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2024 US Presidential Election

I think you mentioned it on the previous page, that the GOP's fondness for illegal immigration is their best-kept secret. They're all about that cheap labor, especially for the wealthy elites who benefit from it in their states.

They'll always jump at the chance to politicize issues for their own gain, but let's not kid ourselves... they have never really practiced what they preach. Don't expect them to step up and propose real solutions.
You have it backward, it's Biden and the Democrats who are allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the country. Trump intends to deport them all.
I realize grilled rats and fried grasshoppers are delicious, but could they affect your cognitive abilities much like Mad Cow Disease?
No more than a steady diet of cheeseburgers, right wing propaganda and antiquated ideas about a god man created from immaculate conception.

Right back at you Buddy... cheese it up!
man created from immaculate conception.
Was man created from primordial soup? No one knows for sure how man was created or if there is an afterlife. My tinnitus is consuming me too much lately to think about much of anything. I actually prefer no cheese on my burgers, but I do like a vegetarian pizza with beef and Canadian bacon on it.
I think Elise Stefanik could be Trump's VP pick. I watched her on CNN with Kaitlan Collins. Elise Stefanik is certainly a lot brighter and more sensible than Biden or Harris. She is the highest ranking woman in the House of Representatives.
Vote Trump 2024 and:

Meme Let the Deporations Begin.png
Cool. I'll make sure to swing by a couple of swing states to vote for Biden and pick up my $5000 gift card.
I think they give them to the illegal immigrants at the ports of entry. You seem like a Biden fan for some reason. Maybe you support US funding for the war in Ukraine?
I think they give them to the illegal immigrants at the ports of entry. You seem like a Biden fan for some reason. Maybe you support US funding for the war in Ukraine?
]I bet Trump was your first ever introduction to history and politics. You talk too much about things you don't understand.

The first sentence is a lie propped up by MAGA clown, Marc Lamb. I notice you get fooled easily by false stuff.

Step your game up rookie and do your due diligence. Or else you'll lose what credibility you have left. It's already none in my eyes.
Could it be that the Democrats want Biden as President again because he's a "useful idiot" for Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros & his son Alexander?
Could it be that the Democrats want Biden as President again because he's a "useful idiot" for Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros & his son Alexander?
George Soros has been looking for a useful idiot in the White House for a while. Obama refused, but Biden submitted.

George Soros funds the campaigns of racist, far-left District Attornies who end bail, cut police funding, and allow the criminally insane to roam the streets, transit systems, etc., and carry out violence with no penalty. If you protect yourself or others, from these mentally ill maniacs, you will be indicted, especially if you are a white male citizen with no criminal record, such as Marine veteran Daniel Penny, in NYC.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Biden has dementia, and will lose the election if he is nominated.
]I bet Trump was your first ever introduction to history and politics. You talk too much about things you don't understand.

The first sentence is a lie propped up by MAGA clown, Marc Lamb. I notice you get fooled easily by false stuff.

Step your game up rookie and do your due diligence. Or else you'll lose what credibility you have left. It's already none in my eyes.
I've never heard of Marc Lamb. Please see your primary doctor so they can check you out for TDS and Mad Cow Disease. You will have to ask if you need to fast before getting a blood draw. I'll be praying for your well being.
I've never heard of Marc Lamb. Please see your primary doctor so they can check you out for TDS and Mad Cow Disease. You will have to ask if you need to fast before getting a blood draw. I'll be praying for your well being.
— AZ Sheriff Mark Lamb, running for Senate, says illegal immigrants are often given plane tickets; cell phones, and $5,000 gift cards courtesy of the Biden Administration. No wonder a record number of people (about 12,000/day) cross the U.S. border illegally.
Your words. So you do know him and and you're aware of the source behind the false claim regarding the $5000 gift card allegedly given to illegal immigrants. It's been proven to be false and a lie, yet you keep posting it up as if it were fact.

Also, I've seen you post these false numbers in the Russian invasion war thread too:
400,000 Ukrainians dead, 60,000 Russians dead, from what I hear.
FYI, your numbers make absolutely no sense and are wrong. It's Russia that treats their recruits as expendable. US intelligence assessments report 300K casualties on the Russki side and 70k losses on the Ukrainian side. Not sure where you're getting your false information from (Russian propaganda media outlets perhaps), but this is yet another example of your inability to verify things.

Due diligence por favor.
You spelled Mark Lamb as Marc Lamb. I did look him up after I quoted you and remember him now on Fox or Newsmax. He is Sheriff running for some political office. He mentioned the gift card to illegal immigrants plus someone else on another program said the same thing about them receiving Visa cards.

I watched Tucker Carlson interview a retired colonel or general on X and that was what I thought he said regarding the rough death figures of Russians and Ukrainians. You can listen to US intelligence (which might be biased) or a former US military colonel. I would have to revisit that interview to be sure if he was a former colonel or general but he seemed very bright and genuine.
"You didn't pay? You're delinquent?'" Trump recounted saying. "'No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.'"

This is Trump speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina on Friday, encouraging invasions of our closest allies by Russia to do as it wishes if our allies are behind in their payments to NATO.

