally got it (just a matter of time), he boasted how he beat it. It was like he spiked the football. No compassion. Narcissist. He is psychotic. That pretty much sealed the deal for him if there were any undecideds left, or at least when he asked for Proud Boys (yes, they are far right wing, minority hating = Nazis in training) to "be ready."

Hey righties, do me a favor, if you haven't done it already - when you vote for him again, be sure to dig your nuke shelters. You're gonna need em. Oh, and have a plan.
Oi! You're not supposed to be responding, remember? No matter what we say.
BTW, this is my last response, no matter what you say. It's been fun but you all tire me with your "positive discrimination".
You're worse than Biden; at least the only reason he doesn't stick to his words is because he can't remember them!
I might have voted for Biden in 2020 if had picked somebody halfway decent for VP, and didn't seem like he belonged in a managed care facility or nursing home. There were other deal-breakers, but those are the main two.
This is what… Paul's 3rd last time? Lol.

Btw how can the Proud Boys be "minority hating" if the leader is Afro Cuban descent…

You call us stupid nazis but just end up looking well… um what's the thing… foolish.
The plain truth is Biden should tax those tech billionaires who are making the world a worse place every day, but he will not have the guts to do it.

The clown did not even mention it, by the way...
Here is Trump in February where he knew the virus goes through the air, he was told by his National Security adviser that it had the potential to be as bad as the 1918 flu. But of course later he made statements downplaying it, and didn't act because he didn't want to scare anyone or damage anything.

His words "And so that's a very tricky one. A very delicate one. It's also more deadly than your, you know, your, even your most strenuous flu."

"I wanted to always play it down, I still wanted to play it down, because I didn't want to create a panic."

I won't post all of his comments downplaying it, but here are some choice ones, when he knew full well it was going to be a serious crisis:


Feb. 27: "It's going to disappear. One day — it's like a miracle — it will disappear."

Feb. 28: "So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently, and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? … They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody (turned out not be true either). And it doesn't mean we won't and we are totally prepared. It doesn't mean we won't. But think of it, you hear 35 and 40,000 people and we've lost nobody. You wonder, the press is in hysteria mode."

Psychopathic Liar. If you still believe in him, maybe you arent a racist, but you just choose to ignore his Big, medium, and little lies. I guess this is Big Lie number, 6?

If you still vote for him after this, you have something wrong with you. You like death, or you like chaos, or you just don't care about the country. IDK why, but you don't.
Here is Trump in February where he knew the virus goes through the air, he was told by his National Security adviser that it had the potential to be as bad as the 1918 flu. But of course later he made statements downplaying it, and didn't act because he didn't want to scare anyone or damage anything.
Actually no, he told the truth, contrary to what some members of his administration and corrupt scumbags like Anthony Fauci (who had financial investments in the pharmaceutical companies that would later "develop" a miracle "vaccine") put pressure on him to sell to the American people.

Former Senior Trump Advisor Says Pandemic 'Task Force' Deliberately Lied | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com)
Former senior Trump administration Health and Human Services COVID-19 advisor Dr. Paul E. Alexander said on The Stew Peters Show that the Coronavirus Task Force had deliberately deceived the American people, detailing the infighting that occurred between the Task Force and President Donald Trump while he was still in office.
Dr. Alexander said the COVID-19 Task Force under the Trump administration had the data "very early on" that showed that COVID-19 was generally non-lethal to almost all healthy people.
If anything, Trump actually exaggerated the lethality of the virus just to placate those people (like Fauci).

But ultimately his flip-flopping statements were the result of a cat and mouse game he was forced into playing with the mainstream media. If he spoke the truth and "downplayed" the virus, he was lambasted by them and their flock of sheeple for not taking it seriously enough, and if he exaggerated it, he lost the support and trust of the people who backed him for not being just another Gates/Soros puppet pandering to the media in the first place.
Psychopathic Liar.
All politicians "lie" (or at the very least demonstrate inconsistency at some point). Name me one that hasn't.

Trump was the most honest and outspoken POTUS since JFK. Just the fact that the man actually spoke his mind made him a billion times more credible than creeps like Clinton and Obama, who never shared a single thought that wasn't vetted for them by a dozen aids, before being read it off a teleprompter.

Oh, except for:

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Video is a perfect example:

L O f*cking L
Please, please don't support Nazis and vote for their preferred candidate, unless of course you are one, or sympathize with them.
If you still believe in him, maybe you arent a racist
Backtracking now are we?

Piece of advice: if you're going to call people (like Trump) out for inconsistency and flip-flopping on opinions, try not to do that yourself, otherwise you just look like a hypocrite... and a liar.
Actually no, he told the truth, contrary to what some members of his administration and corrupt scumbags like Anthony Fauci (who had financial investments in the pharmaceutical companies that would later "develop" a miracle "vaccine") put pressure on him to sell to the American people.

Former Senior Trump Advisor Says Pandemic 'Task Force' Deliberately Lied | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com)

If anything, Trump actually exaggerated the lethality of the virus just to placate those people (like Fauci).

But ultimately his flip-flopping statements were the result of a cat and mouse game he was forced into playing with the mainstream media. If he spoke the truth and "downplayed" the virus, he was lambasted by them and their flock of sheeple for not taking it seriously enough, and if he exaggerated it, he lost the support and trust of the people who backed him for not being just another Gates/Soros puppet pandering to the media in the first place.

