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2024 US Presidential Election

We were told that the southern border is a crisis on fire, with an invasion of immigrants positioned to destroy the US. Shouldn't the Republicans be signing off on the deal they themselves demanded for boarder security instead of dicking around and going after Mayorkas... again... who literally has not committed high crimes or misdemeanors? I swear to Christ, Broadway has less theater than the Republican party.

But this is such a useful thing to waste their time on, considering there is zero chance the Senate does anything with it, even if they pass it. The Senate is just going to glance at it, say "Yeah, he hasn't done any crimes, there is nothing here to even look at", and dismiss it.

I don't know how Republicans are able to keep a straight face.

They just killed a foreign aid bill because they wouldn't sign on to a bipartisan border security and immigration bill. Dems basically gave them the bill they asked for. Now the GOP won't move on a foreign aid bill because it doesn't have border security in it.

Aren't they risking having their own voters catch on to this sham?
We were told that the southern border is a crisis on fire, with an invasion of immigrants positioned to destroy the US. Shouldn't the Republicans be signing off on the deal they themselves demanded for boarder security instead of dicking around and going after Mayorkas... again... who literally has not committed high crimes or misdemeanors? I swear to Christ, Broadway has less theater than the Republican party.

But this is such a useful thing to waste their time on, considering there is zero chance the Senate does anything with it, even if they pass it. The Senate is just going to glance at it, say "Yeah, he hasn't done any crimes, there is nothing here to even look at", and dismiss it.

I don't know how Republicans are able to keep a straight face.

They just killed a foreign aid bill because they wouldn't sign on to a bipartisan border security and immigration bill. Dems basically gave them the bill they asked for. Now the GOP won't move on a foreign aid bill because it doesn't have border security in it.

Aren't they risking having their own voters catch on to this sham?
Biden caused the border crisis and invasion of millions of criminal aliens, and now he has included more military aid for Ukraine and Israel in his bill, as a condition for fixing the problems at the border that he is responsible for causing in the first place.

Ukraine should not get any more military aid from the United States.
This video explains perfectly how American conservatives are being brainwashed to hate LGBT people, homeless people, minorities and Democrats.
I believe that pedophiles who rape children should be executed. Do you have a problem with that?
Biden caused the border crisis and invasion of millions of criminal aliens, and now he has included more military aid for Ukraine and Israel in his bill, as a condition for fixing the problems at the border that he is responsible for causing in the first place.

Ukraine should not get any more military aid from the United States.
I didn't know that Biden had the ability to create legislation.
I didn't know that Biden had the ability to create legislation.
Neither do I, but he refuses to do his job and close the borders as president, which does not require legislation.
Biden & Mayorkas should be charged with murder for all the additional Fentanyl deaths since Biden became President.

Biden reversed all of Trump's very effective executive order policies regarding the border and immigration.
It is sad we are being presented with a choice between a senile moron (Biden was a moron before dementia), paired with a mumbling Vann-chart idiot (Harris) vs. narcissistic sociopath crook (Trump) with yet to be determined VP pick.

Repubs might be MAGA morons, but WTF are Dems doing???
You nailed it.

Poll after poll shows America does not want this rematch. Almost any other Republican would easily defeat Biden, and almost any other Democrat would easily defeat Trump.

Most Americans don't want either of these old men in charge, but this is what we are left with.

I predict there is a better than 50-50 chance that at least one of them are not on the final ballet, either because of health issues or legal issues, JMHO.
Ideally, both Trump and Biden kick the bucket suddenly. And Repubs put forward someone half-decent (maybe DeSantis). Can't think of anyone decent on the left, they all seem to have gone extreme, but I would be totally open to be surprised.
That might be the only thing that can save America.
Neither do I, but he refuses to do his job and close the borders as president, which does not require legislation.
You said Biden bill. Presidents do not create legislation. So you must have posted it just because of your desire to make a point.

No score!

BTW, one cannot close the boarder by edict, as it takes funding that the Republican congress to refused address by failing to pass their own boarder legislation (once Trump said not to, as he needed at least one issue to run one). Political games are afoot.

You said Biden bill. Presidents do not create legislation. So you must have posted it just because of your desire to make a point.

No score!