Pretty ironic coming from Trump, who is world famous for not paying his bills.

Hard to imagine any other candidate saying something like this and remaining the front runner. This is just the current highlight of Trump telling us how he WILL DESTROY this country if elected - are you listening - are you paying attention?

Remember what happened the last time after Trump said, "Russia, if you're listening..."
If Trump did not think he was going to win the election, he would not be scaring the living bejesus out of the world, lol. It's his way, that's all.

To "get" Trump, you have to imagine the type of wholesale corruption, persecution and slander that he, as a former president, and highly successful businessman, has faced.

When a leader has to deal with the types of incompetents, far left, far right, and/or sociopathic criminals who are the heads of many countries today, he must know how to deal with them. Trump had no wars during his four years. Biden, in only three years, has had at least three. Tell me again how much better Biden has been, I still don't get it.
If Trump did not think he was going to win the election, he would not be scaring the living bejesus out of the world, lol. It's his way, that's all.

To "get" Trump, you have to imagine the type of wholesale corruption, persecution and slander that he, as a former president, and highly successful businessman, has faced.

When a leader has to deal with the types of incompetents, far left, far right, and/or sociopathic criminals who are the heads of many countries today, he must know how to deal with them. Trump had no wars during his four years. Biden, in only three years, has had at least three. Tell me again how much better Biden has been, I still don't get it.
I'll give Trump credit for enabling Taylor Swift's success - she couldn't have done it without him. /s
I'll give Trump credit for enabling Taylor Swift's success - she couldn't have done it without him. /s
Trump said that his legislation made her a lot of money, through the Music Modernization Act, while Joe Biden did nothing for her and other musical artists. This is true.
I watched Tucker Carlson interview a retired colonel or general on X and that was what I thought he said regarding the rough death figures of Russians and Ukrainians
You thought? Really dude? If he did say it, then he's an idiot. How in the hell could he possibly have more accurate information on casualty rates than US intelligence? HELLO, intel gathering is what they do. It's their responsibility to collect and analyze data...
you can listen to US intelligence (which might be biased) or a former US military colonel
Bias about what? Those are their estimates and they seem to be in line with how the war has played out so far, that is of course, if you've been following the conflict since the beginning which I doubt. The Russkis fight like mindless serfs — recruits are used as cannon fodder to make advances, hence why their casualties are so ridiculously high.

If there's one silver lining to this barbaric Russian invasion, it's that the US intelligence community — SIGINT and HUMINT — have stepped up to the occasion. They appear to be functioning very well. They've been on point since even before the war began. They were aware of Putin's plans for an invasion as far back as November 2021. The IC have been far more reliable and accurate than during the times of the Bush and Obama Administration.

The only miscalculation they made that I know of was their assessments on the capabilities of the Russian military. Then again, no one on the whole planet could have predicted how much of a laughing stock the Russki military would turn out to be. Remember when everyone thought the 'mighty second army of the world' could overtake Kyiv in less than week? Good times.

Sometimes, it's best to keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand and that are beyond your depth, that way, you'll save yourself from looking like a complete muppet (been there before). You don't see me commenting much on the Israeli/Palestine conflict, do you? I'm not well verse on it from a historical perspective, so I try not to say much. Although I do think the Israelis have a right to defend themselves (within the bounds of international law) against terrorist organizations, looking to hunt them down. Just like how the Ukrainians have a right to defend their sovereignty against barbaric pillaging rapists and scum.

Do better. I still have hope for you.
"You didn't pay? You're delinquent?'" Trump recounted saying. "'No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.'"

This is Trump speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina on Friday, encouraging invasions of our closest allies by Russia to do as it wishes if our allies are behind in their payments to NATO.

Pretty ironic coming from Trump, who is world famous for not paying his bills.

Hard to imagine any other candidate saying something like this and remaining the front runner. This is just the current highlight of Trump telling us how he WILL DESTROY this country if elected - are you listening - are you paying attention?

Remember what happened the last time after Trump said, "Russia, if you're listening..."
Ironic since it's coming from a rich dude who literally doesn't pay his bills.

Anyways, this pisses me off beyond belief. Doesn't this moron know the harm Russia is inflicting on an innocent nation, is he not aware of the fact that Putin has transformed parts of an European country into a hellish minefield that will be killing innocent people for decades? And what about the psychological scars from the rapes, murders, and relentless shelling? And he jokes about letting Russia do whatever it wants to other countries. WTF is the matter with him?

I also like how this clown thinks NATO is (or should be) a protection racket.
I wouldn't consider musicians or their money. I think people should be more concerned over the Orange idiot saying go ahead Russia, attack the NATO countries that aren't paid up. Didn't that idiot remove the United States out of NATO? Vote for Bob! He's the best choice.
There are no Republicans anymore. They're all MAGA now. They want a dictator. They only want to think about the United States and screw everyone else. They're so blind that they think we don't need other countries -- but we've been in a global economy and political environment for nearly two centuries. If Putin extends his expansion plans into more of Europe, we'll see shortages and economic losses just like we are experiencing due to the war in Ukraine. And if Putin can extend his reach to the Atlantic coast, where do they think that he'll point his forces next? He'll keep advancing west.
It's quite obvious that Trump loves Putin, but I just read an article that says Trump is planning on pulling America out of NATO. That equals WW3.

