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2024 US Presidential Election

Has loyalty to Trump paid off for anyone ever, apart from prison sentences? Literally everyone who affiliates with him gets the knife in the back sooner or later. He's so utterly paranoid and sees nothing but faults in everyone except himself. Same guy who once upon a time claimed he got along with everybody. Sure, bud.
Does Trump's personality make any difference in whether he should be elected for a second term? It seems to me that since Biden has been in office, the world has seen a sharp increase in wars, inflation, and other problems that the Trump administration did not have. I do not care if he is nasty, he has to deal with world leaders who are not very nice people, to put it mildly.

Biden has opened the borders and flooded the country with millions of illegal, unvetted migrants who are ruining the cities that they are in. They are responsible for crimes, traffic accident scams, driving without licenses, shoplifting, panhandling, assaults, and street prostitution. This has to stop, and those illegals who are here should be deported.

America is fed up with Joe Biden, who has failed to live up to his lofty promises, and if Trump runs against him, I hope he wins.
Why should three-quarters of a million men and boys have had to die? Is that your idea of success? This was 2.5% of the entire country, and for what? He should have negotiated a deal to end slavery slowly, the way the North did it over 30 years, from the late 18th Century through the late 1820s. It was not realistic to expect them to just do it immediately. And, if they still would not stay in the Union, he should have let them go. They likely would have had to come back and beg to be admitted again. But Lincoln was an opportunist.

There is no doubt in my mind that Lincoln's goal was to make the North, and his backers, lots of money. The first American female millionaires made their fortunes by investing in the Union War industry.

Many of the self-righteous pro-Civil War people today, would have been against it back then, along with others in the North, who saw it for what it was.

The Party of Slavery was the Democrats, and Malcolm X said in the 1960s that Blacks who believed their claims of being on their side, were "Political Chumps". He was correct then and still is.

Did I ever say that I supported U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War? I did not, it was a horrible travesty but we did not lose 2.5% of our population in it.

I despise Lincoln and feel that he's the worst president in our history. Biden is the worst since Lincoln.

Trump had a peaceful presidency, which made no windfalls of money for the Military Industrial Complex, and more importantly, there were few if any deaths from conflict due to his policies. That is the type of administration which is best.
Consider this scenario: From the time you can understand the words of your parents you are told "you are the best, and no one is better". Your neighbors, your friends, your teachers, your media reinforces this daily - "you're the best and no one is better". Then some people enlighten you with the knowledge that there are other people who are just as good, and in some cases better than you and that some of these other people don't even look like you. Your whole perception of who you are is now under question or shaky. Then someone who reinforces the lies you were told comes along and convinces you again that you're the best and no one is better, because this is so much more COMFORTABLE than questioning your beliefs and worldview. Facts like America's history are now "inconvenient", because your comfort is more important than the TRUTH. Republicans are debating Slavery and the January 6th attempted coup, because politicians are trying to convince their supporters that their comfort is the fact and that facts and history are not the truth.
Consider this scenario: From the time you can understand the words of your parents you are told "you are the best, and no one is better". Your neighbors, your friends, your teachers, your media reinforces this daily - "you're the best and no one is better". Then some people enlighten you with the knowledge that there are other people who are just as good, and in some cases better than you and that some of these other people don't even look like you. Your whole perception of who you are is now under question or shaky. Then someone who reinforces the lies you were told comes along and convinces you again that you're the best and no one is better, because this is so much more COMFORTABLE than questioning your beliefs and worldview. Facts like America's history are now "inconvenient", because your comfort is more important than the TRUTH. Republicans are debating Slavery and the January 6th attempted coup, because politicians are trying to convince their supporters that their comfort is the fact and that facts and history are not the truth.
Republicans are not "debating slavery", Trump simply mentioned that he thought the Civil War might have been avoided with negotiations. As far as January 6, nobody is rioting in the street to overturn the convictions, or even demanding they be freed. They were arrested, convicted and jailed. What more do some people want, for the Democratic Party to be declared the only legitimate party to govern, and have Republicans and others eliminated? It certainly seems that way.