BTW, one cannot close the boarder by edict, as it takes funding that the Republican congress to refused address by failing to pass their own boarder legislation (once Trump said not to, as he needed at least one issue to run one). Political games are afoot.
Whatever Biden does, it is against this country's best interests. He is using the immigration problem, which he created, as a bargaining chip to continue the military funding of Ukraine.
View attachment 56464

Whatever Biden does, it is against this country's best interests. He is using the immigration problem, which he created, as a bargaining chip to continue the military funding of Ukraine.
Trump's own actions and the GOP's support of him have lost him suburban women voters, which is going to make it extremely difficult to compete on a national level. This is especially important in swing states. The Suozzi win yesterday showed that - it wasn't even close; Suozzi won by 6%.

Now that Trump is actively pushing for his daughter-in-law to be co-chairperson of the RNC, the corruption is almost complete. He'll turn the RNC into a money train for him and family, even if they continue to lose on a state and national level and the GOP will continue to eat themselves. She publicly stated that "every single penny" RNC has will go to Donald Trump.

Trump has zero appeal outside of his base and nothing he has done since entering politics has done anything to expand his base. His base is large enough to bully and dominate in Republican primaries, but when his viewpoints get out into the general electorate, it has consistently rejected him and his acolytes.
Trump's own actions and the GOP's support of him have lost him suburban women voters, which is going to make it extremely difficult to compete on a national level. This is especially important in swing states. The Suozzi win yesterday showed that - it wasn't even close; Suozzi won by 6%.

Now that Trump is actively pushing for his daughter-in-law to be co-chairperson of the RNC, the corruption is almost complete. He'll turn the RNC into a money train for him and family, even if they continue to lose on a state and national level and the GOP will continue to eat themselves. She publicly stated that "every single penny" RNC has will go to Donald Trump.

Trump has zero appeal outside of his base and nothing he has done since entering politics has done anything to expand his base. His base is large enough to bully and dominate in Republican primaries, but when his viewpoints get out into the general electorate, it has consistently rejected him and his acolytes.
Biden is the one who is enabling a war in Ukraine while flooding this country with millions of illegals, many of whom are criminals. This is beyond nepotism and corruption. I'll take Trump, even if worse allegations come out about him because he is still ten times better than, or only a fraction as bad as, Biden.

Trump has an 11-point lead over Biden, in a new Financial Times poll, regarding the economy.
Biden is the one who is enabling a war in Ukraine while flooding this country with millions of illegals, many of whom are criminals. This is beyond nepotism and corruption. I'll take Trump, even if worse allegations come out about him because he is still ten times better than, or only a fraction as bad as, Biden.

Trump has an 11-point lead over Biden, in a new Financial Times poll, regarding the economy.
Apparently Trump is raging on Truth Social after being blamed for the "stupid strategy" in the NY loss. Besides barely winning 8 years ago thanks to a fluke in the electoral vote, he seems to be leading the Republicans from one embarrassing election defeat to the next. Republicans act like he's playing 4D chess and outmaneuvering his opponents at every turn. The rest of us are quite pleased with his recent failures.

The electoral problem with Trump is that he's already maxed out his theoretical base. He's already got every racist, Nazi, and inbred domestic terrorist slavering to worship the nectar of hatred and stupidity spewing from his rotting butthole... that absolutely no one else wants.

Dana Bash reported that several Republican voters said to her on Election Day "they don't want to vote for the Republican because it's clearly impossible to get a solution on the issue of immigration" after the party tanked a bipartisan border bill last week amid pressure from Trump.

"Suozzi leaned into it and won on the issue of immigration. Stop for a second, listen to what I just said: A Democrat won on the issue of immigration" Joe Scarborough said.
Suozzi wins the seat in NY 3rd Congressional District replacing George Santos (the disgraced lying former GOP House member). It's another special election victory and a seat flipped by the Democrats...

Something is seriously wrong with the polling in this country. The polls for this race predicted a 1-2 point gap, and yet this was a blowout by 8 points, favoring Suozzi. Wtf…
Texas governor Abbott is a genius. He released this statement in response to Biden cutting the razor wire at the border:

"I have already declared an invasion to invoke Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary."

What is Biden going to do? Send in the military to forcibly open the border. Isn't it the military's job to protect the states from invasion?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. agrees with Texas on border control. He just released this statement:

"Texas is right. Biden's failure to secure the border leaves states no choice but to take matters into their own hands. As President, I will end this humanitarian crisis once and for all. I will secure the border and destroy the business model of the drug cartels. A country without borders is not a country at all." — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jan 25, 2024.
The problem is created by the Republicans, who just want a campaign issue. They gin up a "border crisis" out of whole cloth, just before every election.

