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2024 US Presidential Election

I'm expecting a Trump-Vivek ticket to easily win this November. The border will be closed and no more $ for Ukraine. Trump will only serve one term because of his age. Biden will be in a nursing home before this November election because of his worsening dementia. The majority of Americans will be relieved because the Biden-Harris administration shit show will be finally over with.

So many things wrong with that statement, but everyone gets an opinion.

1) Vivek will never be his VP.

2) Neither side will win "easily". This will be a nightmare election with recounts and lawsuits.

3) Trump can constitutionally only serve one more term, not because of his age.

4) Even Trump will not cut aid to Ukraine, because nobody wants Russians invading NATO.

5) Both Trump and Biden have early onset Dementia.

6) If Trump is elected, the shit show will continue, perhaps worse than now.

So many things wrong with that statement, but everyone gets an opinion.

1) Vivek will never be his VP.

2) Neither side will win "easily". This will be a nightmare election with recounts and lawsuits.

3) Trump can constitutionally only serve one more term, not because of his age.

4) Even Trump will not cut aid to Ukraine, because nobody wants Russians invading NATO.

5) Both Trump and Biden have early onset Dementia.

6) If Trump is elected, the shit show will continue, perhaps worse than now.
I see you are right on #3, the other ones I gave my opinion and you gave yours, history will show how it plays out. Russia is never going to invade any NATO countries, the consequences are just too high. Biden has very noticeable dementia, Trump doesn't from what I see of both of them.
GOP should also take the lesson of Hillary Clinton to heart too. Hillary's biggest problem in 2016 is that a lot people hated her on a personal level and she lost an election that, on paper, should have been a breeze for her. On the right, they painted her as the ultimate liberal nightmare and on the left she was a war monger which led to conservatives turning out while liberals stayed home. With Trump, people hate him on a level far greater than Hillary and that hatred reaches all the way to the center. He's a weak AF candidate. He'll have a tough battle with voter turnout not exactly in his favor.

Independents and leftists might be frustrated with Democrats' lack of progress, but they know they don't want to align themselves with a bunch of backstabbers, traitors, and dimwits. And we know Independents and Leftists outnumber conservatives at a higher ratio.

I really don't get the GOP at all. They have a golden opportunity to court those middle of the road, centrists, moderates and they're absolutely squandering it over an elderly criminal has-been.

Unaffordable housing, high food costs, low wages, and the rise of property crime. This could have been a walk in the park for classic 90s/2000s conservatives. But no. Instead these clowns are obsessing over drag queens, Hunter Biden's penis, and pledging their support to a failed politician facing 4 separate trials with multiple felonies. Whatever happen to the party of personal responsibility?
Texas governor Abbott is a genius. He released this statement in response to Biden cutting the razor wire at the border:

"I have already declared an invasion to invoke Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."

What is Biden going to do? Send in the military to forcibly open the border. Isn't it the military's job to protect the states from invasion?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agrees with Texas on border control. He just released this statement:

"Texas is right. Biden's failure to secure the border leaves states no choice but to take matters into their own hands. As President, I will end this humanitarian crisis once and for all. I will secure the border and destroy the business model of the drug cartels. A country without borders is not a country at all." — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jan 25, 2024.
I think there is an outside chance Trump would pick DeSantis as his VP, although DeSantis has said No in the past, and of course there is the recent friction between the two. DeSantis very much wants the Biden-Harris shit show to end... don't we all. A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be very tough to beat, if not impossible.

I see the border is the #1 concern among Americans with the economy 2nd.
Looks like Trump's doing his best to sabotage the bipartisan border/Ukraine deal. Can't let Biden take credit for it lol. Democrats made lots of shitty concessions too. Shame on the GOP members sucking up to someone who's out of office, no less.

Also funny how the GOP has been screaming about the border crisis, demanding immediate action, but suddenly now they want to wait to solve the problem to see if Trump gets re-elected and pass it on under him lol. The party that can't legislate loves killing legislation.

The Republicans are shooting themselves in the foot here to appease this whining POS, who might just be dancing to Putin's tune. If Democrats don't turn this into a campaign punchline, they'd be missing a golden opportunity.
Trump has told congressional MAGAts not to pass any border bills because then Trump will have no policy issues to run on.

Abortion is out because even he knows that the MAJORITY of Americans don't like the fact that women have had a basic right/freedom taken from them.