The Trump administration was better by far, than that of Biden's. This is not to say that it was a great accomplishment, as virtually any presidents in the past 100+ years, including those considered to be some of the worst in our history, have been better.
Associated Press is not a non-partisan news service. There is a vast difference between a tax "cheat", and one who is delinquent for not paying promptly, but they choose to use infinitary language that paints a false picture. If these "millionaires" were tax cheats, then the law would require that they be arrested, heavily fined and in some cases, sentenced to prison.
IRS have collected close t0 $500M since October. How the heck does that kind of money go unpaid? Since they are focusing solely on millionaires, it can only mean one thing. Collecting that much in about 5 months is pretty darn impressive though. They also have loads of ongoing collection efforts as well...

This is why the GOP is barking about the IRS because it's catching some pretty egregious cheats and recouping those unpaid taxes. When you fund the IRS properly and employ more agents, they have the necessary resources to go after the wealthy who cheat and hide their taxes. And thanks to the IRA bill, we're finally seeing efforts to overturn the historically low audit rates and small focus that wealthy individuals and organizations have faced before IRA. Honestly, I don't see what's there to get all hot and bothered about here. If anything, we should be pissed that the GOP is reducing IRS funding, especially when that funding is meant to target the super rich.
"You can't sit home. If you're sick as a dog, you say, 'Darling, I gotta make it,'" Trump said at an Indianola rally on Sunday. "Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it, remember."

Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice Trump is willing to make. "Me winning is more important than you living." Trump, basically.

Trump has a fetish for getting his supporters killed. He gets off on the idea, and from talking to them like they are expendable, and only he matters.

Sort of a Republican Sieg Heil to the Leader. One cannot die a more valiant death than in the service of casting your ballot for Trump during a blizzard!
I hope that if he wins, Trump keeps his promise of undoing all of the border and immigration policies that Biden has unleashed on the United States since taking office. Trump has said that he plans to enact the largest deportation project in our history, which will involve millions of illegal aliens that Joe Biden has been allowed in. This is probably now the biggest issue of the election. Many people in Europe are also getting very riled up about immigration, in their own countries, which includes Ireland.

Trump has won, in the Iowa Republican caucuses.

Donald Trump
55,726 votes
Gained 20 delegates

Ron DeSantis
23,128 votes
Gained 8 delegates

Nikki Haley
20,789 votes
Gained 7 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy
8,346 votes
Gained 3 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy, in fourth place, has suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump.
Fairly predictable. Glad Dick Cheney in heels is not doing that well. Can't stomach that bitch.
The immigrants should be going through the ports of entry instead of trying to cross the Rio Grande river. I've heard a mother and her 2 kids drowned on the Mexican side of the river. The Biden Administration's welcome mat of free food and housing for illegal immigrants is endangering people's lives.

I still like Vivek Ramaswamy even though there was a little skirmish with Trump recently. I've heard Trump may pick Governor Kristi Noem or Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders as his VP.

Trump said he didn't want to be overally rough on the current President, other than say he was the worst President in the history of the country. Trump did say he won the Iowa Republic Caucus 3 times in a row which wasn't true as Sen. Ted Cruz won it in 2016 by a slight margin.
Trump has won, in the Iowa Republican caucuses.