The world will not survive a second Trump term. If Trump gets elected and the world is on fire, our economy has collapsed, you have no job and your 401(k) is worthless, remember, you were warned by Trump himself.
It's quite obvious that Trump loves Putin, but I just read an article that says Trump is planning on pulling America out of NATO. That equals WW3.

The world will not survive a second Trump term. If Trump gets elected and the world is on fire, our economy has collapsed, you have no job and your 401(k) is worthless, remember, you were warned by Trump himself.
It is sad we are being presented with a choice between a senile moron (Biden was a moron before dementia), paired with a mumbling Vann-chart idiot (Harris) vs. narcissistic sociopath crook (Trump) with yet to be determined VP pick.

Repubs might be MAGA morons, but WTF are Dems doing???
It is sad we are being presented with a choice between a senile moron (Biden was a moron before dementia), paired with a mumbling Vann-chart idiot (Harris) vs. narcissistic sociopath crook (Trump) with yet to be determined VP pick.

Repubs might be MAGA morons, but WTF are Dems doing???
There is no question in my mind about who to vote for. Just compare the world today, under Biden, to the world we had, despite COVID-19, during Trump's term.

As far as Trump being a "crook", that's nonsense. He pays his taxes and has never been convicted of stealing anything. However, if he embezzled one trillion dollars from the United States government to build golf courses in India, I'd still prefer him to Biden.
Senator J.D. Vance is so bright and full of common sense that if he endorses Trump that's good enough for me. I think the same of Senator Rand Paul who I listened to today. They both represent "We the People" which is what they are supposed to do.
It is sad we are being presented with a choice between a senile moron (Biden was a moron before dementia), paired with a mumbling Vann-chart idiot (Harris) vs. narcissistic sociopath crook (Trump) with yet to be determined VP pick.

Repubs might be MAGA morons, but WTF are Dems doing???
You left off that Trump incited an assault on our Capitol trying to disrupt the constitutionally mandated process for transferring power. This was after he tried to sell foreign support for personal benefit. The guy also has been found liable for sexual assault and continued to defame his victim. He on tape has bragged about sexual assault and walking in on changing pageant contestants. He has praised dictators who pose threats to the US. He told people to drink bleach. He called military members "suckers" and made fun on McCain for being a POW. He has mused about being a dictator. And this is just the short list I can come up with in a few minutes. And he still has majority Republican support. Do we really believe his followers care about anything he actually says or are they just happy he will hurt the people they don't like and maybe cut taxes for rich people in the off chance they are rich or might become rich?

You did call him a narcissistic sociopath crook, which encompasses many of items I highlighted, so I give you that.
You left off that Trump incited an assault on our Capitol trying to disrupt the constitutionally mandated process for transferring power. This was after he tried to sell foreign support for personal benefit. The guy also has been found liable for sexual assault and continued to defame his victim. He on tape has bragged about sexual assault and walking in on changing pageant contestants. He has praised dictators who pose threats to the US. He told people to drink bleach. He called military members "suckers" and made fun on McCain for being a POW. He has mused about being a dictator. And this is just the short list I can come up with in a few minutes. And he still has majority Republican support. Do we really believe his followers care about anything he actually says or are they just happy he will hurt the people they don't like and maybe cut taxes for rich people in the off chance they are rich or might become rich?

You did call him a narcissistic sociopath crook, which encompasses many of items I highlighted, so I give you that.
He is POS. I am the last person to defend this clown. But let's do some fact checking:

1. The insurrection argument is a BS. Besides, what happened to presumption of innocence? AFAIK no court validly convicted him of this. It's been over 3 damn years, you would think they would be more advanced if they had something?

2. Sell foreign support? Are you talking about the phone call with Zelensky to get dirt on Biden? Normal stuff in politics, too bad he was too inept to actually get it.

3. Liable for sexual assault? Civil court, which is a circus. I am sorry, but what kind of a woman invites a man to a dressing room?

4. Bragging about sexual assault. Scum, yeah. But bragging is not a crime.

5. Praising dictators? Yeah, that's a stupid talk, I don't see anything indicating he supported or enabled "dictators" in any way that damaged the U.S.

6. Drink bleach? You're parroting some nonsense. Sure, he babbles like a moron, but he said no such thing. Here is his speech for reference.

7. Denigrating military or McCain? Yeah, he is despicable POS.

As a president - despite all that - I think he did less damage than Biden did. Biden is an enabler for warmongers and the extreme woke crowd, which includes the trans ideology (more like religion, really), which is perhaps the evilest ideology ever conceived.

Ideally, both Trump and Biden kick the bucket suddenly. And Repubs put forward someone half-decent (maybe DeSantis). Can't think of anyone decent on the left, they all seem to have gone extreme, but I would be totally open to be surprised.

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