All politicians "lie" (or at the very least demonstrate inconsistency at some point). Name me one that hasn't.

Trump was the most honest and outspoken POTUS since JFK. Just the fact that the man actually spoke his mind made him a billion times more credible than creeps like Clinton and Obama, who never shared a single thought that wasn't vetted for them by a dozen aids, before being read it off a teleprompter.

Oh, except for:

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Video is a perfect example:

L O f*cking L

Backtracking now are we?

Piece of advice: if you're going to call people (like Trump) out for inconsistency and flip-flopping on opinions, try not to do that yourself, otherwise you just look like a hypocrite... and a liar.
Be careful, you will be called a Nazi again lol.
Actually no, he told the truth, contrary to what some members of his administration and corrupt scumbags like Anthony Fauci (who had financial investments in the pharmaceutical companies that would later "develop" a miracle "vaccine") put pressure on him to sell to the American people.

Former Senior Trump Advisor Says Pandemic 'Task Force' Deliberately Lied | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com)

If anything, Trump actually exaggerated the lethality of the virus just to placate those people (like Fauci).

But ultimately his flip-flopping statements were the result of a cat and mouse game he was forced into playing with the mainstream media. If he spoke the truth and "downplayed" the virus, he was lambasted by them and their flock of sheeple for not taking it seriously enough, and if he exaggerated it, he lost the support and trust of the people who backed him for not being just another Gates/Soros puppet pandering to the media in the first place.

All politicians "lie" (or at the very least demonstrate inconsistency at some point). Name me one that hasn't.

Trump was the most honest and outspoken POTUS since JFK. Just the fact that the man actually spoke his mind made him a billion times more credible than creeps like Clinton and Obama, who never shared a single thought that wasn't vetted for them by a dozen aids, before being read it off a teleprompter.

Oh, except for:

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Video is a perfect example:

L O f*cking L

Backtracking now are we?

Piece of advice: if you're going to call people (like Trump) out for inconsistency and flip-flopping on opinions, try not to do that yourself, otherwise you just look like a hypocrite... and a liar.
Preach! As you know, it takes certain kind of people to handle the truth™.

But to be honest, it's pretty tiring to see the same thing over and over again. Right wing politicians being relentlessly labeled as Nazis.

It's the same thing in Sweden. The Social Democrats & Co can't stand having a calm and factual discussion with the opposition. The racist card is being used indefinitely to silence those who disagree. The parliament mostly consists of a sandbox with five-year olds. They don't do what's best for Sweden, and that's why almost every part of this once rich and fully functional welfare state has tanked within two decades. Now it's too late, and Sweden is going down the drain.

Facts over emotions, I say.

It's the same thing in Sweden. The Social Democrats & Co can't stand having a calm and factual discussion with the opposition. The racist card is being used indefinitely to silence those who disagree. The parliament mostly consists of a sandbox with five-year olds. They don't do what's best for Sweden, and that's why almost every part of this once rich and fully functional welfare state has tanked within two decades. Now it's too late, and Sweden is going down the drain.
In fact, SD had its roots in Swedish fascism; but you are not wrong and I understand your point. To me it's a completely incomprehensible mystery how, from Olof Palme, we ended up with Stefan Löfven. That "glorious Sweden" you are talking about was imagined, architected and built by Social Democrats who had a specific forward-looking idea in mind; but then, governments ruled by the same party, years later, seemed to have started a process of dismantlement of that same so precious welfare state. My fear is that SD will put the last nail in the coffin; they claim to strongly support the welfare state, but do they really? I guess we will see, they will probably have their chance in September next year.
In fact, SD had its roots in Swedish fascism; but you are not wrong and I understand your point.
Yes, I totally agree on that. I wasn't only referring to SD, but rather people who hold "conservative" values. And I certainly don't believe SD will save our welfare state, I'm just disappointed in how our politicians are behaving. I want to see constructive debates, not never-ending slander. I'd love to see some forward-looking ideas, a long term plan for Sweden. We just seem to patch up holes in a sinking ship, in my opinion. But of course, it's tougher than we think to solve the problems.
That "glorious Sweden" you are talking about was imagined, architected and built by Social Democrats who had a specific forward-looking idea in mind; but then, governments ruled by the same party, years later, seemed to have started a process of dismantlement of that same so precious welfare state.
I agree. It just troubles me a lot to see our how our educational, legal and healthcare system really has been mishandled in the recent years. Of course, there has never been a Swedish "utopia", but I believe our welfare system has seen better times than this.
While visiting the Pope, Biden managed to make an Irish bashing joke, and talk about sports and age. He did not tell the Corn Pop or leg hair stories. It was just another day for the President of the United States of America.


Meanwhile, an Afghani man who is part of the resettlement program in Montana is charged with rape.

Irrelevant stories...

No one can beat the clown on stupidity. The fool told people to inject bleach to get rid of COVID-19.
You didn't have sports stadiums all cheering F Trump every week like you do with Biden, just saying.

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Plus, the Trump hate was encouraged and sanctioned whereas the Biden hate appears to be criminalized.

So much for America's freedom of speech.

Note: I think both suck and are more or less, the same, but there's an obvious difference and distinction how criticism of both are addressed and tolerated.

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