Donald Trump
55,726 votes
Gained 20 delegates

Ron DeSantis
23,128 votes
Gained 8 delegates

Nikki Haley
20,789 votes
Gained 7 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy
8,346 votes
Gained 3 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy, in fourth place, has suspended his campaign and endorsed Trump.
Talk about illegals coming into other countries. Here in Ireland they are coming in through England by boat, it's the easiest way in; no checking of who they are or where they come from. Last week a truck was caught at Rosslare Port where they caught 8 of them in a trailer - they were Kurts. As soon as the guards turned their backs, half of them escaped custody. And who knows where they went. 26 percent of hotels are being flooded with "asylum seekers" most of whom are from Ukraine and the rest black. The EU rules say all countries in the European bloc must take them in. The other side of it is if a certain country wants to stop the flow of people coming in, they have to buy their way out of it. A damn load of New World Order.
Talk about illegals coming into other countries. Here in Ireland they are coming in through England by boat, it's the easiest way in; no checking of who they are or where they come from. Last week a truck was caught at Rosslare Port where they caught 8 of them in a trailer - they were Kurts. As soon as the guards turned their backs, half of them escaped custody. And who knows where they went. 26 percent of hotels are being flooded with "asylum seekers" most of whom are from Ukraine and the rest black. The EU rules say all countries in the European bloc must take them in. The other side of it is if a certain country wants to stop the flow of people coming in, they have to buy their way out of it. A damn load of New World Order.
Many illegal migrants in NYC, aside from shoplifting, traffic accident scams, and other criminal activities, got to residential neighborhoods, knocking on doors and begging for money. They have new smartphones, that were given to them and, as they cannot speak English, they have a message in English to show to those whom they are begging from. When going house to house, some illegal migrants just open the door and walk right in, if for some reason it is unlocked, as they do not understand that in our culture, this is not acceptable.

The Biden administration has allowed 2.5 million such migrants to enter the country illegally, and most of them are not permitted to legally work, although some work illegally off the books. Trump has said that he will restore border security and enact the largest mass deportation in the nation's history if he is elected and undoubtedly will attempt to do this if he has the chance.

Trump would not support unwanted mass immigration in European countries. Biden, on the other hand, would - and this is why Biden is preferred by those who are trying to destroy the societies of Europe and the United States, for profit, such as George Soros in America.
It's nice to see Vivek and Trump getting along very well again. Trump said Vivek will be working for the Trump Campaign for a long time. I still think Vivek would be a great VP pick.
I still can't get over the fact that one of the justices (Clarence Thomas) in the Supreme Court has a wife who's basically an election denier and was also heavily involved in January 6th. Talk about conflict of interest in regards to the Colorado case.
James Jinette wrote on X:

"VivekGRamaswamy gave one of the most energetic and fiery speeches I've ever heard. It's time to take America back. America-First till the end."

Another user calling himself Mr Tesla wrote:

"They're the complete opposite of Biden and Harris. Biden and Harris are destroying our nation, while Trump and Vivek will restore it to its former glory."
Welfare for the illegal immigrants is costing US taxpayers tens of billions. At least we're saving the 60 billion or so (so far at least) which was supposed to go to Ukraine. I've heard the average age of an Ukraine solder is now 43; how is that supposed to work out when they run out of troops? I don't think Biden is ever going to close the border even with the societal ills of the open border.
Welfare for the illegal immigrants is costing US taxpayers tens of billions. At least we're saving the 60 billion or so (so far at least) which was supposed to go to Ukraine. I've heard the average age of an Ukraine solder is now 43; how is that supposed to work out when they run out of troops? I don't think Biden is ever going to close the border even with the societal ills of the open border.
Funding Ukraine in their dispute with Russia was the biggest waste of time and our tax money that idiot Biden has done, as far as foreign policy. A large percentage of this money went into the pockets of the corrupt politicians in Ukraine, and the war profiteers of the Military Industrial Complex.

Biden's open border has brought us millions of illegal aliens, who do not understand the English language, have no means of support, and do not have nearly enough money to pay for food, clothing, medical care, or housing.

Biden is among the top contenders for the title of Worst President in the History of the United States.
Funding Ukraine in their dispute with Russia was the biggest waste of time and our tax money that idiot Biden has done, as far as foreign policy. A large percentage of this money went into the pockets of the corrupt politicians in Ukraine, and the war profiteers of the Military Industrial Complex.

Biden's open border has brought us millions of illegal aliens, who do not understand the English language, have no means of support, and do not have nearly enough money to pay for food, clothing, medical care, or housing.