And, the Republicans refused to fix it, even after the Democrats agreed to everything they asked for in their bill.

But Maga folks are continually brainwashed by the media they consume. News became entertainment on conservative cable networks, then social media entered the equation, the wrong people made the right moves to control the space, tech companies allowed it because they got more clicks, more clicks means more ad dollars dollars, algorithms were super charged for maximum engagement. And Republicans lost their fucking minds.
I feel sorry for people that have both TDS and Mad Cow Disease. It seems to be an epidemic in the U.S. and even spreading to other countries throughout the world. It reminds me of the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

Mike Johnson and the House Republican leaders had a very informative press conference yesterday. Luckily we still have some sanity in this country. Thank God Elon Musk acquired Twitter X.
Today's court hearings in Georgia show that Fani Willis, the district attorney who is prosecuting Trump, hired her boyfriend, attorney Nathan Wade, who is an ambulance chaser from Georgia.

This Bombshell today: The pair went on romantic vacations together, which were paid for by using his business credit card, which was reimbursed by her with money from the county.

Fani Willis, in 2020 when asked why the people of Fulton Country should support her for district attorney: "...because they deserve a DA that won't have sex with his employees, because they deserve a DA who won't put money in their own pocket."

It's live now, and getting worse and worse for these prosecutors. It is expected that Willis will be disqualified because she lied to the court about when her relationship with Wade began.
Biden's insane open border consequences:

The Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl Parade shooter has been identified as 44-year-old Sahil Omar, an illegal immigrant.

Related or not, there was a bombing in Fort Worth, Texas on January 8th. The original report named a Sahil Omar as the possible bomber.

Either wires have been crossed or this is getting fishy. Does anyone know more about his individual or the January 8 bombing?
Polling getting more unreliable.

I think a key factor is the outdated methods being used in conducting polls, particularly the overreliance on landlines. You're going to miss a significant portion of the population by conducting polls over landlines and the results get skewed because younger demographics are using mobile phones.

Also, nowadays, most normies don't have the time to participate in surveys, only outliers with too much time on their hands. They tend to engage it seems and in no way represent the entire population. I have stopped participating since 2018.

We should be taking a close look at these recent election results as indicators instead, before the General Election IMO. The Democrats are currently outperforming the GOP in these electoral outcomes. These are ACTUAL results that are recently happening and are signs that Trump and the GOP could lose in the General Election.
Once MAGA runs its course and Reagan/Bush/Romney type Republicans start leading the party again, I will go back to voting Republican. Until then, I will hold my nose and continue to vote straight Democrat ticket.
Today's court hearings in Georgia show that Fani Willis, the district attorney who is prosecuting Trump, hired her boyfriend, attorney Nathan Wade, who is an ambulance chaser from Georgia.

This Bombshell today: The pair went on romantic vacations together, which were paid for by using his business credit card, which was reimbursed by her with money from the county.

Fani Willis, in 2020 when asked why the people of Fulton Country should support her for district attorney: "...because they deserve a DA that won't have sex with his employees, because they deserve a DA who won't put money in their own pocket."

It's live now, and getting worse and worse for these prosecutors. It is expected that Willis will be disqualified because she lied to the court about when her relationship with Wade began.
I watched the whole hearing today. Shameful fishing expedition, both Wade and Willis came across as completely credible. Not a single specific assertion of wrongdoing.

I was very impressed with Willis' candor, answers and demeanor. There is absolutely nothing she said that gives legal credence or justification for her or Wade to be removed from the case under the impropriety or financial gain statutes as set forth by Georgia law. Ashleigh Merchant was not a very good lawyer in court today. Trump's lawyer Steven Sadow is a far better lawyer. But, based on this hearing today, their evidence is seriously lacking for the burden of proof that is their responsibility to prove. I think the whole thing is substantially shameful, and frivolous.

Otherwise, this was sooooo enjoyable to watch! Sustained, Overruled, Irrelevant, Redirect, Told Will Not Go On Record, What is the Relevance?, What is the Question?, Next Question, Move On, Asked & Already Answered, Find New Ground, Get Back On Track, Sit Down Now!

Willis obliterated the lies and demolished this accusation of wrongdoing. I look forward to her continuing the case and putting Trump behind bars in a Georgia state prison.
I watched the whole hearing today. Shameful fishing expedition, both Wade and Willis came across as completely credible. Not a single specific assertion of wrongdoing.