MAGAts can't run on the economy because they fucked it up from 2016-2020 and the only people who benefited were their super wealthy donors while the "working people" they claim to represent got left with inflation because of all the tax breaks.

Immigration is the only thing they've got left.
Trump has told congressional MAGAts not to pass any border bills because then Trump will have no policy issues to run on.
Mitt Romney: "The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn't want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling."

Are we seriously going to throw Ukraine under the bus just to cater to a washed-up dipshit, who's not even in office FFS and likely headed for prison, all because he doesn't want his political rival, Biden, to score a PR victory? Lives are on the line because this orange buffoon's only shot at avoiding a lifetime behind bars is by clinging to power like some wannabe deity king.
Texas governor Abbott is a genius. He released this statement in response to Biden cutting the razor wire at the border:

"I have already declared an invasion to invoke Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."

What is Biden going to do? Send in the military to forcibly open the border. Isn't it the military's job to protect the states from invasion?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agrees with Texas on border control. He just released this statement:

"Texas is right. Biden's failure to secure the border leaves states no choice but to take matters into their own hands. As President, I will end this humanitarian crisis once and for all. I will secure the border and destroy the business model of the drug cartels. A country without borders is not a country at all." — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jan 25, 2024.
Just put razor wire on the north border of Texas and be done with it. Florida too.
Just put razor wire on the north border of Texas and be done with it. Florida too.
Is there any rational explanation for Biden allowing millions of unvetted illegal aliens into this country and providing no Federal help whatsoever to the cities where they end up? Is this stupidity, mental illness or does he have a plan that we are not aware of?
After all these many years I still can't fathom how anyone can look at or listen to Trump and not see what a severely compromised human being he is. Truly a malignant narcissist. If you are his sycophant and provide him with a continual supply of adoration (his drug of choice) you are good. If you dare not provide the constant narcissistic feeding or mirroring he so desperately and pathetically needs he seeks your total psychological annihilation.

Not to mention his depravity and criminality.

Oh... and he clearly states he wants to be a dictator and destroy democracy. Remember when rights start being taken away, yours will always be next.

And the far right presenting themselves as the moral authority on anything is utterly absurd and terrifying.

"Be not too hasty to trust and admire the preachers of morality. They sing like angels, but they live like men." — Samuel Johnson.
You have to look at Trump's policies, not necessarily his character. We need someone like him to take on the vicious left indicting him for no reason other than he's the probable Republican nominee for President. Trump is thick skinned and can handle the nasty press and the not so nice foreign fleaders throughout the world. That is a good thing for the American people. He is a tough negotiator and is a America first candidate trying to represent what the grassroot Americans are telling him, unlike Biden who listens to his puppet masters.
Oh... and he clearly states he wants to be a dictator and destroy democracy.
CNN, MSNBC, etc. are so far left they will edit what he says and take it out of context. Trump got ribbed at a Townhall in Iowa. Sean Hannity of Fox News heard the left wing media was calling Trump a dictator for some reason so he asked him in jest if he was a dictator.

Trump said he would be a dictator on the 1st day to close the border and drill baby drill for oil. After that he said he would not be a dictator. Dictators are usually only in Communist countries. Left wing media dominates television so I primarily watch Bill O'Reilly's No Spin News for a less biased opinion. Fox & Newsmax are more far right. I've heard NewsNation is more in the middle.
The United Automobile Workers Union (UAW) is endorsing Biden. Makes sense, tbh. He's the most union friendly President we've ever had in our lifetime. Joey. B was supporting the union during the strikes and was out there joining a picket line for crying out loud. Apparently pissed off auto industry executives in the process, which you love to see. UAW managed to reached some great deals with their workers as a result.

The UAW President, Shawn Fain, also didn't hold back in criticizing Trump as they endorsed Biden too... ouch.

1. Fain in his Biden endorsement speech: "Trump said nothing. He did nothing. Not a thing, because he does not care about the American workers".

2. Fain On Fox News: "Nowhere in history has Donald Trump ever stood for the American worker. He stands against pretty much everything that we stand for."

