2020 US Presidential Election

Social Security and Medicare.

These are not social programs. Social Security is a mandatory contribution to a program designed to assist people when they retire due to age or disability. It doesn't contribute to the national debt and would not have funding problems if the government had not stolen from it to fund social programs. Medicare has premiums which are paid by the subscribers and are based on income. Social Security recipients are taxed - a double tax from their working days. Welfare is not taxed.

What is socialism in the US, is extreme government regulation. Outlaw competition is socialism. Medicare is a form of health insurance that is provided to those that have paid into the service over the years. There are plenty of private health insurance options out there.

Social Security is different from other welfare programs in that we all pay into it. It's our own money. Medicare doesn't pay for nursing home care that could cost over one hundred thousand a year. Medicare doesn't pay for many services that the disabled and elderly need, such as hearing aids and dental care.

Politicians bring up the subject that Social Security will soon go bankrupt if we don't make some changes. But somehow welfare programs, food stamps, and other sorts of taxpayer funded programs never seem to be in danger of going bankrupt. I've never heard them say that the food stamp or the welfare program is going bankrupt. But the one that actually has real investment money coming from our paychecks, suddenly that one's in danger of going bankrupt.

Free, universal healthcare is certainly compatible with socialism. The more extreme the system, the more extreme the opposite. Thus, extreme capitalism is what leads to extreme socialist opposition.

I talked to many that worked for two decades and three decades, who paid Social Security taxes ----- then with having to quit their employment due to tinnitus from loud employment noise before retirement age, were denied Social Security disability. These hard workers had a few dollars in their checking account, so they couldn't collect welfare. To get Medicare - health insurance, you'll need to be on Social Security.

I came across many healthy cheaters like my neighbors. Family gets eleven different free State benefits. They never had a real job. They drive expensive cars, take cruises and go to Disneyland. Many elderly on Social Security can't afford this type of life.
Sunak already admits openly there is a recession in the UK, and he will raise taxes.

Of course Sunak will not pay any tax, as he is one of those filthy rich billionaires who hide everything in tax havens.
At work and also in my neighbourhood there are more and more people getting COVID-19 again.
@Juan -- They should (everybody should actually) seriously consider learning how to nebulize various natural substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, iodine, NAC, Vitamin C, glutathione, colloidal silver, antiviral teas, etc. If everybody would learn how to do these things, COVID-19 could quickly become a non-factor, especially if a person was already regularly supplementing with Vit. D, NAC, etc. -- IMHO of course.
Sorry to disappoint anybody, but Trump won't be going to prison anytime soon, and Biden is going to be in for the worst two years of his political life if he is even aware enough to know it, which I doubt that he is.

The gullible people who believed Biden's lies about giving them Student Loan Debt Forgiveness, at the American taxpayers' expense, are going to be disappointed, as well.
Our Vice President, Kamala Harris got her start in politics by becoming the mistress of womanizer Willie Brown, a man twice her age that was the most powerful politician in California politics some 25 years ago. He gave her plush government jobs, at the expense of California taxpayers. Her record as VP during the Biden administration is a disgrace.

It is hard to believe, but she is the person who will replace Biden if he cannot continue to function as the President.

Selecting her as his VP may be the smartest move that Biden has ever pulled because there are very few if any high-level politicians that are worse than him, and Harris is probably the least competent of them all.
I wouldn't even mind the extreme wealth of these guys if they would just pay the same percentage of taxes as most middle class Americans.
Agree - Many of the rich have tax-free charitable trusts where the funds earn interest, but often not a dime is actually given to charity.

Celebrities and politicians who never had a real job, need to give some of their financial worth to a cause before I will have any respect for them. Many are also the biggest violators of conservation.

Corruption is widespread.

Everyone deserves kindness and caring, unless they abuse the system; humans or animals.

I had a high school summer job working in steel construction where I made $1.35 an hour. I had lots of continued education choices after college, but I decided to work for the Department of Labor as a compliance officer. I did this for two years before a large federal layoff. I made $7.25 an hour.

Many years ago, I was offered a logic think tank position for $300,000 a year with a free duplex and car to be offered after one year. I did this for 6 months, because others within the institution were extremists. Extremism thoughts hurt others and societies.
I wouldn't even mind the extreme wealth of these guys if they would just pay the same percentage of taxes as most middle class Americans. But no, they give a few hundred million dollars to puppet legislators who then reduce their taxes to almost zero--or less. Talk about a massive return on investment--for only a few hundred million...
I thought I read that Nancy Pelosi and her husband were worth over 200 million and he has probably done some insider trading relating to information from his wife.