I was very impressed with Willis' candor, answers and demeanor. There is absolutely nothing she said that gives legal credence or justification for her or Wade to be removed from the case under the impropriety or financial gain statutes as set forth by Georgia law. Ashleigh Merchant was not a very good lawyer in court today. Trump's lawyer Steven Sadow is a far better lawyer. But, based on this hearing today, their evidence is seriously lacking for the burden of proof that is their responsibility to prove. I think the whole thing is substantially shameful, and frivolous.

Otherwise, this was sooooo enjoyable to watch! Sustained, Overruled, Irrelevant, Redirect, Told Will Not Go On Record, What is the Relevance?, What is the Question?, Next Question, Move On, Asked & Already Answered, Find New Ground, Get Back On Track, Sit Down Now!

Willis obliterated the lies and demolished this accusation of wrongdoing. I look forward to her continuing the case and putting Trump behind bars in a Georgia state prison.
I watched the whole thing and could not disagree more. Willis came off as an entitled, immature, anti-male, corrupt liar. Her emotional outbursts and rants at the judge and Ashleigh Merchant revealed an inability to withstand pressure.

Her habit of using cash is not normal, for a person in her line of work and social class, and infers that she was doing it for reasons that she cannot admit to.

Considering her education and lengthy career, it was surprising to see how unprofessional she behaved, on the stand.

If it is true that she had started her romantic relationship with Nathan Wade before she hired him as a prosecutor, she should be immediately removed from the Trump case, disbarred, and charged.
I watched the whole hearing today. Shameful fishing expedition, both Wade and Willis came across as completely credible. Not a single specific assertion of wrongdoing.
@Jammer, I can understand and accept your preference for Biden or Dems, over Trump and Repubs. I may disagree, but I totally accept and, in fact, respect the choice. But if you don't see anything wrong with what the duo did and their conduct (especially Willis) during the hearing, I am sorry, that leaves me speechless. I will chalk it up to a catastrophic tinnitus, it does a number to one's brain for sure.
Willis obliterated the lies and demolished this accusation of wrongdoing. I look forward to her continuing the case and putting Trump behind bars in a Georgia state prison.
Dream on. She should be not only removed from the post, but also disbarred and prosecuted. Pure corruption to employ her loveboy. A clearly incompetent small southern town hack. The dude looks and sounds like a drug dealer, not a prosecutor in such a flagship court case. She mentioned the cash is from her campaign. What? That's admission of a crime.

The best part was that she prefers Grey Goose over wine. I really thought she said "grape juice". I guess I still can't believe the hubris and stupidity of that person.
@Jammer, I can understand and accept your preference for Biden or Dems, over Trump and Repubs. I may disagree, but I totally accept and, in fact, respect the choice. But if you don't see anything wrong with what the duo did and their conduct (especially Willis) during the hearing, I am sorry, that leaves me speechless. I will chalk it up to a catastrophic tinnitus, it does a number to one's brain for sure.

Dream on. She should be not only removed from the post, but also disbarred and prosecuted. Pure corruption to employ her loveboy. A clearly incompetent small southern town hack. The dude looks and sounds like a drug dealer, not a prosecutor in such a flagship court case. She mentioned the cash is from her campaign. What? That's admission of a crime.

The best part was that she prefers Grey Goose over wine. I really thought she said "grape juice". I guess I still can't believe the hubris and stupidity of that person.
We all see the current news events though our own prism and how it can reenforce our beliefs.

I am not following the events of this (Willis) hearing because frankly, I don't care. If she did anything inappropriate or not does not (or should not) affect Trump's guilt or innocence. Let's get on with the trial and give Trump his day in court, and let the evidence decide.
Today's court hearings in Georgia show that Fani Willis, the district attorney who is prosecuting Trump, hired her boyfriend, attorney Nathan Wade, who is an ambulance chaser from Georgia.

This Bombshell today: The pair went on romantic vacations together, which were paid for by using his business credit card, which was reimbursed by her with money from the county.

Fani Willis, in 2020 when asked why the people of Fulton Country should support her for district attorney: "...because they deserve a DA that won't have sex with his employees, because they deserve a DA who won't put money in their own pocket."