Biden is among the top contenders for the title of Worst President in the History of the United States.
Top contender is an understatement. Even Dubya or Barry seem to shine compared to him.
Trump: We're going to place strong protections to stop banks and regulators from trying to debank you from your— your political beliefs what they do. They want to debuank you. We're going to debank - think of this. They want to take away your money. Electric cars.

Debank. Where people go to put demoney.

MAGA: "Yep, that's my guy. Let's put him in charge again..."
Rep. Matt Gaetz:

I am voting NO on this turd sandwich of a Continuing Resolution.

There's no demand on the border. No demand to defang the weaponization of government. No sufficient cuts in spending.

House Republicans have failed the test of fighting in this moment. In March, we have to continue to try to break the fever.
Trump, Nancy Pelosi, & Chuck Schumer talking about the southern border back in 2018. Only 10 people were caught on the terrorist watchlist back then. Biden and the Democrats don't want to listen to the vast majority of the American people regarding the border, and it's much worse today. Whatever happened to "We the People" in the United States Constitution.

Funding Ukraine in their dispute with Russia was the biggest waste of time and our tax money that idiot Biden has done, as far as foreign policy. A large percentage of this money went into the pockets of the corrupt politicians in Ukraine, and the war profiteers of the Military Industrial Complex.

Biden's open border has brought us millions of illegal aliens, who do not understand the English language, have no means of support, and do not have nearly enough money to pay for food, clothing, medical care, or housing.

Biden is among the top contenders for the title of Worst President in the History of the United States.
Delusional thinking and lies are the only buffer that Trump has against reality. He repeats snippets of distorted thinking, such as "The President has immunity..." over and over. This becomes partially effective because it causes his supporters to essentially rehash the same lines, and this creates a sort of feedback loop. The loop allows him to then throw out his usual "people are saying..." lines, which in turn diminish any hidden insecurities he might have. A lie told often enough becomes the truth. The fact that he is constantly being portrayed as "the front runner" only serves to reinforce this. Further, Trump has never been held accountable for the words that fall out of his mouth.

I find the things that Trump says and does, that MAGA accepts as normal, reasonable and that make him the one they want again as president, because most sane people do find that Trump is acting absolutely bizarre and frightening. He has been full-on scary how his mind is failing him while campaigning.

He reminds me of my uncle when he had stage 5/6 dementia; during stage 5, he would often make mistakes about certain situations. This included confusing the past with the present. We would correct him and he would apologize and move on. This is when he stopped driving and we removed his shotgun from his home.

When he entered stage 6 things got wild. He couldn't be corrected and believed everything that his twisted mind came up with. The fun part is when he demanded that you act upon his demented stories. We're talking full-on shouting matches that we call the police to report all the stuff he believed were stolen from him; stuff he had 25 years ago and stuff he's never even owned. He insisted that we call the police for him because fortunately, he can no longer operate a phone. Not a cell phone either, just an old fashioned land line phone was too complicated for him.

My point is that it really looks like Trump is working on entering stage 6 dementia full time. This is usually when loving families keep the person out of the public eye because things start to get awkward, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. Unfortunately, Trump has no one that loves or respects him enough to keep him away from crowds and/or cameras. Everyone that surrounds him is financially supported by him and will ride the gravy train until it derails and explodes, especially his children.

I fear for the future of the United States and the world if Trump is elected. He'll prove that the people that believe that Biden is a bad president ain't seen nothing yet, if they ever see it at all.

To illustrate my point, on Friday, 1/19, a very confused Donald Trump claimed Nikki Haley was in charge of security at the Capitol the day of the insurrection. Here's Trump's quote:

"By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley. You know they — do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it."

"Because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security — we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don't want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people."​

He often gets away with his mistakes and meltdowns, but this time, the way he said her name three times in a row, he was like a malfunctioning robot with dementia. And he still managed to mix their names up a fourth time. His base couldn't care less and Elis Stefanik pushed back on this report, likely trying to argue that Haley was in charge that day!