Hopefully, this endorsement encourages the union to turn out this November. It will help make a difference across the rust belt, for whatever it's worth.
Is there any rational explanation for Biden allowing millions of unvetted illegal aliens into this country and providing no Federal help whatsoever to the cities where they end up? Is this stupidity, mental illness or does he have a plan that we are not aware of?
Biden has a plan to address the boarder crisis that has gone unaddressed since Regan. Unfortunately, the House Republicans have used their position to withhold funds requested by the Biden administration to address the boarder crisis and instead say "look at all of the migrants that Biden is allowing to enter the US" as a political weapon to stir up their base.

It's the main political talking point they have to use against Biden in the presidential election, as they have zero accomplishments to run on since taking the House in 2020. Their Republican platform, their whole agenda is "what Trump wants".
Biden has a plan to address the boarder crisis that has gone unaddressed since Regan. Unfortunately, the House Republicans have used their position to withhold funds requested by the Biden administration to address the boarder crisis and instead say "look at all of the migrants that Biden is allowing to enter the US" as a political weapon to stir up their base.

It's the main political talking point they have to use against Biden in the presidential election, as they have zero accomplishments to run on since taking the House in 2020. Their Republican platform, their whole agenda is "what Trump wants".
We have these illegal aliens in NYC, and they're ruining the neighborhoods and budget.

Obama deported many illegals. Trump deported some during his term, but not as many as Obama which is assumed was because he had two terms to do it.

If people are in denial about Biden allowing two and a half million unvetted illegals into the country, and continuing to do the same, there's not much I can say, but it may be the final nail in the coffin, for Biden's campaign.
We have these illegal aliens in NYC, and they're ruining the neighborhoods and budget.

Obama deported many illegals. Trump deported some during his term, but not as many as Obama which is assumed was because he had two terms to do it.

If people are in denial about Biden allowing two and a half million unvetted illegals into the country, and continuing to do the same, there's not much I can say, but it may be the final nail in the coffin, for Biden's campaign.
According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.

During the Trump administration, DHS made 1.4 million arrests—what it calls "encounters"—in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (24 months). Of those people arrested, only 47 percent were removed as of December 31, 2021, which includes people arrested by Trump and removed by Biden, and 52 percent were released into the United States.

Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5.
there's not much I can say, but it may be the final nail in the coffin, for Biden's campaign.
That's why Biden and the Democrats want to keep the border open. They want the illegal immigrants to be able to vote for Biden this November, even though they are not U.S. citizens. The overwhelming number of first time immigrants vote Democrat.

I'm glad to see many Red States backing Texas and Governor Abbott with their own National Guard. Texas has a constitutional right to protect its own borders when the Federal government refuses to do so.
Jury finds that Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages in defamation case. If he wants to appeal this ruling, he has to put the full amount in escrow.

More whining and defaming to come.
According to new data published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.

During the Trump administration, DHS made 1.4 million arrests—what it calls "encounters"—in fiscal years 2019 and 2020 (24 months). Of those people arrested, only 47 percent were removed as of December 31, 2021, which includes people arrested by Trump and removed by Biden, and 52 percent were released into the United States.

Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5.
How many new illegal aliens entered and stayed in the country while Trump was president? Biden has 2.5 million so far, by conservative estimates. Biden opened the border, and if they arrested 100 million, it does not take away from the fact that millions have entered and are still here. NYC is overrun with them, begging on the streets, door to door to private residences, running people over with illegal mopeds, stealing, killing each other, whoring in the street, etc.

Trump has advised these illegals not to get too comfortable here because they are all going home in 2025.
Jury finds that Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $83.3 million in damages in defamation case. If he wants to appeal this ruling, he has to put the full amount in escrow.

More whining and defaming to come.
83.3 million dollars for speaking his mind. It is unbelievable what the Democrats will do, to stop this man.

The appeals will be in his favor.

He's ahead of everybody in the polls, and if he wins in November, as many expect will happen, he will certainly have the last laugh.
83.3 million dollars for speaking his mind. It is unbelievable what the Democrats will do, to stop this man.

The appeals will be in his favor.

He's ahead of everybody in the polls, and if he wins in November, as many expect will happen, he will certainly have the last laugh.
The guy is a rapist. But imagine having such poor impulse control that you chose to throw away 80 million by having a tantrum, and then half the country say "yes, you are the one person I trust to have sole discretion to launch nuclear missiles".

Correct me if I'm wrong but in NY, to appeal a civil judgment, the entire sum of the judgment must be placed in escrow. So to appeal, Trump needs to write a check for $83.3m. Which leads me to conclude - he won't appeal, just loudly complain to muddy the waters of perception while dragging on a payout as long as possible...