Democrats giving away welfare money and running up our national debt is not the answer either. I agree there is some inequality issues in our country.
Many years ago, I was offered a logic think tank position for $300,000 a year with a free duplex and car to be offered after one year. I did this for 6 months, because others within the institution were extremists. Extremism thoughts hurt others and societies.
That's a lot of money. I'm surprised you didn't work there longer.
I wouldn't even mind the extreme wealth of these guys if they would just pay the same percentage of taxes as most middle class Americans. But no, they give a few hundred million dollars to puppet legislators who then reduce their taxes to almost zero--or less. Talk about a massive return on investment--for only a few hundred million...
In Europe Big Tech is not paying taxes either. They must have all EU politicians in Brussels on the payroll.

Margrethe Vestager put on a great show in the last years, with zero results. She would announce hefty fines to Google and the like, that they never paid. It was just a show to get media coverage...

...but the sad truth is that Big Tech did not pay, and never pays, and that has to change. Now there is a recession going on and authorities must make Big Tech pay all unpaid taxes in the last decade.
Donald Trump had a lifetime ban from Twitter lifted, after Twitter's new owner Elon Musk ran a poll that resulted in 52% voting to reinstate Trump's membership. Trump had been banned for 22 months.

Trump, although appreciative, has no plans to actively participate on Twitter, due to his own social media platform, Truth Social.

Musk has also lifted the bans on others, such as Kathy Griffin.

The liberal media is very unhappy about Trump being reinstated.
Donald Trump had a lifetime ban from Twitter lifted, after Twitter's new owner Elon Musk ran a poll that resulted in 52% voting to reinstate Trump's membership. Trump had been banned for 22 months.

Trump, although appreciative, has no plans to actively participate on Twitter, due to his own social media platform, Truth Social.

Musk has also lifted the bans on others, such as Kathy Griffin.

The liberal media is very unhappy about Trump being reinstated.
But didn't you hear he caused an insurrection!

Donald Trump had a lifetime ban from Twitter lifted, after Twitter's new owner Elon Musk ran a poll that resulted in 52% voting to reinstate Trump's membership. Trump had been banned for 22 months.

Trump, although appreciative, has no plans to actively participate on Twitter, due to his own social media platform, Truth Social.

Musk has also lifted the bans on others, such as Kathy Griffin.

The liberal media is very unhappy about Trump being reinstated.
The so called liberal media LOVES Trump. The coverage of Trump makes them money and that's all they care about. There is no liberal media on TV. If there was, they would have people like Max Blumenthal and Glen Greenwald on their shows but they don't. All they seem to invite on their shows are a bunch of washed up neocons from the GW Bush administration. What a joke! All the so called liberals in Congress vote for every war and defense budget that comes down the pike and all are in favor of censorship. Doesn't sound very liberal to me.
Our Vice President, Kamala Harris got her start in politics by becoming the mistress of womanizer Willie Brown, a man twice her age that was the most powerful politician in California politics some 25 years ago. He gave her plush government jobs, at the expense of California taxpayers. Her record as VP during the Biden administration is a disgrace.

It is hard to believe, but she is the person who will replace Biden if he cannot continue to function as the President.

Selecting her as his VP may be the smartest move that Biden has ever pulled because there are very few if any high-level politicians that are worse than him, and Harris is probably the least competent of them all.
I doubt Biden picked her, the powers that be picked both of those idiots because they knew they would be good puppets.
Sorry to disappoint anybody, but Trump won't be going to prison anytime soon, and Biden is going to be in for the worst two years of his political life if he is even aware enough to know it, which I doubt that he is.

The gullible people who believed Biden's lies about giving them Student Loan Debt Forgiveness, at the American taxpayers' expense, are going to be disappointed, as well.
No politician will ever go to jail. If that were true, Bush, Bush, and Cheney would have been hung at The Hague for war crimes. Personally I doubt Trump did anything wrong. I think they're after him because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

I thought I read that Nancy Pelosi and her husband were worth over 200 million and he has probably done some insider trading relating to information from his wife.

Democrats giving away welfare money and running up our national debt is not the answer either. I agree there is some inequality issues in our country.

That's a lot of money. I'm surprised you didn't work there longer.
What about the welfare money that both parties give to the banks, big business and Ukraine? The US just handed over another 30 billion to Ukraine, 900 million for health care! But the US won't give its own people health care. The US also gives Israel billions for their citizens' health care, are you ok with that?
Very loose.