We're watching, in real time, an elderly person's descent into dementia. If he weren't so dangerous, it would only be sad and pathetic.
Delusional thinking and lies are the only buffer that Trump has against reality. He repeats snippets of distorted thinking, such as "The President has immunity..." over and over. This becomes partially effective because it causes his supporters to essentially rehash the same lines, and this creates a sort of feedback loop. The loop allows him to then throw out his usual "people are saying..." lines, which in turn diminish any hidden insecurities he might have. A lie told often enough becomes the truth. The fact that he is constantly being portrayed as "the front runner" only serves to reinforce this. Further, Trump has never been held accountable for the words that fall out of his mouth.

I find the things that Trump says and does, that MAGA accepts as normal, reasonable and that make him the one they want again as president, because most sane people do find that Trump is acting absolutely bizarre and frightening. He has been full-on scary how his mind is failing him while campaigning.

He reminds me of my uncle when he had stage 5/6 dementia; during stage 5, he would often make mistakes about certain situations. This included confusing the past with the present. We would correct him and he would apologize and move on. This is when he stopped driving and we removed his shotgun from his home.

When he entered stage 6 things got wild. He couldn't be corrected and believed everything that his twisted mind came up with. The fun part is when he demanded that you act upon his demented stories. We're talking full-on shouting matches that we call the police to report all the stuff he believed were stolen from him; stuff he had 25 years ago and stuff he's never even owned. He insisted that we call the police for him because fortunately, he can no longer operate a phone. Not a cell phone either, just an old fashioned land line phone was too complicated for him.

My point is that it really looks like Trump is working on entering stage 6 dementia full time. This is usually when loving families keep the person out of the public eye because things start to get awkward, uncomfortable, and embarrassing. Unfortunately, Trump has no one that loves or respects him enough to keep him away from crowds and/or cameras. Everyone that surrounds him is financially supported by him and will ride the gravy train until it derails and explodes, especially his children.

I fear for the future of the United States and the world if Trump is elected. He'll prove that the people that believe that Biden is a bad president ain't seen nothing yet, if they ever see it at all.

To illustrate my point, on Friday, 1/19, a very confused Donald Trump claimed Nikki Haley was in charge of security at the Capitol the day of the insurrection. Here's Trump's quote:

"By the way, they never report the crowd on Jan. 6. You know Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley. You know they — do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it."

"Because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security — we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guards, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don't want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people."​

He often gets away with his mistakes and meltdowns, but this time, the way he said her name three times in a row, he was like a malfunctioning robot with dementia. And he still managed to mix their names up a fourth time. His base couldn't care less and Elis Stefanik pushed back on this report, likely trying to argue that Haley was in charge that day!

We're watching, in real time, an elderly person's descent into dementia. If he weren't so dangerous, it would only be sad and pathetic.
Trump's term was better than I expected it to be. We were told that he would destroy the economy and have wars, neither of which happened.

Biden's time in office so far, has been far worse than I'd expected, and I did not have high hopes to begin with. He said that he would end the COVID-19 crisis, but over 600,000 more deaths occurred during the first half of his term. We now have wars in Ukraine, Israel, and other places. Everybody is suffering from high prices and energy bills. My apartment's electricity prices have doubled, during Biden's term. Food is far more expensive, as are many other things.

Biden's popularity is the lowest of any president in fifteen years. People have had enough of him.

They keep repeating January 6, January 6, and January 6, over and over. It is completely irrational to think that a group of unarmed, middle-class suburban Trump supporters were planning to overthrow the government, and even crazier to believe that they could have done it.

Biden should not run, he is a menace who is a war hawk and a dedicated destroyer of Western society. His allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country, should itself be enough cause for impeachment.
Trump's term was better than I expected it to be. We were told that he would destroy the economy and have wars, neither of which happened.