Remember that accountability looks like persecution to those that are rarely held accountable. Trump was held accountable by a jury of his peers.
"We are going to take a strong look at our country's libel laws so that when somebody says something false and defamatory about someone, that person will have meaningful recourse in our courts."

— Donald Trump, January 2018
Unfortunately Vivek has been caught plagiarizing Obama speeches almost word for word. You can view them on YouTube. Just another used car salesman.
83.3 million dollars for speaking his mind. It is unbelievable what the Democrats will do, to stop this man.

The appeals will be in his favor.

He's ahead of everybody in the polls, and if he wins in November, as many expect will happen, he will certainly have the last laugh.
What's unbelievable is the Democrats think they can win with a demented pervert who himself has been accused of rape, certainly a more serious charge. Tera Reade, the alleged victim, had to leave the country due to threats against her life. She wasn't allowed her day in court. Going after Trump has blown up in their face.
The guy is a rapist. But imagine having such poor impulse control that you chose to throw away 80 million by having a tantrum, and then half the country say "yes, you are the one person I trust to have sole discretion to launch nuclear missiles".

Correct me if I'm wrong but in NY, to appeal a civil judgment, the entire sum of the judgment must be placed in escrow. So to appeal, Trump needs to write a check for $83.3m. Which leads me to conclude - he won't appeal, just loudly complain to muddy the waters of perception while dragging on a payout as long as possible...

Remember that accountability looks like persecution to those that are rarely held accountable. Trump was held accountable by a jury of his peers.
Saying that he is a rapist is your opinion. He has never been convicted of a crime such as this. This woman is in it for money, and the case was civil.

In the meantime, Biden is allowing millions of illegals into the country who are killing, maiming, stealing, and generally costing billions of dollars that are being siphoned from American taxes, thereby cutting needed services to the citizens. The outrage is now going nationwide, making Trump's problems look like a walk in the park.
Unfortunately Vivek has been caught plagiarizing Obama speeches almost word for word. You can view them on YouTube. Just another used car salesman.
I've never heard or seen that. Being they are from different political parties with different viewpoints that doesn't seem possible.
Saying that he is a rapist is your opinion. He has never been convicted of a crime such as this. This woman is in it for money, and the case was civil.

In the meantime, Biden is allowing millions of illegals into the country who are killing, maiming, stealing, and generally costing billions of dollars that are being siphoned from American taxes, thereby cutting needed services to the citizens. The outrage is now going nationwide, making Trump's problems look like a walk in the park.
Republicans have been screeching for Biden to "shut down the border" - Now that they can actually give him the authority to do so, they don't want to because it might make him look good and then they can't use the border as a political wedge issue.

It's party over country for Republicans, every single time.
Republicans have been screeching for Biden to "shut down the border" - Now that they can actually give him the authority to do so, they don't want to because it might make him look good and then they can't use the border as a political wedge issue.

It's party over country for Republicans, every single time.
Why does he need authorization to start doing something, that he was supposed to have been doing all along, but didn't?

He's playing games, or he is just repeating what he has been told, which amounts to the same thing.

We did not have millions of illegals coming here under the last few administrations before Biden, he created this crisis for political reasons of his own.
Biden doesn't even need a new border bill from what Speaker Mike Johnson says below.

My statement on President Biden's endorsement of the Senate border deal:

President Biden falsely claimed yesterday he needs Congress to pass a new law to allow him to close the southern border, but he knows that is untrue.

As I explained to him in a letter late last year, and have specifically reiterated to him on multiple occasions since, he can and must take executive action immediately to reverse the catastrophe he has created.

The Immigration and Nationality Act coupled with recent Supreme Court precedent give him 'ample authority' to 'suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.'

As my letter stated, President Biden can begin to secure the border by ending catch-and-release, ceasing exploitation of parole authority, reinstating the Remain in Mexico program, expanding the use of expedited removal authority, and renewing construction of the border wall. The President must start by using the broad legal authority he already possesses to reclaim our nation's sovereignty and end the mass release of illegal aliens into our country.

According to reports, the Senate's pending proposal would expressly allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings each month (1.8 million per year) before any new 'shutdown' authority could be used. At that point, America will have already been surrendered.

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