I wish that too.
People pay into Social Security and Medicare all their lives. It's not welfare.
Now that the Mar-a-Lago case is going nowhere, Trump is back on Twitter, Republicans who now control the House are going to block Biden on bad things that might try to do, Student Loan Debt Forgiveness will never happen under Biden, recently released Trump Jan 6 Tweets show that he did not promote or incite violence, and Hunter Biden will probably be investigated, it is very clear that the sore-loser leftist Democrats have lost their platform and are devastated.

Trump is not going to prison. One more time: Trump is NOT going to prison.

Let that sink in.

Trump and Twitter.png
Now that the Mar-a-Lago case is going nowhere, Trump is back on Twitter, Republicans who now control the House are going to block Biden on bad things that might try to do, Student Loan Debt Forgiveness will never happen under Biden, recently released Trump Jan 6 Tweets show that he did not promote or incite violence, and Hunter Biden will probably be investigated, it is very clear that the sore-loser leftist Democrats have lost their platform and are devastated.

Trump is not going to prison. One more time: Trump is NOT going to prison.

Let that sink in.

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There are no true leftists in the Democratic Party. All sold out to the DNC. As I've said before, very few politicians go to prison. If that were true, Bush, Bush Jr., Cheney, Obama, and Biden would be in front of The Hague for war crimes.
There are no true leftists in the Democratic Party. All sold out to the DNC. As I've said before, very few politicians go to prison. If that were true, Bush, Bush Jr., Cheney, Obama, and Biden would be in front of The Hague for war crimes.
Thank you. The leader who was the least war-like, Donald Trump, compared to those mentioned, is the one that has been attacked the most, relentlessly. I have gotten to the point, that I'm just disgusted with those who prefer warmakers to peaceful politicians.
Europe should require Big Tech to pay all unpaid taxes and all the money they took to tax havens or hid.

Now countries need the money and politicians and the IRS cannot turn a blind eye on all this. Big Tech has to pay.
Crypto, the latest rendition of a malady that has plagued humanity since time immorial, that somehow, some way, "you can get something for nothing." Lesson of the ages: "There ain't no free lunch!" This mindset of getting something for nothing is rampant in the U.S. political system, and is a big part of the reason for so much political discord.

Republicans: "We can give huge tax breaks to the rich, small tax breaks for everyone else, and we don't have to worry about a thing, especially that pesky thing called "debt". Democrats: "We can spend almost unlimited amounts of money on goodies for everybody. We would rather tax the rich to pay for these expenditures, but since the Republicans won't let us, we'll just have to add that pesky thing called the "national debt".
Crypto, the latest rendition of a malady that has plagued humanity since time immorial, that somehow, some way, "you can get something for nothing." Lesson of the ages: "There ain't no free lunch!" This mindset of getting something for nothing is rampant in the U.S. political system, and is a big part of the reason for so much political discord.

Republicans: "We can give huge tax breaks to the rich, small tax breaks for everyone else, and we don't have to worry about a thing, especially that pesky thing called "debt". Democrats: "We can spend almost unlimited amounts of money on goodies for everybody. We would rather tax the rich to pay for these expenditures, but since the Republicans won't let us, we'll just have to add that pesky thing called the "national debt".
I'm not aware of the Dumbocraps giving out any goodies unless I guess you're the Azov Nazi battalion in Ukraine, a bank, or the defense contractor.
I'm not aware of the Dumbocraps giving out any goodies
They gave out tons of money (trillions) to people during the pandemic. It was totally unnecessary, as most of the people really didn't need it (why not make it need-based). But shelling out all those trillions helped sow the seeds of the high inflation we're now dealing with. It wasn't the only cause by any means, but it did contribute. More dollars chasing same (or less then) amount of goods and services. Just doesn't work.
They gave out tons of money (trillions) to people during the pandemic. It was totally unnecessary, as most of the people really didn't need it (why not make it need-based). But shelling out all those trillions helped sow the seeds of the high inflation we're now dealing with. It wasn't the only cause by any means, but it did contribute. More dollars chasing same (or less then) amount of goods and services. Just doesn't work.
Inflation has been cooked slowly by the ECB and the FED during the last decade. They are the ones that should be held accountable for creating this mess. It is the direct consequences of zero interest rates, giving away money and printing money non-stop.

Now all that has to be reversed, and interest rates have to go up a lot more. Let's remember Paul Volcker, a true central banker (unlike today's puppets) who raised rates as was necessary to tackle inflation.
The crypto scam is now evident, with exchanges going bankrupt, con men running away with money, Bitcoin going down the drain etc.

I warned about this before, as I warned about NASDAQ and the Tech Bubble.

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