It's live now, and getting worse and worse for these prosecutors. It is expected that Willis will be disqualified because she lied to the court about when her relationship with Wade began.
Fani definitely messed up that deal. Trump saved again.
We all see the current news events though our own prism and how it can reenforce our beliefs.

I am not following the events of this (Willis) hearing because frankly, I don't care. If she did anything inappropriate or not does not (or should not) affect Trump's guilt or innocence. Let's get on with the trial and give Trump his day in court, and let the evidence decide.
The case was concocted by Fani Willis for her benefit and to hire her boyfriend, Nathan Wade, as the lead prosecuting attorney. Using the money that he was paid, they went on lavish trips and vacations together. The cases against Trump and the other defendants should be dropped. Willis and Wade should be disqualified, disbarred, indicated, tried in court, and sent to prison if convicted.
Let's get on with the trial and give Trump his day in court, and let the evidence decide.
Trump would not be in court for any of the frivolous charges if he wasn't running for President. The Democrats are petrified of him being President again for some reason. What's wrong with putting America first before giving borrowed money to other countries? Having all these illegal immigrants is costing legal US citizens billions for their welfare.
This video explains perfectly how American conservatives are being brainwashed to hate LGBT people, homeless people, minorities and Democrats.
Not true. Bruce Jenner is a conservative. He is now Caitlyn Jenner. Are you a transsexual or gay person? Homeless US citizens should be helped out before illegal migrants. Democrats probably are more for welfare than Republicans.
I am not following the events of this (Willis) hearing because frankly, I don't care. If she did anything inappropriate or not does not (or should not) affect Trump's guilt or innocence. Let's get on with the trial and give Trump his day in court, and let the evidence decide.
It's not a question of Trump's guilt or innocence, but her ability to hold the post and do the job. There is a certain standard (higher) expected of government officials regardless if they are or not after one's hated political figure. You can't have a DA validly accused of a criminal act (corrupt use of public money) - or even ethics violation - to stay on the job. If you do, it's a mockery of justice system and further fuel for actual unrest in this country.
Breaking News:

Trump ordered to pay over $350 million and barred from New York business.

The judge's ruling in Donald J. Trump's civil fraud case could cost him all his available cash. It also bars the former president from running a business in the state for three years; this also includes his sons.

This made me smile. I'm sure he'll appeal and grift his cult until he has to pay.
It's not a question of Trump's guilt or innocence, but her ability to hold the post and do the job. There is a certain standard (higher) expected of government officials regardless if they are or not after one's hated political figure. You can't have a DA validly accused of a criminal act (corrupt use of public money) - or even ethics violation - to stay on the job. If you do, it's a mockery of justice system and further fuel for actual unrest in this country.
Sounds like Trump actually. Trump has been convicted of criminal acts and illegal business conduct. Trump created a mockery of the justice system and has fueled actual unrest in this country. There is a certain standard (higher) expected of government officials, especially for presidents; tiz a shame he has failed to meet it.

We'll have to see what the judge rules.
Sounds like Trump actually. Trump has been convicted of criminal acts and illegal business conduct. Trump created a mockery of the justice system and has fueled actual unrest in this country. There is a certain standard (higher) expected of government officials, especially for presidents; tiz a shame he has failed to meet it.
As far as I know, Trump was charged or indicted in criminal cases, but has not been convicted yet. He is currently a private citizen, so he has the (legal) right to run. If he is a public figure again, there are avenues for his removal. Just like Fani is a public figure now, and the process of her removal from the case is happening now (and hopefully the process of removing her from the post will happen).
Breaking News:

Trump ordered to pay over $350 million and barred from New York business.

The judge's ruling in Donald J. Trump's civil fraud case could cost him all his available cash. It also bars the former president from running a business in the state for three years; this also includes his sons.

This made me smile. I'm sure he'll appeal and grift his cult until he has to pay.
As to NY's case, that's a kangaroo court and a kangaroo case. I understand you want Trump down, but again, it better be something solid. This case also has the signs of a political hunt, again feeding into the unrest. The law is idiotic and needs to be stricken down (and hopefully will be).
As far as I know, Trump was charged or indicted in criminal cases, but has not been convicted yet. He is currently a private citizen, so he has the (legal) right to run. If he is a public figure again, there are avenues for his removal. Just like Fani is a public figure now, and the process of her removal from the case is happening now (and hopefully the process of removing her from the post will happen).
Trump has been a public figure since the '70s, through his acquired fame, notoriety, and public controversy.

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