Biden's time in office so far, has been far worse than I'd expected, and I did not have high hopes to begin with. He said that he would end the COVID-19 crisis, but over 600,000 more deaths occurred during the first half of his term. We now have wars in Ukraine, Israel, and other places. Everybody is suffering from high prices and energy bills. My apartment's electricity prices have doubled, during Biden's term. Food is far more expensive, as are many other things.

Biden's popularity is the lowest of any president in fifteen years. People have had enough of him.

They keep repeating January 6, January 6, and January 6, over and over. It is completely irrational to think that a group of unarmed, middle-class suburban Trump supporters were planning to overthrow the government, and even crazier to believe that they could have done it.

Biden should not run, he is a menace who is a war hawk and a dedicated destroyer of Western society. His allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country, should itself be enough cause for impeachment.
At some point in the coming months he is going to have a Mitch McConnell level episode in public. However, where Mitch had the wherewithal to clam up, Donnie will deliver some epic word salad performances as he cracks. Think mixing up Pelosi and Haley the yesterday was something? Just wait till he's under even more stress.

Sad thing is his supporters will just say he is speaking in tongues and it just proves he was anointed by God to lead them.

Anyone else notice that most presidents age significantly while president due to the stress of the office? Trump came out looking the same after four years because all he did was tweet, golf and make fun of people. But look at how much he's aged the last three years now that he's under all these investigations. Looks like he's hitting the Ozempic/Adderall diet hard and hasn't slept in weeks. His cheap, off-the-rack suits are just hanging off of him.

Now he's got shingles real bad from all the stress. He's haggard as hell. He's starting to look rough.
I see Trump is having a rally in New Hampshire on Newsmax. He has charisma and a really good sense of humor. I laughed when he said it was -40 degrees in Iowa when it was only about -20 degrees for a low. Trump seems to exaggerate about everything.
At some point in the coming months he is going to have a Mitch McConnell level episode in public. However, where Mitch had the wherewithal to clam up, Donnie will deliver some epic word salad performances as he cracks. Think mixing up Pelosi and Haley the yesterday was something? Just wait till he's under even more stress.

Sad thing is his supporters will just say he is speaking in tongues and it just proves he was anointed by God to lead them.

Anyone else notice that most presidents age significantly while president due to the stress of the office? Trump came out looking the same after four years because all he did was tweet, golf and make fun of people. But look at how much he's aged the last three years now that he's under all these investigations. Looks like he's hitting the Ozempic/Adderall diet hard and hasn't slept in weeks. His cheap, off-the-rack suits are just hanging off of him.

Now he's got shingles real bad from all the stress. He's haggard as hell. He's starting to look rough.
Are you joking? He's on TV right now, in New Hampshire, totally in control. This is a photo from the live broadcast that I took a screenshot of. He looks and sounds fantastic. He is now talking about the millions of undocumented illegal aliens who are coming into our country, and how he will stop it. How could anybody disagree with this?

Trump in N.jpg

Another photo:

Trump in N.jpg
At some point in the coming months he is going to have a Mitch McConnell level episode in public. However, where Mitch had the wherewithal to clam up, Donnie will deliver some epic word salad performances as he cracks. Think mixing up Pelosi and Haley the yesterday was something? Just wait till he's under even more stress.

Sad thing is his supporters will just say he is speaking in tongues and it just proves he was anointed by God to lead them.

Anyone else notice that most presidents age significantly while president due to the stress of the office? Trump came out looking the same after four years because all he did was tweet, golf and make fun of people. But look at how much he's aged the last three years now that he's under all these investigations. Looks like he's hitting the Ozempic/Adderall diet hard and hasn't slept in weeks. His cheap, off-the-rack suits are just hanging off of him.

Now he's got shingles real bad from all the stress. He's haggard as hell. He's starting to look rough.
It's not shingles, it's the clap, syphilis.

And yes, he will have a full blown Mitch McConnell meltdown on camera soon. Within the next few weeks.

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